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Plans Provide For Two Wings, Eacha
Unit Housing 250
The approval of the Board of Re-
gents was given at their meeting
Friday night to the preliminary
plans which have been completed
for the new women's dormitory to
be built on Observatory street, and3
Secretary Shirley W. Smith, who is
business manager of the University,+
Was authorized to advertise for con-
tractors' bids. The bids are ex-
pected to come in within a very
short time. If they do not exceed1
the Regents' appropriation of
Most of the sororities are enter- Tied out in the programs, candles, j
taining guests from their Wiscon- and flowers.
sin chapters this week end, several Sigma Alpha Iota, national mu-
estimated that the net ope gave their pledge formal or infor- sical sorority, held a formal musi-
surmplu wil be . perating mal dances. Pledges are still being cale Thursday evening, October 25,
surplus will be $64,354.54. made although the formal season I at the home of Mrs. G. W. Patter-
Will Have Two Wings is over. son, a patroness of the society.
The building on which construc- Delta Delta Delta announces the Those taking part in the program
tion is now to begin consists of pledging of Almarine Montgomery, were: Helen Gould, soprano; Fran-
two units or wings of a larger dor- '32. The sorority gave an informal ces, Morehouse, accompanist; Mrs.
mitory group to occupy eventually'pledge dance Friday evening; they Okelberg, piano: Alice Lloyd, con-
all of the land available east of are planning a patroness's dinner tralto; Donna Esselstyn, accompa-
Palmer field. The completed dor- for next Wednesday. nis. After the program the guests
mitory will house 492 students, DeaZtannucshepd- joined in singing Alpha chapter
mtr ilhue42suet, Delta Zeta announces the pledg- songs. The guests included the
eight social directors, representing ing of Marion Hubbard, '31, of Con- tees cl e
the women's governing body of the o Mi h a of patronesses and faculty members
University, and the regular admin- of the sorority.
istrative staff and servants neces- chapter gave a special breakfast Alpha Chi Omega announces the
sary for the maintenance of the yesterday morning and a dance at pledging of Mary Crawford, '30, of
building. the Union in the evening in honor Highland Park, Marian Templeton
Malcolmson and Higginbotham of their homecoming guests. '30 of Toledo, Ohio, and Katherine
of Detroit, the architects who have Kappa Alpha Theta announces Peterson '31, of Lakewood, Ohio.
sketched the plans for the build- the pledging of Genevieve Cohan, Their pledge tea was held Tuesday,
ing, have taken advantage of the '30, of Wyandotte, Mich. A buffet October 23, and Mrs. Harold Pros-
steep slope from Observatory street
to the level of Palmer field and
have designed the first floor to
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Architect's Drawing Of Women's Dormitory
$800,000, and if the details of the
construction plan receive the
Board's approval, construction will
begin immediately.
The new aormirory, in its finan-
vial aspect, is an experiment in the
construction of University build-
ings. The financial scheme, which
has been worked out by Henry Hart,
'14L, vice president of the .Detroit
and Security Trust company,
assumes ownership by the Univer-
sity of all land necessary for the
site of the new dormitory. The
University already owned part of
the land near Palmer field when
the t Regents first took action re-
garding the project last April.
Funds for the purchase of such
other land as may be necessary
have been guaranteed to the Uni-
versity by Mason P. Rumney, '07E,
and amount to nearly $60,000.
Bonds To Finance Erection
The actual construction of the
dormitory will be made possible by
leasing this land to the Guardian
Trust company of Detroit, which
will issue bonds to finance the
erection of the building, releasing
the completed property to the Uni-
versity at an anual rental of 8 per
cent of the construction costs.
In order that the dormitory may
pay for its construction, the in-
come from it must be $64,000 aI
year, or 8 per cent of $800,000, the
estimated cost of the building.
That this net income will be
assured has been shown by a sub-
committee which has worked out
an estimate of" the income from the
building and the expenses involved
in its upkeep and repair. The
members of this committee were:
Paul Buckley, general manager of
the Union, Dr. Harley A. Haynes,
director of the University hospital,
and Miss Lenna Cooper, food direc-I
tor of the University. They have
open on a terrace on the west. The
first-floor rooms on the east will
be sufficiently lighted to be used
for storerooms, and on the west the
drop in elevation will permit the
rooms to be used for dining rooms.
Approach To Be Short Cut
The architects' plan contem-
plates a "short cut" across Palmer
field. It is expected that the resi-
dents will use this approach from
the campus almost exclusively.
Visitors and those coming by auto-
mobile will use the entrance from
Observatory street. Walking dis-
tance will be 500 yards from the
northeast corner of the campus to
the center of the entrance terrace.
The main entrance to the build-
ing from the east will really be on
the second floor, since the first
floor of the building will be below
the street level on this side. Sunk-
en gardens are to fill the space be-
twen the building and the street,
and spanning the gardens will be'
two entrance bridges. The dormi-
tory is to be of red brick with
stone trimmings and of fireproof
Each of the two wings of the
building will house 250 women, al-
though one kitchen will serve both
groups. Each wing will have its
separate entrance hall,. reception
room, living room, book iook, and
enclosed porch, as well as two din-
ing roms, each accommodating
I supper was given at the chapter
house after the game yesterday for
alumnae and guests from the Wis-
consin chapter.
Delta Gamma gave a faculty din-
ner Thursday evening. Their guests
were: Professor Louis A. Strauss
and Mrs. Strauss, Mr. Robert K.
Winters and Mrs. Winters, Dean
Humpheys, Mr. Bruce M. Donald-
son, and Miss Adelaide Adams.
Gamma Phi Beta entertained over
the week end: Miss Lucinda Sher-I
wood, '27, from Grand Haven, Judge3
Lee Johnson and Mrs. Johnson of
Detroit, Miss Jane Dribble from the
Epsilon chapter at Cleveland, and
Miss Ruth Moore, '28. The sorority
gave its pledge formal last night.
Mrs. Ella B. Anderson and Prof.
Everett Brown and Mrs. Brownl
were chaperones at the dance. The
colors, brown and mode, were car-
with the reception room, elevated
by three steps, so planned that it
can be used as a stage for amateur
dramatics or musicales. There will
be room enough to seat each girl in
the group, or to give dancing room
for a hundred or more couples. An
enclosed porch overlooking the ath-
letic field, a book nook, and small
parlors will give opportunity for
privacy while opening in friendly
fashion on the living room. It is,
in general, planned that the social
areas shall be comparable in space
per student to the Lawyers' club or
Betsy Barbour house.l
Dining Rooms Will Seat 700
Situ ed on the first floor in the
central portion of the building will
bae two dining rooms similar to those
in the Union summer porch, and
opening on the terrace overlooking
Palmer field. In addition, there
will be two dining rooms in pro-
jecting pavilions, lighted from
three sides. During the football
season 700 people can be served at
a sitting in the four dining rooms.
Each wing of the building will
have five floors, served by separate
elevators. Most of the students'
rooms will be 15 feet 9 inches long
and 11 feet wide, with two closets.
They will contain two cots, two
study desks with chairs, two chif-
per poured.
Bowls of flowers and autumn
leaves will center the long, tables
at the fourth annual Pan-Hellenic
banquet, which is being held to-
morrow evening, at 6:30 o'clock in
the main ballroom of the Michigan
This annual banquet is the one
event of the year at which all the
members of all the sororities on
campus are gathered together, , ]id
it is here that the rewards for the
various activities in which the sor-
orities have participated are made.
Most important of the rewards is
the scholarship cup which is given
at each banquet to the sorority
having had the highest scholarship
during the previous school season.
This year the cup will be presented
by Dean John R. Effinger, of the
Literary school.
Prominent guests who will at-
tend the function this year are:
Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, Dean
Joseph R. Bursley and Mrs. Burs-
ley, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs.
Effinger, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss
Beatrice W. Johnson, Miss Grace E.
Richards, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs.
Arthur Moehlman, Mrs. Palmer
The Women's League will be rep-
resented by Mary White, president
of that organization.
President Clarence Cook Little
has notified the organization that
he will be unable to attend the
banquet this year, as in previous
Florence Holmes, '29, will be the
toastmistress of the occasion this
year and the annual custom of each
sorority sing their sorority song
will be carried out as usual.
The large living rooms, 37 feet foniers, and one easy chair. There
wide and 70 feet long, will form will be approximately one bath or
the social centers of the groups, shower for every six students.
Most Fashionables
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Week-ending is ever so much more fun when you c
start off with a trim case that holds all the ,frocks
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For this purpose we show the "PakLite"-roomy, yet -
There's no packing bugaboo when you have this
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Two dress hangers and garment retainers occupy the
lid space. The body is partitioned into a small com-
partment for shoes, and a large packing space for
all the other needfuls.- Shirred pockets and tie tapes
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It's snug! Size 22"x15"x7 "._
j The price is $14.85
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Make Smart New Dresses
The dash and verve of the modern
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They bespeak alertness in every line.