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November 06, 1928 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-06

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NOVEMBER 6, 1928




--- - - ------- .... . . . .... . ............. . . . ...........


Mist And Rain Caused Wreck When
Ship Was Forced Down Near
Bradshaw Mountains
(By Associated Press)
PRESCOTT, Ariz., Nov. 5-A
famed triumvirate of the air-two
noted air speedsters and a fleet lit-
tle champion of the upper reaches
-has written its last entry on the
pages of aviation history in a bold
record challenge which ended ab-
ruptly against a sheer Arizona
mountain -cliff.
Death penned the final reports
of the courageous attempt of Capt.
C. B. D. Collyer to flash to a new
west-to-east trans-continenta non-
stopc record in the trin V- Yankee
Doodle, with Harry Tucker, the
plane's owner, riding as a passenger.
The broken bodies ofdthe two
mren, Collyer a co-holder of the
around-the-world travel record and
Tucker a record holder with his
proud little air whippet of both
cast-west and west-east trans-con-
tinental records, were brought into
Prescott on pack burros today.
Letters in their pockets were need-
ed to establish the men's identities.
In the face of unfavorable weath-
er reports the craft took off from
Mine Field, Los Angeles, at 3:29
p. w. Saturday. The owner an-
nounced it was to be an attempt to
lower the Yankee Doodle's record of
16 hours and 58 minutes for the
eastward passage.
The plane evidently cracked up
between 7:30 and 8 p. m. Saturday,
though its fate and that of the
passenger and pilot who dared and
lost was not learned until Sunday
afternoon when searchers pushed
into the rugged mountains, and
found remnants of the ship strewn
for a quarter mile down the can-
For almost, an hour Saturday
night, as the last flight of the Yan-
kee Doodle has been pieced to-
gether by the stories of observ-
ers, the famous plane and pilot
battled despite a failng motor to
clear the 8,000 foot peaks of the
Bradshaw mountains. At 7:30, its
knocking, sputtering motor had
been heard eightrmiles southhof
Somettime later the plane cir-
cled four times a narrow valley in
which the lights of a half dozen
miners' cabins twinkledhthrough
the rain and midst. The steady
drizzle of rain defeated Collyer's
attempt to find a landing place.
As the last circle was made, the
plane was only a few hundred feet
off the -ground. Then Collyer ap-
parently determined to make a last
desperate attempt to force his
plane over the mountain.
The ship carried 490 gallons of
gasoline at the take-off, which ex-
ploded as it smashed into the cliff
with bullet-like speed.
Brumm. To Be Chief
Speaker At Meeting
As guest of the State Conven-
tion of Newspaper Editors of West
Virginia, Prof. J. L. Brumm, head
of the department of journalism,
will speak at a convocation of the
students of the University of West
Virginia, at Morgantown tomorrow
Besides delivering several ad-
dresses before the convention it-
self, which is being held under the
auspices of the journalism depart-
ment of the West Virginian uni-
versity, Professor Brumm will be

the principal speaker at the con-
vention's annual banquet, where
he will speak on "The Citizen and
the Press." He will be in attend-
ance at all sessions and will attend
several of the convention's round
Lenses and Frames made
To Order
Optical Prescriptions
State St. Jewelers
mmtmmmuli nmmumltulllleitr tmmut mm


Maybe we're getting old, but Sue
Carol doesn't appeal to us the way
she did last year. However, "Beau
Broadway" and "Win That Girl"
didn't offer her the seductive op-
portunities that she had in "Soft
Cushions," her first picture.
"Win That Girl," now playing at
the Michigan, is plenty amusing

"Stay with the church, esteem it,
stretch it, and liberalize it," said
President Clarence Cook Little last
Sunday night before a union stu-
dent meeting at the First Methodist
Church. "Work for the spirit that
underlies it rather than the creed
of doctrine that is attached to it.t

Tucker And Collyer Killed When Their
Famous Plane, Yankee Doodle, Crashes3

_.... ....M _ .. . .. .. . v__... .n ... __. .... ,

Officials Invited To Conservaion Will Be
Attend Buffet Lunch Discussed By Allen
a "W a s toriof the last _.he exten-
W wzh Sueintendent of lu hx? ncUiv.ersity S.
_s Naval Academy W. Alleu of the School of Forestry
as invited all University officialsd Coan rd l_ left yesterday,
who are attending the Michigan-Nov. 5, on a three week's tour
Navy football game, to be his guests of the coues or souThern Michi-
at a buffet lunch, Saturday, Nov. 10 an to speak on the subject of
h "Conservtion" to the high schools
in the Administration building at j of the stae

enough, but by and large it rates The aim of the students interested
about C-. The first half of it is in the church should be to make
amusing because of the scenes de- significant the points of similarity
picting football of the '80's when ,of the various denominations
the flying wedge and other bone- rather than the points of differ-
crushing devices made the game ence," he continued.
what it was. The latter part of the Loneliness should not exist in a
picture portrays college life as it's Christian nation, and it is very un-
supposed to be today-and deals fortunate that this feeling is so pre-
especially with the rivalry between valent on our campus, President
Sanford and Mammouth, where- Little declared. "The function of
ever they are. The touchdown that the church here should be to rid
finally wins for Sanford the big the Uinversity of this lineliness," he
game of the year is most remark- stated.
able, as you will agree after you've The meeting, which was the first
seen it. union student meeting of the year,
"Win That Girl" is not the sort was a great success and an audience
of picture you would want to see of 1,200 crowded the auditorium of
twice but it is, as we have said the church. The second meeting
before, amusing, and after all, will be held during the next semes-
what with crowded week-ends aAd ter when another prominent speak-
such nobody has time to see a pic- er will be procured to address the
ture twice anyway. But it's still audience. Martin Mol, '30, presi-
C-. dent of the Student Christian
The stage attractions arc up to association, undeer whose auspices
par. The Libby Dancers have some i the gathering was held, presided
unusual scenery, and the Aesop and introduced the speaker.
Fable set with the accompanying'
dance is novel and interesting.0pEN EITA KROM
Billy Hallen, the other half of theO
stage show, has an amusing way PRIZE TO CAMPUS
of telling a joke, but he handicaps
himself by choosing to tell the Competition for the annual Eita
worst jokes that ever came out of Krom Sociology prize is open to
an almanac. For instance: A small any undergraduate student who has
boy (stutters Hallen) get into a had work in that field equivalent
I street car and sits down next to a I to the beginning course in the Uni-
minister. Something happens that versity, it has been announced by
causes the small boy to say "Gosh the sociology department.
darn it!" the minister gives the boy The prize, consisting of the in-
fifteen cents and tells him not to terest on a gift of $1,000 amount-
use that expression any more. An ing to about $50, will be awarded
Irishman sitting near them leans next June for the best sociological
over to the minister and says, "I've paper submitted by an undergrad-
got a word in me mouth that's pprsbitdb nudrrd
woduath te uate dealing with the social better-
worth two dollars and atquarter. ament of the writer's own commun-
.You can do better than ity with which he is familiar. Pa-
that, Billy. pers are expected to be between
However, the show as a whole is 3,000 and 5,000 words in length and
worth your fifty cents-or buck, if must be submitted on or before
you have co-edlitis. We suggest May 1, .1929.
that youtake in the specialeleven Eta Krom, '23, in whose memory,
o'clock show tonight-the election 1 the award wa's given, was the un-'
returns will make up for the weak fortunate victim of a fatal auto-
spots in the program. mobile accident in the Northern


h imore stadium, just before
TQ years ago, Admiral Nolton,
,h was then superintendent of the
aval Academy, invited the Uni-
versity officials to a similar affair
in the same building and last year
all officers of the Naval Academy
who attend the game in Ann Arbor
were guests of the Board of Control
of Athletics at a noon luncheon
here on the day of the Michigan-
Navy game.

In conjunction with his talk Al-
len -),rests and
- hool re-
Se United
p o Agriculture.
ie wvi vo cnn with the teach-
ers wit the end in view of tieing
up forestry with the curriculum of
their schools.
The first week will be spent in
Vemrwee H sd~, a-id Branch
w-h ,ill be
devoted t TCass, and

Photo above shows the famous Yankee Doodle in which Captain
C. B. D. Collyer and Harry Tucker recently set a new record for an
east-to-west non-stop transcontinental flight. They were killed in it z
Saturday night when the plane crashed into the side of an Arizona
canyon cliff. (Story in column 1.)

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0V i
our sr.

Special Collection Of Juvenile Books
For Children Is On Display In

Night-Election Night


Preparatory to Children's Book I Several books in the group have
week the second week in Novem- been awarded the Newberry medal,
ber, a special juvenile collection of which has been esablished in mem-
books has been placed on display ory of John Newberry, the first
in the main corridor of the library publisher of children's books. Sev-
by Ella M. Hymans, Curator of Rare eral others have been illustrated by
Books at the University library. Mary Hamilton Frye, whose origi-
None of the books on display are nal water-colors are in the Univer-
included in the library circulation, sity' library, having been presented
but are kept for the children's work by Mrs. Lucas L. Hubbard, wife of
done in the summer. They are Regent Hubbard of Houghton,
graded in several different groups Michigan.
to indicate the choice of reading of Another part of the display con-
children of various ages. They are sists of hornbook reproductions,I
most notable for their illustrations, which were supposed to be used in
which in every case are done by the 18th century. They consist of
well known artists. a piece of transparent horn placed
One of the most interesting books over the parchment to protect it.
in the display is Dr. Adams' "Gate- ' Another type is a piece of varnish-
way to American Literature," much ed wood. Rhyme A B C books are
of the material of which was col- also included in this historical
lected from material in Clements group. The didactic type of chil-
library. Representatives by A. A. dren's literature that character-
Milne, who has written the best re-, ized the 19th century can also be
cently published children's books seen in rather crumbly and cheap
are also included in the collection.I editions.

DIAL 2-1408


Rear of 618 E. Liberty St.

Telephone 21408


The "Beauty Carpet"for Floors

Worn spo
finish you
like cove
as protec
neither fe
lovelier f
can wax1
Johnson E
now only
$1.SO applying mop and $2.40/2 gal. Johnson's
Liquid Wax included FREE. (Tremendous
popularity achieves this remarkable reduction)

ots will never again appear when you
r floors with Johnson'sWax. Itisasatin
ring, s Ca zr than any carpet but quite
tive. For wax forms a hard film which
eet nor dirt will grind through. It means
loors withou te . rdgery. And now you
your entire house effortlessly with the
lectric FloQr Polisher
formerly $42.5'



G. W.
Ticket Sale Is Heavy
For Iowa Game Here
More than 45,000 tickets have.
been sold for the Michigan-Iowa
game and more than 25,000 tickets
have been sold for the Michigan-
State contest, according to an an-
nouncement issued by the Athletic
association late yesterday after-
The: 45,000 seats already sold for
the Iowa game indicates that this
game will probably draw another
capacity crowd as this number of
seats for the last game of the sea-
son are seldom sold so early, ac-
cording to a statement by Harry A.
Tillotson, business manager of the
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,

Peninsula about five years ago.
Her father, a prominent business
man of Iron .River, donated the
$1,000 to the sociology department
for a prize to be competed for an-
nually, because of his daughter's
great interest in that subject.
The winner last year was Carl
F. Kraatz, '28, of Highland Park,
who wrote a paper dealing with
the recreation conditions along the
Detroit river. The papers are
judged by members of the sociology
department and may be handed
to any of the staff.
been generally conceeded that the
honor system has been a failure
here, as the students will not re-
port one of their number who has
been found cribbing. Consequently
the honor system will be done
away with shortly.

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Telephone 834'7


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Second Cigarette . . .



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MR. BARTHELMESS was asked to smoke each of the four leading brands. clearing his
taste with coffee between smokes. Only one question was asked:"Which one do you like best?"

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1 .. .: : ..

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