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November 25, 1928 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-25

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Touchdown Follows ong archo Iowas
AFTER DASH AROUND HAWKEYE LEFT FLANK, 1st 2nd 3rd 4th FINAL j In Michigan Defense L
Field Goal By Gembis In Second!Makes Touchdown - w7 Yflfl()
Quarter Ifelps To Pave Way Two Of
For Conference Win enn
(Continued From Page One)
ward wall, which was touted as -_
wth best incBin cirucessful THIS IS HOW WOLVERINES UPSET HAWKEYES, 10-7 INieBm
repulsed the Iowa running attack ;- _-___--_-___-_ ,_---____ --._Niur n
henevertheirgalu wasattjFIRST PERIOD out of bounds at the Iowa 48-yaidl was put in play by the Hawkeyes' rf ar th
dangered.Michigan won the toss and chose line. Glassgow was brought down at their 20-yard stripe. fday,en
omer gAn Outtanding to kickoff to the Hawkeyes. Gem- by Michigan's secondary after a McLain gained a yard at center. e
bis booted the ball to McLain who six--yard gain. He was tackled by McLain in punt formation fumbledleft th
Playing his final game for Mich-~ fumbled but recovered and was Rich. Armil added three more a pass from center and was tackled "carried
igan, Otto Pommerenig turned in tackled on the Iowa 14-yard line. through Michigan's left side, by Truskowski for a six-yard loss. every s
another remarkabl performance.Simrallmade the tackle. Glassgow made it first down for McLain's punt went out of bounds diana U
He was down under practically ( Simrall was injured but resum- Iowa on the Michigan 42-yard line, at the Iowa 48-yard line. .....the ho'
every punt to nail the Iowa safety ed play. McLain went through McLain made a yard at center. Bo- Truskowski completed a pass to months
man before he could get under way Michigan's left guard for five ard tackled Glassgow for no Rich which netted 18 yards and a gone
and frequently broke through to yards. Glassgow hit Michigan's left Glassgow completed a pass to A first down on the Iowa 30-yard Inclu
tackle for four more. Armil was mil who was tackled by Simrall on line. Dahlem rounded Iowa's right ofathe
of scrimmage l tackled by Pommerening. Michigan's 18-yard line. However, end for nine yards on the "old 83."e
it was at the left side of the McLain punted out of bounds at the ball was brought back and Iowa took time out. centye.
Michigan line that the Hawks ithe Michigan 38-yard line Dahlem Iowa was penalized five yards for I t i.Otto Pommerening contend
rected the majority of their thrusts was tackled by Westra for a four- being off side. Gembis plunged through Iowa's Playing his last game in a Michi- ranging
through e line, and it was omss Simrall punted to Glassgow punted out of bounds right tackle for a first down on the gan uniform, Pommerening again Americ
merening who played a major role ' Glassgow who returned the ball at Michigan's 9-yard line. Dahlem line. Rich lost inguished himself as one of the hardest
in meeting this ttack Hisbril-seven yards to the Iowa 47-yard went through Iowa's left tackle for a yard at center. Dahlem took a outstanding tackles in the country of who
liant work eclipsed that of Schleus- Alvin Dahlem line. Glassgow struggled through five yards. He was tackled by Far_ lateral pass from Rich for a one- by his fierce tackling and blocking.srre
ner, Iowa's line candidate for all- who circled the Hawkeye's left end Michigan's left side for nine yards Iroh. Rich added two more at cen- yard gai.. Truskowski's wide pass bingd, t
Conerence honors. for 12 yards and the touchdown McLai was tackled b Gembi ter. Simrall punted and Truskow Dahlemfell incomplete. Gembis yards to the Iowa 49-yard line. Big Ten
Among the other linemen the that brought Michigan its 'second; but n antil he had made it first ski downed the ball on Iowa's 45_ dropped back and kicked a field Rich hit Iowa's left tackle for
work of Bovard, Poe, and Trus- conference victory. The smallest down on Michigan's 43-yard In yard line. goal from the 27-yard line, Dahlem two yards. He was tackled by Capto
kowski was probably the most out- man on the squad, Dahlem played McLain hit Michigan's left guad Glassgow we'nt through Michi- holding the ball.I Roberts. Geistert took the ball on Paul H
standing, although Cragin and an excellent game both offensively for three yards. Farroh added two gan's left tackle. He evaded Sim- Score:. Iowa 7, Michigan 3. i the old 'Statue of Liberty" play men lo
Squier, who were also wearing the and defensively, getting down re- more at the same place, after tak rall the Michigan safety man and Westras kickoff was returned for a first down on Iowa's 38-yard
Maize and Blue for the last time peatedly under punts and tackling ing a double pass n the backfield ran 55 yards for a touchdown. by Rich to the Michigan 38-yard line. It was a gain of nine yards. for th
contributed their bit in stopping hard and viciously. throw Glassgow kicked the line. Simrall was injured and tookf Rich was forced out of bounds Weaver
_________________________ ISimrall intercepted a passGlsgwkce throw goal and thetieobuhersedpang Rcwsfred utfbudsWve
the plunges of McLain and Glass-GM'scre was: time out, but he resumed playing. i for no gain. Moore tackled Geis- ends w
gow. THE LINEUPS by G rassgow on Michigan s 20-y Rich made one yard. Simrall' tert for a one-yard loss on the "old Page w
While the Michigan backfield Michigan (10) Iowa (7) e H or re ba .t f Gembis' kick-off went out of punted to Glassgow who was tack-83" play. Carlson replaced Moore ing th
lacked the individual brilliance of Truskowski .... LE........Moore bounds for no gain. Rich rounded bounds at the Iowa 20-yard line led on the Iowa 27-yard . for Iowa. Truskowski's long pass by the
Glassgow and Pape, the combina- Pommerening .LT.... Schleusner ht d f t and was called back and kicked Glassgow was stopped by Cragin to Simrall was knocked down by Weaver
tion of Rich, Dahlem, Simrall and Poe..........LG . . . . . . . .Westra d srigt enthfor eigh ya d over. On the seconf kick-off, Mc- for no gain. McLain punted to Sim-; Armil. Simrall's punt was caught The
Gembis functioned smoothly to net Bovard . ........C.. .Brown, Capt. eaktentwentleroughowa t L ain caught Gemis' boot on the rall who caught the ball on his b by Armil and he was tackled on center
Gembisifunctioned.smothly to.net .o. idRoberts) tackle for a first down on the 4yad iceaubrturedetfivste o00 on ardlie.in theleonctr1
total of 8 first downs by rushing i kRT.......Jessen I Hawkeye's 43-yard line Iowa five-yard line. He returned it 45-yard line and returned it five the Iowa two yard line.
and 2 by passing. Cragin ........RT........JessenTrwkk to the Hawkeye 28-yard line yards. Geistert replaced Dahlem for Squier replaced Cragin in the diana
Draveling .2.b.p..RE.......... Rath Truskowski threw a long pass Truskowski held Glassgo to a Michigan. He made two yards in- Michigan line. Cooley was sent in blows v
Rich Plays Great Game Rich, Capt.....QB......... Armil which Dahlem caught with a clear - d M side of Iowa's left end. 'for McLain at fullback. Cooley tainB
RichCaptTruskowskis long pass was in- stood nine yards behind his own er. Bo
Captain George Rich played one imrall........ LH........Farroh field for a touchdown, but the for-caua n
of the best games of his career, Dahlem ...... RH..... Glassgow mer Jackson youth juggled the ball Simran' who ar te H on tercepted by Glassgow on the goal line and punted out to Sim- mythic.
starring on defense as well as Gembis.......F B....... McLain and dropped it. Dahlem gained one Michigan's 3y ine. He was Iowa 10-yard line. He returned it rall who caught the ball on the respect
sharing offensive honors with Substitutions yard at right guard. Truskowski forced out of bounds at the W to the Hawkeye 25-yard line, where Iowa 38-yard line. The Michigan played
Dahlem. The Wolverine leader ran Michigan-Geistert for Dahlem, threw another pass, which Simrall verine 48-yard line. Rich made a he fumbled. It was recovered by halfback was forced out of this ye
the team well from the quarter- Squier for Cragin, Wheeler for failed to catch and Michigan was hyard around Iowa's right end, as Farroh and Iowa had possession on bounds at the Iowa 28-yard line. Butts
back position and gained 43 yards Geistert, Cragin for Squier, Squier penalized five yards for the second the quarter ended. its 25-yard marker, Jensbold replaced Cooley in the gradua
I qirScore: Iowa 7, Michigan 0. Jrsodrpae olyi h
from scrimmage in 15 attempts. for Cragin, Wheeler for Rich. incomplete pass.,- Bovard tackled Farroh for a Iowa backfield. Truskowski's long
Besides registering the touch- Iowa-Grimm for Rath, Carlson Simrall's punt was allowed to SECOND PERIOD one-yard loss. McLain hit Michi- pass to Rich fell incomplete. The
down that spelled defeat for the for Moore, Cooley for McLain, Pape roll dead on Iowa's 20-yard line. Dahlem failed to gain. He was gan's left side for four yards. Michigan captain nearly caught the CHR
Hawks, Dahlem contributed a total for Glassgow, Nelson for Armil, Glassgow punted on second down tackled by Brown. Truskowski's Glassgow was tackled by Poe and ball, and Michigan was penalized
of 49 yards in 14 tries, while the Bunn for Cooley, Carlson for and the ball rolled to Michigan's pass failed. Iowa was penalized five Truskowski but not until he had five yards for the second incom-
dependable toe of Joe Gembis Moore, Grimm for Carlson, Mas- 29-yard line, where it was downed | yards for offside. Truskowski's made five yards. McLain punted. pleted pass. Order
tallied 4 valuable points for the trogany for Grimm, Pape for I by a Hawkeye. long pass to Dahlem fell incom- Simrall caught' the kick on his own Another pass thrown by Rich C
W9olverine cause. He gained 23 Glassgow, Meyers for Westra, Gembis was forced out of bounds! plete. Simrall punted and the ball 38-yard line. He returned it 13 (Continued on Page Seven)
yards from scrimmage in 9 at- Glassgow for Armil, Bunn for Far- I for no gain. Simrall's punt went rolled over the Iowa goal line. It
tempts and his work in backing roh, Fuhrman for Roberts, Hag- - -- -----I,-,____ _______
up the lines was nearly faultless.! gerty for Fuhrman, Cooley for
Simrall outpunted both McLain Jessen.
and Glasgow, and showed to ad- Scoring
vantage in running back enemy Michigan-Touchdown, DahTem;H E C H U BB HUE
punts. Place kick, Gembis; Point after T H ELJL .11J DDB HU S
Glassgow, Pape Star touchdown, Gembis.
For the Hawkeyes, Glassgow, a Iowa - Touchdown, Glassgow;
senior, and Pape, a sophomore, point after touchdown, Glassgow.
stood head and shoulders above Officials wth its variety of different salads and
their mates. This flashy pair of Referee: J. H. Nichols, Oberlin; other dishes, invites you to enjoy them.
ball carriers sent repeated shivers Umpire, H. G. Hedges, Dartmouth;
down the spines of the Maize and Field Judge, Fred Young, Illinois S
Blue rooters with their consistent Wesleyan; Head Linesman, Jay Speca ThanksgivingTurkeyDonner
end runs and off-tackle smashes. Wyatt, Missouri.
from Cocktail to Nuts---$1.00.
SPNLSpecial Sunday Chicken Dinners
from Cocktail to Dessert--85c.

NOVEMBE 25, 1928
Indiana's Greatest Wacks,
et Andi ;arell, Copl lete
ree Year's Competition
(Special To The Daily)
)MINGTON, Ind., Nov. 24.-
en dug their cleats into the
id fought their last game
Crimogn at Lafayetteto-
ding three years of inter-
te competition. When they
e Ross-Ade stadium, they
with them the gratitude of
tudent and alumnus of In-
iniversity for the hard work,
urs of practice and the
of strict training they have
ded in the last are some
outstanding men produced
Hoosier state school in re-
ars, players who have been
lers for mythical honors
from All-State to All-
an. The forward wall is the
hit, losing seven men, five
m were regulars on the
team this fall. In the back-
wo of the best backs in the
n ended their careers.
Bennett Is Lost
ain "Chuck" Bennett and
arrell are the two backfield
st. Both have gained wide
tion during the past season
eir stellar work. "Buck"
and Ward Baker are two
ho will be missing next fall.
'ill have a hard time in fill-
e wing position left open
scrappy little 158-pound
graduation of Randolph at
leaves Page with a big hole
line to patch. At guard, In-
receives two more. serious
vith the graduation of Cap-
b Matthew and Louis Brin-
)th men were selected for
al honors in 1927 and 1926
ively. Bill Moss who has
in practically every game
ar at tackle and Carroll
are two more linesmen to
Now Save Money
17 Nickels Arcade

Special Sunday Night Steak and
Chop Supper---75c Hickey-Freeman
Meals-by a meal, day, or week, starting today. Overcoats
Phone 5672 209 S. State St. Style
ON YOUR -Enduring good looks
Laundry lies I
Merely by bringing it FOR EVERY PUR POSE
and calling for it.
Our Equipment Is Absolutely Complete,
2- DAY SERVICE -2 Being Especially Well Stocked in
Beautiful, Snowy-White Work Regulation Sym Supplies
..Painstaking Pressing . . .
Quick Service. Squash Racquets, Handballs, Etc.


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