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October 28, 1928 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-28

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Scientist Also Speaks On Applying
Experimental Knowledge
To Industry
"Authorities have studied the ef-
fects of corrosion on steel for the
last 100 years," declared Dr. W. H.
Hatfield of the Brown-Firth labor-
tories at Sheffield, England," but it
was not until 1913 that European
investigators found that 14 percent
chromium steel was truly rustless#
when hard and tempered. Farra-
day offered an explai1 tion in 1935,
but it seems to have been forgot-
ten until a short time ago," Dr.
Hatfield asserted. The title of his
lecture was "Rust and Acid-Resist-
ing Steels," the first of two lectures
given Friday by Dr. Hatfield, in the

Hoover Favorite Of College Students OflIAIIST TO ~'A
By Two To One, Magazine Poll Shows UUUIILI I !1I
--- inl AMoRPIIi cc i IQ

Herbert Hoover is the two to one
choice of collegiate America for
President, according to a nation-
wide straw vote taken this fall by
College Humor magazine in co-
operation with campus newspapers
in every section of the country.
The army of 892,808 students en-
rolled in American colleges, often
hailed as the hope of the future,
think much as their elders think in
matters of politics, the vote indi-I
Analysis of the vote showed that
Herbert Hoover had the majority
of student votes in thirty-eight
states and the District of Colum-
bia. Alfred E. Smith carried ten[
states: Virginia, Maryland, NorthI
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas.
Dividing the country into zones,
every one of the following eastern
states voted for Hoover: Maine,

East Engineering building.
Two years ago a method was per- A letter of support addressed to
fected in isolating the passive film Director Yost, Coach Wieman, The
Staff, and the Team, was received
from-the pure iron; all rustless at the Athletic association offices'
steels are stainless because of the yesterday from the members of the
oxidizing conditions due to the University of Michigan club of Ann
presence of this film, he said. The Arbor.
first stainless steel according to Dr. staff and team" was promised in
Hatfield, was 14 percent chromium+ the letter which was countersigned
steel, but now a combination of 18 by Oscar Eberbach, '06, president of
percent chromium and 8 percent I the Ann Arbor club, and Walter P.
nickel steel is the most effec Staebler, secretary-treasurer of the
kfective club. This is only one of the many
protection against corrosion. "There letters that have been received by
is an unlimited application for the Director Yost and the Athletic asso-
result obtained," Dr. Hatfield ciation officials from alumni clubs,
stated, "and it is possible to build alumni,and friends all over the
a rustless battleship. country in the last few weeks.
The E. D. Campbell Memorial lec-
ture was delivered by Dr. Hatfield
at 8 o'clock. This lecture was the Alumni Executive Body
third of its kind, the lecture being Holds Dinner At Union
founded two years ago by the
American Society for Steel Treat All nine of the members of}the
Ing inmemry f te lte rof .executive committee of the Class
D. Campbell who was director of Officers council of the Alumnilasso-
the University chemical labora- ciation were present at the dinner
tories a few years ago. His subject meeting held last night at the
was "The Application of Science to Union. Gordon W. Ktingsbury, '11,
the Steel Industry," and was illus- chairman of the executive com-
trated by slides showing Dr. Hat- mittee, presided at the meeting.
field's laboratory in Sheffield, his The Class Officers council con-
museum, and the plant of the sists of the secretaries of all the
Brown-Firth Research laboratories, classes that have graduated from
He devoted a large part of the lec- 'the University of Michigan, and the
ture to the. subject of ingot cast- executive committee, consisting of
ing, and discussed the old and mod- nine members representing the en-
ern methods of doing this work. tire group, meets three times a
BALLOT FOUND year. This was the second meeting
BALLOTFOUNDof this year.
Dr. G. Carl Huber, '87M, is vice-
An absentee voter's ballot has chairman and Paul C. Wagner,
been found in the mails by the '16E, secretary-treasurer. The other
nostoffice authoritibs. and cannot .a. iu W Pnhh D 1d.

New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa-
chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti-
cut, New York, New Jersey, Penn-
sylvania, and Delaware. Smith
made his best showing in New York,
where the vote ran nine to five
for Hoover. The total votes in the
eastern states gave Hoover a three
to one majority.
In the southern states, Smith;
carried every state with the ex-
ception of West Virginia, Ken-
tucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Ark-
ansas and the District of Columbia.
The vote was closest in Kentucky,
and West Virginia, Hoover winning
by only three votes in both cases.
Smith's majority was a comfortable
one in every other state he car-
ried, Texas and Louisiana going
over to his standard four to one.
Of all votes cast in the sixteen
southern states, Smith led by a ma-
jority of seven to five.
I Of the central states, Hoover
carried every one of them. The
west-central states (North Dakota,
South Dakota, Minnesota, Missuri,
Nebraska and Kansas) all went Re-
publican by a total vote of three
to one.
Hoover carried every western
state (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming,
Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada,
New Mexico, Washington, Oregon
and California). In Colorado the
Democrats were strongest, three to
ttwo and in Montana the weakest,
thirty-nine to one.
Broadway Bridge
Opened Saturday
Ann Arbor's new Broadway
bridge was opened to traffic at 9
o'clock yesterday morning when1
Prof. Henry E. Riggs cut the yel-
'low and blue ribbon that was
stretched across the roadway of the
span. -
As the ribbon fell apart, barriers
at the south and north end of the
viaduct were removed and Lyndon
Wells, Cadillac, led a line of auto-
mobiles across the structure. Be-
hind the young man from Cadillac
was Edwin C. Flanders, proprietor
of a local floral shop.
The informal ceremony was wit-
nessed by Mayor Edward W. Stae-
bler, Titue F. Hutzel, president of
board of public works, and several
other city officials. Prof. Riggs i
represented the commission ap-
pointed by the mayor to aid City
Engineer George H. Sandenburghj
in plans for the Broadway grade
separation project.
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lUll bu rAIUM 133 ULCO3
George R. Kirkpatrick, of Chica-
go, Socialist party candidate for
vice president in the campaign of
1912, will speak under the auspices
of the Round Table club, Tuesday
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, in room
316 at the Michigan Union. His
subject will be "Real Issues of This
Mr. Kirkpatrick is characterized
by advance circulars as a lecturer,
debater, and teacher. He received
his education at Albion College, at
Albion, Michigan, Ohio Wesleyan
University, Vanderbilt, and the Un-
iversity of Chicago and has been
teaching at such institutions as
Southern College, Kansas, and Ri-
pon college, Wisconsin. At various
times he was a lecturer for the
New' York City Board of Education
and for the Swarthmore College
Chautaqua agency. He has debat-
ed against a good many well known
university professors of whom the
most illustrious is Prof. E. R. A. Se-
ligman of the economics depart-
ment at Columbia university.
Mr. Kirkpatrick is a traveling re-
presentative of the Socialist party
and will of course speak of the Sd-
cialist candidacy in the coming
presidential election. Some of the
important issues which will bring
up are: real government ownership
of water power sites, labor injunc-
tions, relief for the coal industry,
and the Child labor amendment.
Although the Round Table club,
which is sponsoring the program,
is not an avowed Socialist organi-
zation and is open to any students
or faculty members interested in
considering and discussing liberal
opinions on socialistic and econom-
ic subjects, it is affiliated with the
League for Industrial Democracy
which is strictly Socialistic in pol-
icy. There will be an admission
charge of 25 cents.



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be delivered. The name of the
sender was not on the ballot, but
it can beclaimed by the owner by
applying at the main postoffice. It
was addressed to Ward Four, Fitch-
burgh, Massachusetts.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 per year. It's worth it!

" memnuers are : w VIam E. no'Q o ,tJL,
Arthur E. Fixel, '05L, Donald T.
Hastings, '07, Dorothy M. Roehm,
'15, J. Raleigh Nelson, '94, of the
College of Engineering, and Lynn
A. Ferguson, '17M. Wilfred B. Shaw,
T. Hawley Tapping, and Charles
J. Rash serve as ex-officio members
of the committee representing the
Alumni association.

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by buying a
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