"" " SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25; 1928
... .
n _,
Published every morning except Monday
juring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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Editor ........................Paul J. Kern
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News&ditor.... .........Richard C. Kurvink
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Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
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Marie Welstead
Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE
What a team it was! And what a
game! The Michigan team defeat-
ed the Iowa team yesterday may
welfl be called the most courageous
team that ever represented the
University. Standing in the ashes
of defeat in the middle of the sea-
son, the team fought on, and ended
with three victories and one tie
game. Not bad for a team that
was supposed to be the laughing
stock of the Middle West four
weeks ago!
Other teams may have fought
harder in a single game, but never
has a Varsity had such an uphill
fight as the 1928 Varsity during its
season. 'The season opened with a
loss to a team that had received
little consideration as a winner,
Ohio Wesleyan. Wesleyan well de-
served the 17 to 7 victory it won
however, and Michigan was clearly
outplayed. Indiana won another
hard-fought game, 6 to 0. Ohio
State triumphed 19 to 7 on its
home field in another game which
the winner clearly deserved. Wis-
consin, an outstanding title con-
tender came from behind in the
last two minutes to score a win 7
to 0, after Michigan had carried
the battle to her.
But there the losses ended, and
Michigan's fighting Varsity began
to appear as, a true Michigan team.
Illinois, champion of the Confer-
ence, confident, bold, and over-
bearing, fell 3 to 0, before a team
that fought to win and did. Navy
scored early only to have the Var-
sity come back and tie them 6 to 6.
Michigan State fell 3 to 0, with the
Varsity using less than five plays,
it is said.
And then: Michigan 10, Iowa 7.
That Michigan team was behind
7 to 0, then 7 to 3. It finished
ahead 10 to 7 by one of the greatest
exhibitions of fight and drive ever
witnessed on a field. It deserved
to win. It won, and made the
season a success.
Each one of the teams that
Michigan played was one of the
best that school ever had. There
can be no denial of that. Yet while
critics were saying, "Michigan is
having the poorest season it ever
had, with a very poor team on the
field," Michigan went through the
season as noted. It leaves little"
doubt that the University of Michi-
gan still holds an unrivalled npiae I
would have refused support after
four defeats. But the Michigan
students never once backed out.
Pessimistic post-mortems were
held of each game, but the next
week-end found the students in
full force behind the team. A
team can be no larger than the
school behind it, and a great share
of Michigan success may be traced
to this source.
There is one more attribute, and
this is the guiding and leading
genii: the coaching staff. Earlier
in the season, misunderstanding
arose among the staff and also on
the outside. This however was
soon traced down, proved false, and
peace and harmony, restored be-
tween the staff and the public. To
have defeat laid at your door by
several hundred-thousand football
fans is no easy place, and this was
a place where the staff stood. But
they took it like men, and now
have left little doubt in anyone's
mind that the Michigan staff is as
capable and as intelligent as any
in existence now.
Students, team, and coaches
have had to stand many laughs
and jibes hurled in their direction
this season. But now they may
laugh last, and it is always the
most enjoyable position.
It is a team of which no Michi-
gan man may ever feel ashamed.
Alumni and other University sup-
porters may always point with
pride to the 1928 Varsity: the
hardest-fighting team ever on a
George Rich
Otto Pommerening
Raymond Cragin
Marshall Boden
William Dansby
Ray Parker
Ernest McCoy
Robert Williams
Louis Kubicek
John Totzke
Dallas Whittle
These are the men who ended
their careers on the Michigan foot-
ball squad, yesterday. Some of
them were first-string men, others
were not. Four saw service yes-
terday, while others played a part
of the season. But no matter what
they did, how much they played,
they will always have the honor of
representing Michigan and of be-
ing parts of one of the greatest
teams Michigan ever had.
These men, with all the others,
have labored as hard as any others
to give Michigan a team of which
it could be proud. Can a better
reason be given why these men
should not receive the thanks and
plaudits of the University? We
think not.
The recent announcement of a
Play Writing contest sponsored by
the Division of English has im-
mediately an important double
significance, aside from any con-
sideration of the details of the
First of all, it means that per-
sons connected with the theater
and its allied arts have realized
the necessity for action. They
have found that mere discussion of
the faults of a situation is not suf-
ficient to bring about better con-
ditions. Moreover, they have ac-
tually taken a forward step.
Secondly, co-operation between
representatives of the different
factors which combine in writing
and producing plays, constituted in
the University by the speech,
rhetoric, and English departments,
has been the starting point for the
entire movement. Under their
combined name, the "Division of
English" these departments have
appreciated the importance of the
work at hand.
As to the contest itself, it pro-
vides a good opportunity for am.
bitious writers to receive helpful
criticism from trained persons and
to have a chance that their playsi
may be produced for public show.
At least the whole thing repre-
sents a beginning. But it is only
the starting point and many other
important developments concern-
ing a new theater, perhaps a Uni-
versity theater, co-operation be-
tween the different theatrical in-
terests on the campus, and a gen-
eral change of the entire situation
as it stands now should be a vital
consideration for the "powers that!
be" to settle.
President Little forgot to remind
the underclassmen in the Daily
Official Bulletin that they weren't
obliged to attend classes yesterday
morning, whereupon 100 instruc-
tors gave 2,000 students holts
There's something about Mr.
Milne's whimsicality that makes
one folloW these stories of Christo-
pher Robin and Pooh to the very
end, enjoying bits, marking out
parts to remember, and putting
the book in a convenient place for
frequent reference in the last hour
before going to bed, or on cold win-
ter nights before a blazing, log.
One sincerely regrets (although the
suspicion of it has been in the
offing) that with the newest vol-
ume, "The House at Pooh Corner,"*
Pooh takes his final bow and leaves
the stage dark, that is, as far as
further adventures go. For Chris-
topher Robin and Rabbit and Pooh
are growing up.
We'd give anything to have the
sense of humor that Mr. Milne has
so ably reflected in all of his works.
But the next best thing to having
the sense of humor is enjoying it-
and so we read Milne again and
again. There's something inde-
fatigable in the burbling and some-
thing incessantly changing in the
novel conceptions. There's certain
charm that fastens itself to the
characters and to the action-and
the charm is heightened by the lit-
tle variations. This little poem that
appears in "The House At Pooh
Corners" gives one an idea of the
kind of thing with which Mr. Mi-
lne's books abound:
The more it snows
(Tiddely pom),
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom),
The more it goes
(Tiddely pom),
On snowing.
And nobody knows
(Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes
(Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes
(Tiddely pom),
Are growing.
That kind of thing is delightful
and one finds it in all of Mr. Milne.
This book so excellently follows in
the path of the three which have
preceded in the Christopher Robin
series that one wishes the Milne
could go on and on doing this sort
of thing.
Some people will be heard sneer-
ing at Mr. Milne as the man who
attempt's to write children's verse
andhfailsbecause he becomes
sophisticated. But therein lies the
charm of the man. He's not writ-
ing children's verse at all. He's
simply writing about children and
from the child's standpoint. And
when we read it and chuckle at it,
and enjoy it, it's because we still
have deep down inside that whim-
sical and naive approach to life
which Christopher Robin and
Pooh so completely illustrated.
And so with this book Pooh and
Christopher Robin roam off to the
edge of the world and disappear.
But the immortal fun, and the
charming conceptions will never
disappear. If you're the kind of
a person who would like to be
grown-up (and if you are you're
very funny and important-like-to
yourself) then don't try Milne. He'll
only give you a very strong pain
in the neck. If, on the other hand,
you are possessed with a liking for
things that are charming, and
whimsical-well, if you're that kind
of a person you've found Mr. Milne
already and you're liking him no
end. He's really great fun.
*13y A. A. Milne. E. P. Dutton and Co.
New York. $.oo.
* * *
John Masefield is best known to
our campus, one might say, for
"The Dauber" and "Everlasting
Mercy." And this not so much byI
choice as by the fact that these
fall in the course known as Lit. 31
and are pounded and explained,
and drilled until the student knows
them if he knows nothing else in
the world.
Strangely enough after reading
"Midsummer Night,"* the latest
Masefield collection, one has the
impression that the two poems
that are taught in the English lit-
erature courses more properly ex-
press Mr. Masefield's abilities as a
poet than this volume. In "Mid-
summer Night" Masefield has gone
to some of the more obscure Ar-
thurian legends for his inspiration,
and one feels that he has gotten a
little beyond himself-that he has
strained the poetic muse and she
has betrayed him.
The themes which he has select-
ed in this volume sem tn sit theI
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Lenses and Frames made
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fancy and whim. When he is do- Optical Prescriptions
ing the Arthurian legends he is Filled
hampered by a certain amount of;
history and by a story which was HALLERS
provided for him before he started State St. Jewelers
to write.1l
The one thing that these themesI
do for him is to give him free play
of the descriptive genius which has! Want Ads Pay
been inherent in all his works. The
broad canvases give him the room
for his highly colored and highly
effective pictures, and his charac- Get Acquainted With
ters do stand out after he has
managed to give them th little lt c Schaeberle & Son
that they possess. FHm this MHGUSE
standpoint the work is, 5 'MUIH S
and well worth studying. Bu L ne For Everything in Musical
wishes that he had s4y n h Instruments and Supplies
field. This bok iN, 1 ma Radiola and Atwater-Kent
spects, verydippnmgado
New Yo. 110 So. Main St.
Don C. Seitz,' .
journalistic, has turned 'imse t
last to a consideration o "Th e
James Gordon Bennetts."- It had
to come-Seitz had worked thro hi
Pulitzer. Greeley and the rest of
the men and the Bennetts could
never be disregarded. But one
could not know that Seitz wouldI
make such an excellent study out
of the lives of the men who chang-
ed the whole trend of journalism
in the world and gave it the turn
that today is distinguished by the
name "yellow journalism."k
The founding and the progress
of the New York Herald is one of
the most fascinating stories that
are to be found in American life.
For Bennett the elder was a man
of strange personality and unusual1
vigor who sensed the importancef
of the "man in the street" almost
before that man had any import-
ance, and who helped to raise him
to his present dubiously important
place in national thought and feel-
ing. He was the first to expound
the theory of giving the public'
what it wanted-and of then tell-
ing it what it should want.
Bennett the younger followed
ably in the same path and the his-
tory of the Herald and its import-
ance to the life and the journalism
of today makes a very impressive
and interesting tale. Seitz is at
his best when he has a subject of
this kind to work with, and he
gives not only an authentic his-
tory of the men and the paper, but
he invests this history with the
power and the interest of very good
and colorful writing.
*By Ion C. Seitz. Bobbs-Aterrill Co. in-
dianapolis. $5.00.
Last year an artist named John
Vassos illustrated a special edition
of Oscar Wilde's "Salome." Some-
how the illustrations failed to get
by with discriminating people-
they had too much of the hizarre
and the exotic in them, and Instead
of amplifying the t ext. les ilustra-
tions most properly shoould do, the
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went off aslant into niew elds an
were rather the pl1 und; o Vh
artist than intr -ipas -
text. But many rtistic s
nodded heir heads and, sJd "W',il
keep our eyes on Mr. s
John Vassos want ight un-h-je
played with the medinum which ex-
pressed his ideas. And now we
have the book which best expresses
Vassos as the artist in black and
white-"The Ballad of Reading
Gaol,"* again by Oscar Wilde.
The illustrations are some of the
most perfect things that have come
this way in a very, very long time.
They have smooth, pleasing effects
in black and white, and the single
impression that one gets from
studying these drawings is that
here is a man who knows his lights
and shadows and who can use
them for the very highest effect.
But it is not alone with blacks
and whites that the effect is
achieved, but also with an idea.
The conceptions flit; rapidly from
cubism to the highly imaginative
and effective impressionism, and
sometimes one even has angles and
curves worked in pleasingly in the
same picture.
"The Ballad of Reading Gaol"
lends itself perfectly to illustration
of the kind in which Vassos excels.
It enables the artist to create with
his drawings the feelingof restraint
and a narrow world with limited
ideas which is inherent in the idea
of orisons and prison life. The!
story even has it that Vassos spent
much of his time for the past
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