U U U -~----.------.---------------------------------- _______________________________
Published every morning except Monday1
$uring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.-
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
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Editor.... .... ...........Paul J. Kern
City Editor... ........Nelson J. Smith
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink]
poits Editor...............Morris Quinn
Women's Editor .... ......Sylvia S. Stone'
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker1
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
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onald J. Klin George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
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Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
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Telephone 21214
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Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
(spr-e Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes hlerwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley
The late Dean Alfred H. Lloyd
once called Prof. Alexander Ziwet
"one of the most helpful men in
the University." Professor Ziwet's
death last Sunday at the age of 75
closed an eventfu and brilliant
life for one of the greatest scholars
and faculty members the Univer-
sity has ever had, and has been
mourned by the University at
Professor Ziwet came to the Uni-
versity in 1888, and became a pro-
fessor in 1904. Due to his impor-
tant publications in this field, he
soon became recognized as one of
the greatest mathematicians of the
day. Besides these accomplish-
ments, he was an expert in the-
oretical mechanics and in linguis-
tics. Someone has paid him a trib-
ute by saying he was one of 12
men who understood the Einstein
His career in the University was
one of highs scholarship, lasting
endeavor, and stimulating influ-
ence. While he retired with honorf
in 1925, he is still regarded as one
of Michigan's greatest faculty men
and his loss is mourned in school
and in the world outside.
If one is to believe the scream-
ing headlines of yesterday morn-
ing's Washtenaw Tribune, public
sentiment among the citizenry of
Ann Arbor is crystallized in open
opposition to the University and
the dormitory system proposed by
President Little, plans are being
made for court action to restrain
University officials who may seek
to carry out the plan, and a can-
vas of the city will be taken to
raise funds to retain one or more
attorneys for the city.:
An attempt will be made, ac-
cording to the Tribune, to test the
legality of the recent move made
by the Board of Regents providing
for the building of the first unit of,
women's dormitories through an
agreement with an outside finance
company. Lawyers will be/ em-
ployed and the case will be fought!
through to the State Supreme
court. This step is being taken1
largely, it is claimed, because of
the encouragement given a com-
mittee of Ann Arbor householders
by Governor Green when it sub-
mitted to him a petition protesting
times undesireable room furnished.
It is likewise true that there have
ben numerous insances of courtes-
ies and assistance rendered by Ann
Arbor house holders.
While it is true that the fur-.
nishing and renting of rooms is
purely a business proposition and
one that has entailed some invest-
ment, it does not necessarily follow
that the residents of the city as a
whole are about to rise in indigna-
tion against the University. It is
true that some Ann Arbor resi-
dents have seemingly come to look
upon the University and its stu-
dent body as an object for exclu-
sively local exploitation.
A fairer viewpoint, however, and
one which is much more apt to
represent the sentiments of the
city as a whole, recognizes that the
presence of the University in Ann
Arbor has been of a great deal of
benefit to the city and its resi-
dents. The same viewpoint will)
also recognize the importance of
the University being able to at-
tain those ends which it believes
will be of greatest benefit to its
student body.
That the citizens of Ann Arbor
have an interest in the proposed
dormitories cannot be denied.
That the University has interests
which must be recognized and fur-
thered must also be understood.
In the face of these circumstances,
it must be realized that some body
must have the determination of
what is best for the University.
That power lies with a Board of
Regents which has generally
proved itself a wise and capable
body. In the light of previous events,
it would seem most unfortunate
and regrettable if the attitude of
the householders of Ann Arbor is
that indicated by the Washtenaw
Tribune. Certainly there can be
little doubt but that the Board of
Regents is as fully authorized to
provide dormitories for the Uni-
versity student body as it has been
to accomplish other needed ends.
o ol
1 About Books
0 0
One is startled, in the first place,
at the power which lies behind
this book. For Jean De Bosschere,
in "Marthe and the Madman"* has'
done that thing which so many
authors strive after and so few
attain-he has invested the tale
that is told with atmosphere, and
with feeling, and with a power
that makes the tragedy stalk
through the action without seem-
ing to stalk.
The power of cumulative effect
is so strong in this book that the
simplest questions from the char-
acters become the symbols for that
tragic irony which profoundly af-
fects the mind of the reader;
simple incidents invest themselves
with a significance that a less
powerful writer might have wasted
thousands of words in trying to
achieve; and the whole story be-
comes an enormous enigmatical
tragedy of existence which weaves
itself to an end which is thorough-
ly tragic and yet complete.
The story concerns the beauti-
ful Marthe whose single blemish
is a hare-lip. This separation from
life of the normal forces her into
the vicarious andthe eclectic, and
she is thoughtful andt smart be-
yond her years. And then she be-
comes conscious of sex and of the
demands that the sex life makes
upon a person. When she says to
her brother, "Pierre, can there be
any love without kissing on the
mouth?" you'll get some of the
profoundest and swiftestemoving
tragedy that you have ever ex-
periencei, n any writing. De Bos-
schere has power and the grip of
words-and he has a fascinating
tale to tell. What the rest of it
is, we'll leave for you when you get
the book.
This book is as moving and as
perfectly told as anything that we
have seen in a long, long time. It's
theme is something different,
something new. And the author
uses it to the very best advantage.
For the perfect combination of
stark tragedy and a fascinating
tale this work rings the bell-and
you'll want to read it at a single
sitting when you start on it.
One might wish, perhaps, that
the author had not been so realis-
tic in the opening chanters and in
o o
Music And Drama
o o1
A review by Paul L. Adams !
Last evening, the guests at Playt
Production's private laboratory
presentation probably went away
wondering just what Maeterlinck's
"The Intruder" was all about un-
less they were fortunate enough to
know the elaborate symbolism and
fatalism which underlies the
things which Maeterlinck writes.E
Certainly, his play is not the sort
to leave an audience wildly en-
thusiastic, and considering that!
fact, Play Production did an ex-
quisite bit of presentation.
Both the setting and the work
of the actors carried out in a sus-
tained fashion the inevitable ap-'
proach of death, and the sombre:
tone of tragedy which the play is
supposed to give. Play production,
is to be further commended in their
attempt to give the play at least
some atmosphere of naturalness'
and realism-a difficult thing to!
do with a Maeterlinck drama sur-
charged with inane repetitions and
unnatural conversation used for.
the purpose of a single mood.
Truesdale Mayers gave the finest
performance of the whole evening
as the grandfather. It was pro-
fessional in its finish. The rest
of the cast did well with the ex-
ception of the voice of the servants
from off-stage, played by Eliza-
beth DeVol which was horribly{
wooden and melodramatic. In one1
or two places, the lines of the ac-
tors might be better prepared.
W. S. Gilbert's farce, "Tom Cobb"
was an interesting revival of a
comparatively old play filled with
a none too subtle humor. The,
actors, at times, rose to fairly good |
burlesque, but were not as success-
ful as the performers in the one-
act play.
Charles Holden, as Colonel
O'Fipp had an Irish accent which
one of the audience described as
a "beautiful Irish, German, Yan-
kee combination," Neither Ton
Cobb, played by Richard Holden,
or Whipple, played by Joe B. Smith
to eliminate these things and give
the fundamental nature of jazz a
higher and richer expression.
His work is but the start, but, it
is a start of which America should'
be proud of because it is in the way
of development of our originality
toward something better which one
day may be as classical as the
works of Strauss or Verdi are now.
P. L.A.
Paul Whiteman
Hill Auditorium
Tuesday, Nov. 27
Get records of
his unparalleled
performances on
Columbia N e w
Process Records
Music Shop
305 Maynard St.
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to The Michigan Daily
Moral forces in Detroit are at
present waging a bitter war
against a good sport and a mild
vice that is, they would have us
believe, undermining the youth of
the city to an appalling degree.
The evil specifically combatted is'
the slot-machine, wherein high
school tots have been gambling
nickels against a penny package
a of mints and a one to four chance
of winning more nickles.
In the meantime members of the
police force are busy dropping
nickels in the machines, trying to
prove that they are gambling de-
vices, seizing those machines that
carelessly pay nickels instead of
slugs when the wheels stop on a
paying combination, and belabor-
ing the proprietors who exchange
the slugs for merchandise. Like-
wise the calendar of Harry J.
Dingeman's court is clogged with
injunction proceedings brought by
the distributor of the machines to
prevent police interference with
their operation.
And while the forces of law and
order are thus actively combatting
the infant gambler of nickels, the
infant is still allowed to gamble
his life on the streets, to gamble
his future in blind pigs which open
up as fast as they are closed, and
to gamble his moral character in
a city notorious for its crime.
It would, seem that there has
been a slight misdirection of
emphasis in concentrating on the
mildly vicious slot-machines.
With the Mississippi again over-
flowing its levees, seventeen known
dead, and ten million dollars
worth of property loss, faint
echoes seem to ring in our ears of
past Republican platforms: those
of 1920 and 1924, to be specific,
where the grand old party prom-
ised a broad and comprehensive
development of the nation's wa-
terways with reference to flood
control of the Mississippi and its
The Congressional Record for
the years since 1920 until the pres-
ent reveals just one bill affecting
the nation's waterways. That bill,
passed a year ago last spring, re-
leased $15,000,000 to assist in giv-
ing relief to sufferers from the dis-
astrous Mississippi flood of that
year. Perhaps the economy pro-
gram of the administration way-
laid further appropriations for
waterways, but it might be well if
some one would whisper soon to
the leaders of the Republican leg-
islative caucus the time-proved
adage that an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure.
The country is fortunate in hav-
ing just elected to the presidency
the man who organized the flood,
relief last year, and knows .the
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were especially noteworthy. The
remainder of the cast were little
more than mouthpieces for the
words of the play.
It is to be regretted that both
the plays given last evening have
definite limitations, for Play Pro-
it cplf ac
has already established
. sidrld enlu alive and im-
the relation of events between portant factor in campus drama-
Pierre and his mistress, Antoinette. tics.
But these parts are never objec- * *
tionable-and they even add a lit- AMERICAN MUSIC
tle spice, if good writing and a Next Tuesday evening, Paul
good story won't satisfy you. You Whiteman, foremost interpreter of
see, this book appeals to every- American music will give a concert
one. And it is good reading. in Hill auditorium, at which time,
*by Jean De Bossehere. Covici, Friede. New it has been- unofficially announced,
York. $3.00.
* * * he will play "Metropolis," by Ferdie
A BOOK OF PLAYS Grofe, and "Concerto in F," by
THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE George Gershwin, as well as sev-
ThA lates Jhn Gawory eral of his own arrangements of!
volume, "Plays"* is one of those popular dance hits.j
volumes"ayu"*whichaneviewehrs Although many critics have I
volumes about which a reviewer taken a skeptical attitude toward
can properly grow enthusiastic, jazz and often with altogether too
and, stepping out of the insinuat- muzhjustiftnitanth e
ing ole so uualy plyedmuch justification, it cannot be
ing role so usually playeddnedha upt th prst
shake his finger in the face of the denied that up to the present
readr (iguatiely yo uner-time, it is the only original con-
reader (figuratively, you under-tribution which America has made
stand) and say in accents sharp to music, and that Paul Whiteman
and sure, "This is a book that has done a great pioneering work
should be in your library!' in taking jazz out of tin pan alley,
To hash over the accomplish- and, while retaining its originality,
ments of John Galsworthy in this life, melody, and fire, reduced to
column would be sheer nonsense. some extent at least the horrible
For if you have read him there is monotony, noise, and discord which
little that could be here set down belonged to its earlier days.
that would satisfy, you. If you For an art to truly live and'
haven't read him-well, we don't grow, it must have the public re-
see that there is much hope for gard; and today nothing is more
you at present. You'll come to popular in the field of music than
him sometime. But oneY never jazz, not only in this country, but
finds an author like Galsworthy all over the world. It has out run
early enough. More's the pity. all other forms of music for popu-
This excellent and exceedingly lar favor, and it is a relief to see
cheap book contains all of the some one like Mr. Whiteman in-
plays that have come from his pen terested not only in satisfying the
to date. In the volume there are demands of people, but in going
nineteen full length plays, and six beyond them in the form which
of what he pleases to call short they desire, and attempting to
plays. create and adapt it to an expres-
In them one finds many influ- sign of something higher than the
ences which have been powerful foxtrot.
in the theater, and finds besides In interpreting this expression
excellent stories. For no matter of America through the jazz sym-
what crimes Galsworthy may com- phony, Mr. Whiteman has taken
mit in his conceptions of art and the first step in this direction. It
art forms, he is at least never dull, remains to be seen if some genius
He may have social views which will adapt the newness and origin-
color his plays, he may write them ality of jazz to even higher forms
with a touch of irony that is meant such as the opera.
to be good for the soul, he may It may sound audacious to pre-
play with types-but the stories dict such a future for jazz which'
are fascinating, and they move! has been accused of being sensu-
If you don't know Galsworthy ous, primitive and other things
already this is your chance to sometimes as unconsciously com-
make his acquaintance Start plimentary and sometimes not.
with this book and work backward, Critics making such comments
building up for yourself a library should remember that the greatest
of the things that he has written. works of the classic masters have
Not only will you be storing up'been expressions of passionate
many, many pleasant hours for emotion and the primitive but
ou,,,. hiv un,',1 ' n mw fundamental parts of human ex-
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