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October 21, 1928 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-21

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Crashing Fullback Will Lead Michigan. This photograph
shows George Rich, Wolverine captain, who weighs 190 pounds
and hails from Lakewood, Ohio. He has had two years of ex-
perience in the varsity squad.

W W W, A Winning Wonder from Alabama-Coach William Wallace
Wade has .made an enviable record with his football teams at the University
of Alabama. His team lost only one game during his first year, and then won
the Southern Conference championship for the next three seasons. Great
expectations await his 1928 team. (Orville Rush)

In Conference on the Midway. Coach Alonzo Stagg and his board of strategy are shown in this
picture with the 1928 University of Chicago varsity squad. (wide World)

10, oooMer
"IWomen Use
Too Much Rouge"
THE MEN, poor
dears, are not
-' quite correct. They
judge by appear-
ances solely. What
they really protest
is the "painted
look"-and "too
much rouge" is not
really a question of
quantity. It is a
matter of kind; for even the tiniest bit
of usual rouge does look unreal.
Women have startling proof of differ-
ence in rouges once they try Princess
Pat. Have you sometimes watched
fleecy clouds at sunset shade from
deepest rose to faintest pink, every
tone pure and luminous? So it is with
Princess Pat rouge. Every tone is pure
and luminous, seeming to lie beneath
the skin and not upon it. You obtain
more, or less, color by using freely or
sparingly. But there is never a ques-
tion of too much, never the unlovely
"painted look" to which men object.
Purity, delicacy, the most costly color
tints, and a secret formula combine to
make Princess Pat the most natural
rouge in the world. And whether blonde
or brunette, you can use any and all of
the six Princess Pat shades with perfect
effect-instead of being limited to one
as with usual rouges.
Velvet Your Skin with Princess Pat
Almond Base Face Powder
Velvet is just the word; for the soft,
soothing Almond Base imparts to



, ii

Princess Pat an entirely new "feel,"
makes its application a veritable ca-
ress. Most powders contain starch as
a base-hence their drying effect. The
Almond in Princess Pat definitely
helps the skin, assists it to remain
pliant and fine of texture. And there
has never been a powder to go on so
smoothly, or cling so long-never be-
cause only in Princess Pat do you find
the soft, naturally adherent Almond
Base-instead of starch.
Princess Pat Almond Base face powder
now comes in two weights. Medium
weight in the familiar oblong box-
lighter weight in the new round box.
It has been possible because of the Al-
mond Base to make the lighter weight
powder just as clinging as the medium.
Get This
Week End Set

Wonderful New Color for Lips
Just what you've wanted-lip rouge
that colors the visible part of the lips
and that also adheres to and colors the
inside, moist surface. Thus, parted
lips show beautiful color all the way
back-no unlovely "rim" of color as
with usual lipsticks.
Try the Seven Famous Aids-to-Beauty in
Princess Pat Week End Set
This is really an "acquaintance" set-
end'ugh of each preparation for a thor-
ough trial-enough for two weeks.
And the beauty book sent with set
contains information on skin care of
real value-besides artful secrets of
make-up which vastly enhance re-
sults from rouge,
powder and lip rouge.
You will be delighted
U with the set.

Ruth Margaret Cooper was chosen [ New Head of U. S. Naval Academy. Rear Admiral Samuel

2709 S. Wells St. Dep. 42-A Chicago
Enclosed find 25c for which send me the
Princess Pat Week End Set.



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