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October 17, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-17

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17, 1928







opA;m l








Cora Opines



Thrusting college spirit down
peoples' throats in the shape of
college songs, yells and traditional
antics in their first weeks at the

Two New Outside Engagements
Are Announced For
Coming Year
At the first meeting of the year
held at 4:30 o'clock yesterday af-
ternoon at the School of Music by
the University Glee Club, two out-
side engagements were announced
by Miss Hunt, Director, and the
Manager. One of these will take
place at East Lansing where the
Smembers of the club will be guests
4 after their concert at a dance given
In their honor. It is expected that
this will be given in January.
SAnotherinvitation, received from
Miss Olson of the University High
S School, was to sing college songs
at that school in the near future
Three other/tentative engagements
are under way.
Practice Time Is Set
The time set for weekly practice
was finally set as Tuesday after-
noons from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock but
L a1yangements, were made for those
having 4 o'clock classes.
4 Lucile Beresford, as president of
k the club, greeted the new members,
explained the purpose of the club,
§poke of a few of the plans for the
year, and introduced the other of-
ficers. The rest of the hour was
spent in singing college songs.
To start out the social events of
the year and to provide opportu-
nity for the old and new members'
to become better acquainted, the
Glee Club is giving a buffet sup-~
per from 6 to 8 o'clock tonight on
' the mezzanine of the School of
Music. There will be dancing af-
ter the supper.
Women Recently Admitted
The members who have just re-
cently been admitted to the club
are: Dorothy Beck '30, Violet Bidg-
'way '30, L. Lorraine Collick '31,
Frances Cope '30, Margaret Cope-
i land '30, Audrey Haver '31, Bertha
Howard '31, Marion Goodale '29,
,e Flora E. Hodgman '30Ed., Ruth
Leslie Kelsey '31, Virginia M. Kim-
ball '29, Mildred R. Lasser '31, Ag-
nes MacDonald '30, Marjory Mc-
Clung '31, Nena V. Phil '30, Betty
1 Smither '29. Ollie L. Backus '29,
l Fredreica W. Baeslack '31, Marga-.
Goldenbogen '31, Agnes E. Johnson
1 ret S. Ferrand x29, Neva Anne
'31, Retta McKnight '30, Albertine
w Maslen '31, Dorothy Louise Mat-
t es '29, Betty Pulver '29, Frances
dele Vincent '30, Thelma Whit-
taker '29, Martha Ruth Cogshall
'30, Jeanette Dale '31, Elaine Frost
'30, Helen Gay '31, Dorothy Good-
ridge '30, Jane Haymond '31, Olive
i Strohmeyer '31, Elaine Townsend
S'29, Mary Frances Abele '30, Demar-
ous Cornell '31, Ruth Marshall '31,
1 Mary Minnick '30, Janet Robinson
i ' '31, Irma Sanzenbacher '29, Cathe-
i'rine Shannon '31, Dorothy Pope
i Wilson '29 S of M, Alice E. Mid-
i worth '30, Mary Niffinegger '30,
Marie Samson '30, Lila M. Schaefer
Rain Water
SHair,Eyebrow, Eye Lash
Se cDying
Scientific Scalp Treatment
Finger Waving, Marcelling,
4 Hair Cutting
Facial French, Russian,
General, and coarse
pore treatment.
Dial 9471 406 E. Liberty
r -.
Red Nichols and Charleston

1539-Farewell' Blues
1539-My Gal Sal
Jan Garber-
1550-Sonny Boy
1550-Round Evening
Paul Whiteman-
1558-Sidewalks of New
1558-In the Good Old
Music Shop
305 Maynard St.

jl C

university is directly in opposition
to the English manner of creating,
a feeling of fondness for one's
school, according to Katherine Rip-
man, graduate of Oxford Univer-
sity and, holder of a Riggs scholar-
ship for this year.
"Demonstration of emotion such
as undergraduates here seem to
indulge in," Miss Ripman said,
"would be considered bad form in
England, perhaps, because we are
a little slower to respond freely to
anyone but our most intimate
friends, or because students at
English universities are a bit more
serious minded due to the difficulty
to gain entrance to them.
"Mine is only a first impression,
of course," Miss Ripman pointed
out, "but it seemed so queer to hear
stirring songs about the loved halls
and the dear, familiar faces, being
sung, by freshmen. In this respect,
I believe this is a major difference
in English and American universi-
ties. In England, this spirit for
one's school is taken for granted,
the undergraduates having beenl
vaccinated 'with the idea before
they enter," she continued, "whileI


"Blushing cheeks and noticeably
cherry lips are frowned upon in
Ovford as being in bad taste, while
here-well!" she stopped laughing-
ly. "Dress is a matter of much less
importance than it seems to be
here, for one very seldom sees a
dowdy woman here, while in Eng-
land, the women are more serious
"Very few women of the 1,000 at
Oxford are ever asked to leave the
University, according to Miss Rip-
man, the average being about six
or seven in a year. This fact is
due largely to the fact that uni-
versity students come up, to the
colleges on scholarships and either
make good or are suspended.
"Rags indulged in by students
very seldom end in disaster," said
Miss Ripman, "they are generally
organized and most often occur af-
ter special occasions. For instance.
after the Bump races, in which
boats progress by bumping each
other along, a Bump supper is held
by those who have made a requir-
ed number of bumps, a most hilar-
ious and exciting affair. One of
the most thrilling types of rags
SWhich occurred in the university,"
Miss Ripman said in conclusion,
"took place when a number of
budding parsons painted the Dean's

What with everyone on campus
being so absorbed in campus poli-
tics, it's surprising that anyone has
time to think of such a trival thing
as the coming presidential cam-
paign, don't you think so, my dear?
But it seems that a few students
are not content with slinging mud
in such a limited field as campus
politics. So they have broadened
their scope and have gone into the
national aspect of the thing. Real-
ly, my dear, if you want. some
simply scorching epitaphs to hurl
at your room-mate in moments of
extreme need, just follow the little
debate that is being carried on in
Campus Opinion.
I mean that there are two or
three people who are having
heated arguments as to the respec-
tive merits of dear old Herb and
simple Al Smith. And what the
opposing supporters think of each
other ought to be printed on
asbestosandnot in The Daily. And
you will find that what a grad stu-
dent can't think of, a sophomore
does. Which may or may not be a
compliment to both of them.
Anyway, their little feud may
stir up the rest of the student body
enough to make them know that
there is a national election as well
as the all-important campus affair.
No, my dear, I'm not inferring that
the average student isn't interested
in politics. Whatever gave you
that impression?

c~sSP O RT S
Daily Bulletin of Sportswomen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-

L:.......1 .. y«... TT.,..«........ J.7..:.. 1. ...... .. i

here, certainly, a professional
tering of college spirit forms
important part of college life.


fos- bicycie red. However, tnis type of
an amusement rarely ends in official

Mrs. Stuart Hanley, champion
golf player, who has been giving
her services as coach to the women
of the university free of charge
for the past few years will be at
Palmer field this afternoon, to in-
struct any women who are inter-
ested in this sport. Mrs. Hanley
expects to come out to Ann Arbor
from Detroit every Wednesday dur-
ing the golf season, to give per-
sonal instruction and exhibitions
of the correct golf drives at Palm-
er field. All of the women in the
advanced classes are expected to
be on the field tomorrow after-
Mrs. Hanley is especially inter-
ested in organizing a good univer-
sity golf team, and this is the main
reason why she is making a spe-
cial effort to continue her practice
of giving instruction to women en-
rolled in golf courses. Possibilities
of having tournaments with both
the Ann Arbor Women's Golf club
and the Barton Hills club, have al-
ready been discussed, and any
women who have hopes of making
the team should not miss this op-
portunity of such excellent coach-
RAL COLLEGE: Because of in-
creased enrollment in the practice
course in household management
the college has added a new prac-
tice house. It will be operated on
an income level of $1800 a year for
a family of five.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 per year. It's worth it!
cation was established not to fur-
nish service for . the hospital but
solely for the education of nurses.
The University of Minnesota was
the first university to install un-
dergraduate courses leading to the
degree of bachelor of science in
The increasing relationship be-
tween the schools of nursing and
the universities has beer a signi-
ficant movement in education. The
hospitals are too poor to continue
holding the ever-increasing burden
of nursing education. The re-
quired schools for nursing must
find their place in the educational
system and in the institutions of
higher education.

Pi Beta Phi Defeats
Newberry In Hockey
Pi Beta Phi decisively defeated
the Helen Newberry Hockey team
at Palmer field Monday by a score
of 7 to 0. Great weakness in de-
fense on the Newberry team allow-
ed Woodruff and Bielby to score
easily in the first half. In the sec-
ond half, the Newberry defense
held, although the play was still
in their territory. In the back-
field Vincenti and McGough star-
red for the Pi Beta Phi team. Pot-
ter and Troester led the Newberry
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 per year. It's worth it!

Athletic managers of all soror
ities and dormitories are asked t
meet at four o'clock on Wednesda
in the parlours of Barbour gymnas
ium. It is important that all house
be represented as new rules fo
intramural tournaments will b
The American Association o
University women will meet at
o'clock next Saturday in Alumn
Memorial Hall. Louis Karpins]
will give an illustrated talk o
"Manuscript Maps of America" I
Spanish, French, and Portugues
archives." All who are eligible I
join the association are cordial:
invited to be guests at this meel
All new and old members of th
University Girls' Glee Club are ex
pected to be present at the "get
together" buffet supper held fro:
6 to 8 o'clock tonight on the me
zanine of the School of Music.



-------------- f

Fall Styles 'Show Decided Change In
Favor Of Femininity And Sober Colors

Fall fashions this year show a
distinct variety as opposed to the
uniformity of the past few sea-
sons. They achieve this by side
drapes, flaring skirts, and swing-
ing panels, far different from the
straight boyish silhouette that fol-
lowed the war. Slimness is still
an asset, but the figure should be
fuller and rounder, and one's
clothes should be more nearly
molded to it. The hip-line, especi-
ally, should be quite tight.
Blue (and this color predomi-
nates even to lingerie), black, and
brown are the fashionable colors,
with beige still the favorite for
sports. Gray, dark green, and the
wine shades of red are next in im-
portance. Bright colors seem to
have retired after their brilliant
showing last summer.
In the matter of fabrics, velvet
has far outstripped all oth-r com-
petitors. It may be printed or
plain, but to be a la mode, it should
be velvet. Crepe satin is also good,

while tweed is "right" for sports.
The stiffer materials, such as taf-
feta and moire are in for evening
wear. And both evening gowns
and evening wraps emphasize for-
Hats are mainly of felt, with
small, tight-fitting crowns. Many
ard cut so as to come out quite far
on the cheeks.
Dorothy Touff, '30, and Frances
Whipple, '31, were inaugurated into
the offices of vice-president and
head outdoor sports, respectively,
at the supper meeting of the exec-
utive board of W. A. A. held in
Palmer field house at 5:45 o'clock
Monday night.
In assuming the duties of the
offices, Miss Touff automatically
becomes the chairman of the social
committee of W. A. A. and chair-
man of the Penny Carnival.

Nursing dates back far beyond the
Christian Era, but it was not until
the Middle Ages that any organiza-
tion was effected, at which period
it became a function of religious
orders. The influence of the mili-
tary model followed Florence
Nightingale's Crimean episode and
her reorganization of the army
medical service. Florence Nightin-
gale is generally considered the
founder of modern nursing.
The history of nursing has fol-
lowed rather closely the history of
education, law and other profes-
sional callings developed through
the apprenticeship method. As
hospital after hospital has come
into existence each has developed
almost invariably a school of nurs-
ing, until at present there are some
2,000 schools of nursing with a
student body of approximately
The first school of nursing edu-


$10.00 or12
Facials, Hot Oil Trea
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Done by Exper
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by what you'll take to be a
new suit of clothes by having
us dry clean and press some
of your laid-aside garments.
Send us a suit and you will

see how perfectly

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=There couldn't be a more pleasant place to
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Store closes
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The very time to



M- Mope o esined by
Creator of 'Artistic footwear


"Michigan Coeds are

Leiters Home can carry all
when written on generous
Crushed Bond-72 sheets to
Our special at..........
Matching envelopes ..... .

the news-especially
sized sheets of our
the pound.
.. . . . .39c
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Ready to cheer,

When with Jacqueline
The salesmen appear."


Order sherbet from The
Ann Arbor Dairy .. and
punch, too, when you
are planning a party . .
The Ann Arbor Dairy makes a specialty
of preparing sherbet and punch for festive

A Note to Him would surely be welcome, tucked
inside of a gay-lined envelope -and a novelty
matching border decorates the letter itself.
The box................. .$2.49
Other boxes for 39c and up.
A Card to Her on Deckle edge gloveskin indicates
fastidious taste. The price..............$2.49
Also Deauville correspondence cards with delight-
ful checked envelopes are good ........at $1.79
Other cards for 49c and up.
Tally cards and Christmas cards are here ni wide
A Phone Call-4161-will bring your stationery



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Noon Luncheon


to $8.50


The usual goodness of all Ann

Arbor Dairy products will be found in

Two Servings

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I these. too.



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