c'?y 17
University Of Detroit Will'Fac
Strong Foe In Intersectional
Clash At Dinan Field
(Speia To The Daily)
DETROIT, Nov. 24.-Universit
of Detroit's unbeaten and untie
eleven, winner of 14 consecu
e tive victories since early in
1927, enjoyed a vacation today in
preparation for its final, game o
the schedule next Saturday with
Georgetown university. This im-
portant inter-sectional contes
which will, be played at Dinan field
Detroit, will go a long way in de-
terining the real strength of Gus
~ Dras'powerful eleven.
The Thundering Titans are on
of the few teams still remaining i
the running for the national
championship. They hope to con-
quer Lou Little's Hilltoppers in the
same fashion as they have con-
quered all comers since last Octo-
ber. Their prolongated winning
streak started then "after hard-
fought contests had been dropped
to the Army, 6-0, and to Notre
Dame, 20-0. Since that time such
powerful elevens as Carnegie Tech,
Fordham, Michigan State, Loyola
of the South, South Dakota State,
Haskell Indians, and St. Louis have
felt the sting of defeat at the
hands of Captain "Cowboy" Con-
nell and his all conquering team-
Brazil, Connell Are Stars
Lloyd Brazil, Detroit's other half-
back and ball carrier, punter, and
passer par excellence, will receive
another acid test as to his All-
Anerican qualifications. Brazil
and Connell are being acclaimed
as the best pair of backs in the
west and no one has been able
to stop 'diem this year. If one
weakens a trifle, the other rises to
great heights. If the opposition
watches Brazil then Connell gal-
lops away for a long gain.
Georgetown, however, will offer
s a problem. Here is a smart, fast
c. and alert eleven which has rode
roughshod over such great teams
as New York "U," West Virginia,
and a host of others. The Hilltop-
1o pers have taken rank with the
East's select and a victory for e-
troit would enhance its position.
Saturday's meeting will be the
fourth of the two clubs. George-
town holds the edge having won
two of the three contests. The
. first meeting of the two teams was
in 1919 when Detroit won, 13-6.
Georgetown won in 1925, 24-0, and
ii 1926, 19-0. Detroit will be out
to even things up.
Probably one of the largest
crowds that has even seen a col-
lege football game in Detroit will
be on hand to witness this contest.
Extra bleacher seats have been
erected and a crowd of 25,000 is ex-
pected to be on hand.
Wolverine Band To Play
A large group of Georgetown
alumni from Detroit, Chicago, and
Cleveland have reserved blocks of
seats, and will be on hand at the
game. Additional color will be
added to the game by the presence
of the University of Michigan band
which will vie with the University
of Detroit band for honors of the
day. The University of Michigan
club of Detroit has also arranged
for a block of seats for the Michi-
gan Varsity football squad and its
(Continued From Page Six) FULLBACK 'S KICK (backfied and made seve
CU nce y esodadT through center. Dahlem
Michigan was penalized another CUTS DOWN LEAD yard on "old 83."D Trus
five yards for another incomplete- ; pass to Dahlem failed.
ed pass. Simrall punted and the dropped back for an at
e ball went over the goal line at the !place kick but it was a fa
extreme southwest corner of the Sinrall was tackled for a
field. Iowa put the ball in play ; yard loss, after he pickekd
at its 20-yard line. 'ball and attemtped to run
Pape replaced Glassgow for Iowa fourth down and Iowa took
and Wheeler was sent in for Geis- ;- *sion on its own 42-yard lin
tert for Michigan. Jensbold made fumbled but McLain recov
two yards through Michigan's left no gain. Iowa was penali
y guard. Pape nearly broke away yards for being offside.
for a long run, but was tackled by hit Michigan's left sidei
- Simrall after making a first down yard.
n on Iowa's 32-yard line. Pape made Glassgow gained a ya
f three yards through Michigan left wide end run. Dahlem to
1 guard. f' out. McLain rounded Mi
* left end for a first down
Farroh failed to gain and Iowal
t was penalized five yards for off- aWolver ende-yard. line<
side. Pape rounded Michigan's Score: Michi 10 Iow
left end for 25 yards and a first : Fourth Period
sdown on the Wolverine 43-yard GassouwsrtpPedd
line. Jensbold hit Michigan's left Glassgow was stopped b
tackle for five yards. gan's secondary after a fo
SN o was seat in for Ail1 atan through Michigan's ri
qurtrbc for owatNelsn's MLain added five moret
qurtrbckfoMIwacNlsn'gaswleft guard.
Slong pass to Pape fell incomplete. Mish made it first d
Wheeler intercepted Nelson's long. Iowa on the Michigan 37-y
pass as the half ended. Joe Gembis through Michigan's right
Third Period After being out of the lineup for tSquier replaced Cragin.
Both teams at the start of the two weeks on account of illness, Glassgow made a yard a
second half were the same as they Gembis returned yesterday and gan's right tackle. Paper
started. Westra kicked off to Sim- gave , Michigan her first score
rall who caught the ball on his 12 against Iowa, a place kick from the 9 iiosil [il6s1 1ltll111
yard line. He returned it to the 27 yard line.
Wolverine 31-yard line. Gembis Michigan's left tackle. _ 1
made six yards through the Iowa Mchi.n'snIdTtIfSuNs0
line. Rich added another through the Michigan 32-yard line. Dahlem too late to ma
center. Simrall punted to Glass went through Iowa's left tackle for ,
gow who caught the ball on his ghtyreservatonsf(
32-yard line. He was tackled oneg yards. Rich gained 10 more r ev i s
the Hawkeye 31-yard marker, through Iowa's right tackle, giv- Turkey Dinn
Mc~in ine tw yads hroghing the Wolverines a first down in!
McLain gained two yards through midfield. Simrall went through = with all the "fixings"
Michigan's left, side. Glassgow Iowa's left tackle for six more.
gained six yards through Michi- Mascrogany replaced Grimm at$
gan's right tackle. Cragin tackled end for Iowa. Before Wednesday N
Glassgowa.from behind after a one- Capt. Rich was injured and took DIAL 9439
yard gain. time out. After a consultation with
McLai punted to Simrall who Chuck Hoyt the Wolverine leader
caught the ball on his 31-yard line. remained in the game. Rich added:!-
He was forced out of bounds after three more through center. Gem--
a return of six yards. Dahem bis plunged through the opposing FAM
rounded Iowa's left end for five right tackle for a first down on =
yards. Rich added five more for the Hawkeye 38-yard line. -
a first down on the Michigan 47- Truskowski was called into the ' iiiaiiitiiniiine iin i
yard line. __________________ __________
Carlson replaced Moore at left
end for Iowa. Gembis plunged
through Iowa's right guard for
three yards. Truskowski's pass was
knocked down by Farroh. The
referee ruled interference on Trus-
kowski's pass to Rich and gave
Michigan a first down on the Iowas
42-yard line, Another pass from /t hs I~
Truskowski to Rich netted eight
Gembis plunged through center ' i
for first down on the Hawkeye 29-s y ou
yard line. Dahlem gained two
yards at Iowa's right tackle. Trus-
kowski was drawn into the back-
field and made six yards through
Iowa's right tackle. Iowa took time
Truskowski plunged through
Iowa's left tackle for a first down
on the Iowa 19-yard line. Gembis
found a hole at the Hawkeye right
tackle for six yards. Rich added
another yard at left guard.
Truskowski faked a buck at the
line and Dahlem took the ball on
"old 83" around Iowa's left end for
a touchdown. Gembis booted the We'll show you th
goal. Score Michigan 10; Iowa 7.
Iowa selected to kick off and equipment for clea
Westra bootedthe ball to Dahlem credit to ogreat ci
who fumbled but recovered. Hecrdtoagetci
was tackled by Farroh on Michi- our plant at any ti.
gan's eight-yard line. -
Simrall punted and Truskowski show you that Mi
downed the ball near the sidelines method in existence
on Iowa's 45-yard line. McLain
gained a yard but was forced out We'll show you that
of bounds. Glassgow was tackled your Slt to look a
by Draveling for a two-yard loss.
Glassgow made four yards through Come in to our pl
Glassgow in the Iowa backfield. 'picked up 2 yards around right end
Bovard broke through and tackled on a double pass. Poe held Pape,
,n yards Pape for a two-yard loss. Truskow- to no gain. Pape circled his own
lost adski threw Pape for another yard left end for 5 before he was tack-
kowski's loss. Pape fumbled a long forward led by Dahlem. Running from
Gebipass from Armil with a clear field punt formation Bunn raced
Gemes for a touchdown. It was fourth around right end for a first down.
tempted down and Michigan took posses- Iowa's ball on her 40 yard line.
ike, and sion of the ball on the Wolverine Haggarty replaced McLain at full-
up the 39-yard lineback. Pape slid off his own tight
. It was Michigan was penalized 15 yards tackle for 4 yards, and then hit
posses- for holding. Gembis hit center for left tackle for a first down on
e. Armil a two yard gain. On the next play Michigan's 45 yard line. Wheeler
ered for Simrall dropped back and punted replaced Rich at quarter for Mich-
zed five to the Iowa 48 yard line and Pape igan.
McLain was thrown in midfield by Pom- Pape was smothered on an at-
for one merening. Pape was stopped by j tempted end run. Iowa made sev-
Pommerening on an attemtped eral substitutions. Nelson threw a
d on a I end run for a yard loss. Simrall long pass that was completed, but
ok time intercepted Nelson's long pass on the receiver was out of bounds
chigan's his own 30 yard line and raced to when he made the catch and the
gn ththe Iowa 33 yard strip before he ball was called back. Wheeler in-
os thewas downed._I
Rich lost a y.-; at right end
a 7. when he stumbled. Bunn replaced
Farroh. T r u s k o w s k i crashed
Michi- through left tackle for 3 yards. FINE
ur yard Rich picked up two at center, and
ght side.I Simrall punted on the next play,;
through the ball rolling over the Hawkcye ! TAILORING
goal line.
own for Iowa took the ball on her own
ard line, 20 yard line. Pape was chased out in all the word lM
tackle. of bounds after an 8 yard gain
around Michigan's right end. On plies can only be
t Michi- the next play Pape made it first
replaced down through right tackle. Bunn ound at
Illtl tllll tl!l 1111111!!1 lt N|!! 11111 i ll i ll 11.1 1 11 B U ' F I E L
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li l1 i11111 '111fHtllllill111111lltlltttiltllllli lt .
tercepted Nelson's next pass on
Michigan's 22 yard mark.
Gembis ploughed through .center
for 3. Dahlem was held to no gain
around his own right end. Sin-
rall kicked to Nelson who was
tackled by Pommerening op the
Iowa 45 yard line. Nelson threw
a long pass to Pape for a 22 yard
gain, but his next effort was
knocked down. With 35 seconds
of the game remaining Nelson at-
tempted a drop-kick from the
Michigan 35 yard line, but the at-
tempt was' short.
The Wolverines took the ball on
the 20 yard strip and Genmbis hit
center for a short gain as the final
gun sounded.
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