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Florence Holmes, '29, And Margaret
Fead, '30, Come Next In Line; ;
Striking Gowns Seen
(Continued from Page One)
north end, thence down the center
where they divided into two lines
going around each side and form-
ing columns of four as they ap-
proached the north center again.
This was repeated until the lines
were eight abreast. The entire
group was then massed at the cen-
ter of the floor and a picture was
taken by a local photographer.
The music of the night was fur-
nished by Maurie Sherman and
his orchestra, formerly of the Col-
lege Inn of Chicago. The versatile
band played selections ranging
from dreamy waltzes to scorching
fox-trots, to which were added
several feature numbers by mem-
bers of the orchestra.
The chaperones were President
'Clarence Cook Little and Mrs.'
Little, Dean John R. Effinger and
Mrs. Effinger, Mr. Wilbur R.
Humphreys, Miss Grace E. Rich-
ards, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Bea-'
trice W. Johnson, Miss Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick, Dr. Margaret Bell, Prof.
Fielding H. Yost and Mrs. Yost,
Prof.dArthur B. Moehlman and
Mrs. Moehlman, Mr. and Mrs. Pal-a
mer Christian, Dean Hugh Cabot
and Mrs. Cabot, Dean and Mrs. Irat
M. Smith, Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
and Mrs. Abbot, Prof. William A.I
Frayer and Mrs. Frayer, Prof. Ev'
erett S. Brown and Mrs. Brown.
Miss Yeo, general chairman, led
the ball in a striking gown of black
velvet, studded with rhinestonesl
and pearls. The dress was very
effectively designed with a long
train, and she also wore brilliants<
in her hair and on her slippers.
Florence Holmes, '29, president of
the Pan-Hellenic association, who
came second in line, wore a beauti-
ful gown of white satin, and Mar-
garet Fead, '30, who managed the
finances of the ball, came third ini
line, in a stunning and close fitting
black satin dress, which hadl
touches of blue velvet ribbon on it.t
Miss Mary Stuart, '30, chairmanI
of the chaperone committee, was
effectively dressed in a Nile greenĀ°
gorgette, trimmed with tiers, of~
crystal beads. A very simple but
stunning gown of pale pink chiffon
velvet was worn by Miss Virginiaj
Losee, '30. It was designed in
straight lines, with only one bril-
liant ornament on one hip.5
Miss Eloise Harnau, '30, chair-
man of the decorations committee,
. o vr wif l~thma h h
"I think a lot of people think the!
stage is different from any other
walk of life," says Miss Elizabeth
Risdon, who is appearing with thel
New York Theater Guild this weekI
at the Whitney. "It isn't really.
Personality, looks, don't count any'
more or perhaps as much, as they
do-for instance-in nursing. You
have to attend to business just as
you do in any other line of work.
There is one advantage, you cane
use your faults on the stage.
"What is my advice to aspiring'
young girls?" Miss Risdon con-
tinues. "If they want to get on
the stage and can get on let themi
go. After you are on, the trick is
to stay on."
"Should women have both a
career and a family? Have both.)
Plenty of actresses have. They
don't discuss their private affairs
but they have just as much home
life as any one else. I remember
Alice Brady coming into a station
in Milwaukee with a nurse, a baby,
Tickets for this year's Sopho-
more Circus are now being distri-
buted at the sororities and dormi-
tories, and women living in the-
houses are asked to purchase their
tickets in this manner. Contrary
to previous reports that women
living in league houses could pur-
chase their tickets only at the time
of the performances, it has been'
arranged for their convenience byI
the committee in charge to sell
additional tickets at Barbour gym-
nasium Tuesday, Wednesday and '
Thursday of next week from 8 un-
til 5 o'clock.
Through the efforts of the pub-I
licity committee posters will be!
placed in the State street store
windows Saturday, and dodgers
advertising the circus are being
distributed at all the campus
houses. The design on these dod-1
two dogs, and a kitchen stove to 1OBS[RI
heat the baby's milk on.
"I do have a hobby," she said u
smiling. "I like to cook, and sweep, Foundrs' Da
and sew. It's a vacation treat to At Lunch
y To Be Celebrated
eon Of Honorary
:..i l S i4
me to be able to do those domestic 'v'sicaJaie iy
things. Shall I tell you the nameI
of my favorite cook book? i It's EVENT IS ANNUAL CUSTOM
called 'A Thousand Ways to Please
the Husband' and it's perfectly Celebrating the anniversary of
marvelous. All you have to do is Founders' Day, Sigma Alpha Iota,
just follow the directions exactly. national honorary musical society,
I'm always embarrassed to ask for is giving a Jubilee luncheon, which
it though. I go in a store, pick it is an anual custom, this noon at
up, and say, 'I want this,' because I the Church of Christ, at which 75
hate to ask for it by name." people will be served.
Miss Risdon said that she thinks The guests of honor will be the
audiences are pretty much the national president, Miss Hazel
same every where. "The same Ritchey of Lincoln, Neb., and the
jokes are always laughed at, and province president, Miss Frances
you can feel the response whether Locher of Detroit. The Alpha
there is a loud haw-haw or not. chapter and the Lambda Alpha
Don't think I don't appreciate loud chapter, which is composed of the
laughter, because I do, but you alumnae, are to be the hostesses,
can't judge the appreciation of an and the Hillsdale and Detroit
audience by the noise it makes. I chapters will be present as well as
think we actors are apt to under- members from all over the state
estimate our audiences. A college and from Toledo, Ohio.
audience is always more respon- Five of the seven original
sive. I enjoy playing here very founders will be present: Miss
much." Georgina Potts of Toledo, Mrs.
"What will your next play be?" Minnie Davis Sherrill of Detroit,
Miss Risdon was asked. "I don't and Miss Frances Caspari, Miss
know. While I have a good job I Elizabeth Campbell, and Miss Nora
never think of the next one. We Crane Hunt of Ann Arbor. The
will be playing this series of plays society was organized on June 12,
down south and out to the coast 1903, at the School of Music in
until next summer. Probably no Ann Arbor, and is now a national
one will believe me, but I really organization.
enjoy the road. I like to travel." Sigma Alpha Iota is also giving
"I think the Little Theater a musical at 6 o'clock tomorow aft-
movement is a fine thing," declared ernoon at the home of its presi-
Miss Risdon. "I can never see dent, Helen Fagg, '29Ed, 2016
their productions because I never Seneca. This informal gathering
have a chance. They keep the is given in honor of Miss Hazel
drama alive in towns which are Ritchey, the national president, by
starved for it. Drama is essential the active members of the society.
to a full life. People can go to Rousseau Criswell, pianist, Dorothy
see life at the theater, and at the Wilson, contralto, and Kate Keith
same time get away from it. They Fields, soprano, will give the pro-
can solve their own problems im- gram.
personally by going to the theater."
N + .f.-
The life of Madame Rosika
Schwimmer, who "js to speak next
Thursday night in Hill auditorium
under the auspices of the Cosmo-
politan club, has been the eventful
one of a feminist and pacifist dur-
ing the period of the World war.
Madame Schwimmer began to1
write when she was 16 years old.
She entered the suffragist move-
ment very young and soon became
secretary of the International Al-
liance for Woman Suffrage, of
which Mrs. Carrie ChapmangCatt
was president. For nine years she
also edited in Hungary a feminist
and pacifist review. Until the be-
ginning of the war she lectured on
politics, feminism, pacifism and ed-
ucation in practically all of the
European countries.
Organized Peasant Women
As she belonged to no political
party, Madame Schwimmer was
free to organize the women of all
classes. Thus, she organized thel
Hungarian peasant women for
feminist and pacifist action, and
she was much sought after in all
countries to assist in organizing
groups of young people of both
sexes. Her success earned her the
affectionate name: "The Pied Pi-!
per of Hungary."
In the beginning of August, 1924,
she raised her voice against the
war and conceived the plan of a
conference of neutral governments'
which, by acting as mediators
should bring the war to an end as
quickly as possible. Living at that
time in London, she became the
moving spirit in a campaign to put
an end to the conflict, and, in the
early weeks of the war, she gath-
ered signatures from feminist or-
ganizations representing great
numbers of women belonging to
neutral countries and those at war.
With this petition in hand, she left
by the first boat for the United
In September, 1914, Madame
Schwimmer had her first interview
with President Wilson. Before that
she had seen Secretary of State'
Bryan and several other officials.
Spoke Throughout America
From September, 1914, to April,
1915, she traveled through the
United States and spoke in 22 dif-
ferent states, addressing clubs, un-
iversities, colleges, high schools, el-
ementary schools. She spoke in
halls andkatkopen-air meetings.
She was asked to speak before
many Chambers of Commerce, and
in Nebraska she even addressed the
state legislature.
Then, in April, 1915, at The
Hague, came the International Wo-
men's Congress with an attend-
1 -- - -
ance of 2,000 from the warring and
neutral countries. M a d a m e
Schwimmer cancelled her Ameri-I
can engagements and embarked for
Holland. In the meantime, as a;
result of her activities, a pacifist
group, the Women's Peace Party,
had been organized in the United
States with Jane Adams as presi-
dent and Rosika Schwimmer as in-
ternational secretary.
Jane Adams led a delegation of
women from neutralacountries
which submitted the plan of the
neutral conference to the warring
governments, while M a d a m e
Schwimmer had charge of the del-
egation sent to the neutral gov-
ernments. Her delegation consist-
ed of an English woman, an Amer-
ican woman, and a Dutch woman.
The activities of the two delega-
tions lasted from May to August
and put them into touch with the
ruling powers, kings, presidents of
republics, and the Pope. Some of
the governments received the dele-
gations several times. Both war-
ring governments and neutral gov-
ernments expressed the opinion
that only through such a plan
could the war be ended by media-
tion rather than by military vic-
tory and all that it involved.
Madame Schwimmer sought Jane
Adams in order to deliberate on
the line of conduct to pursue. They
published a manifesto showing that
the belligerents of both sides were
ready to accept mediation. Ma-
dame Schwimmer then undertook
a new lecture tour in the United
States and some days before her
departure for Europe succeeded in
arousing the interest of Henry
Spoke Well Of America
After the United States entered
the war, Madame Schwimmer
made it a point of honor to write
and speak about America. In or-
der to refute the defamation of
America which was current among
Sthe Central Powers, she stressed the
great and generous phases of
American Institutions. Her steady
Madame Schwimmer Led Eventful Life Of Feminist And
Pacifist During War; Began To Write When
Only Sixteen
and unswerving
Hungarian Students
Will Spend Year In
American Colleges
iN oticU s
gers has been reproduced from the Nine Hungarian students who
winning poster handed in for the arrived in the United States re-
contest conducted by the publicity cently will spend the year study-
committee. Ing in American universities and
colleges. This is the fourth group
Initiation Is Held B of graduates of Hungarian univer-
sities to make the trip. The Amer-
Alpha Lambda Delta ican Hungarian exchange, admin-
istered by the Institute of Inter-
national Education, selects and
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman sponsors these students.
honorary society, held the fall ini- The Institute, started in 1919, is
tiation last Tuesday afternoon at an agency for promoting good will
the home of the president, Alice and understanding through educa-
Sunderland, 1510 Cambridge road, tional mediums. Besides the ex-'
after which tea was served. change with Hungary, there are
Florence Brabb, '31, Ruth Kelsey, others between this country and!
'31, and Isabel Rayen, '31, were the Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany,
new members. Miss Alice Lloyd, ad- Italy, and Switzerland.
visor of women, is the faculty ad- The Hungarian minister of edu-
viser of the organization. cation, when the exchange was
The society was organized last started offered scholarships at th
year, holding its first meeting antj University of Budapest and pro-
initiation after the fall term at j fessional schools in that city. Fo11
which time all freshmen women American students will study there
who had received a scholastic this year.
All members of Pegasus will
meet at 10 o'clock today at Rent-
schler's studio to have their pic-
ture taken. All members who have
not paid their dues bring them at
that time.
All members of Wyvern who are
unable to go on the house party
are requested to notify Marjorie
Muffley, 9617, by Monday.
Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the
pledging of Jean Goldenberg, '32, of
Detroit, Michigan.
0 0
I All Mortarboard examis should
j be turned in to Hilda Mary j
i Evans at Helen Newberry resi- j
I dence today.
u 0
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also wore wht~e, aitougn
dress was a low cut period go
of white moray satin. The go
was bouffant style, and its o
touch of color was a few rosebt
on the shoulder and over a l
satin bow on one hip.
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