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May 18, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-18

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SATURDK, MAY 18, 1929



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"The drama is my chief interest,"
states Miss Suzanne Freman, who'
comes to Ann Arbor beginning I
Monday, May 20, to be the leading
IL UTDIA IflIlady in four plays presented under.
the auspices of the Alumnae Coun-
cil. Scheduled for a three weeks'

"The Comedic Francaise School
in Paris intrigues me," Miss Free-
man said. "There the real teen-
niue of acting is taught, as it is
nt in America. I am anxious to

fuR FflA I fh [) I' Faculty Member Names Books Which Will
AI i f iLU f10 Offer Diversion During Coming Vacation

A. 0. Pi Succumbs to Chi OmiegaI
Nin 14_13_ While iiKa


Representatives Of Senior
Comprise Committees
In Charge


run, these plays will be presented
in the Lydia Mendelsson Theatre
or the Michigan League.
"My profesional training hasI
been almost exclusively through
'plain experience; that experiene"
which is so invaluable to the be-
ginner in theatrical arts and ' f
which he cannot have too much,"I
Miss Freeman said. "Vaudeville,
even, has a definite place in the
training of an actress. A woman
has to make all kinds of sacrifices,
of course; domesticity and acting
never agree, although the career,
of an actress will not be hampered
by marriage, if she is clever.
Athletic Association
To Install Officials

Although reservations for women
to attend the banquet honoring
President Little to be given at the
Michigan Union at 6:00 o'clock
next Thursday evening, May 23,
mere originally limited to 200, the
pommittee has decided that this
number will be increagd to ac-
commodate all of those women
who signify their desire to attend
by tonight.
For this reason sororities are re-
quested to turn in a complete list
of applications for their houses at
the Women's League sometime to-

Event To Mark Official Closing
Season And Is Last Social
Event Of Year


play abroad, and for me it is the ne, I(*'"i'&5olme" p
most natural thing in the world to Downs Martha Cook
travel from one engagement to -
"The new Michigan League is 1
remarkable in its possibilities and i
facilities" sid MissFrem ', I Piling up nine runs in the first !
anm very'glaeoid Mis reepn. e inning and twelve in the second,
antver gad o avetheprvilgeAlpha Epsilon Phi downed Delta
of playing in it. Two of the plays,
'The Green Goddess' and 'You Zeta 22-3 in an intramural tourna-
Never Can Tell', are particularly ment contest yesterdayafte noon.
interesting to me because they are Sylvia Weiss put four playersover
rarely played by stock companies.,the plate when shesmash a
I think this is because these par-. bases ful, tnn came through with
ticular plays are so literary n i second homer in the next inning.
nature." Thswas the best exhibiton of hit-
Since playing opposite Richard Tiswa thbas benishion io any
Bennett in "He Who Gets Slapped" of that has been showni any
at the Garrick Theatre Guild in New ofteournamentgames.
York six years ago, Miss Freeman Dorothy Lyons hurled a fast ball
has played in all the principal cit-- for Delta Zeta, but could make no
ies of the East and Middle West. headway without cooperation. They
Her engagements have included had difficulty getting going in the
playing leads in W. H. Wright's field, and couldn't seem to connect
stock companies in Michigan. "My1 with the bat.
Son" in Chicago, and affhl ation The Chi Omega Alpha Omicron
with the company of "Kempy," as Pi encounter was slow in contrast
well as roles in "The Poor Nut,"Ito the one that preceded it. Neithe,
and "These Days," the Hopkins team showed much speed in the
production presented in New York I field and made no spectacular hits.
last fall. It was a close contest, however, Chi
Miss Freeman comes to Ann Arbor Omega defeating A. 0. Pi 14-13. The
after completing her second season A. O. Pi defense was exceedingly
in Flint, as leading woman of the weak. The pitcher walked six play-
Palace Theater stock company. ers in the first two innings. Two-
Previous to that, she played for baggers were the extent of the hit-
two seasons in Grand Rapids. Miss ting ability of either team.
Preeman received her education at In one of the fastest games of
the College for Women, in North the season Sigma Kappa defeated
Carolina, which is her home state, Martha Cook 9-8. The whole con-
and where she lives with her par- test was close, the fielding of both
ents when the drama is not engag- teams being up to scratch through-
ing her attention. out the game. The pitching was the
"I am particularly interested in best that has been seen in the tour-
the new school of acting, in its nament. Ann Zauer hurled for
major idea," stated Miss Freeman. Martha Cook, accomplishing every
"But it is the old spirit in acting put-out in the game. A. Novak de-
which remains for me. The kind serves credit for her accurate twirl-
of 'casual-ness' and the novelties ing for Sigma Kappa.
of 'The Strange Interlude' and The semi-finals of the tourna-
similar plays will have a decided ment will be played oil Monday
influence, of course, Dut they are afternoon at five o'clock.
becoming subdued and taken for -'
granted by more people than one UNIVERSITY OF, DENVER. -
ai -T fi df b hin en in the "Clarionn" school Dub-

Titles on the new spring books ten an enlightening exposition of
are especially interesting this sea- the Dutch scene, the revolt against
son, and in view of the fact that things as they. are, in her "The
vacation is approaching it seems Rebel Generation" (Dutton).
apropos to give some attention to "Dark Hester," already ,familiar
reviews of these books which are to many readers, should not be ex-
of special interest to women. eluded from this list. This is AnneI
In the opinion of Prof. E. A. Wal- Sedgwick's newest novel, of which
ter of the Rhetoric Department, it is said, "Miss Sedgewick has
"Orlando," by Virginia Wolfe, (Har- never touched the heights and
court) should top the list. The probed the depths of imaginative
story is a biography of a character understanding as she does in this
who begins as an Elizabethan no- book." (Houghton.)
blewoman and ends as a 20th cen- "The Pillow of Sei Shonagon,"
tury lady. English civilization pa- translated by Arthur Waley, is a
rades and changes at high speed, study of the court life of old Japan,
and there are many witty and sub- by a woman famous for her wit
tle comments on life and literature. and poetry. Prof. Walters names
Emily Dickinson's new volume of this as well worth the time and
poetry, just out, places its author money expended on it.
among the foremost women poets. Two books which should be of
It is entitled, "Further Poems of interest to every woman are
Emily Dickinson" (Little). Louis "Prima Donna," by Pitts San-
Untermeyer has called it Miss Dick- burn, (Longman's) and "Sarah
inson's most beautiful and most !Orne Jewett," by Francis Otto
important work. Matthieson ,(Houghton). The for-
Mrs. Van Amerskuller has writ- mer is a character study of a girl
-__who climbed the ladder to fame in
SW. A. A. Is Hostess To the operatic field: The latter is a
reaction of the vivid and charming
Hi hland Park .Team persona l:ty of Sarah Orne Jewett,
who wrote so vividly of the people
on the Maine coast.

Capacity Crowds Attend Week -end
Dances; Theater Proves
Demand for rooms in the new
League building in which to enter-
tain parties at luncheon or dinner
is growing rapidly. Rooms which
it was not thought at the opening
of the building would be used for
such purposes have been utilized
almost daily for the many ban-
quets, dinners, and luncheons given
there. The main dining room has
already proved itself too small for
the crowds which flock there at
meal time.
Patronage by members and their
guests has,- in a short time, made
the League the most popular place
in town for parties of all kinds.
Husbands and men friends of
members have also found every
accomodation there. There are al-
ways large crowds at the dances on
Friday and Saturday evenings.
Offerings at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre have proved immense-
ly popular with its patrons. "The
1 Beggar on Horseback" has been
1very well-received this week, and
the ticket sale has been excellent,
according to Diretcor Valentine B.
Windt. Play Production is hoping
to make enough money from this
production to warrant the con-
tinuance next year of its policy of
putting on gratis campus produc-
This current production will give
one more showing tonight to com-
plete a four day run. Monday night
a stock company, directed by Rob-
ert Henderson will open for a three
weeks' run. On the program for
the first week is George Arliss' or-
iginal production "The Green God-
dess," and George Bernard Shaw's
comedy, "You Never Can Tell."
The second and third weeks "Night-
stick" and "The Spider" will be
I presented.
dormitories for women will be
completed August 1.






This is the last day reserva-
tions may be made for tickets
to the banquet to be given in
honor of President Little. All
those planning to attend
should turn in their applica-
tion by tonight.

day. Independent women, under
the same time restriction, may se-
cure their reservations from Mary:
White in her office at the League
building. Tickets are priced at $1.50
a plate.
With the exception of the honor
ed guests, President and Mrs. C. C
Little, the attendance will be limit.
ed entirely to members of the stu-
dent body. Being held at a com-
paratively early hour and with only
a short program scheduled, the
banquet will be over in time tc
allow -attendance at the May Fes-
tival. George Rich, '30L., acting ar
toastmaster for the occasion wil
Introduce the speakers.
.The women's response to the
president's address will be made by
Elizabeth Wellman, '29, and those1
for the men by Martin Mol, '30, who
is general chairman of the affairt
and by Thomas Koykaa, '30L..
Henry G. Grinnel, '28, will respond3
X for the alumni. There will be a1
1 istlnctly informal note prevailingr
roughout the banquet and with
the exception of these addresses
Sthe only planned feature of the
' evening will be the music for the
dinner to be furnished by Bob
Carson's orchestra.
WRomen acting on the various
i committees are, Pauline Winchell.
Elaine Gruber, Margaret Gentz,
Elizabeth Wellman, Marie Hartwig,
y $etty Smithers, and Cynthia Haw-
kiris, all representatives of this
'- ear's graduating class.
It is doubtful if any tickets will
remain after this evening so the
f women who desire to attend are
again asked to make certain of
:their reservations by calling at the
Women's League today.
Dr. Helen Mitchell of Battle
Creek was the principal speaker
l of the evening at a meeting of Iota
, Sigma Pi, women's chemical so-
i clety, which was held at 8 o'clock
last night at Palmer Field house.
The subJect of Dr. Mitchell's ad-
4 dress was, "Recent Progress in
,,Nutritional Research." Dr. Olive
Searles was the hostess of the eve-
. ping, and patronesses and alumnae
were invited.
Miss Julia Peterkin is the southern
t novelist whose "Scarlet Sister,.
Mary" has just won the Pulitzer
+ award as the best novel of the
Strings . . Supplies
-f. Repairs..
for all Musical Instruments
Schaeberle & Son
1g0 S. Main St.
Dealer in
I l'in h te r n L F urniture

Tickets for the W. A. A. installa-
tion banquet to be held on May 22
are now available at the FieldI
House. As is stated in the tenta-
tive calendar of events found in the'
back of the "M" book, the banquet
was originally planned for the 23rd
of this month, but, owing to the
plans for President Little's ban-
'uet, the date has been changed.+
The banquet will take place at 5:30
J'clock in order to give the Seniors
ample time to attend their tradi-'
tional Sing, and -also the May Fes-I
tival, both of which are to be held'
that night.
This event marks the official
.losing of the season. and is the
'ast social affair of the year for'
W. A. A. As has always been the'
'ustom in the past, the banquet
will be formal.
As manager of the baseball sea--
Son, Helen Wilson, '31, is general
'hairman. Tickets may be obtained'
'rom her as well as from the base-
ball managers, namely, Thelma Le-
vine, Mildred Cassidy, '30E., Eliza-.
beth Wood, '31, and Mary Lou Her-
shey, '32Ed., for $1.00. The commit-
tee requests that women get their'
tickets immediately, because it is,
necessary to make arrangements
for the appointoents. "It is 1:e-1
quested also that all women sign up
at the Field House before Monday.+

Campus Tour, Tennis Matches And
Tea Entertain 13 Visitors From
Junior CollegeI
Thirteen tennis players from'
Highland Park Junior College were
the guests of W. A. A. yesterday
afternoon. They were first taken
on a tour of inspection around the
campus and through the League
At 3 o'clock they took part in a
series of tennis matches which
had been arranged with Michigan
women. Doubles, singles, and
amateur matches were played.
Rather than matches between
schools, they were friendly compe-
tition with mixed teams in the
doubles.- y
Tea was served to the visitors
and to the Physical Education fac-
ulty on the terrace at the field
house at 5 o'clock. Members of
the W. A. A. Board acted as hos-
tesses and tea was poured by Miss
Dorothy Colby of the Physical Ed-
ucation department. Margaret
Ohlson, '30, had charge of the ar-
rangements for the afternoon.

Tryouts for Orchesis will be held
this morning from 10 to 12 o'clock
in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
Tennis matches in the Intra-
mural tournament are not being
played off rapidly enough. The first
matches should be finished by now.
There is only a short time remain-
ing and no time should be lost if
tLe tournament is to be finished
before the end of the year.
( Pegasus Horse Show has been
j postponed from Tuesday, May I
21, to Thursday, May 23. There
is practice for drill Monday
I from 5 until 6 o'clock and Wed-
I nesday from 4 to 5 o'clock. All |
I interested are urged to attend.






cain magine now.insteaa oo eing I
looked upon with eyes of awe, asj
formerly," concluded Miss Free-
Ruth Draper set the record for
consecutive runs by a single per-
former on Broadway when she
played her 100th program at a New
York theater. Miss Draper gives
character impressions.

e lu bilk; .S u.lll11,1, i 1,1All~ ,
lication---"Taking a collegiate slant
at the campus through a student's
eyes, the conclusion is reached that
the University of Denver nods tra-
ditions-names for various build-
ings and land marks."

A theater in Atlanta, Georgia, re-I
cently gave a special free show to
all mothers of 50 or more. This isl
an annual custom of the theater to
honor Mother's Day. The theater
was jammed and mothers had to
be turned away.



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