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November 21, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-21

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C I Lb


"When we were considering the
plans for the construction of the
new Women's Athletic building, we
insisted on including a room to be,
devoted exclusively to bowling, and
we stipulated expressly that it
should have enough- good bowling,

Booths To Represent
Nations; Colors Of1
Will Be Used


Decorations for the League and
Inter-Church Bazaar are to be in-
ternational in character, Hilda
Mary Evans, '29, general chairms'n,
announced yesterday. Each booth
will represent a different country
and will sell things appropriate to
that country. The color scheme
wilk include all the colors found in
the flags of the various nations.
Streamers' of these colors will hang
from the ceiling, and the walls will
be covered with silver crepe paper,
on which will also be some of these
colored streamers.
Irene Drueke, '29, president of
, Alpha Gamma Gamma, is chair-
man of the decoration committee.
Some member of this sorority,
which until this summer when it
went national as T-Square, has al-
ways been in charge of the deco-
rations. Alpha Gamma Gamma is
a national professional honorary
sorority for architects, landscape
designers, interior decorators, and
other interested in similar work.
In carrying out the international
motif, each booth will have the
flag of the country which it rep-
resents above it, and there will be
a doll dressed in native costume on
the table. Some of the countries
represented and the articles offer-
ed for sale in the booths are Hol-
land, selling household goods;
Germany, toys; France, lingerie;
Czecho-Slovakia, scarfs; Turkey,
pillows; Iceland, under the juris-
dictiorl of Denmark, ice-cream and
candy; England, purses; Ireland,
embroidered linens; and Italy, pic-
tures. The Presbyterian booth
will represent Norway, and the
Unitarian, Spain.,.
Contrary to previous custom, the
sellers will be dressed in peasant
costumes instead of the white and
colored smocks used before.
The tea - room will represent the
dining room of an ocean steamer.
The decorations will, of course, be
in keeping with this idea. The
waitresses will be dressed as stew-
ards on a ship.
Members of the hockey squads
will not be awarded their numerals
unles's their W. A. A. dues have
been paid. This should be done
before the hockey banquet Thurs-
day night. Dues may be mailed
to' Arliene Heilman at Martha
Cook building.
Orchesis will meet tonight at the

alleys to allow a considerable num-
ber of women to bowl at once,"
was the statement of Dr. Margaret
['Bell, head of the Physical Educa-
tion department for women, in dis-
cussing the coming bowling season.
"The main reason for this in-
sistence," she continued, "was that,
Iup to this time we had no indivi-!
'dual activity which would both
provide sufficient activity to doI
some good, and still not take up
too much of their time to offer
women who were novices in sports.
Bowling seemed to be the ideal
t sport to fill this need as it involves
a great deal of excellent evercising
of the muscles of the upper arms,
the chest, the waist and th hips,
and also does not require as much
constant and unremitting practice
that a major sport does.
"Almost any woman who practices
at all regularly can soon bowl a
score of 200 and anyone who can
make this score can usually play
about four or five games an hour.
It's suprising the amount of fun
Poster designs for the League
and Inter-Church bazaar will be
due Wednesday, Nov. 28, instead of
Saturday, Nov. 24, as previously
announced by the poster commit-
tee. These posters must be in the,
women's league office in Barbour,
gym by noon of the day the con-
test closes.
Mrs. Mary O. Johnsoni and Fred-
erick H. Aldrich of the architectur-
al college, have consented to act
as judges for the contest. The
judging of the posters will take
place Nov. 30. The prize for the
winning poster is the choice of any
article in the Bazaar, price not to
exceed three dollars and the prize
for the, poster, as well as those re-
ceiving honorable mention, will be
displayed in State street windows.
Mummers dramatic society will
hold an open meeting at 4 o'clock,
Thursday, Nov. 22,, at Martha Cook,
building at which time they will
present Oscar Wolfe's one-act play,
"Where But in America." The play
will be directed by Helen Work-
man, '30.
The cast of the play includes, Mr.
Efpenhayne, Dora Vandenberg;
Mrs. Efpenhayne, Jeannette Dale,
'31; and Hilda, Florence Frand-
sen, '31. Katherine Burt, '30, will
head the costumes committee, with
Edna Lindborg, '30, as assistant.
The properties committee includes

I anc\ excitement you can get out of
the competition.
"I should think that this sport
would be particularly interesting to
graduate students and junior and
seniors who have no work in phy-
sical education required of them
and simply wish to take up some
minor sport they can indulge in as
a hobby to keep themselves fit."
Even before the bowling seasons
had actually started, according to
Dr. Bell, a great many enthusiasts
in this sport came out to the Wo-
men's Athletic building to bowl,
and once there were so many wo-
men lined up for the alleys that
Dr. Bell herself hadl to wait almost
a half an hour before she was able
to play.
"I am seriously thinking of hav-
ing a system started through
which we can make appointments
ahead of time for the alleys so we
can save the time we would other-
wise waste while we' are waiting to
play," she added in conslusion,
"for, as I have found to my sor-
row, the demands of women bowl-
ers for the alleys require it."
0 0


Just one hundred years ago and: to Shakespeare's lines.
at the early age of 31, Franz Schu- For about three year's, Schubert
ben, te astrof eloydie . tried to teach elementary pupils
Sbert, the master of melody, died in in his father's school, but recogniz-
Ending the season undefeated, Vienna from an attack of typhus ing that his artistic nature de-
the senior team won the interclass fever. As a nation-wide civic trib- manded free time to work out the
hockev championship in winning ute, the Columbia Phonograph: lovely music which filled his head,
from a crippled freshman team by company has organized Schubert he gave up the attempt once and
a score of 10 to 0 yesterday after- Week, November' 18-25, to com- for all at any kind of a "regular
noon. At the same time the sopIh memorate the 100th aniversary of job," and threw in his lot with
omores broke their tie with he ,his death. congenial young men friends,
freshmen for second place when d u c a t i o n a 1 institutions with whom he led a Bohemian ex-
they won a close game from the throughout America are taking the istence in the careless Vienna of
juniors that ended in a 3 to 2 leadership in observing the Schu- those days. "A kind of common
count. bert Centennial in testimony of property was established in clothes
Th senior-freshman game was the spiritual and educational sig- and money; hats, coats, boots, and
started with Louise Cooley, senior nificance of the message of Schu- cravats were worn in common, and
manager who was unable to play bert the one who was in cash paid the
the last game with her team, mak- Although the whole span of his scores of others," says a biographer.
ing the first bully. Before the end life was but 31 years long, Franz However, Schubert invariably
f the contest, every player on the Schubert seems by the type of his composed until 2 o'clock dinner,
tquad had had an opportumnty to music and by the many incidents then spent the afternoon in walk-
take part i the final encounter and anecdotes about him which ing in the surrounding country, or
of the team's career. eg have been preserved for posterity in discussions in the cafes, and in
The game was fast from begin- to belong primarily to the people. the evening, music-making and
ning to end. The strong senior tl
line performed some fine passing He was asked, like most musical more talk. In the summer sessions,
lnd pehiored somleineaswirkgeniuses are asked, "how he com- picnics and country excursions as
to enable Ann Zauer to ring up posed," but his answer was the long as the money held out were
t o enabe Annre Zae tosminy upmost matter-of-fact reply on rec- I the rule, with incessant music, a
six of the scores and Rosemary ord: "As soon as I finish one sympathetic audience, and no fuss
Troester the other four. Power thing, I begin another." In fact, or bother.
on the freshman squad was con- he could no more help composing His death came just when he was
test becay weakened this con- than he could help breathing. It approaching his fullest musical
stitutes haduseto ofbe ftused thateub- is even recorded that he wore his powers, but he left behind him
during the spectacles to bed to be prepared to ( compositions of such originality
whole game. write songs the moment he awoke. J and melody that his name has be-
The line-up was as follows: 'His music was spontaneous and come a musical byword, and the
Strasser ...... R W...... Roberta filled him with the mad desire to country is commemorating the
Hawkins......IR........Braun jlget down on paper the lovely mel- 100th anniversary of his death by
Zauer ........CF......... Healy ody which- perhaps had been in- a National Schubert week.
Troester ...... I. ... ..... Felske spired by a bit of nnetru

Don't forget to buy your
Christmas cards of the Wo-
men's League at the League
table in University Hall op-
I posite the candy booth. The
I League has a very attractive
[ display this year.


SEMI-FINALS WILL Johnson.. . LW.....Elsworth
BE PLAYED TODA Y Levine ........ R H .........Millar
Miller ......... CH .......LaRowe
The semi-finals of the intra- Vincenti ...... LH...... Elsworth
mural hockey tournament will be Lyons . . . .. R F.:.... Birdzell
played this afternoon on Palmer Klanderman . . LF......... Jones
field at 4:15. Martha Cook build- Mansfield.G . Hershey
ing and Delta Delta Delta will Substitutions: Sauborn for John-
compete in the game to decide the son; Smither for Klanderman;
team which will meet Zeta Tau Hartwig for Levine.
Alpha in the finals on Thursday. A wet field slowed up the sopho-
It is necessary that these games more-junior game and made it al-
be played at once, as the winning most impossible to make fast stops.
team will be presented the cup at Although the game was very close,
the hockey banquet on Thursday. the sophomores improved a 'Great
On Thursday, the final game of deal during the last half >f he
the B tournament will also be game and the junior goal was
played, between Kappa Delta and threatened frequently. Alexandria
Alpha Epsilon Phi. This tourna- Januski played an excellent defen-
ment is composed of those teams sive game for the sophomores, and
which were defeated in the first was well supported by the whole,
round of play of the regular tourn- team. The left side of the junior
ament. The games in this tourna- line was particularly strong for
ment have been just as close and that squad.,
just as hard fought as those of the Louisa Butler, president, was "Se-
upper bracket, although the cup lina Previch," by Alice Stevenson.
was not at stake. It is a pathetic realistic story of a
Polish girl who came to America
WILL SUPPORT INLANDERIto fill a rich Pole's order for a1
A meeting of Chi Delta Phi was It was voted that Chi Delta Phi
held Thursday evening, Nov. 15, in should definitely support the "In-i
Professor Jack's office. The try- 'lander." Manuscripts will be read
out manuscripts of the new mem- at each meeting, and those passed
bers were read. The most out- by the Club will be submitted to
standing of these, according to the "Inlander."
1, nE

So the story is told that but two
years before his death, in 1826, he
stepped into a Vienna beer-gar-
den one hot Sunday afternoon
after a long walk in the suburbs,
picked up a friend's volume of
Shakespeare, read "Hark, Hark!
the Lark," and presently ex-
claimed: "Oh, such a lovely mel-
ody has just come into my head!
If I only had some music-paper."
The friend drew some staves on
the back of, the bill of fare, and
then and there he wrote the music
Beauty Shop
Special for November
Finger Wave or
Marcel including
a Shampoo with
Lemon Rinse, $1
Open Evenings
Phone 21478 625 E. Liberty
(Up to 10 plaits)I
Hand Pressed
"Cash & Carry"
No better work
Across from the Majestic
- l

Women's Athletic building at 7:15. Blossom Bacon, '30, chairman, and
Leone Lee, '29, and Virginia Trow-'
DETROIT-The Detroit Olympics bridge, '30.
are leading the Canadian pro- Anyone who is interested is
hockey league with three victories urged to attend this meeting of
to their credit. the society.
"" 1llIIIN lil tt.111. li 11E 11 I tltllllilll ilni illi ll1 l ll tilllllttlllltlli
- -
I ' =. 17
f w
4',' - C'
e , , r -
1 '. w-
4. -
Brown suede one-strap with Abbo patent -
leather trim on the strap. High heels and short
vamps make this a very graceful shoe.
Price .......................... $9.
sarBrown suede oxford in three eyelet style with _
Ksquare toe and medium heel. 2
Full line in tan, grey, brown, and black. Snap
on styles. A bargain at................$1.95
All rubber arctics at..................$3@50
- -


k O

Present the
Here's the answer in
footwear. Shoes that
will send you smiling - $
thru the entire eve- f4-
lning leaving only the
c pleasantest of mem-
AAA's to C's
s Also in white satin or tinted to the exact shade of your formal.
- Seven Eightv-five
Tinting included
Buckles Too!
So Wonderfully Inexpensive
..imlli1m11t1111m1111[1111m11U11111nm11111tii[I Ummmmt~ru m ni"funll


. . . if one wears a lovely gown. Wednesday
and Thursday for the important occasion we have
a collection of formals, among which are vivacious
taffetas, fluffy chiffons, and sophisitcated velvets.

A }Jark of Distinction

I 1~ ~ W.^-l s tl/ y.,..f 55W ON ,.

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