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May 25, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-25

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THE M T iC'H C "A K 13 TES'

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THE T~r~ ~r.... w ,w'rna

STATE DfAfRD TO ASKI M'chigan Places 16 Men In Big Ten
Track and Field Carnival A
niimw itrii nu inrIfI~h

Lt Evanston

;. ,

VI1V Y IA1I N (Continued From Page One) ton (Iowa); third, Heintz (Ohio).
SUMMARIES Time-1:57.4.
120 yard high hurdles-First heat Second heat-Won by Martin
won by Sentman (Illinois); second,! (Purdue); second, Hayes (Ohio);
Crooks (Ohio). Time-:15.1. third, Dildine Indiana). Time-
Second heat-Won by Rockaway 1:58.4. a ,
STUDY TO BE COMPLETE IN (Ohio); second, Hayden (Chica- Third heat-Won by Orlovich
ALL BRANCHES OF go). Time-:15.2. Illinois); second, Wieseger (Minne-
SCIENCE Third heat-Won by Rogers (1l- sota); third, Gist (Chicago). Time
linois); second, Baling (Iowa). -1:59.
Funds Will Be Availab'e As Soon Time :15.1. Shot Put-Qualifiers for the fin-
As University Officials Are 100 yard dash-First heat won als-Klein and) Weaver (Chicago);
Ready To Begin by Simpson (Ohio); second, Root Poorman and Brooks (Michigan);
(Chicago) Time--09.7.(Equals Forwald and Roberts (Iowa); Burk-
C o( e-:d.) (q' hardt Illinois); Todd (Indiana);
$15,000 APPROPRIATED Second heat-Won T Behr and Neupert (Wisconsin).
Secogn) het-on Kbs (Ton Best distance-Behr, 47 feet 7 1-4
(Michigan); second, Kriss (Ohio).!.ce (ewCneecercr)
(By Associated Press) Time-:09.6. (New Conference re- inches. (New Conference record).
LANSING, Mich., May 24.-Gov. ord.) Discus Throw-Qualifiers for the
Fred W. Green will consult Uni- Third heat-Won by Keith (Indi- finals-Sanderson, Brooks, and
versity officials with a view to get- ana); second, Timm (Illinois.) Carlson (Michigan); Tritten and
ting the contemplated survey of Time-:09.9. Rasmus (Ohio); Johnson (Minne-
Isle Royale by the University un-1 440 yard dash-First heat won by sota); Behr (Wisconsin): Farroh
der way at once, he announced to- Walter (Northwestern); second, (Iowa); Celay (Illinois). Best dis-
day. Henke (Wisconsin); third, Kelly tance-Rasmus (Ohio); 145 feet.
The survey is authorized by a (Illinois.) Time-:49.3. Broad Jump-Qualifiers for the
legislative act signed by the Gov- Second heat-Won by Gist (Chi- finals-Bertelsman and Simon (11-
ernor Thursday. To cover the cost, cago); second, Dale Seymour linois); Arendt and Dalhem (Mich-
the act appropriated $15,000 from (Michigan); third, Thomas (Iowa.) igan); Gordon, Pinsker, and WIl-
the State's general fund. Ordingr- Time-:50.5. cox (Iowa); Crooks and Huston
ily, this would not become avail- Third heat-Won by Davidson (Ohio); Tierney (Minnesota); Lar-
able until late in August, but the ?(Wisconsin); second, Baird, son (Wisconsin). Best jump-Gor-
Governor said he would ask the (Iowa); third, Dalton Seymour !,don (Iowa); 23 feet 3 inches.
State Administrative Board to set (Michigan.) Time-:50. Javelin throw-Qualifiers for he
aside the money as soon as the Fourth heat won by Catlin (Min- Jfinas andw Chamers frth
University is ready to proceed. nesota); second, Hathaway (Chica-nals-Glass and Chambers (Il
"I assume that the university will go); third, Gorby (Northwestern.) nas); RinehaFor a Hoover ni-
want to start the work this sum- Time-:49.3. wold (Iowa), w Ketz (Michigan)
mer." he said. "and the State Ad- 220 yard dash-First heat won by Sindelar (Purdue); Brown (North-
ministrative Board stands ready to Simpson (Ohio); second, Root ;western). Best throw-Rinehar
cooperate in every way possible. I (Chicago). Time-:20.9. (New s(Indiana); 193 feet.
shall communicate with the Uni- Conference record.)
versity officials to that effect." Second heat won by Tolan (Mich--= Hammer throw-Qualifiers for
The act says the survey shall be igan); second, East (Chicago). the finals-Ketz, Williams and Mc-
"in the manner prescribed and Time=-:21.3. Arthur (Michigan); Ukelberg
according to the directions of the, Third heat won by Kriss (Ohio); (Minnesota); Gilchrist (Iowa);
State Administrative Board," but second, Stevenson (Iowa). Time- Frisch (Wisconsin); Smalley (Indi-
the technical details of the project :21.6. ana); Ujhelyi and Grace (Ohio);
probably will be left to the Uni- 220 yard low hurdles-First heat|Anderson (..Northwestern). Best
versity officials Since the survey won by Sentman (Illinois); second, i throw-Ketz (Michigan); 148 feet1
is to be "full and com.plete," spec- Petersilge (Ohio). Time-:24.1. 1 6 inches.'
ialists in several branches of sci- Second heat-Won by Burkhartk-
ence, among them geology, ethnol- (Illinois); second, Tarbill (Michi- -
ogy and botany, probably will be gan). Time-:23.9.
employed Third heat-Won by Rockaway H i i I
A report embodying the findings (Ohio); second, Cave (Illinois). I II U I U
of the investigators is to be sub- aTime 23.3. - h
mitted to the administrative board. Half mile run-First heat won
'by White (Illinois); second, Moul- Dealer in

OneKilled And 32 Hurt When Students
Riot In Protest Against Examinations
M 0 0 CH R T IS; I~yAsscad Prss)counts, the police oSeOed fir fatal- 8
MEXICO CITY, May 24.-One ly wounding one. Students remain-
student was killed and 32 persons ing inside barricaded the doors, and
LARGE NUMBER PETITION wounded, four of them seriously, in those carrying pistols retusrned po- Passingiits first anniversary, the
-- a series of highly dramatic riots lice fire until their ammunition was University observatory . at Naval
drip is Last This Season For Thursday night and early today, exhausted. Hill in Bloemfontein. Orange Free
Accrediting Director Of growing out of the strike of stu- Hand-To-Hand Fighting State, South Africa. which was
Committee dents at the National university Meanwhile those outside had be- dedicated in April. 1928. has re-
law schol in protest against month- gun a hand-to-hand conflict with ported a number of discoveries, ae-
Prof. George E. Carrothers, in his ly examinations, the police. When firemen began to cording to Prof. Ralph H. Curtiss,
capacity of director of the Univer- Police and fireman adopted ex- use their axes as weapons, they al- of the astronomy department and
sity accrediting committee on high treme measures in breaking up the leged afterward, they were forced director of the Observatory located
schools, recently made a three day crowds of striking students and to adopt extreme measures in their here.
inspecting tout of the high schools their sympathizers. Police fired, defense. Fire hose was attached During the first year of its ex-
of Northern Michigan. Professor while firemen wielded axes and to street hydrants and streams of istence, the southern observatory
Carrothers left Wednesday morning played hose. At one place, the Na-- water were played on the struggling has discovered over 1400 double
and returned yesterday noon. tional university medical school, mast, firemen, police and students stars. Members of the staff at
This trip is the last to be made the conflict was a veritable battle. alike being drenched. NavaKeill are Dr. R. A. Rossiter,
by him this year and his report Early today police roused 23 of While all of this was going on,-°,K. Jessup. and H. F. Donner
will be submitted to the accrediting I the student strike leaders from Ricardo Villalobos, president of the Continuing with the report, Prof.
committee when they meet early their beds and arrested them, pend- Association of Law Students, went Curtiss said that "the purpose of
in June to decide on high schools ing investigation of their responsi- to the home of Dr. Manuel Puig I establishing the observatory in the
that are to be included .in next bility for the riots. It was after Casauranc, chief of the federal dis- southern hemisphere is to examine
year's accredited list for the Uni- midnight before the crowds of sev- trict government, and begged him stars in the southern sky which
versity. Over 20 trips have been eral thousand students were dis- to intervene. Dr. Puig Casauranc cannot be observed in the northern
made this year and about 575 of persed. rushed to the scene, and, ordering hemisphere, and to detect the pres-
the 650 schools petitioning to be Trouble Intermittent the police to cease firing, he en- ence of unknown companions asso-
accredited will be passed by the The trouble, which has been in- tered the building and induced the ciated with southern stars.
committee. termittent for two weeks since the students to leave in an orderly
Only two high schools, Copenish students of the law school first pro- manner. TICKETS & RESERVATIONS
'nd Buklev, were visited official- tested substitution of monthly ex- For All Imprtant
ly by Professor Carrothers; how- aination for term examinations, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Le and cean L ,ua
ever. he delivered commencement took its serious turn Thursday, Plans have been completed for a !wdependeniTravel
addresses at Benzonia-Beulah con- when some of the strikers went to $200,000 girl's dormitory for first 'E. G. Kuebter
solidated high school. the medical school to urge students year women. The building will be 6 604en01 E. HuronSteamshia. 641
there to join with them. ready for occupancy in the fall of ANN ARBOR
School of Education The medical students agreed to'
Sends Out Bulletin do so. In the midst of the demon-
stration, which included maltreat-
A bulletin designed to present ment of an effigy of Enrique Pa-A
the requirements in the Four-Year dillo, minister of education, police '4 -V~,j~ ~ 11iAIU
Curriculum in Physical Education and firemen arrived in force. Efrain
offered in the school of Education Braito Rosado, Mexico's boy orator,
has recently been sent out to all who participated in an oratorical
the high school principals in the 20 contest held at Washington last Scranton, Pocahontas
North Central states year, was asked to go inside andtV
The increasing emphasis on warn the strikers not to leave the Kentucky and West Virgina Coal
health and physical education building.
programs in the United States led Apparently the warning did not'Solvay 4nd Gas Coke
the school of Education to have arrive in time, for some of the stu-
this bulletin prepared. dents started out of the building.



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