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November 25, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-25

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D ,A I L Y

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ALU MN A S PEL5Inlander Includes Many Famous Names
an Its List Of Contributing V
Inlander, campus literary maga-i have contributed to the
TO oine, which is bringing Carl Sand- Lawrence H. Conrad,s
burg, noted American poet, to Ann instructor in rhetoric at
Arbor on December 7 for a lecture,l versity, and who was
has on. its roster of contributors I elected president of the
many famous names. !Author's Association, was
0 N __s contributors has been Robert this magazine during h
Among the most famous of the graduate days at Michiga
"CTOLLEGE TRAINING GIVES Frost, the New England poet, some A resident of Ann Ar
LE ETAINVNG G I of whose verse has appeared in Ruth Bacon Buchanan
PERSPECTIVE TO - this University publication and buted a one-act play to
JOURNALIST who acted as judge of the poetry) issue this fall, which is t
contest held by the Inlander last duced by one of the can
"GET JOB AND HOLD IT" spring. matic organizations. Whe
Another national figure, Stewart Pierce Baker, teacher o
Margaret Sherman, '27, Is Women's Edward White, the California and O'Neill and founder of the
Editor Of Pittsburg former Michigan novelist, was, "47" workshop, read thi
'Post-Gazette' during his undergraduate days at wrote a letter of praise t
Michigan, a member of the editor- thor, offering her an op

I - a - - - - - - - - - - - - -


the Uni-
editor of
is under-
rbor, Mrs.
, contri-
the first
o be pro--
mpus dra-
en Georg-
f Eugene
e Harvard
s play he
o the au-
tic class.
tned more
nces Jen-
utler, '29,
by poems
Verse for!

Choral Club, Dramatic Club,
Couzens Hall Orchestra
Give Joint Program
Members of the Choralc
Dramatic club, and orchestra
Couzens hall presented a j
program recently in the Hall a
torium. The program was op
by two selections by the Ch
club, which has recently been
ganized and is being directe
Miss Thelma Lewis of the fa
of the School of Music. The s
were "Ceribiribin" by Pastalc
and "At the Tea House" by Ma.
Two one-act plays were pres
ed by the Dramatic club. T
were "Lima Beans" and "Wil
The Wisp." The Dramatic club
organized in September, its ac
ties being the reading, study,
production of plays. Georgiaf
ler, '30, coached the two playsl
sented at the program.-
Between the plays a string q
tette chosen from the member
the orchestra played "Andante
Tschaikowski and "F a mc
Waltz" by Brahms.

The last game of the season has Friday evening. Decorations were
drawn many guests to the sorori- yellow mums and tapers.
ties this weekend. Mrs. Preston James, Mrs. F. H.
Chi Omega entertained yester- Croft, Mrs. Thomas Diamond, and
And day Mrs. J. A. Cochran of Detroit, Mrs. Upham, patronesses of Phi
Miss Lois Blakely of Grand Rapids, Gamma Mu were entertained for
Miss Elizabeth Young of Albion, dnner by the chapter Tuesday
and Miss Leora Jarecki of Grand night.
As Rapids. Mrs. Edith Auch was a Sigma Kapa announces the
visitor of Chi Omega last weekend. pledging of tmily Seymour, '30, of
Two guests of the Ohio State Sault St. Marie, Canada.
club, Rho chapter are being entertained Pi Beta Phi gave a faculty din-
a of by Phi Sigma Sigma this weekend. ner Thursday. The guests were
joint Mrs. Anna Ellingham of the Dr. Harvey A. Haines and Mrs.
udi- Kappa Delta house entertained Haines, Dean Wilbur R. Humph-
ened Miss Alice Fox of Grand Rapids, reys, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.
horal and Miss Anne Mitchell of Ann Riggs.Ahd
Sor- Arbor at dinner Wednesday eve- Zeta Tau Alpha entertained Dr.
u by ning. The sorority will have eleven James H. Hodges and Dr. Clare E.
cults guests this weekend. Griffin and Mrs. Griffin at dinner
>ongs guIstisweed on Thursday.
ong Alpha Chi Omega entertained o hrdy
ozza, M J Bha Chiago, Kappa Alpha Theta gave a for-
rker. Mrs. John Burnham of Chicago, mal dinner for some members of
aent- Citv this week. A buffet luncheon the faculty last Wednesday. Among

"The wdman graduate of jour-
nalism possesses something that
many newspaper men old in their
work never have had and never
will-that is perspective." Such
was the main point of the speech
delivered to the Michigan Press
convention last Friday morning by
Miss Margaret Sherman, woman's
editor of the Pittsburgh "Post-
Gazette" and graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan school of jour-
nialism, class of '27.
Miss Sherman attempted to
Dhow that the graduate of a jour-
nalistic school has a much wider
comprehension of all the various
departments of a newspaper than
the man or woman who enters the
profession without previous train-
Ing. Referring todthe woman in
jounalism, she said, "She reali?'
$he is but a part of a great organ-
ization, and that the other depart-
inents are just as important or as
indispensable as her own. Because
of this widened vision she is more
apt to recognize opportunity no
matter where it comes. Armed
with a theoretical knowledge of
every phase of newspaper work,
;he is not a wandering babe in the
Noods-no matter what depart-
ient she finds herself in."
"Even the college graduate who
:as not studied journalism is in a
better position to work on a news-
paper than the woman entirely
without college training," says
Miss Sherman. "She has a back-
-round of culture which will be
invaluable to her. If she has en-
gaged in extra-curricular activities
while in college, so much the bet-
ter. They will give her an indis-
pensable poise.
"The woman applying for a
newspaper job needs both intelli-
gence and persistence," declared
bMiss $herman "After she gets her
job, comes the task of holding it,
and this can be done only by hard
work. A woman journalist has
,n excellent chance to make her
4wn job, for there is little estab-
lished precedent. But she must
,ork. Persistence helps, enthusi-
psm lightens, willingness wins ap-
yroval, but without hard work, s(
has the marks of a genial but
scarcely extraordinary newspaper
The day is gone when women in
ournalism had to confine them-
pelves solely to "sob stories." "The
!eeling that women couldn't
handle big jobs was universal.
There was no more unfair, because
undiscriminating, assumption," as-
terted Miss Sherman. "However,"
she continued, "in the past ten or
fifteen years, men employers have
been giving women their chance,
and, more important, women have
been making good."
Moreover, Miss Sherman thinks
that men editors are inclined to be
generous with women reporters.
She says that they think twice be-
fore sending women on many of
the stories that men are ordered
to cover. They are not relegated
to "pavement pounding," at the
same time that they are usually
4tarted at higher salaries than
their cub brothers. This last fea-
ture does not long continue, how-
ever, according to Miss Sherman.
the says, "Women may get away
with murder, but they don't, even
yet, get away with anything like
*n even break in pay-checks. As
a friend of ours phrased it with
bitter wit, 'Women get equal pay
for more and better work'." But
the day is coming, she believes,
when women journalists '411 bo
appreciated, and paid accordingly.
"Until that time," Miss Sherman
concluded, "you will find that the
women who do the work on news-
papers are doing so because they
love it, because they would never
be happy working at anything

ial staff of the Inlander. In a re- to come into his drama
cent letter to the editor of the Two undergraduate cot
magazine, he stated that he felt who have already attai:
he had received his literary start 1 than local fame, are Fra
on this campus publication. nings, '29, and Louisa B
The names of Mrs. Clarence Lit- who are to be presented
tle, Robert M. Wenley, professor of'in William Stanley Bra
philosophy at the University of Anthology of Magazine
Chicago, appear among those whi-j 1929.

"Philosophy tends to humanize on life and he is not confined to
a person," said John Kuiper of the the consideration of any one small
department, of philosophy, "and field of learning as is the scientist
does not, as most people think who necessarily must specialize in
tend to isolate an individual from one branch of knowledge. The
others of his group. man who studies philosophy, how-
"Factual knowledge for itself ever," Mr. Kuiper continued, "is
alone is not one of its chief aims usually interested in the relation
but rather the determination of of his own subject to science, art,
the value of worth of those facts," or poetry and therefore automa-
Mr. Kuiper stated. "Thus the tically widens the scope of his
philosopher has a broad outlook' knowledge.
1 "Of coursebynphilosophy, I do
IWIP Shot mean just one branch of the
study but rather a broad general
term including logic, aesthetics,
metaphysics and other related
subjects," Mr. Kuiper explained.
The person who, because he has
included ahfew courses in philo-,
For highest honors in." scholar- sophy in his curriculum, thinks
ship attainedtin the second semes- that he is necessarily a philoso-
ter of the academic year 1927-28, pher is far astray, according toI
William J. Watkins, SofM '29, wasI Mr. Kuiper, for our greatest philo-
awarded last Monday evening, the sophers, Aristotle, Plato, Kant, did
scholarship cup granted semi-an-Inot achieve their greatness by su-'
nually by the Symphonic League, perficial study but by the most
an organization of School of Mu- profound thought and concentra-
sic Women students. The occa- tion.
sion for the presentation of this "Philosophy, as a means of men-
cup was a supper served to the tal discipline is also helpful to the
members of the faculty and the average person," Mr. Kuiper said,
student body of the school by the "for through such studies as logic
Symphonic League, at which near- whose natureis precise and clear,
ly 100 persons were present. the mind is sharpened and the in-
Watkins is .a candidate, for the .tellect made more alert."
degree of Bachelor of. Music in When asked how he accounted
Education, and is preparing him- for the fact that no women have
self to become a teacher of Instru- been noted among the really great
mental Music and a conductor of philosophers of history, Mr. Kuiper
orchestras and bands in the high laughed and said that perhaps it
schools and colleges of the coun- was because women'srinterests haa
try. This is the first time that always been so far removed from
male student of the School of Mu- such subjects in the past that they
sic has ever won highest honors in had not been given a chance to
scholarship. really philosophize a great deal.
"However," Mr. Kuiper said in
else, no matter how much the conclusion, "with the entrance of
money involved. Pay envelopes so many women into all fields aid
sink into insignificance in the full, professions, who knows but that
rich, thrilling life of - the alert our next great philosopher will be
newspaper woman." a woman."I

l 'O
rs of
" by
o us

SCora Opines
My dear, I'm positively so
thrilled about going to the Pan-
Hellenic ball that I can hardly
wait, I mean I actually am. I think
it's going to be just tor exciting
for words. And do you know, I
never could understand why the
men on this campus aren't more
appreciative of the honor it is for
them to be invited. Brit then menI
are difficult to understand any-
way. You can't tell me that a wo-
man is more of a puzzle than a
man, at least than a good many
And, my dear, when I heard
about the decorations for the ball,
I was more thrilled than ever. I
think they are going to be posi-
tively gorgeous. There's going to
be Spanish moss dripping around
from places and there's going to
be an orchestra pit, and there's go-
ing to be a booth all decorated up
for the chaperones, and every-
thing. Oh, yes, and on the panels
of the ballroom, there ar going
to be prefectly huge yellow mums
with maple leaves, and that will be
beautiful, too, don't you thing so?
Actually,my dear, I thing it will
be too romantic, what with all that
moss, and the colored lights they
are going to suspend from the
balcony, and the spot light, dances
and everything. I really think the
atmosphere wil be inspiring. Men
do look handsome in "tuxes," you
know, and there will be some
dreams of gowns there too, of
course, and all in all, it ought to
be quite the scene of gayety.
Subscribe for the Michiganensian
now. It costs only $4.00.
f .:...... ......... - ....-------------

j ly il W C . . IU1 t ~~i1~~
was served at the chapter house the guests were Prof. Robert Wen-
yesterday for the guests. ley and Mrs. Wenley, Dr. M. T. Til-
Alpha Phi gave a faculty dinner ley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beale, and
Thursday. Among the guests were Mrs. Frayer.
Dean Effinger and Mrs. EffingerI Mrs. John Lawrence and Mrs.
Ruth Effinger, Professor Irving D. Woodbrige, two patronnesses of
Scott and Mrs. Scott, Prof. Arthur Kappa Alpha Theta, are being en-
Cross and Mrs. Scott, Prof. Arthur tertained for dinner today at the
tapers and a centerpiece were chapter house.
used as table decoratioons. Delta Gamma had a faculty din-
Alpha Phi gave a pledge formal ner Wednesday in honor of Prof.
Friday, chaperoned by Mr. and Aubrey Tealdi and Mrs. Tealdi,
Mrs. Percy Dunsworth and Dr. Prof. James M. O'Neill and Mrs.
Harley A. Haines and Mrs. Haines. 1O'Neill, Prof. Arthur Cross, Mr.
The house was decorated with Robert Carson, Prof. J. A. C. Hild-
bronze tapers and bronze and yel- ner and Mrs. Hildner, and Mr.and
low mums. Mrs. Anton Napoli
Guests of Alpha Phi at a tea Nancy Bassett and Mary Dun-
given after the game yesterday nitan, both of Detroit, are guests
were Evelyn Jordan of Sandwich, of Delta Zeta this weekend.
' OtaioBetyCampbell of Gouch- Mrs. Carl Borland of Chicago, a
Ontario, Betty a mbey of Glint- national officer of Gamma Phi
er College, Jane Trembley of Flint, Beta, was the guest of the chapter
Helen IMorrill of Grand Rapids. this week from Sunday to Wednes-
Kappa Phi gave a tea Tuesday day. A dinner was given for her
afternoon in Wesley Hall. The
guests of honor were the pat-
ronesses, Mrs. Junious Beal, Mrs. The Styles
Horatio Abbott, and Mrs. J. J.
Alpha Xi Delta announces theWhen You
pledging of Marion McDonald, '30,hn
of Detroit.
At dinner last Sunday, Alpha Xi THANKSGIV]
Delta entertained Prof. Albert
Crittenden, Mrs. Crittenden, and ON DI
Faith Crittenden, and Prof.
Franklin Shull, Mrs. Shull, and
Elizabeth Shull. Monday, Tuesdaj
Couzens Hall is to be the scene
of an informal Thanksgivinga G
dance Tuesday night, Nov. 27. ates oves
About 75 couples are expected to
be present, and the resident facul-
ty of the School of Nursing will!
act as chaperones.
Alpha Omicron Pi entertained
the Ann Arbor alumnae at dinner

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