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October 28, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-28

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aTH F. fM1L CV H L V{- 1\ 1./ A> 1 y1S . OC"' + \Y iIYT'414 R 1
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:+Vg LV40

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
'Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press Is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the pnstoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
toaster General
Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbo. Press Building, May-
nard Street,
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Bustnesn, 9as.+
Telephone 4925
Editor.......................Paul J. Kern
City Editor. ,.. ,.. .....Nelson J. Smith
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...........Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.... ......Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama......... .R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor. Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
!oseph E. Howell Pierce Roe'.nberg
onald J. Klinc George E. Simons
George C. Tilley


ui L. Adams
rris Alexander
her Anderson
A. Askren
tram Askwith
uise Behymer
thur Bernstein
on C. Bovee
bel Charles
R. Chubb
nk ';. Cooper
len Domine
ouglas Edwards
Iborg Egeland
berL J. Feldman
Ioni Go lmer
lliarn Gentry
wrence Hartwig
hard Jung
aries R. Kaufman
th Kelsey
nald E. Layman

C. A. Lewis
Marian MacDonald
Henry Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
Toseph A. Russell
Cad well Swanson
A. Stewart
Edward L. Warner Jr.I
Cleland Wyllie

versity concrete examples of an-I
cient culture. The pioneer in the
work was the late Dr. Kelsey of the
Latin department who through his!
archaeological excavations made
the University the owner of a good
part of this material.
Professor Waterman of the Semi-
tics department through his work
last year in Babylonia brought
back a vast amount of this ancient
treasure. He has again returned
to Babylonia; and within the next
five years he undoubtedly will un-
earth a great deal more interesting
vases, coins, skulls, clothing, orna-
ments, rings, bracelets and the like.
A pertinent question that con-
fronts the University today is what
to do with Professor Waterman's
material and the rest of the ar-
chaeological gems that the Univer-
sity owns. Is Professor Waterman
to go to Babylonia inspired with
the thought that the results of his
painstaking labors are largely de-
stined for the basement of the
Dental school? Does the Adminis-
tration intend to leave our proper-
ty In Toledo and in Carthage in-
definitely? Are gifts and donations
for archaeological purposes to be
refused because the University
cannot use the results of the work,
when gotten?
Stronger than the need for a
geological, paleontological, and bi-
ological museum that was felt for
years, and that has been so ade-
quately gratified in the beautiful
building on Washtenaw Avenue, is
the need for an adequate place to
exhibit the archaeological treasures
that the University is so fortunate
to own. An archaeological museum
is a debt that is owed to Dr. Kelsey,
to Professor Waterman, to the
other men who contributed their
work and experience, and to the
men and women of Michigan. Is
the watchword to be, thousands for
expeditions, but not a penny for
Headline - East Won, Hoover
Turns West. Just about two weeks
ago he turned east after winning
the West. At this dizzy pace he
will turn to engineering mines aft-
er winning the election.
The word "stadium" mean "600
feet" in Greek. Perhaps the foot-
ball field was named by some one
looking down on the gridiron from
the freshmen seats.
Hoover promises to "call an extra
session of Congress so as to secure
early constructive action." Aren't
you a little too optimistic, Herb?
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

o- -O
B 0 0 K S
O- , -o
When William Ellery Leonard
issued the public edition of the
narrative sonnet sequence "Two
Lives," after private copies and
manuscript proofs had been in cir-
eulation for several years, the poem
stirred up perhaps the greatest
storm that has been stirred up by
any one poem or collection of
poems in the last two decades. A
work of stark realism which dealt
with the gruelling experiences of
a sensitive nature, this book was
placed by the critics in every class
of good and bad art which it is
possible for the imagination to
The greatest issue that was taken
with "Two Lives" was the fact that
it was written of too-intimate
events and written in a too-per-
sonal and heart-rending manner.
By some of the would-be exponents
of restraint this criticism was taken
as the final word on the poem, and
forever damned it from the realm

Music And Drama




Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising.................Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..........A. James Jordan
Advertising............ Carl W. Hammer
Service....... ....Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation..........George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Warkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelic
Ifving Binzer Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovisky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
*Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig eMarie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley
Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE
Michigan extends to Wisconsin
today the hand of congratulation
for a victory long awaited and well
earned. Yesterday witnessed a
game which will long be remem-
bered in the athletic annuals of the
tvo universities. It was a game
rich in all those qualities which
make the American game of foot-
ball the fine sport that'it is.
Replete with clean, hard playing
by two evenly matched teams, it
made a contest in which the bal-
ance of victory semed to favor first
one and then the other team. It
was a game which it was an honor
to win and equally as a great an
honor to lose. The continuation
of athletic relations with such a
foe as Wisconsin is indeed a priv-
ilege to be asked and a desire to
be remembered.
This editorial, however, must
mention many other things. It
must pay tribute, and a great trib-
ute, to the team which represented1
Michigan. It was a team that'
fought against great odds as few
Michigan team have ever fought.
Michigan may well be proud of her
sons in defeat. They gained for heri
all the glory of victory.
Mention must be made of ai
cheering, fighting student body, ledi
by the largest block letter cheering1
section in the country, which back-l
ed its team and backed it loyallyi
from the first kickoff to the lasti
gn. Spirit of the kind demon-t
strated yesterday is representatives
of the true Michigan. Every effortr
to maintain it should be encour-
Over a period of four weeks, theI
green Wolverine varsity has showed
steady and consistent improyement.a
Each Saturday has shown it givingi
its all and earning in the most de-c
serving way, true recognition.-
The next week must not forgett
that team. It must honor and help
it' True recognition during thet
next week backedby real demon-
strations of Michigan spirit willv
see, it is not too much toa
prophecy, more wonders workedt
with the Varsity eleven.
No team can win without sup-o
port. The remainder of, this sea-
son is going to witness games whicht
are won or lost on support alone.
If it is Michigan's to give, there
need be no odds given and nob
apologies made for the Wolverines
of 1928.
o .b
In the basement of the main Ii- , s

To the Editor:
Your editorial of Friday, Octobe
26, would lead us to believe that
The Daily is in favor of a deferreC
rushing plan which from the point
of the fraternity would be entirely
impractical. Certainly, there are
enough fraternity men included or
the staff of The Daily to know that
such a plan as to delay all pledg-
ing until after the first semester is
closed -or until after spring vaca-
tion would be, to say the least, un-
In the first place, such a, policy
would merely be weakening the
fraternities in that they would be
connected with three instead of
four classes. By this, I do not mear
that it would be weakening them
"politically," so to speak, but the
first year men in a fraternity are
naturally not very strong members
because they are new to the mem-
bers, the customs of the house, and
unacquainted with the duties of a
fraternity man. For that reason
there would be only two years of
actual fraternity life left to the
average college student. In some
cases there would be a financial
problem to consider for that very
The question which arises is, if
a deferred rushing rule were put
into effect, would all fraternities
obey it to the letter? The chances
are, they would not. What would
there be to prohibit freshmen from
carrying pledge pins around in
their pockets for a few months
until the time limit expired? There
would be nothing, and in all prob-
ability the -same amount of "cut-
throat" rushing would be going on,
pledging to be done by promise
From the standpoint of campus
tradition, about the only freshmen
who even know what they are, are
those men who are made to abide
by them by their fraternities. In
general, fraternity freshmen 'are
the best behaved of the yearlings
bcause removing over-doses of
"cockiness" is one of the best de-
ireable functions of a fraternity.

SX - /-
William E. Leonard
of good art. The classic sentence
in which Robert Frost (who is cer-
tainly a much better poet than he
is critic) summed up Leonard's
book was hawked all over our
own. campus as a reasoned judg-
ment-much to theadisgust of those
people who felt that it would take
a little more than clever phrasing
to dispose of the book and its place
in the letters of America. "After
all," said Mr. Frost, in comment
on "Two Lives," "it isn't very good
taste to go around in one's under-
After "Two Lives," came "Loco-
motive God," which was an attempt
on the part of Leonard to "write
out" the phobia which possessed
him after the world turned against
him. It was written in the highly
personal "stream of consciousness"
manner and it attempted to trace
the evolution of a consciousness
which was later to be put to the
test in the crisis of Leonard's life
which formed the material for
"Two Lives."
I And now, in the latest work from
Leonard, "A Son Of Earth"~* we
have the collected poems which are
arranged to form a poetic auto-
biography of the author. They
range from the earliest bits of
poetry he essayed to the last which
he has done, and they have a range
which is surprising. Fables, trans-
lation, biography-all of these find
their place in the work. One of the
most interesting poems in the book
is "The Lynching Bee," in. which
one finds a manner which is sim-
ilar to that of Edwin Arlington
Robinson at his best, and is, all in
all, a very wonderful piece of work.
But the most pleasing thing in
the whole work is to be found in
the sonnets which have been previ-
ously omitted from "Two Lives." In
these one finds' the critical apology
for the writing of "Two Lives."
These constitute an adequate an-
swer to the critics, and they prop-
erly express those sentiments that
have always been held by those
who felt that the sonnet sequence
was one of the greatest, if not the
greatest poetical work that had
ever been produced in America.
In these sonnets one finds that
Leonard believes that "Two Lives''
emanated, not from the white heat
of the tragedy, but from the hard-
ening and reflective process which
followed it. His own words say it
better than we can express it:
"Yet is thei story mine . . . because
the pain . .
Was mine . . . the mastery of pain

Tuesday night of this week offers
the double attraction of the Thea-
ter Guild's production of "Porgy"
at the Whitney and the Comedy
Club play "Diplomacy" by Victorien
Sardou at the Mimes Theater.
In presenting the Sardou play
Comedy Club are maintaining the
high standard of their program
while at the same time offering a
really amusing and thrilling show.
Sardou's work is of the teeter-tot-
ter school of theatrical writing
which has as its aim the creating'
of moments of high theatrical sus-
pense and then of resolving them
surprisingly and amusingly with
witty and satirical dialogue. Sar-
dou is a master of the Scribean
technique and "Diplomacy," with
its background of diplomatic intri-
gue and its brilliant dialogue is
considered as his masterpiece.
For assistance in the production,
Comedy Club has secured the ser-
vices of Miss Phyllis Loughton and
Thomas J. Dougall. These two,
graduates last year and remember-
ed for their work in campus-dra-
matics-Miss Loughton in Comedy
Club and the Junior Girls' play,
and Dougall in the Union Opera-
and Comedy Club-have assisted in
the direction of the play. So much
of the significance of the play is
carried in the innuendos suggested
by "business" that direction as-
sumes almost the rank of creation
and the experience which these
two bring to the task assures the
fact that "Diplomacy" will be a suc-
cessful interpretation.
The cast, previously given in full
in this column, includes Lorinda
McAndrews, Charles Peake, Robert
Adams, George Preihs and a num-
ber of others.
R. L. A.l
* * *
A Dissertation On Gullah, the .
Negro Language of the Play
By Dorothy Heyward
Co-author of "Porgy"
"Enty yuh yeddy huccum Porgy
ma done title um 'cause dat niggah
hyam tummuch fish?"
"Co'se 'e yam fish an' 'e nyam
yam! Keep yuh mout' off Porgy
'fore uh loose mah han' an' ongiz-
za'd yuh."
These are the first words of the
play "Porgy." They are spoken
every night from the stage, but no-
body has to bother about them,
for they are lost in the general
medley of the opening scene. We
had written in our stage direction:
"As the curtain rises, revealing
Catfish Row on a summer evening,
the court re-echoes with African
laughter and friendly banter in
G u 11 a h, the language of the
Charleston negro, which still re-
tains many African words. The au-
dience understands none of it. Like
the laughter and movement, the
twanging of a guitar from an upper
window, the dancing of an urchin
with loose, shuffling step, it is a
part of the picture of Catfish Row
as it really is-an alien scene, a
people as little known to most
Americans as the people of thel
"Gradually it seems to the audi-
ence that they are beginning to
understand this foreign language
In reality, the Gullah is being
tempered to their ears, spoken
more distinctly with the African
words omitted." And thus the
whole of the play becomes a trans-
lation. For the language is now
so thoroughly tempered to the
Northern ear that, should it ever
fall on the astonished ear of Por-
gy's prototype, he would never
know what it was all about.

In describing Gullah as "The
langauge of the Charleston negro"
we are far more concise than ac-
curate. It is the language of the
people with whom our story is con-
cerned; a promitive, little-educated
group-type of colored people who
inhabit the sea islands and a nar-
row strip of the coast of South
Carolina (including Charleston.)
This region is known as the Black
Border because the negroes vastly
outnumber the whites. The word'
Gullah, according to a widespread
but not undisputed theory, is a
contraction of Angola, the African
district, a Portuguese colony now-
from which the Gullahs are said
to have come. It is different from
the Virginia negro dialect-which
has become the standardized lan-
guage of the negro in fiction-as
it is from the most conventional
King's English. For instance:
"W'en onnah du de-dey, de dee
duh no de-day; w'en cona yent dey,
de dee, duh de-dey."
That was the reply of an old
darky when asked by a hunter if
a certain stand were good for deer.
It means, "When you are there, the
deer is not there. When you are
not there, the deer is there."


and his



of modern dance music.
eight to twelve
$1.50 per couple
Dancing will begin promptly at 8 o'clock for the benefit
of those affected by the University closing hour.
Huron St.
Tickets at Sl ater's
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was mine . .
I And mine the shaping instinct and
This were Arts right of eminent
I domain,
Even had that house, on seal and
Not cancelled the ties . . . all ties
.. with me forever."
This book constitutes another in
r- ,a .-raa+ . -f rinl , rof n ap ar


Youir Newu Winte-r flv~1rrrta r

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