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December 01, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-01

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....Published every morning except Monday
juring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en
ted o the use for republication of allinews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
ished herein.
Entered at the pstoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-.
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
O3ffices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business, m,.,
Telephone 4925!
Editor.....................Paul J. Kern
City Editor............... Nelson J. Smith
News Editor .............Richard C. Kurvink
SprsEditor............... Morris Quinn
omen's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michgan Weekly..... Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama ............R. L. Akren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
J oseph E. Howell Pierce Romeberg
onald J. Kline George : Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams C. A. Lewis
Morris Alexander Marian MacDonald
Ether Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Frank E. Cooper Arthur, R. Strubel
Helen Domine Edith homas
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Folmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwg Joseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Asistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Advertising............... ne K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising ..............Cart W. Hammer
Service..................HerbertR. Varnum
Circulation..............GeorgeS. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkly
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer A Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
anette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
ernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schem
, Gorp Hamilton Sherwoo, Upton
Agnes Herwig Marie Welltead
Walter Yeagley
With much verDosity, and char-
acteristic attempts at humor, H.
0. Salsinger, writing for the De-
troit News, condemns the "B"
team idea as one of the complete
failures of the 1928 season. Not
only does Mr. Salsinger condemn
the "B" team but he takes several
rather sly digs at President Clar-
ence Cook Little who is alleged to
have originated the plan. Mr. Sal-
singer deserves the following cor-
First, the "B" team idea as
placed in effect this season was
not President Little's idea at all,
as all close followers of the sport
realize. President Little proposed
two teams of equal strength, to be
playing simultaneously at home
and out of town; and when the
inadvisability of this was made
clear to him he changed his pro-
posal to involve a weight division
of the teams. President Little
would also like to see the "B"

games count toward the Confer-
ence championship.
Second, the "B" team may have
failed, as Mr. Salsinger points out,
to have paid large dividends to the
Athletic association but from the
standpoint of interesting football
the second string outfit was well
worth the price.: Only twice dur-
ing the season did Michigan's var-
sity play out of town, giving the
"B" squad only two opportunities
to perform at home. On both of
these occasions the light and fast
reserves played football that was
not only interesting to watch but
better than their opponents.
One of the most interesting
games of the entire year from a
spectator's standpoint, in fact, was
the 3 to 0 victory of the Michigan
reserves over the Ohio State jun-
iors on the day of the Ohio State
game. For sheer lovers of football,
not interested in mathematical
probabilities of national cham-
pionships fir All-American selec-
tions the fast, open, and intelligent
game put on by these two teams
was one of the best played in Ann
Arbor this year, and that is say-

much to account for whatever sue-
cans rewarded the efforts of the
"A" team in its last four games:
AUl of these men were trained on
the "B" team, in addition to Wil-
liams, a tackle who won his M
Dahlem, it might further he point-
ed out, scored the touchdown that
defeated Iowa.
So on the whole the junior var-
sity does not seem such a towering
failure after its first year. Any
team that can consistently produce
interesting football games, can de-
velop players such as those men-
tioned for the varsity, and can do
all of those things without an ade-
quate trial under the plan origi-
nally proposed seems to us to de-
serve a sound modicum of praise.
So let Mr. Salsinger say what he
may, we congratulate the "B"
team and Coach Courtwright for
the showing they have made dur-
ing their first year.
A great deal of discussion and
comment has been aroused upon
the campus during the past few
weeks over the °proposed student
investigation of the instructors of
the University faculty. A large
portion of this discussion has tend-
ed to criticize, the suggestion,
seemingly through misapprehen-
The plan in its inception is by
no means an original idea but has
been put into practice in other
universities and colleges with a
great deal of success, and in some
places has even been extended to
include all members of the teach-
ing staff.
It must be said in justice to the
proposal that it is by no means in-
tended that it shall be the sole
means of judging the worth of an
instructor. At the same time, it
must be pointed out that there is
very little if any reason to be-
lieve that the reports of student
investigators will give undue re-
cognition to the men who conduct
the most popular courses to the
exclusion and detriment of the
men more concerned with scholar-
ly endeavor, nor will they stress
unduly the place of the teacher
as opposed to the man more in-
terested and more concerned with
The chief opposition to the sug-
gestion has come, oddly enough
from the more advanced members
of the faculty and not from the
instructors. In answer to these
critics, it may be said that they
may rest assured that no plan, will
be put into effect which does not
have the approval of the Univer-
sity faculty.
(From the Grand Rapids Herald)
Champions may possess other
1 proofs of victory than mere pos-
session of the winning trophy. To
face vast odds, to battle grimly
against adverse circumstance, to
deny that yesterday's misfortune
must govern tomorrow's inheri-
'tance, to fight through disconso-
late criticism and make those who
to scoff remain to cheer, to drive
from behind and forge to the fore
by relentless , determination and
unbowed loyalty to the seemingly
hopeless pursuit of an unattain-
able goal-this is championship;
no matter what the garnered lau-
rels of rivals in the fray. We pre-
sent our compliments to just such

"champions" this morning-the

Music and Dra a

Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
Comedy. Club's doubtful success
with Sardou's exotic "Diplomacy"'
seems not to have served the quite
noble purpose of warning other
dramatic organizations away from
attempting things out of the mod-
ern, somewhat stocial style of
clipped-speech drama. The Har-
ris Guild have dared Goldoni's
two-century -old "Mistress of the
By all the gods of mimesis it
was most awfully badly done; and
yet it was most charmingly done,,
with a tinge of shy gaucherie that
was more fascinating than any
highly-seasoned actor's polish ever
could have been. The traditional
manner would have demanded a
grand opera style of acting-with
the minor actors dropping out of
character yt admire the passion-
ate playing of the lead-and the
satire and irony of the lines woule
have slithered over with the pierc-
ing glint of a bunting-ed brickbat
But the Harris Players have ar-
rayed themselves in the most gor-
geous of costumes, and so have
thumbed their painted noses at
such dizzy deities to produce .a
slightly halting, occasionally flat-
ering, but on the whole quite
charmingly amusing comedy of
crudities. Their picture is askew-
God wot-but it's most deliciously
askew-God also wot.
Serious minded praise goes chief-'
ly to James Dahl, designer-excel-
lent of scenery and costumes. His
decor combined extraordinary
cleverness with equal effectiveness,
and his costumes clothed the
straw-man cap-a-pie. -
Florence Watchpocket, as the
dallying mistress who changed
Nobles' hearts as she would her
cooled-off flatiron, gave a charm-
ingly naive performance of a real-
ly quite disillusioned wench. Her
technique throughout the thrilling
drinking bout with the surly
Cavalier was only confirmation of
her titillating innocence.
Al Foster, 'little-boy blue' is sus-
penders, stole the show with his
witching smile. If it was not his
technique it certainly was his
smile. The dew-lipped Penrod
made amusing comedy even if he
did kill the irony of the ending-
or maybe he created it. It is a bit
difficult to decide.
J. S. Donal, brusque Cavalier
and woman-hater, defied criticism
by the unconventionality of his in-
terpretation. Reading gruff, di-
rect speeches in a softly satiric
manner, he made a 'push-over' out
of what should have been a grim
conquest for the dazzling Mirando-
lina-a charming bit of buffonery
hardly intended by the author.
If the direction by Capt. Finney
fell by the wayside of historical ac-
curacy, certainly it came to )its
senses well pn the way up the
crooked alley of amusing burlesque.
* * *
Mrs. Hallie Flanagan in her
discussion of the Revolutionary

veloped in that unique play of love!
and politics, "Cement," that the
new Russia is struggling to reach
a foundation of communism in.
every phase of life; that the pos-
sessive instinct, even when
prompted by love, is a wrong, no
matter how indirectly, against the
brotherhood of man. To the West-
ern mind, accustomed to highly in-
dividualized thinking, this groupi
interest, selfless . preoccupation
with the interests of the masses,
is uninteresting to say the least,
and Mrs. Flanagan confessed as
much, particularly when the type
of play this attitude calls forth in-
evitably falls into the Western

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A Most Enjoyable Dance
is to be held

classification of Propaganda. But-
idealism is so strong in the Red
group that propaganda loses itr
dullness and takes on *andaspect
of universality highly dramatic
under the circumstances. The plays
become a reiteration of the Credo
of Communism.
Identifying the particular types
of plays offered by this group,.j
Mrs. Flanagan mentionedgtherp
historical dramas which recorded
Russia's struggles under the,
drunken monk, Rasputin, and
those dealing with the Romanoff!
dynasty in such a way as to show
the historical germination of the
revolutionary idea. Another group
comprised those coming under the
general heading of machinolatry,
which idealized for an industrially
organized political body the iu-
preme efficiency of the machine,
while the final group, and much
the largest, included plays touch-
ing social readjustments inevitable
in family life between children of
the new order and parents of the
Mrs. Flanagan presented her
material with considerable grace
and ease, and left the general im-
pression of a capable personality
dealing swiftly and surely with'
problems which will inevitably out-
grow thei localized environment to
enforce an unmistakable influence
in wider fields.
1.. 4A
Curiously coincidental with re-
cent interest in Russian theatrical
development is the appearance
next Tuesday evening of represen-
tatives of the MoscoV Habimah,
Players in a dance recital under
the auspices of the Hillel Founda-1
Chaiele Grober; actress and sing-
er, Benjamin Zemach, dancer, and
Pola Kadison, pianist, are the ac-
tive representatives of what was
an immensely important Russian
Hebrew Art group, now disbanded
J under financial difficulties. The
Habimah Players, Habimah signi-
fying theatre in Hebrew, were
founded in 1906 with the object of
giving artistic expression to the
mystic religious yearnings of the
Jewish people. For a medium they
chose the whole range of the
mimetic arts, from lyric dancingf
to the broadest pantomime, and
based their plays on the legendary,
semi-religious themes of folklore
in which their race abounded. In-
1917, through Zemach's extraordi-
nary tenacity, the artistry for
which Habimah Players had be-
come famous-and feared under
the Tsarist regime-was recognized

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lads who have gamely battled for theatres of Russia in Natural Sci-
the Yellow and the Blue-the grid- ence auditorium ytearda at
iron warriors of the University of .,,,,c .----,_

You can't afford to postpone
your Christmas Shopping
any longer.

Michigan who have made history by Constantin.Stanislavsky, Bus-
of a sincere student of the whole!sia's famous exponent of the dra-
in 1928. It has been the greatest contemporary dramatic field who mtcieltruhteatr n
tonc i sprtsansip dmii-had the advantages also of theI under his wind,, with the prestige
stered to "Michigan" in many al eye-witness. Through the Gug- ofhsMso> r Tetea hi
year. Too man~y and too persistent I o i ocwAtTetea hi
victories had all but satiated our genheim Foundation, from which back, this group became interna-E
SMrs. Flanagan received her Fel- tionally famous for their interpre-
normal , wholesome appetites. lowship for the year 1926-1927, she tiono -erwda
has been enabled personally to Eugene Vachtangov, Stanislav-
football game or something was visit the important dramatic cen- skl is sitnbcm hi
wrng 19 T haws tepn tefgrew.est.sir s am istaxpntecamether-
wong. Tht rashinf vdie. teabroad and to spend consider- I director and it was under his ,uid-
A new team of green young- able time in each place identifying ancehtunde h w 2 w"The Dybbu ,
sters took the field last Septem- oneta nI2bu
yer. under thi' pathetic haip for herself the unique develop- was produce, to create a hfurore,
victorie had al but mentald contrikutiongreacheclmomalrta
at Ann Arbor. Before theycould mntl Faonareitioneach loca-toinyussia and establish an almost
even start to catch their stride gad personaly t ugtne atan or relis-
thewr erg.Thbtwedtherin thefdusw.smimetic art. Reflections of hernsysiraestanrd fame their
broed oer in thedustpageantry. In 1926 the Soviet
they were bwd vrithdstr ipei ar t.ndi ertinew ook, aeaty n 96te o
Soon empty seats yawned re- " are found inher new boo gave permission o tour the United
proachfully at them from deserted Europen Teae," wh . isoanStates in an effort to capitalizeI
sections of a mammoth stadium European Theatre, which is a their Russian success .nd provide
built to accommodate rooters who r y observations and from which she fpnds for further artistic dvolop-
would cheer for victors buts for dreat greatr ment.pUaioorfmoti ely rtistkic vir-
nothing else. But there were drew the greater part of herma tuousy in this partlar field '
neither empty heads nor empty terial for the remarks concerning found little general recognition
hearts upon the squad itself. They h entiyingdtheand achieved irhpefldohr1 only in
played the game. They came from In identifying the field of her localities where the homogeneity
behind. Soon they tied a score. observations for her audience Mrs. of the Ilebrew pcpI l a uon nain-
Soon they nosed out a hard-fought Flanagan drew a definite distinc- }tained the I,;irlho1l to] IdrP and
triumph-over the ultimate Con- tion between the theatre of thel mysticism still vital. 1 Fiianciali
ference champions themselves.'Right Wing, the conservative, old failure necessitated a break up of
And at the end, in the sunset of regime, theatre of which Stani- the company, with the result that
this checkered schedule, they drove I slavsky, with his Moscow Art The- only Zemach and Chaiele Grober,
the most powerful of all opponents atre, is the head; the theatre off the leading players, were able to
to their knees. It was a great day the Centre which Tairov and the carry on with the tradition.

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December 21st.


ing something. It is only natural
that It }sports writer who is in
touch only with the leading foot-
ball contests of the country could
overlook a fact of this kind.


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