.. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .......... ... .
I i
brills In Tackling And Other De-
fense Tactics Take Up Most
Of Practice Session
Further drilling in tackling top-
ped off by a dummy scrimmage
with a freshman eleven using Ohio
State formations marked the prac-
tice of the varsity squad yesterday.
A reorganization of the varsity
backfield was indicated during the
session with the freshmen since
Straub was at quarter, Rich at full,
and Totzke and Wheeler at halves.
This combination may possibly add
the speed so badly needed in the
Wolverine offense.
Practice Defense Tactics
Save for a brief period devoted
to running through plays, the ma-
jor portion of the practice was de-
voted to defensive tactics. The
squad was split up, Blott taking the
linesmen, Wieman the backs and
Veenker the ends and each section
was put through a strenuous work-
out with freshman backs offering
themselves as tackling dummies.
For the most part the tackling was
clean and hard, only a few of the
first year ball carriers getting away
successfully. The ends were also
treated to a forward passing drill,
Bennie Oosterbaan hurling the
leather to them. Captain Rich was
included in this drill.
Gembis Place Kicks
Gembis started his practice with
a long place kicking drill. He fell
short most of the time when on the
45-yard marker but was booting the
oval through the uprights with fair
consistency from a point five yards
nearer the posts.
The change in the varsity back-
field was revealed when the squad1
(Continued on Page 7) +
Members of Coach Stephen A.
Farrell's cross-country team are
working oit daily over the Varsity
course in preparation for the
fourth trial run of the season Sat-
urday morning. At that time the
10 men who will compete against
Wisconsin Oct. 27 will race against
timne over the distance.
The Varsityscourse has been
somewhat altered due to road re-
pair work on south State street.
The runners will start at a point
near the Uniiversity golf course.
Thence they will proceed over a
31%2 mile rectangular route, finish-
ing at a point beyond the start near
the University links.
Coach Farrell will select the 10
men to run Oct. 20 and to oppose
the Badgers Oct. 27 on the basis of
their showing in the previous trial
runs and in practice.
Ten of Coach Ted Hornberger's
best freshman harriers will race
the Varsity runners over the first
Intramural Office Is
Planning Horseshoe
Tournament This Fall
Horseshoe pitching has become a
popular Intramural sport at Mich-
igan as indicated by the larger
number of players participating
and the great amount of interest
shown on the campus and among
the fraternity men.
All of those interested are asked
to sign the horseshoe register,
which is placed in the corridor of
Waterman gymnasium, immediate-
ly so that the department can ar-
range a complete schedule of all
.contests to be played this fall. En-
'tries will begin today and will
close October 22.
21/2 miles of the distance Satur-
day. Dt ::>
In last Saturday's trial race
Randolph Monroe, captain of the'
1927 team, turned in the best time. Interscholastic Stars Are Plentifuli
His showing was gratifying to Among Available Caidid Lres
Coach Farrell, as was the perfor- For Frshmnan Team
mance of Capt. Ted \vuerfel, who RL
finished second. RNI G LYRHR
Wisconsin will bring a veteran
outfit to Ann Arbor for the meet 011 Prospects for a strong freshman
Oct. 27. The Badgers have a habit tennis squad seem to bear much
of turning out strong cross coun-n
try teams and this year should promise this year with a large
ams rd tis yar souldnumber of touted prepsters avail-
prove no exception with several able. With a large number oppVar-
lettermen returning. Wisconsin sity men slated for graduation at
has captured the Big Ten harrier the end of the coming season much
title for the last two years. will depend on the calibre of the
first year men.
FRESHMAN CROSS Among the most prominent of
this years freshmen who are al-
COUNTRY MEN TO ready being considered as poten-
MA TCH REGULARS tial material for varsity net teams
ofthe future, are Brace, .Rein del,;
Twelve men on the freshmen Field,Clarke and Ryan. Brace has
Twossc muntrnthrsnua for several years figured in nation-
cross country squad qualified inaal boys aind junior tennis rankings
trial run of a little less than two and is probably the most experi-
miles last'Saturday to compete in enced of the yearling stars. John
another trial run with the Varsity Rendel bids fair to follow in the
harriers Saturday. The whole footsteps of his brother, George,
who made' Wolverine tennis history
freshman squad is now working out in 1921-22-23. Hailing from De-
every day in three separate groups, troit Central Reindel has figured
beginning at 3, 4, and 5 o'clock re- prominently' in state prep circles
spectively. and is rated as one of the out-
The men on the yearling squad standing juniors in this district.
which in the opinion of Coach Field, as number one man on
Hornberger now seem to have the Phillips Andover Academy last year
most ability are Ransford, Fitz- proved a capable performer and1
gibbons, Cook, Brandfield, Whitsil,'much is expected of him this year.l
and Worden. These six runners Clarke of Pontiac and Ryan of
finished respectively in the first six Grand Rapids Central are othersa
places in the freshmen trial run who have gained prominence in
held Saturday. interscholastic net competition.
Besides these, six other men who Pendell, Radtke, and Dickinson are
place among the first, thirteen in also capable of first class tennis
Saturday's race will run against and are expected to be in the thick1
the Varsity this week. Shelton, of the fight for freshman recogni-'
Harbison, Gould, Reed, and Mar- I tion when the call is sounded next
tindale comprise this list. J spring.
By Morris Quinn
aciitltr1o "Iltla1 llt1 t11 it1 r 'r11 11111 ttlr trnrl r!!i11 llf11 rM 111|111r11tiltilllllillllrirt :
Saturday's game between Michi- Perhaps the most impressive
gan and Ohio State in the giant fact about this long rivalry on the
Buckeye stadium will mark the gridiron is that Michigan teams
continuation of one of the longest have scored 487 points to 84 for
football rivalries in the Western Ohio State.
Conference. L,; will be the twenty-
Football Keeps Many Lettermen
From Practice As Coach
Veenker Issues Call
fit meeting of the tio senoois on
the gridiron.
This series of traditional en-
counters dates back to 1897
when the Wolverines defeated
the Buckeyes, 36-0.. From 1901
until 1912 the teams played an
unbroken succession of games,
Michigan winning all of them,
Iexcept that of 1910 which end-
ed in a 3-3 tie.
The rivalry was temporairly sus-
pended between 1912 and 1917, but
it was renewed the following fall,
Michigan winning her fourteenth
victory over the Buckeyes, 14-0.
Ohio enjoyed a period of su-
premacy for the next three
seasons, winning the games
played in 1919, 1920, and 1921
by scores of 14-3, 14-7, and 14-0
The Buckeye-Wolverine battle of
1921 when the fleet Johnny Stew-
art, Scarlet and Grey halfback,
raced to two touchdowns has been
the only occasion on which Ohio
has held a Michigan team scoreless,
while the Wolverines have perfor-
med the feat in 14 of the 24 games.
Of the 24 games played' thus
far, Michigan has won 20, Ohio
State 3, and one 'resulted in a
tie. Michigan's largest margin
was in the game of 1903 when
the Wolverines piled up a count
of 86-0.
Another point of interest in
the traditional rivalry is the
fact that six seasons ago the
Wolverines dedicated the mam-
moth double-decked stadium
at Columbus, and last year the
Buckeyes helped in the offical
opening of the new Michigan
By a strange turn of fate, the
Maize and Blue hold the distinc-
tion of having won both dedicatory
struggles, Harry Kipke and his
mates breaking Ohio's string of
three successive wins by taking the
game of 1922, 19-0, while Capt.
Bennie Oosterbaan led his team to
a 21-0 victory last year.
Reports from Columbus in-
dicate that the Bucks are tak-
ing, the coming game very
seriously despite the fact that
football followers concede them
the best chance of downing the
Wolverines since the dedica-
tion of their Memorial stadium
in 1922.
Like the Wolverines, the Buck-
eyes will drill for the coming con-
test behind barred gates all week.
Even newspaper reporters are for-
bidden the privilege of watching
the Wilcemen in their daily prac-
tice sessions
I BuyI
Old Clothes
Call 4310
215 E. Washington
Over thirty-five men turned out
for the first Basketball practice of
the season Monday night'in Water-
man gymnasium, according to
Head Coach George Veenker.
Coaches Oosterbaan and Cappon
will assist Coach Veenker with the
Varsity cquintet.
Owing to the fact that several of
the veteran cagemen are out for
football, only two of the four let-
termen again eligible to compete
will be seen in basketball togs be-
fore the gridiron season closes.
Danny Rose appeared at the first
meeting, while Bob Chapman, 1927
center, is expected out as soon as
a blistered foot heals.
Captain McCoy and Orwig, two
more regulars, from last year's five,
are at present busy with football,
as are Del Whittle, a former sub-
stitute, and Truskowski, who is
counted on to fill one of the posi-
tions left vacant by the graduation
of O'o ,1t er b a a n, Harrigan, and
Gawne. Draveling, big sophomore
end, is expected to make a strong
bid for a regular place on the team.
Practically the entire 1927 "B"
team appeared on the floor Mon-
day. Kanitz, Balsamo, McDonald
and Myron are again out for prac-
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We can't very well say "smart" because that suggests somewhat a superficial here-
today-gone-tomorrow quality. Whereas the virtues of Thos. Heath are deep
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"swanky"? We might, but who would know what we were talking about? "Elegant"
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If you're a judge of fine fleece and other good woolens you'll
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