J il/ - t 3lam,1:i4 . il-IL viiCIiiG ~ Tig1- MIi IDCEC AU~flhIMrf'Secretary 3 FOP SUMER SCHOLl Engineering College Offers Special Topics For Instructors Ari Practising Engineers REGULAR SUBJECTS GIVEN sardine Lays Cornerstone -r- French WarHero Of $2,000,000 Agricu ture Building 'EE"I6 Battling For Life Twelve Michigan Graduates Take ; Part In International Confer- ence On Aeronautics PAWLOWSKI GIVES TALK FAMOUS CHEMIST IIQj~ AV Dfl flhI@ TO GIVE SPEECH i Ur UO Ohi IILLIGiWI Prof. Alexainder Silverman of the1 U sitoPittsbugh,ill speak SC NCE NOT OPPOSED this afternoon on the topic of "The- Chemistry and Technology of "Science is not irreligious, but Glass" at 4:15 this afternoon in merely unreligious," said Prof. W. C. Room 165, Chemistry building. Rufus, of the astronomy depart- Professor Silverman has been ment, speaking yesterday on i II Fdr the especial tecnnical sho pa Twelve University alumni who tisi1g engineers, have won prominence in various instructors, and advanced students, fields of aeronautical development courses of an advanced nature will 1 held a reunionreently in Wash-t be offered at the Summer session held a C., renty intWa- of the College of Engineering and tional conference on aeronautics, Architecture, it was announced late ( # called b President Coolidge n yesterday by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,f calle yraoof the t ntyoidg i secretary of the college. These ycomm ersa y of the ten- f courses will be in addition to the fainth anve r cofthed us-nt ftaned and controlled human;° regular courses offered during the... flight in a heavier than air ma-t summer by the engineering college.:1. flihin, mad heie th art m "There has been arising an in- . - chine, made by the Wright broth-a "Teehsbe rsga n ers Dec. 17, 1903. creased emphasis on graduate study eriDe 17 , 1903. of an advanced and highly spec- I Orville Wright, who received an- ialized nature, during the past few nehonorary degree of doctor of en- t years," according to the secretary' 9 s gineering from the University in of the college. "This has been due: 11924, was the guest of honor. One --- -- to the large number of engineers of the alumni, C. F. Wang, '21, at-g and tchncal school tengersho tended the convention as delegate Marshal Ferdinand Foch o ave beniatendin easummerses- of the Republic of China, where he Commander-in-chief of the en- p har n tnngs m sis national director of aeronautics. tire Allied forces during the World p 'his is the first time that; Other alumni present included war, who has been suffering from special advanced courses will be hof- Col. L. L. Driggs, '99, president of a severe heart attack that is en- eredp e tatnes Tures i being- Prudential Airways and founder of dangering his life. He is at his ihe tartets Thcooperationof.the American Flying club; Starr home in Paris, France. given through the Truscott, '09, aeronautical engineer the Departments of Mechanics, 4..":::.:.w::. : c 1 t i F I f4 { ti ht Geerl Headquarters Buildiung Michiga , Bell elecphone C ninpany Detrvit The year 1928 has been one of outstanding telephone development and progress. Luring the pot year expansion of telephone facilities of MichigVa comananded the expenditure of more than $25,000,000. During 1929 it is planned to: e petid up ari Oif$26,500,000. The expansion program for the five years ending December 31, 1933, contem- plates the exptnditure of approximately $136,000,000. '.'hit program is in line with our policy which is: To continue to furnish the best possible t°/ephone service at the lowest cost consistent with financial safety Hart Schaffner & Marx at_ a M- , $ 3500 with all the necessary Furnishings to make your appearance coiAiplete.