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January 18, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-18

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(- _. 57.



Student Of First Coeducational Class P VADDA 0MMA DR. BELL EXPLAINS REQUIREMENTS

ASUMwwLE T10 1AH1 Some of the members of the vuisions and meningitus after- B[ATS t IfM VAPP 'false impressions regarding the ex-
Faculty inthe early University are Ufwards-
described in the following letter Then comes lovely Professor cessive amount of work that is re-
taken from a book by San Louie Atkins, who occupies the chair ofI Alpha Omicron Pi Defeats Theta quired of the student in the major:
Anderson, '75, a member of the Latin language and literature. lie Phi Alpha By 29-0 Score; school of Physical Education, Dr.
first company of girls to enter the has spent many years in Europe, Forwards, Center Star Margaret Bell, Director of Physical
TALKS ARE GIVEN BY DR. BELL, University in 1871 for the full four and is as familiar with the city Ol- Education has made the following
PHYLLIS LOUGHTON, '28, years course. Other excerpts from the Tiber as with his own nativeGAMES ANEY statement:
AND MISS LLOYD 'An American Girl and Her Four town. There is some talk of hisPLAYED IN T R There are three prerequisites
,Years in a Boy's College' have ap- resigning, on account of poor preliminary to entrance into this
peared in previous issues of The health, while young Professor In a fast and hard fought game pyrce into
REREARSALS BEGIN JAN. 21 'Daily.Lathrop will take his place. which was much less one-sided shd oodlhyigo ondion
The older alumni will easily rec- "Next I come to Professor Noyes; than the score would indicate, the and personality; good neuromus-
RUERASBGN(A.1Diy cular coordination; good academic
Frances Sackett, Author Of Play ognize descriptions of certain but how can I ever do justice to Kappa Kappa Gamma team de- ability. These requirements do not
Is Introduced To Cast; members of the faculty, even the embodiment of the higher feated the Sigma Kappas, 14 to 3, differ a great deal from those of
Title To Be Told though they are attached to ficti- mathematics? I could not hope to, in the third round of the intra- hother professional schools on
tious names. In a quotation from if this same embodiment were not, mural basketball tournament in the campus. In fact,incompari-
Tthe Michigan Alumnus of February at the same time, a great-souled, Barbour gym Wednesday afternoon. the .eIn stin copai-
The members of the cast and theMicign to the very stringent require-
choruses of the Junior Girls' Play 13, 1923, "President Angell, the warm-hearted man made of flesh The game was characterized by th ments made upon entrants in the
assembled for the first time yester- 'perfect Chrysotom in eloquence' is and blood. He is the terror of the Excellent passing of the Kappa merisade uhon etrntse ln the
day afternoon in Sarah Casvell easily identified, as well as Profes- idle wretch, while ever a true team. There was a good deal o medical school, it will be seen that
Angell hall to hear the names of i sor 'Atkins' who is certainly Henry friend of every honest inquirer wild basket shooting on both teams, the arionlusa
the. women who are to make up S. Frieze, professor of Latin from after mathematical truth. He has but the Kappa forwards managed Teu rulum is md upiof
the cast and choruses, announce- 1854 to 1889. Professor 'Noyes' in a calm, gray eye, that solves prob- to score much more frequently than gare included the general University
ments regarding rehearsals, and Mathematics is just as certainly lems and completes curves at a the Sigma Kappas. requirements. The general group
advice concerning the mainten- Edward Olney, who was professor glance, that we cannot more than Kappa . includes: rhetoric, 6, psychology, 6,
ance of health and good scholastic of Mathematics from 1863 to 1887. see through when he explains Kappa Gamma Sigma Kappa speech, 3, sociology, 3, hygiene
standards. Louise Cody, general "There are more than forty men them to us. The boys call him 'Old E. Chaple ......F.... V. Johnson and school health, 6, philosophy of
chairman of the play, presided at our faculty, cluding our presi- Ironclad' from Eaman .... F..... V. Gillette
the meeting. dent, senior professors, assistant verity in examinations. A fine B. Swift ....... JC. .....M. Stahl eion, 2, coys ity pay. 2
Rehearsals Start Monday I professors, emeritus professors, demonstration makes his face kin- M. Stewart ....SC..... E. Coryell hory of phyical ducation, 2.
H (rehearsals tar nt Mo n and 'toots,' as the boys call them. de with pleasure, while a poor .rgThezainangradpinds:ahon-3
Rehearsals are not to begin in Our Prevy's name is Hannaford badly-worded one jars on his fine K. Brook ......G.... Crawford anito p andamy nisthaion, 3,
earnest until Monday, but a meet- and we all dote on him. It is a mathematical nerves like the At the 5 o'clock game, the inex- istry, 8, anatomy, 5, physiology, 8,
ig of all women who are to par- hard position to fill, that of presi- striking of a wrong note on a mu- perienced Theta Phi Alpha team zoology, 4, bacteriology, 2, kinesiol-
ticipate in the play will be heid at dent of an institution of this size. sical instrument." fell by a 29 to 0 score to the fast ogy,2 reconstruction, 2. The third
5 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell He has to be all things to all men, Other professors who are de- and skillful Alpha Omicron Pi's. group is made up of the skill and
Angell hall, when limbering up ex- and to women, too, now, under the scribed in this fascinating old The center on the winning team technique of activity and directed
ercises will be directed by Camilla! new dispensation (coeducation). diary are Dr. Benjamin F. Cocker was always able to get the ball on teaching-24 semester hours.
Hubel, chairman of dances. At- I He is a perfect Chrysotom in Professor of Moral and Mental the tip-off, and by a good passing The difference between the re-
tendance at rehearsals is compul- eloquence, and the baccalaureate Philosophy from 1869 to 1883 is 'Dr. attack managed to turn the score quirements and 124 units is made
sory, and absence and tardiness address delivered by him will be Golding,' Prof. James C. Watson, decidedly in their favor. The for- up of electives grouped about the
i ec ssm frehearsas. bar abo- long remembered by the classes who w'as director of the observa- wards, ally Knox and Betty Hem- the majority of casesthe student is
asences from rehearsals bars a wo- who heard him. To be sure, our tory from 1863 to 1879, Prof. de inger, as well as Frances Sackett, encomajgritofmakeshe eletis
man for participation in the play- class owes him a little grudge for Pont, instructor in the French de- the jumping center, starred for thenouraged to make her elections
To Announce Meetings I expelling one of our boys for haz- partment, and the Reverend Alpha Omicron Pi team. in the biological and social science
The time and place of rehearsals ing, but then we know it was just, George Palmer Williams, the first AlphaWgroups.
for the choruses and cast were not for he almost killed a freshman by professor in the University. While it is true that the course
announced at the meeting yesterholding him under the pump one _ . Omicron I Hi as a professional one is not easy,
day, and all women who are taking freezing night, so that he had con- I GUILDWILL HEAR B. H nger.. F... A. Simmoe i Dr. Bellabends are eotxerience
par intheplay are asked to 3IBHener F..ASimnthtisd adsreotxcsv.
'wthTeDiyfrntcsr-r T MRS. C. J. EWALD F. Sackett..... JC. .J. Wedemeyer 1Although the number of students
watch Th eDaly for noticsdre-MayWrite Novels, R .B.J.E AL Wheelweree .... S ...nang
gardng tis. meeingof al Ma wrie ~ovei, I . Whele ... ..D. Hickey I who drop out of the department is
garding this. A meeting of all- - A. Maslen .. . .. G . . .. J. Dressler relatve et thsisfro m
'members of the cast is to be held. Mrs. Charles J. Ewald formerly; . Maskins .... G.. . .Drsscr a r elaivey gratiisro m-
SSaysLois Montross of n A C. Hawkins .... . . H. McCarthy proper adjustment in the beginning
a t8 o'clock on Monday for the 'y ifdOSo nAro-h asrsdd o ________ rather than from overwork in the
reading of the first act of the play. - many years in the capitals of Ar- raDELAhAnErOhiom-The campus Irrkn
iThe place of this meeting will be Lois Seyster Montross is, with gentina and Uruguay will speak to DELAWARE,
announced in The Daily. her husband, Lynn Montross, members and friends of the Bap- opionion at Ohio Wesleyan is di-
Advice Is Given joint-creator of that famous char- s gul on Suday evening on vided overtthig mrstof havigs
Dr agre elacter Andy Protheroe whose activi- the topic, "Present Day Latin (dates at athletic contests. ttlgsSppli1es
Dr. Margaret Bell gave the first ties as a America." Charles J. Ewald's, '01.'
talk of the meeting yesterday, em- State university are familiar to her husband, is the Y. M. C. A. ad- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, kpt.Repairs .
phasizing the importance of main- every reader of College Humor. ministrative secretary for Latin $2.50 the half year-It's worth it. " for all Musical Instruments
$ taig good health and good I vr Amercwih nluealte
"scholarship. Heart and lung OK's "Town and Gown," the first of erica, which includes all the
theseres ealng iththeafoe-countries south of the Rio Grande
must be obtained from Dr. Bell the series dealing with the afoie- oth Mr. and Mr Ewail have
immediately by all women taking mentioned Andy Protheroe, con- travelled extensively in these lands
part in the play. Miss Alice Lloyd tains much admirable writing, but stdyllg etensvelyintse lands MUSIC HOUSE
continued Dr. Bell's remarks with since its publication in 1923 fnd studying the developments of ;du-1
reference to scholarship, especially the consequent disturbance it cation and religion and Mrs. Ewad10 S. ManSt.
will discuss some of the more;
asking that no one give participa- aroused on numerous mid-western striking issues of the present time
tion in the Junior Girls' Play as an campuses, the books circulation.
excuse to instructors for non-prep- has been quieted down. -~OP
aration of work. Phyllis Loughton, Mrs. Montross is probably theI LIFERARY SOCIETY MEETS
'28, director of the play, next made only woman writer of thirty who
announcements regarding rehear- has not written a full-length novel, Chi Delta Phi, honorary literary
sals, and read, first the names of I but as she has herself said, "That fraternity, held u regular meetingI 1110 South University
the members of the cast, and next is just the right age to begin." 1t Wednesday night in the Martha I ml75
the mes of the the names of the women in the is because of this statement which Cook building. Bettina Bush, '29 - - - - J U S T P L A I
choruses. might indicate that Lois Seyster was elected to the office of vice- Finger Wave . . 75c
Author Is Introduced Montross will join the ranks of president, left vacant by the resig- Ial0 Specials on
Miss Cody finally introduced to women novelists, that Grant M. nation of Frances Sackett, '30.a S
the cast Frances Sackett, who is Overton has seen fit to include her All members are requested to re- I Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday
the author of the book of the play. in his latest edition of "The Wo- I member that the 'Ensian picture Phone =75;6.
The title of the play is not yet be- men Who Make Our Novels," 7will be taken at 11:30 O Sunday
ing announced, but the play has published by Dodd, Mead, and morning, Jan. 20, at Dey's Studio.I,;s=
received favorable comment from Company, 1928. - ' e a_ _____;;
the play committee, not only on The material for review was /
account of its plot but also because made available by courtesy of
it requires an unusually large cast. Graham's book store.


course. It must be remembered
that all the twenty-four "block"
units are regarded as laboratory
work, and, as such, require relative-
ly little outside preparation.
"I believe," says Dr. Bell, "that
our graduates would agree that
the results. were well worth the ef-
fort. Our students have all beenI
placed in positions after gradua-
tion. I have now more requests
for teachers than we have been
able to fill. The salaries and pro-
motions are very gratifying.
"I doubt that any school in the
country graduates students of
greater potentialities than our
group, largely on account of the
fact that our students here while
in the most intensive part of their
graining never exclude themselves,
)s constructive members, from the
general activities of the University.
"Therefore, I suggest that all
students interested in this course,
make appointments with Miss.
Campbell at their earliest conven-
ience, Waterman office, Room 3,
university phone, 286.
TORONTO, Ontario.-The Jar-
:line prize for English verse was
recently awarded to Miss Dorothy
Livesay, a second year arts student
at St. Hilda's College at the Uni-
versity of Toronto.

Preparations for the Style show
which will be held in the Women's
Athletic building at 4 o'clock this
afternoon are nearly completed.
The gowns, which arrive from
Crowley-Milner's this morning, will
be displayed in the lounge of the
building. The carpet for the prom-
enade has been brought out by
Crowley-Milners and a dias is
placed in front the fireplace.
Tea will be served from a long
table near the windows. Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick,
Miss Laurie Campbell, and Miss
Dorothy Colby, all of the physical
education department, have been
asked by Irene Cook, '29, chairman
of the tea, to /pour. The chairman
is being assisted by the executive
board of the W. A. A. in general
and by the following: Elizabeth
Wood, '31, Doris Renkenberger, '29,
Frances Sackett, '30, Margaret
Ohlson, '30, Arliene Heilman, '30,
Dorothy Touff, '30, Betty Kahn,
'30, Gertrude Smith, '30, Betty
Smither, '29, Dorothy Felske, '32,
Mary Lou Hershey, '32, Ethel Klen-
derman, '29.
Invitations for the style show
have been extended by the board
to all women who are interested in
seeing the spring sport dresses and
formals which will be modeled. Al-
though admission is by ticket on
account of the limited capacity of
the room, there is no charge.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$2.50 the half year-It's"'worth it.

} ]
Ic i
{{ n_




Mannequins for the Crowley-
Milner fashion show must call
at the W. A. A. building be-
tween 10 and 1 o'clock today for
fittings and assignments.





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-HIE storm broke early in thec day, atd by
night out lines were in a state of chaos. I
sat in the distribution office all through that
night and watched the battle fought out. What
kept those linemen on the job without food or
sleep? It wasn't wages--you can't pay men for
such losses-it was just plain love of the game
-just fighting spirit-Stone & Webster Spirit
-that kept them at it, They sensed the romance
n it. Why, they stormed in there, beaten from
the towers by ' 75 mile gale of sleet, soaking
wet or frozen stiff, grousing like soldiers in a
front-line trench, damning. the cars, the tools,
the wind, damning everything, till the cars were
replenished with gas and oil and they were off

again. Th're was trouble to spare that night-
everyone knew where to find it, and went out
to get their share. Swearing? Sure-Mad? Clean
through-who but a moron or fool giggles at a
bliz:ard-but happy? Every last one of them,
and fighting'with all they had."
-A Maniagcr's Report
Stone & \Webstermenaet recognized for thepartthey
Maiy not only on the job but in the community. Wher-
ever there is a Stone & Webster company, there you'll
find a group of men, bound together by a common fel-
lowship, taking an active part in local affairs; working
for civic betterment, helping to develop local industries.
The Stone & Webster training fits its men for public

(,ter^s? ar{r .
, 4 7 s"

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