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October 21, 1928 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-21

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Choral Union Concert Goers:

Mechanical, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineers:

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al
of the University: Copy received by the Assistant to
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)



. Educational Psychology:
My group will go to Northville Monday, leaving the
the University High School at one o'clock.
ecutive Board, Graduate School:
There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of
hool on Monday, October 22, at 3:3( p. m.

l members
the Presi-
No. 25
east entrancel
W. Keeler
the Graduate
A. Rouse

Amelita Galli-Curci, assisted by Homer Samuels, pianist, and Ewald You are invited to meet with the officers of the Student Branch
Haun, flutist, will give the second concert in the Choral Union Series of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on Tuesday, October
in Hill Auditorium, Monday night at 8:15 o'clock, eastern time, sharp. 23, at 7:30 p. m., in Room 229 West Engineering Building, for informa-
The general public is respectfully requested to comply with the tion concerning membership and activities for the year.
following: Jack Gray
Please come sufficiently early in order that all may be seated "at the JacGy
hour of beginning, as the doors will be closed during numbers. Aeronautical Society
Holders of season tickets are respectfully requested to detach before There will be a meeting of the Aeronautical Society on Tuesday,
leaving home, and present for admission, coupon No. 2, marked "Galli- October 23, at 7:30 p. m.in Room 348 West Engineering Building.
Curci." Business matter will be settled. Mr. Robert Evans, who has recently
Holders of stage seats should pass down the side aisles on the Bsns atrwl estld r oetEas h a eety
main floor to the doors at the foot of the aisles, then on to the returned from a trip to Germany, will speak on the development of
mainflor t th dors t te fot o th ailes thn o tothegliders in Europe. All members of the Society are requested to be
stage. Stage tickets for obvious reasons will not be honored unless present. Everybody is cordially invited.
presented not later than 8 o'clock.
assigned by ushers. W. E. Koneczny, President
in those portions of the auditorium to which they may have been
Holders of standing room tickets are respectfully requested to remain The Chemical Engineering Seminar
Automobiles, taxis, etc., may unload and load at either the Thayer will be held oiA Monday, October 22, at 4 o'clock in room 3201. Mr.
street or Ingalls street side entrances. By police instructions auto David Fox will speak upon the regulation of the heat balance in a
traffic will be prohibited in front of the Auditorium. City buses willwD asideFox ing bp uknushrelt
park on North University Avenue in front and to the east of the water gas set using bituminous coal.
Auditorium, while interurban buses will park on the old street car A__red_._Whi__
tracks oppositd the Auditorium. ^~ " - -

man and Heads of Departments-
re of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
he week beginning October 2' has been set apart for preliminary
rences regarding our budget for the year '29-30. Appointments
iese conferences should be made as soon as possible.
John R. Effinger


Charles A. Sink

I Men's Eucation Ulub :


Dr. W. H. Hatfield, who is associated with the Brown-Firth Re-
search Laboratories, Sheffield, England, will deliver two lectures Friday,
October 26, at 4:00 p. in., and 8:00 p. in., respectively, in Room 1042 East
Engineering. Building. The first lecture will be on the subject "Rust
and Acid-Resisting Steels" and the second on "The Application of
Science to the Steel Industry." The lectures are under the joint aus-'
pices of the University and the Detroit Chapter of the American Society,
for Steel Treating. The public is cordially invited.
Frank E. Robbins
Economics 171:
Written test Monday, October 22, at 1 o'clock. A-L, Room C Law}
Bldg., M-Z Natural Science Auditorium.
W. A. Paton
Annual Membership Drive of the Red Cross:
Owing to the fact that no house to house canvass is being made
for membership this year, members of the Faculty and students are
requested to take out their annual memberships at the tables which
will be placed in various2parts of the campus on Monday, October
22, and Tuesday, October 23.
Margaret K. Effinger,
Chairman for University Memberships
Tau Beta Pi:
The regular meeting will be held Tuesday, at 6 o'clock, in the
Michigan Union..
W. R. Hough, Recording Secretary
Exhibition of French and American Lithographs-Architectural Build-
A choice collection of lithographs by leading French artists and
the late George- Bellows, American, is now hung in the cases of the
ground floor corridor, Aichitectural building. These lithographs form'
part of the collection of Mr. A. C. Goodyear. The exhibition will con-
tinue through October 24, and, excepting Sundays, as open daily untill
6 o'clock. The public is cordially invited.
Emil Lorch
Choral Union Ushers:
All ushers are requested to report at their places of assignment
not later than 7:30 Monday evening, for the Galli-Curci concert.
Members not able tct attend will please notify their floor head. Do
not send a substitute.
Ribbon badges and cards to be shown for admittance.
W. A. Davenport
Outstanding New Books

Twilight Organ Recital:
Fernando Germani, distinguished Italian organist, will appear as
guest soloist in, the regular weekly organ recitals Wednesday afternoon,
October 24, at 4:15 o'clock. The public, with the exception of small
children, is invited and foi4 obvious reasons is respectfully requested to
be seated on time, as the doors will be closed during numbers. Senior
Germani wil play the following program:,
Vivaldi-Bach (1675-1743) Concerto in D minor; M. E. Bossi (186.-
1925) Scena Pastorale, J. S. Bach: (1685-1750) Fantasia and Fugue in
G. minor; M. E. Bossi: Colloquy with the Swallows, F. Germani: Gigue
(MSS), E. Torres: Saetas (MSS), R. Manari: Studio da Concerto (MSS).
Charles A. Sink
The Michigan Weekly:
There will be an important meeting of the staff of The Michigan
Weekly in the front office of the Press building Monday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock.
J. Stewart Hooker
Student Recital:
Dalies Frantz, Juilliard Musical Foundation scholarship student of
Guy Maier, will give the following program of piano numbers at the
University School of Music hall on Maynard street, Wednesday evening,
October 24, at 8 o'clock sharp. The public is invited. No admission
Brahms: Sonata in F Minor (Op. 5); Brahms: Intermezzo in E flat
minor (Op. 118, No. 6), Romance (Op. 118, No. 5), Rhapsody in G
minor (Op. 79, No. 2); Brahms: Variations and Fugue on a Theme of
Handel (Op. 24).
Charles A. Sink

The meeting scheduled for Monday evening, October 22, is post-
poned until Monday evening, October 29. Time and place of meeting
will be announced later.
A. B. Elliott -
Adelphi Open Forum:
Tuesday evening at 7:30 a discussion .on the subject-"Resolved:
That this house believes that Social Fraternities and Sororities should
be banned from this campus." Members and visitors are invited to
attend and take part in the discussion.
The Clerk has notified those who will appear for the initiation
which will be held after the open meeting. Further tryouts are welcome
after the close of the discussion.
Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker
Alpha Nu:
The regular meeting of Alpha Nu, national debating society of
Kappa Phi Sigma will be held Tuesday, October 23, in the Alpha Nu
room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall.
The program will be a consideration of the status of the Republican
and Democratic parties at the present date. Representatives of both
the Republican and Democratic Clubs of the University will be present.
Visitors are cordially invited.
John Webster, Pres.
Play Reading Section:
The Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet
on Tuesday, October 23, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. U. B.
Phillips, 1954 Cambridge Road. Mrs. John Sundwall and Mrs. A. D.
Moore will act as assistant hostesses.
Mrs. W. V. Marshall

Play By Play Account
Of Ohio State Game
(Continued from Page Seven)
Hieronymous took Wheeler's fum-
ble on Michigan's 25-yard line.
Heironymous made a lard at cen-
Rich intercepted Homan's pass
almost on his goal line and ran to
his 13 yard line. Wheeler punted
to Fouch on Michigan's 48-yard
line, and he returned it to the 40--
yard line.
McConnell went in for Holman
at quarter for Ohio State. McCon-
nell failed to gain. Ujhelyl went in
for Selby at guard for Ohio. Fouch
ran almost to the side line before
he passed to Hieronymous and
stopped the ball. It was ruled an
incomplete pass. Fouch kicked to
Michigan's eight yard line where
the ball grounded. Dill went in
for Fesler at end for Ohio.
Cox took Beboulet's place. Ying-
ling dashed in and the gigantic
Berratt loped out. Rich took two
yards at left end. Wheeler added
a yard over right guard. Wheeler
kicked to Michigan's 43-yard line
where McConnell made a fair
catch. Hieronymous bucked out of
bounds for a gain of a yard.
Poorman took Williams place at
right tackle for Michigan. Cof-
fee made a sweeping run toward
right end but lost five yards. fail-
ing to get to the line. Fouch's pass
to McConnell was incomplete.
Nesser went in for Cox for Ohio.
Fouch kicked out of bounds on
Michigan's 21-yard line.
McConnell intercepted a Michi-
gan pass and ran to Michigan's
36-yard line. A pass from Fouch
went out of bounds.
Hieronymous took five yards
through the micdle of the line.
Ohio was .penalized 15 yards for
holding. Houston took McConnell's
place and Glasser took Nesser's
place for Ohio.
Hieronymous failed to gain on a
sneak. Fouch went into a dive at
center and came up with a gain of
five yards. The final gun sounded.
Ohio winning 19 to 7.

City officials, meeting yesterday,
definitely set the time for the open-
ing of the new Broadway bridge for
11:30 o'clock Friday morning ofI
next week, while it was decided
that, weather permitting, Beakes
street would be conditioned to carry
the traffic of the thousands of cars
that will be pouring into Ann Arbor
the next day, Saturday, Oct. 27, for
the football game with Wisconsin.
Invitations for the formal open-
ing have been extended to state and
railroad officials including Gov.
Fred W. Green, Frank Rogers, state
highway commissioner, and J. F.
Deimling of Detroit, chief engineer
of the Michigan Central railroad.


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