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May 18, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-18

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. '





I 1o ___

Published every morningaecept Monday
duig the University a b the Board in
Control of Student Publitions.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Preos is exclusivel en.
titled to the use Por republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
lished herein.
Entered. at tke postoffice at Ann Arb~or,
Michigan, issecond class matter. Special rate
of postagP granted by Third Assistant Post-
,jiaster General.
Subsciption by earer, $4.00; by mail,
4&6e: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
surd Street.
Phones: editorial, 4925; Business, a1214.
Telephone 4929:
Editor........................Nelson Ti. Smith
City Editor .............'. Stewart Hooker
News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............. W Morris Quinn
Women' s iditor .............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..... ...... :.George Stautet
Music and Drama............. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
r FphE Howell Charles S. Monroe
Id J. Aline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Kl- h George E. Simons
George .C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris AlexandE? aCharles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Bouise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste*Q Victor Rabowitz
Seton C.. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L.. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank F.. Cooper Howard Simon
$elen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels R'uth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansea
Robert 3. Feldman Jade Thayer
Marjorie Follmer EJith Thomas
'William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone "21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................James Jordan
Service................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation............... George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
e Horwich

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Iollister. Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl 'F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood iUpton
Marie Wellstead

SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929
Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS
Governor4 Green inadvertently,
perhaps, but withal wisely, further-
ed the cause of capital punishment
in Michigan by"vetoing the Len-
non-Wood electric chair bill last
Thursday. The bill in the form
passed by both houses is charac-
terized by overeagerness on the
part of its sponsors to make the
most of a needed reform. The in-
strument they created is too in-
flexible to be a credit and an aid
to Michigan jurisprudence and the
theory of death for conviction on
charges of first degree murder.
Depriving the judge of discre-
tionary powers, particularly in the
case of youths and women, is bound
to create public resentment against
enforcement of the law. Another
consideration is the well-known
sentimentality of our present bi-
sexual juries who would balk at re-
turning a verdict that carried with
it mandatory electrocution. §hrewd
lawyers have before now demon-
strated their adeptness at playing I
on the maudlin sympathies of jur-
ors. Their efficiency in producing
sobs, tears, sympathy, and hung
verdicts would be at least doubled ,
by the hard-boiled provisions of'
the Lennon-Wood measure.
But the veto of the bill should 1
not be construed as another de-;
feat for the proponents of capital1
punishment, for it has pointed, the1
way to success in the next session
of the legislature. Governor Green
produced no tenable objection to)
general thesis of electrocution
which other states have applieb1
successfully to the hardened crim-g
inal who has no horror of mur-1
der.1 Laying aside metaphysicalI
considerations of the state's right1
to take a life and the war*dj
psychology of men who would as1
soon risk the hot chair, capital1
punishment is a practical measure
to save taxpayers the expense of1
life terms and to preclude tle pos-t
sibility of murderers' escaping.
The Lennon-Wood measure has
paved the way for a more flexible2
instrument of justice, aimed moret
accurately at the hardened under-
world murderer, which should
survive our legislative process nextZ
After losing four consecutiveC
games, two while freshmen and the
other two while sophomores, at9
lP ~tsr'-nnivvh~,'v rf the C i1~snis

ity is set aside as soon as the
spring games are' concluded, and
both freshien pnd sophomores
live in a quiescent state until each
advances to the next higher rung
of the ladder leading toward grad-
uation. The situation caused by
the burning of the wood was, how-
ever, particularly embarrassing in
1 view of the fact that an almost
negligible number of freshmen
turned out to aid in gathering the
inflamable material.
Luckily, enough were interested in
having some place to destroy their
pots to rebuild the fire, so that the
ceremonies for Cap Night last
night could be smoothly perform-
ed. But the sophomores' record
for spirit during their sojourn at
Michigan does not warrant their
presumptive attitude toward all
traditions. A few lessons in good
sportsmanship would provide an
excellent tonic for such bad losers.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselvestoless thanr 30
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regardedras confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as ex ressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
Looking back over the dramatic
season of Mimes that the 'Jniver-
sity campus has enjoyed (?),one
finds the year singularly lacking
in theatrical high spots. In fact, it
may well be said with certainty
that not for the last ten years has
the campus witnessed such poor
entertainment from Mimes.
The season started comparative-
ly late, but.Ithis tardiness was sup-
posedly to be well compensated by
the lavish and extravagant prom-
ises of Mr. Shuter to produce such
fine plays as Galsworthy's "Jus-
tice" and "Loyalties," Maughan's
"The Constant Wife," interspersed
with a. few well chosen plays of
Ibsen, Shaw, and Barrie. Michi-
gan students were prepared to be
audience to dramatic fare whose
excellence was. to be unparalleled
in the annals of the amateur the-
ater. And now that the season is
drawing to a close, a rapid survey
shows that not one of the promised
plays was produced, but instead,
four such inferior and practically
unknown plays were used, that
there is little wonder that drama
enthusiasts have become discour-
aged and even disgusted with the
eminent Mr. Shuter, and have
turned to Comedy Club and Play
Production in order to feed their
drana-starved souls.
The Michigan campus has sel-
dom, if ever, witnessed more flimsy
and mediocre dramas than "The
Marquise," "To the Ladies," "In the
Next Room," and "The Queen's
Husband." It is hard to under-
stand just what Mr. Shuter ever
found in these plays that merited
the expense of his time, attention,
and money. Perhaps he thought
that, by appealing to the less in-
telligent and less discriminating
low-brow audience, he might be1
able to draw ltrger crowds and re-1
plenish the royal coffers of Mimes.
If this be the case, Mr. Shuteri
should be severely condemned for,
attempting to commercialize and1
prostitute the dramatic art to
which he is devoing his life. And
even if he were aiming at finan-
cial success in producing these in-1
ferior plays, he surely demostrat-
ed poor business acumen in ex-
pend such large sums of money for,

the elaborate scenery and costumes
of "The Marquis," a play that was
so decided a "flop."
Of course Mr. Shuter might at-
tempt to excuse himself for his
misdeeds on the ground, that there
A.s an emphatic lack of good ac-
tors and actresses on this year's
campus. True, the Charles Living-
ston's, Phyllis Loughton's, and Tom
Dougall's of yesteryear have all
vanished into thin air. But surelyj
the dearth of would-be thespiansf
is not so great as Mr. Shuter would1
have the campus believe. Besides,
the more intelligent drama-loving
portion of the student body would
far prefer sitting through a good
play indifferently acted than ac
poor play poorly acted.a
Matters have indeed come to a
pretty pass when the best plays of
the season have been produced by
Comedy Club and Play Prdouction.
The fact that. a purely experiment-
al laboratory theater should havef
to its credit the three outstand-
ing artistic successes of the year inj
"Redemption," "The Constanti
Wife," and "The Beggar on Horse-1
back," must have made Mr. Shuter
and his organization sit up and
take notice as never before. And 1
Comedy Club, hitherto scorned byl
Mimes, lays, claim to uncertain
glory for its serious and well mean.-
ing Dresepnta~tion of "G~ranit."

Music And Drama
0 0
TONIGHT: Play Production
presents the final showing of
that fantastic extravaganza,
"The Beggar on Horseback,"
by George S. Kaufman and
Marc Connelly, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, begin-
ning at 8:15, with the cur-
tain at 8:30 o'clock.
Monday of next week will see the
issue of "Michigan Plays," a blue
and black bound volume that' aims
to be the first of a series of plays
issued under the aegis of the Uni-
The content of the book is five
one-act plays, all student written,
of which four were produced by
Play Production this winter. The
four, in the order of their appear-
ance in program before the judges
of the play contest, are "Outside
This Room," by Dorothy Acker-
man, which is a study of domes-
tic problems in a Swiss family on
which as a background comes a
tragedy beyond relief, "Passion's
Progress" by the editor of this
column, of which not another word,
"My Man" by Jerome MacCarthy,
a corking melodrama in a lunch
room, and "The Joiners" by Ar-
thur Hinkley, in which the urge to
fraternize as Moose or Elks or
whatnot is satirized in first prize
The fifth play included in the
volume is "Puppet" by Helen Ad-
ler. The play begins in the work-
shop of two young fanatics about
puppetry and moves from there to
the diminutive puppet theater
where the drama continues in min-
iature. These technical difficul-
ties prevented Play Production from
producing the play, but the de-
lightful whimsy of its writing made
it eminently worthy of inclusion in
the volume.
Photographs 'of significant mo-
ments in the produced plays are
reproduced as a frontispiece in-
troducing each play as it appears
in the book. For "Puppet," Lee
Blaser, whose work has been a fea-
ture of "The Gargoyle" this year,
was secured to skete a setting.
The collection is introduced by
an article from Prof. Louis A.
Strauss in which, in his inimitably
charming manner, he sets forth
the idealism behind the book nad
discusses the historical aspect of
this step in the progress of the
Credit for making the volume ac-
tually possible goes to Mr. George
Wahr, publisher. He has accepted
the financial risk of . issuing the
publication as a service to the Uni-
versity and will issue the books at
practically cost price. For that
reason, although the date of issue
is so near, no price can be quoted
because the final figures from the
bindery are not available yet. But
the price, in spite of the limited
circulation imposed on amateur
work, is promised at considerably
less than two dollars.
Prof. Rowe of the Rhetoric de-
partment is the editor of the book.
Anyone who knows what editors do
realizes that his services have been
those delightful duties of running
between practical-minded printer

and idealistic author, and then
reading proof of the result. Ad-
vance copies indicate fully the ex-
traordinary conscientiousness with
which he has filled his office.
It is hoped that the book of plays
will be accepted by the public as
a tangible step in the direction of
building up a play writing, pro-
ducing, and publishing tradition at
Michigan in anticipation of the Un-
ivesity Theater which must come
eventually to meet the needs of
the student body.
* * *
"The Royal Family," Kauffman
and Ferber's gay and glamorous
comedy of actor aristocrats, closes
its brief engagement in Detroit on
Saturday night, May 25. The usual
Wednesday and Saturday matinees
are announced for the final week.
"The Royal Family" cast includes
a galaxy of stars, headed by Haid-
ee Wright, Otto Kruger, Ann An-
drews, Jefferson De Angelis, Mar-
jorie Wood and Joseph King. The
play . deals with the home life of
the Cavendish family, described as
a mythical group but quite gener-
ally identified by rumor as the huge
Barrymore clan. The Cavendishes
are an all-star entourage from the
grandmother of seventy to her
granddaughter of nineteen. An-i

Editor, Toasted Rolls
Michigan Daily,
Dear Sir:
You admit that the editor doesn't
think much of your column? Well,
neither do I! There seems to be
only one guy on this campus who
could write your column the way
it ought to be written, and it ain't
you (1). Toasted Rolls oughta be
funny, like it was when Timothy
Hay wrote and everybdoy contrib-
uted. Very few people read Rolls
anymore. Why? Because very few
contributions are accepted. Sure,
one man can't get enough ideas
for a Column every day for ten
months. It's the contributors who
make the funny column in any
large paper.
If they pay enough for dong the
column in the Summer Daily
(2), I'll stay here and take it over
to establish my right to do it next
This letter doesn't have to be
taken seriously (3). If you'd pub-
lish it, it would sound funny (4).
If you are interested in my propo-
sition (5), let me know through
your column.
Here's how to write a humor
I went to Swing Out Wednesday
or Thursday.
None of the Seniors seemed to be
drunk, but lots of them were smok-'
ing cigars.
That gave me an idea (6). If
the Seniors couldn't get drunk, I
somebody would have to defend our I
So I bought a cigar. And did I
get drunk? I took a picture of a
Senior in his cap and gown and
got the Chem building in upside
The Seniors swung out and so
did I-against a tree. The campus
walks converged in front of the
library lie the spokes of a wheel.
And somebody was turning that
I can't see about what the Seniors
are acting so uppity. Nobody was
crying about their forthcoming
In fact, after looking over the
women swinging out, I don't feel
that Michigan is losing anything.
I don't suppose that the faculty
likes to see the good-looking wo-
men go, so they flunk 'em. (Yes,
there are a few, though you'd hard-
ly know it.)
You isee, Lark, or Gumley, or
whatever your name 'is (7), that's
the way to do it. Listen on.
The State Street gang has for
its motto in the coming elections
"Clean Up Campus Politics," and
one of their leaders is the de-
posed head of the corrupt Washte-
naw Campus. Even they wouldn't
keep him.
We like him personally, but the
truth at, any price. And it'll sound
more daring. Stretch it a little.
Timothy Hay used to print my
stuff, but he was a good editor.
Don't suppose any of this will get
in. But if you are interested, print
this line...,
I'll change my name if neces-
sary. Perhaps to Koki Kola. I
haven't got a typewriter, so if you
can't read this, throw it in the
wastebasket-the ultimate fate of

all Toasted Rolls contributions (8).
Did this letter amuse you? Then
print it. It will amuse your read-

Not only in building construc-
tion,but in everyhuman activity,
we instinctively turn to electric-
ity to add to the comforts of
life and to eliminate the wastes
of production-another evi-
dence that the electrical industry
is maintaining its leadership in
this changing world..

Not only industrial equipment,
but electric refrigerators, MAZDA
lamps, and little motors that'add
to the comforts of home, are
manufactured by the General
Electric Company. All are identi-
fied by the G-E 'monogram-a
symbol of service.

# .

This HI
World A
To-day, you can see big build-
ings erected noiselessly-by
electric weldin °
The structural steel worker is
dropping his clattering ham-
mer for the electric arc. Silently,
swiftly, rigidly, economically,
buildings are being fabricated
by electric welding, which knits _ .
steel with joints as strong as
the metal itself.
Building silently! Nothing
seems impossible in this elec-
trical age.


k. t
G EN ER ___


rrr. .rr. . .rrr~rr


0101.. .

Please credit any or part of this
column "'(9).
Doc Lovell's old pal,

(Footnotes by Lark)
(1) There is a special ruling
against the use of "ain't" in Rolls,
but dispensation has been granted
in the case of this ambitious young
(2) They don't; we had the job
last summer.


So glad. We really were
If you are sure that would
we certainly shall.
We're not.
Beginner's luck, perhaps.
This young fellow is trying



Edith Mason
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Jeannette Vreeland
'Distinguished American Artist
Sophie Braslau
Metropolitan Opera Company
Marion Telva
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Crooks
Premier American Concert Artist
Paul Althouse
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lawrence Tibbett
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Bonelli
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Barre Hill
Chicago Civic Opera Company
William Gustafson
Metropolitan Opera Company
Josef Hofmann
Polish Virtuoso
Efrem Zimlaist
Hungarian Master
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
- The University Choral Union
Children's Festival Chorus

4 Days - MAY 22923,24,25,1929 - 6 ncerts .
EARL V. MOORE Musical Director
FREDERICK'STOCK Orchestral Conductor
JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor



so desperately hard
printed: "I dare ya
dare ya!i
(9) Ibid.



it, I!

popular younger school of actors.
Kitty is his wife, a Cavendish only
through the marriage contract. She
secretly nurses an amusing resent-
ment of the fame of her illustri-
ous relatives.
The establishment of this re-

a . .

Samson and Delilah
The New Life
The Requiem
nr - t --- a - -f . l_ t'9-- S_ 1 if 'I- all's

Saint Saens




1 31


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