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May 25, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-25

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Putblished every morning except Monday
dCrIrg the University year by the Boardin
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Westera Conference Editorial
The Associated Press" is exclusive'y en-
titled to the use for- republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at An Arbor,j
Michigan,vs second class matter. Special rate
of postag'e granted by Third Assistant Post-
rnsater General.
Siubarrptioh by aurrier, $4.oo; by mail,
tfices: Ann Arbor Press Building, 'May;
ad Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4ga3; Business, r21214.


Telephone 4921

ditor................... Nelson.Smith
City Editor.......... J Stewart Hooker
News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink
Sport . itor. ......W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor....,.......Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..........r.George Stauter
Music and Dramna............ R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbai

eaeph E. Howe
tadJ. Kline
Lawrence R. Klh
Paul.L. Adam
Morris Alexaadc
r. A. Askren
Bertram Askwit
Louise. Rehymer
Arthur liernsteA
Ston C. Bove
Isabel Charles
I.. R. Chubb
Frank E. Coope
FWen Domine
Margaret Eckel
Douglas Edward
Valbiorg Egelani
Robert J.F edn
Marjorie Follmne
William Gentry
R uth Geddes
avid B. Hemps
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kau
Ruth' Kelsey

Night Editors
el Charles S. Monroe
'm Piusce Rosenberg
Len George E. Simons
George C. l illey
Donald E. Laymsa
ct Chairles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
SdHenry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
S JrVictor rabino' it
Joseph A. RusselU
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
fma Howard Si.ono.
Robert L. Sloss
s Ruth Steadmian
Ia A. Stewart,
,d Cadwell Swansca-
ian lane Thayer
r Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine.
} Gurney Williams
toad Jr. Welter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
ffman' Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie,

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising...... .....A. James Jordan
advertising..............CarW . Hammer
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Circulation.............. George S. Bradley
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PRublications............... Ray M. Hofelicl

Mary Chase
(anette Dale
eernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halversou,
Gcorge .Hamilton
jck Horwich
ix Huriphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Koviusky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater'.
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1929
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
Well! Well! Well! All of a sud-
den, just when our centennial:
birthday was heaving into view, we.
find that we have been 100 years
old for something more than 11
years, 8 months, and 18 days. Now
that select group of 1817-men,
who for years have been' urging
the old Detroit Catholepistemiad as
the original manifestation of this
University can thumb their noses
at the less sentimental 1837-men
who have been content to take the
date on the seal for granted.
Some ambitious apostle of ac-
curacy can hunt up and surcharge
all' existing reproductions of the
University of Michigan seal, and
some one else with a life to give
for the cause can take it on himself
to answer jealous universities who
now find themselves demoted in
the national antiquity rating. A
number of curious persons, who
implicitly believe that anything
grows better as it grows older, will
resent yesterday's effort by our
Regents to raise themselves by
their boostraps.
More seriously we wonder what
will now happen to the Ten Year
program on which President Little
soldgthe alumni before he resign-
ed. It seems fairly clear now that
the University under Little's regime
was unwilling to switch back its
founding date because our hun-
dredth birthday would provide an
excellent occasion for the alumni
to commemorate with some gener-
ous gifts.
The date change can hardly be
construed as anything but a sigh
of relief at President Little's de-
parture and a slap at his alumni
plans. What attitude the alumni
will take can only be a matter of
conjecture. Some may lose inter-
eit in the Ten Year program after
such an obvious attempt to deprive
it of significance. Others as a
tribute to our departing president,
whose interest in them has been
an inspiration to their interest in
the University, may want to go
ahead with the program despite
the Regents' lack of interest.
Alumnus E. J. Ottaway, chief
energizer of the Ten Year pro-i

Disreputable hotels, pig ships,
bad food and water, and no study
are the outstanding characteristics
of the International University
cruise, according to a story which
filled a column in the Chicago
Tribune. Evidently, nothing that
was promised the students in this
,expensive but (paradoxically)
cheap tour was given them. In-
stead, the poorest hotels, the worst
traveling quarters both in trains
and on ships, and often absolute
need in the way of food foisted' on
the unsuspecting travellers.
With reports of this nature be-
ing broadcast, how can any uni-
versity of high standards accept
credits offered them by students
from a college cruise of this sort?
The benefits that could be derived
from such a combination of study
and travel are lost, besides the
time and. money of those making
the tour. The stigma that will at-
tach itself to future university
cruises 'might outweigh the efforts
of competent and honest men be-
cause of the poor policies of the
earlier ones.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words i possible. Anonymous corn.
munications will he disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
qust' Letters published should not e
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
Ever since my entrance here at
Michigan I have heard from men,
and occasionally backed by women,
the statement that Michigan wom-
en are frivolous, light-hearted hus-
band-seekers. They are charged
with coming here with the inten-
tion of having a glorious time, and
of doing as little work as they can
slip through with safety.
I feel that the college woman,
contrary to the general belief,
comes here to be educated. I do
not believe that she comes here pri-
marily in order to have a jolly time,
to date, and to get her "M. R. S." In
spitelof her apparent frivolity, she
is really serious in her work. She
applies herself more diligently to it
thando thed'men. As a result, the
women hold a higher 'scholastic
The history of the women of
Michigan surely proves their seri-
ausness and their desire for, an edu-
catiori. When Micliigan' first ad-
mitted women the men resented
their presence deeply. The women
had to pursue their studies among
a rude hostile crowd of students.
They were badly treated in classes
and even found difficulty in finding
rooms for the townspeople were
against them. From such a state
of affairs the women have elevated
themselves to a position nearly on
a par with the men scholastically.
There is still a remnant of hard
feelings, but the greater part of it
has passed away. The women have
won their way to the respect of
their fellow students, of their pro-
fessors, and of the townspeople.
Surely they could not have accom-
plished this by being merely frivol-
ous husband-seekers as they are
dubbed. There are hundreds of
women graduates who have not
married until some time after leav-
ing Michigan. Could they have been
merely husband-seeking?
The women are seeking for
knowledge of a better way to guide
their lives in -order that they may
derive as much happiness as pos-
sible from the outside world.
The men point to dating as proof

of their belief that women come to
Michigan as a marriage market. A
certain girl dates continually and
puts very little effort into her work.
The following year she does not
return. To judge all of Michigan's
women by the one type that is
bound to fall by the wayside, and
there are as many such men as
women, is surely unfair. Her sis-
ters advance with the class and
are the true Michigan women.'
Some men may resent the fact
that women are accepted here and
feel somewhat bitterly toward them.
They do not realize that with the
presence of women in the college
they have gained one valuable ad-
vantage. They have the companion-
ship of girls who are their, equal
mentally and morally. Discussions
result in a higher intellectual value
and finer associations than could
be if the women were not here. In
such a case, the only companions
for the men would be .women of in-
ferior mental'and moral qualities.
Michigan women have accom-
plished in the last sixty years, feats
that took the men an indefinite
length of time to do. They have
gained the sincere respect of all of
their associates. They have built
up a Women's League through
which they have successfully gov-
erned themselves. The recent con-

.:. .~....-i,.-..asnenen ."..s.n...ysar ~e.... ..u...ea". ...... I..........
TODAY: The Fourth and Fifth Festival Concerts in Hill Auditorium
starting at 2:30 this afternoon and at 8:15 tonight.
"YOU NEVER CANiTELL": Presentations of the Shaw play in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre this afternoon and evening and Monday eve-
FESTIVAL PROGRAM CHANGE: An'important substitution in the Sat-
urday afternoon concert: The Wagner "Flying Dutchman" overture
for the Glinka overture, and the Brahms symphony No. 1 in C Minor
for the "Scheherazade" of Rimsky-Korsakoff.

A Review By Herbert Schwartz
The concert yesterday afternoon
is to be remembered chiefly as' one
of pleasant entertainment.Need-
less to say the Brahms Concerto
was the most important work pre-
sented. It was also the most sati-
isfactory performance. The rest
was good fun-intentional or oth-
The program opened with the
Overture to the Marriage of Fi-
garo which was played with tra-
ditional gusto and lightness. Noth-
ing in that performance requires
special notice; it was adequately
precise although not amazingly so,
it was well-balanced and altogeth-
er charming' if too perfunctory.
Tea should have been served. In-
deed tea should have been served
until the entry of Brahms who (to
anticipate comment of facetious
readers who do not especially rel-
ish Brahms) at least merited good,
strong coffee. Especially tea should
have been served to the subtle
delicacies of Mr. Barre Hill who
sings with much refinement and
little vigor and who is so infinitely
precious. His voice to start with is
none too robust and' in his effort to
impress with . what he does not
possess he only succeeds in con-
stricting his vocal chords-which
is all right if one does not listen
too attentively-which is the es-
sence of pleasantness. Besides he
is far too much interested in him-
self to worry very much about the
music he is singing-which may
account for his choice for which
he is to be complimented under the
The children's chorus was fine.
Although' the quality was rough-
something to be expected consider-
ing the size and other extenuating
circumstances, the attack was con-
fident and precise and the intona-
tion generally quite accurate. Miss
Highbee is to be complimented. It
would have been enough if the chil-
'dren had omitted the Schumann
and Handel. Both were too frag-
mentary anyway to create any par-
ticular impression and the bit of
Handel in that particular frame
was in singularly bad taste. The
Hunting of the Snark was admir-
ably adapted to the conditions. The
music was 'perfectly adapted to the
words both equally meaningless
albeit the words were much more
humorous than their setting. Mr.
Hill was entirely too serious and
one suspected the identity of the
Mr. Zimbalist's performance of
the Brahms Concerto was the
work of a fine musician warming
up to his task as the music pro-
ceeded. In the first movement
everything was done in taste with
little immediate cntrast and lit-
tle brilliance. The artist's mood
was initially too introverted for a
performance. It is difficult to say
how much of this impression may
have been due 'to the forbidding
difficulty of the score. Mr. Zimbal-
ist's cadenza to this movement was
thoroughly musicianly and nicely
coherent with the text. In the
second movement, which more
nearly approached his mood, the
playing was more satisfactory be-
cause the intentions were more
clearly defined. In th Allegro
Giocoso of the last movement the
artist was at last enjoying his bus-
iness. On the whole, one should
say that Mr. Zimbalist's approach
yesterday was a little too cautious
(explaining this as one will), that

he was a little too literal on a small
scale and took too great liberties
on a larger scale, often producing
the impression of rather unhappy
sullenness getting out of itself.
Again we are shown how an art-
ist, defying fundamental canons of
art, manages to Convey his mood.
It would seem that the acceptabil-
ity and feeling of the rightness of
this mood are also necessary.
Reviewed By Dalies Frantz
The gentle suavities of D'Indy's
Prelude to "Fervaal" (Act I) began
an interesting program of almost
tiring length. Of chief interest
were Bloch's epic Rhapsody, "Amer-
ica," and Lockwood's Suite, "Odys-

Mr. Bloch is a Jew, and one of
the virtues of his writing is that
it contains a strongly characteristic
racial flavor: "America" is es-
pecially significant in this respect.
As to the apotheosis of the Rhap-
sody, the anthem: musically it is
not very original. As to spirit,
sweepphrase length, even as to
rhythm, it resembles closely "Amer-
ica The Beautiful." I am not hint-
ing at plagiarism: Bloch has too
fertile a mind for that. (Although
Shakespeare borrowed themes for
his plays, . and Moliere said: "Je
prends mon bien ou je le trouve.")
But I cannot see that the anthem
itself has accomplished anything
that has not previously been done.
Obviously, our national anthem is
rather an apology, musically, but
it has associations and a senti-
mental and national value which
will require many years to equal
in any other song. There is no
denying the magnificent climax
Bloch achieves by use of chorus
and organ. From the middle of the
last movement to the close, and
many parts of the second move-
ment, are especially effective; the
first, because of its astonishing en-
ergy and climax; the latter,
through a highly original and
unique development of national
melodies, folk songs and negro I
airs. That the work will endure as
a classic is to be doubted, but the
originality of the piece itself will
keep it on concert repertoires for
some time
The "Odysseus,"- 'somewhat
dwarfed for consideration of time,
revealed a talent which if not yet
mature or especially impressive,
gives promise oF developing into
one that will certainly be wel-
come to the thinly populated ranks
of worthwhile American compos-
ers. Mr. Lockwood displayed a
remarkable knowledge of writing
for the orchestra. Thus far his
chief consideratidns seem to lie in
employment of Ithe technique he
has gained, and working out orig-
inal effects in orchestration and
rhythm. There seems yet to be a
noticeable, lack of attention to
melodic treatment; but if the suite
did not create a furor, it was not
disappointing or boring. Addition-
al works from Mr. Lockwood's pen
will be anticipated with interest.
Edith Mason in her various arias
by Mozart, Charpentier and Puc-
cini revealed herself an artist with
more than a beautiful voice. She
employs intelligence as well as
musicianship in her singing. A
slight tremolo in upper registers
is the only thing that mars what
otherwise is a thoroughly even
The "Slavonic Dance" in A flat
by Dvorak, which closed the pro-
gram, was a delightfully colored
melodic thing which the orchestra
handled delicately under the sure
baton of Conductor Stock.
The fact that Brahms was con-
stantly pitted against some of the
greatest names in the history of
his art has brought to his music
a flood of fluid and often inapplic-
able admiration and belittling A
vague intuition of an unanalysable
something in the individuality of
Brahms led the, anti-Wagnerians
to adopt him as their tangible ar-
gument. The hub-bub touched
him in no vital artistic sense; with
characteristic equananimity lie
pursued his own course. But the
strife has done immeasurable harm
by making a first-hand opinion of

Brahms almost impossible; efforts
at a sincere judgment are smother-
ed by the circulation of undiluted
Brahms' First Symphony, com-
ing as tt did late 'in hai Jife, was
a great point of' discussion. Ene-)
mies pointed out the resemblance
of the Finale to the Finale of the
Beethoven' Ninth and' charged
plagiarism. Friends called it the
"Tenth Symphony," a sobriquet
that has since been ufed to dis-
parage the syn phony by- those who
see in Brahms a lesser Beethoven.
Like most of his important con-
ceptions this symphony assumes,
titanic proportions. It is char-

Music and


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$2.00, $2.50) are still

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