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October 17, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-17

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and tVe local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at - Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busines, 212t4.
Telephone 4925
Editor ..... .... . ..Paul- J. Kern
City Editor........... ...Nelson J. Smith
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor ..........Morris Quinn
Women's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
] oseph E. Howell Pierce Ro-nberg
onald J. Kline George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Ruth Kelsey
Morris Alexander Donald E. Layman
Esther Anderson' C. A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Leon Lyle"
Bertram Askwith Marian MacDonald '
Fenelon Boesche Henry Merry
Louise Behymer N. S. Pickard
Arthur Bernstein William Post
[sabel Charles.. Victor Rabinowitz
L. R. Chubb john T. Russ
Laura Codling Harold Saperstein
Frank. E. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Helen Domine. Howard Simon
Edward Efroymson Robert L. Sloss
Douglas Edwards Arthur R. Strubel
Valborg Egeland Beth Valentine
Robert J. Feldman Gurney Williams
Marjorie Foilmer Walter Wilds
Oscar Fuss [dward Weinman
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Tom Gillett t o~eph A. Russell
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson j
Willis Jones A. Stewart
Richard ung Edward L. Warner Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RA MOND WACHTERI
Department Managec.
Advertising... ..,,...Ax K. Scherer
Advertising .. ....... James Jordan
Advertising ........ CarltXW- Hammer
Service .....-.,«,.....Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation........... .. GeorgeS. Bradley'
Accounts.. ..........Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications.... ......Ray M. Hofelich

Professor is free, white, and at least
21. Blood ties are strong and busi-
ness is pressing, even for college
professors, and the outside world
should have kept its nose in the
right place.
At last the senior literary class
has a president and a bitter fac-
tional dispute is at an qnd. The
situation was at best a difficult one
and its satisfactory settlement Is
indeed worthy of recognition. Tied
on the first ballot, the two candi-
dates, Raber and Sutherland, found
themselves the center of a campus
political storm. Reports of frauds
in the balloting were numerous
and a great deal of ill feeling re-
A series of conferences followed
between representatives of the
Student council and J. A. Bursley,
dean of students, but it was not
until the two candidates mutually
agreed to withdraw from the elec-
tion that the situation was cleared
up, and a new election with a
cleared field made possible.
The sacrifices made bythe two
candidates are not to be taken
lightly as the office meant a great
deal, undoubtedly, to each. That
they did withdraw is an exceptional
indication of good sportsmanship
and to be commended most highly.
The second election, held Mon-
day afternoon, was as absolutely
fair and impartial as possible. That
it recognized another candidate as
president seems of importance to
many. But it is chiefly to be re-
garded as a straightforward,
honest election. The voting by
freshmen and sophomores, cus-
tomary in elections of other years,
was totally absent and the result
recognizes that it is possible to
conduct an honest election on the
Michigan campus.
All too often in the past, this has,
unfortunately, not been true. There
have been many occasions, it is
regrettable to remember, when any
but honest methods were successful
in nominating and electing candi-
dates. That the time has come,
tardy though it may be, when
Michigan can have clean elections
all of the time may well be hoped
and every effort made to insure its
Smith pulled a fast one getting
his tariff speech in ahead of
Hoover's. He made the other party
look like a bunch of liars and
But so did Hoover, only in a more
polite way. He threw in a lot of
figures though, that helped con-
fuse the audience.
He shouldn't do that. It isn't so
effective as Smith's hell, fire, and
brimstone straight from the shoul-
der tactics.
They locked horns on only one
issue-the tariff commission. It
was Smith's round by a wide mar-
If the debate, Reed vs. Any Smith
Man On Faculty, goes through, it
ought to produce a bigger blow
than even the Eddy-Reed-Hobbs
tornado of two years ago.

Music And Drama
HAS ANY ONE torium, Mr. Palmer Christian
HERE SEEN will present a program of organ
YOST? music, beginning at 4:15..
"THE LOST LEADER" Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, has built the following pro-
To L. A. MeG. gram for the recital in Hill audi-
torium, Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 4:15
Now where the hell's Professor o'clock. The program is especially
Yost, attractive as it combines the clas-'
Despair of the West, and Michigan's sical with, perhaps, the modern
boast? tendencies in music.
He coached our point-a-minute Of special interest on the pro-
He cachd or pont--miute gram is the "Lento" from Gluck's
teams, idealistic opera "Orpheus" in which
Made football history-now it there is a perfect blending of the,
seems, dramatic and the lyrical elements.

Typing Multigraphing
State & William Dial 7831




The heart of a primitive
people chanted in the
rhythm of the negro race.
Tuesday. Oct. 30
Mail Orders
Room A-Memorial Hall
Whitney Thea.



A Substantial Luncheon
11:30 to 1: 3-60c Try it
Also our Dinner is 85c, 5:30 to 7:30
Chicken Dinner Sunday 12 to 2-$1.25
308 Thompson St Near East Liberty
We Are Offering
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Barbecue Sandwiches, Fresh Popcorn, Peanuts, Candy,
Cigarettes, Malted Milk, Cold Drinks, Doughnuts,
Home Made Crispettes, Fresh Frit,
Potato Chips, Etc.
Owen Bros. Popcorn
Phone 4481

When Michigan's hopes are begin-
ning to wilt,
He'd rather coach at Vanderbilt.
Or can't they tell on Ferry Field
Who is king-who's to wield
The ultimate power, have final
In gridiron pow-wows raise his
Pick the men to play the game-
And if he loses, take the blame?
. * .
Isn't it a shame that Mr.
Yost's vacations always come


football season?

* * *.
A new word-change game, in
four steps: , lost-cost-yost-post.
* * *
Now that Ypsilanti and In-
diana have beaten Michigan on
the same day, can we really
blame Yost for leaving town?
If Vanderbilt university, where
Yost has gone, needs his coaching,
any more than Michigan, they
surely must be terrible.
* * *

Irving Binzer
Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
HcI' G('c
Kasper Halverson
jack Horwitch

George R. Hamilton
Dix fumphrey
Bernard Larson
Leonard Littlejohn
Carl aSchem
Robert Scoville

o - - - -
( "Do you suppose," sweetly
I sighed the Fair Co-ed today,
I "that Mr. Yost will get triple
bolts for leaving school like
I this?"

.0 1

Night Editor-Clarence Edelson

Rumors concerning the absencE
of Prof. Fielding H. Yost from his
duties with the department of
physical culture and subsequent
rumors concerning his taking over
the instructiop of physical culture
of several promising young men at
Vanderbilt university, have been
spiked. Professor Yost merely
went to Nashville, Tenn., "on busi-
ness," he having a great deal of in-
terest in a bank there. While there,
it is entirely likely that he will
visit his brother-in-law, Daniel
McGuigin, who has charge of the
group of promising young men
Professor was said to have gone to
aid-the Vanderbilt university
football representatives.
Both Professor Yost and the
Vanderbilt coaches have denied
stoutly that the Professor had any
idea of even -leaving the dear old
University of Michigan that until
recently, has furnished abundant
football material and lots of alum-
ni to help build nice buildings for
the athletes, and to be named after
famous local characters.
The attitude which Professor
Yost has taken concerning his trip
is perfectly all right. Professor
Yost of the physical culture depart-
ment has as much right to take
his yearly vacation or to leave
town on business without having
to announce the fact and sign a
requisition slip as has any other
of the scholars on the faculty. A
scurrilous report by a metropolitan
paper, sent by a reporter who was
not sure of his facts, can cause a
lot of trouble as has been shown,
but all famous men meet it sooner
or later.
It was entirely unfortunate,
both for the Professor and for
Michigan football fans who have
respect for the coach of the foot-
ball team, that three losses, two on
successive Saturdays, and that
poor material on the football squad
came together to stare the readers
of the latest story in the face.
Professor Yost has before gone in
such a situation, and has returned
holding as much respect as before.
He has announced firmly and loud-
ly that he is not head coach--he
coaches the ends and backs. Tad
Wieman is now head coach and
is .s~v7rA1!7ha y'nti 00 'Iaby hulav~ring a

o- - - - -o
* * *
The Lark may sing up in the sky,
But soul and wit he seems to lack.
So let him fly and fly and fly,
Just send my Three Star back.
For Three Star seemed to know the
He printed all the songs I sang,
And never really dashed my hopes;
But Lark has dropped me with a
When Three Star was the chef and
He printed all with hope and glee,
He took my lines (they were not
But now Lark cooks-ah, woe is
I used to shake a wicked pen
About the deans and other things,
And slap at Prexy now and then-
But now another woman sings.
So now I make this last protest,
For Lark detests me, I have seen.
I'll give my pen a needed rest
And dream of days when I was
Pert Gert.
* * *
Why is Mr. Yost in the fall
like the trees in the spring?
Because they both leave when
we need them most.

The opera is a uirect departure___
from the stiff and artificial style
that was written at the time. Of1
similar interest are the "Toccatta
and Fugue in D Minor" by Bach, s
which, unlike most of Bach's com-
positions, were not intended for
church music. These two selec-
tions stand out as being of the=
master's most dramatic and most
popular works. Another number
the "Chinese Garden" suite by De-
Lamarter is adiaphanouscompo-
sition, full of variety in tone-color - OT
and individualism imbued with STATE
keen imagination. This suite, it 1TET-
may be remembered, was played at
the dedication of the Frieze organ
last spring.
C. A. A.
The cross of collegiate literary Aft he hoh
editors seems to be the exceeding the show, the
dearth of really useful material for
the columns of whatever magazine
they happen to be connected with.
view, what is good is too good for
the college magazine. What is bad
is still plenty good enough for a most m
rhetoric courses, or to give the
freshman in the House who has
one of those terrible short story
assignments. Obviously there re-T'
mains little that can find its way sar
to the editorial desk of such a
paper as The Inlander. It is hard-1 ref
ly fair, in reviewing the present ex
copy, the first of the year, to add
that the magazine shows this situ- sh
ation, but for anyone unaware of to
this editorial problem the conclu-
sion is inescapable.
Inlander boasts of the fact that
it is by way of being literary god- CRIPPEN S
father to Stewart Edward White,
a novelist of some distinction. Lit- 7
erary heritage at Michigan has al-
ways been a slender thread. The I
early career of Ring Lardner has OPEN
its ironic aspects; so does that of
Avery Hopwood, or perhaps there
is more irony in the terms of his
bequest to this institution. At all
events, literary tradition of 'any _
sort is so limited that not unnatu-
rally the bohunks who arrive at
Alma Mater's doors from here,
there, and God knows where, come
to feel quite safe in classing the A N
literary devotee with such outland-
ish sissifications as silk underwear
and the rest of the affectations of in l
the "precious." Inlander makes a 'Tutoring All
brave effort to buck this juvenile
philistinism. Its format is very 11
simple; very attractive, too. The
articles are honest efforts. Some
of the stories could be "cut" a lit-
tle. Some of the poetry one hes-
itates to analyze;
"Our ancient blood is purple where
the lark
"Goes southward through the
But it is honest effort that in-MACK
dicates an awareness of more than
the etiquette of tea drinking as a
part of a writer's life, and Inlander
deserves to be successful in break-
ing down the prejudice of "preci- 310 So. State S
osity" which seems so effective a:
hindrance to creative activity. Above College I
R. L. A.

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to beabrief,
confining themselves to less than 300
word. it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be rgearded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
In answer to the letter to Mr.
R. L., Grad., I suggest that he take
some of the following suggestions
under his consideration.
1. Just how do you arrive at
that "Barbaric Immigrant" idea?
2. The saloon, an American in-
stitution, was here before the
"Horde of Barbarians" came.
3. The "best people" all read
with glee how their forefathers
traded firewater for the Island of
4. The "real old Americans" got
rich in the rum and slave trade
and the next generation carried
on in the saloon and brewery.
5. Under present conditions the
rich American has his cellar full of
good booze and even the bar with
brass rail; the "Barbaric Immi-
grant" gets the prison bar, the in-
sane asylum, the undertaker, or
better yet a bullet in the head.
All the above, carried on in the
name of Liberty and Justice should
be in the name of Hypocisy and
*Ri antrv

M'gosh, Is She Really
One Of The

It occurred to me, while reading
your column yesterday, that the
tone of the paragraph addressed to
me was not so reverent as one;
could wish for an elderly member
of the faculty, such as I have the
honor to be. You insinuated,
among other things, that my pub-
lished contribution was lacking in
humor. I do not understand. I
laughed heartily at it, myself. And,
furthermore, I was always con-
sideted a great wit throughout my
life at Oxford, or was it Cambridge?
Sue Burb
* * *
(A swell poem, like Milton's)
Oh, blessed are those with souls

The arrival of "The Kingdom of
God," starring Ethel Barrymore, is
perhaps an anticlimax to the ap-
pearance last week of George Ar-
liss in "Tle Merchant of Venice,"
but whatever her appeal to the
public may be, Miss Barrymore's
appearance is a bright light in the
rather dark world of Detroit the-
The play which she has chosen
as vehicle for her amazing art is
Sierra's "The Kingdom of God,"
which gives her an opportunity to
play through the whole sequence
of a girl's life. She makes her first:
appearance as a nun, 19 years old,
usually unrecognized by her audi-I
ence who expect her to give some
small sign at least of her fifty odd
years. The second act shows her
ten years later, more mature in
her faith. A period of forty years
passes before she again appears,

What Shakespeare
say about Cocaw Cola Prink
Delicious and Rereshing
"A dsh fit fr
.A . the gods"-



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