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October 21, 1928 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-21

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VOLUME 39 PART 2 Editor, Kenneth G. Patrick ANN ARBOR, MICHIG;AN, SUTND AY, OCTOBER 21, 1928 Business Manager, Edward L. Hulse



A Modern Greek Chorus. This shows the songbirds in the finals of the inter-
sorority song contest at the University of Southern California. They are the
survivors of 300 starters. From left to right-Dorothy Fuller, Janet Dow Hazel
Woods, Elizabeth Whitzen, Murine Honey, and Marjorie Snow. We don't
know who won, but we bet that Mies Honey had a sweet: voice.
(Below) (Underwood and Underwood)


Up High, But Down and Out ! Ferris Nicholson and
Muls Widman, intramural boxers of the University of
Washington, stage a bout on Nisqually Glacier, on the
slopes of Mt. Rainier. ~ieWrd



Why Do
They Call
Him "Butch?"
There are a number of
good reasons, as the
opponents of the Uni-
versity of Illinois
eleven can well testi-
fy ! Illinois won the
Conference cham-
pionship last season,
and -immediately
elected "Butch" No-
wack as captain of the
1928 team. "Butch"
has a football under
his left arm.


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