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April 02, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-02

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TVuS15Av, A4L';1

the committee. The Daily main-
tains that the person making the
Published every morning except Monday accusation should appear to prefer
diing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. the charge, or else the whole idea
Member of Western Conference Editorial may become nothing but a way to
Association. work off personal grudges against
The Associated Press is exclusively en- inoffensive first year men.
titled to. the rise for' republication of all newus
dispatcheb credited to it or not otherwise The idea is well planned, but has
credited in this paper and the local news pub many imperfections that must be
lished herein.
removed before it becomes effec-
Entered at tke postoffice at Ann Arbor, remved Beforelist beomsdffc-
Michigan, us second class matter. Special rae tive. Blacklist publicity and con-
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- demnations by a group of campus
miaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4,o4;. by mail, leaders, will undoubtedly prove ef-
ic:Ann Arbor Press Building May- fective in most of the cases, but if
.ar Shneit o 4 sethe Council wishes ,to reach the
few who stop at almost nothing, it
must tighten its methods. The
EDITORIAL STAFF Council must be thanked for trying
Telephone 4925 to solve the problems, and the
MANAGING EDITOR campus. should cooperate to the
KENNETH G. PATRICK fullest extent. "Pot, Frosh!"

Editor...... .Nelson J. Smith
City Editor. .... Stewart, Hooker
News Editor........... Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.... ....SYlvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor. .......eorge Stautex
Music and Drama........ ...R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
jiEseph E. HRowell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon
George C. Tilley'
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexande Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram' Askwil%' Henry Merry
Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste~ia Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne SchelI
L. R. Chubb R~achel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen' Domine Robert L. Sloss.
Margaret Eckelm Ruth Steadman'
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansca
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie ,Foilmer, Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Jtuth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George R,,. Wohigemuth
Charles R Kaufman Ed ward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wylie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James JordanI
Advertising.. ...... ..Carl W. Hamner
Service...............Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence . Walkley
Pntblicatiions ..............Ray M. Hofelicli

Michigan's Alumni association,t
which has been honored recently
with recognition as the leader in
the new movement for collegiate
adult education, is again to be con-
gratulated for its selection, as a
model graduate organization by
representatives of a large Cana-
dian university.
Dr. Sherwood Fox, president of
the University of Western Ontario
at London, Ontario, and J. Mac-
Kenzie Dobson, alumni secretary of
the same university, are in Ann
Arbor today to inspect and study
the wvorkings of the Alumni asso-
ciation in an endeavor to find
ideas for the improvement of their
own organization. They have se-
lected Mic'higan because of the
success of its gratuate activities
and its alumni clubs throughout
the United States and because it
is not only the largest alumni or-
ganization in existence but in ad-
dition is one of the first of such
groups to continue on a firm foot-
John J. Raskob who managed Al
Smith's hopeless cause in the past
Fall has recently announced that
he will return to business again,
thus forsaking the political game.

Mary Chase Marion Kers In view of his accomplishments in
(~eanette Dale Lillian Kovinskb eyws mv ntepr
ernor*Davis' Bernard Larson the recent campaign, it appears to
Sally Faster I. A. NewmanstbM.very wise move on the part
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose of Mr. Raskob, for he has evident-
Kasper Halverso* Carl V. Schenm hwdhmeft ebyn i
George Hamilton George Spater ly showed himself to be beyond his
Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton. !depth in politics..
Dix Hupphrey Marie Welistead 1 i oiis
In the first place, the Demo-
TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 . cratic party under- his direction
Night Editor--GEORGE C. TILLLEY spent more than $7,000,000 in a
campaign and ended up worse dis-
rupted :and beaten than in any
-~-- -- campaign in recent years. - His,
STRONGFORTISM AND bright and glowing idea of putting
POT-WEARING business methods into politics left

It is the intention of the under-1
signed, an especially appointed1
member of the Great A. and P.
Co., to interview the prominent
people of Ann Arbor and to obtain
from them an informal account off
their importance, their views on
especially current matter, and a
short summary of their life work.
Mrs. Angela B. Snout, 1111 S.
State, proved to be a very willing1
and capable subject as soon as
she was acquainted with the in-l
tentions of our reporter. Mrs.
Snout was .very chatty. When we
had explained our visit she threw
the door wideopen and bade us to
come right in. She immediately
confided to us her great love for
the students of the University. She
said that it was certainly a fine
thing for her that she had the op-,
porunity of permitting such fine
specimens of manhood to room at
her home. She added that she
gained a great deal through the
mere contacts and association
that she had with the boys of the
University. We did not think to
ask her how much she gained, but
we noticed that she had a new
Rolls Royce standing in the back-
Mrs. Snout was very coy about ,
this side of the question. At first
we had quite a time persuading
her to show us the house, but
finally after we had promised not
to publish everything we saw she
agreed. The house Was certainly
in fine condition. Of course there
were a few little flaws, such as the
second floor banister was missing,
the chairs in three or four of the
rooms were in a state of almost
c o m ple t e demolishment (Mrs.
Snout said that the boys didn't
mind that because they had be-
come quite use to a three legged
chair), and the rear half of the
roof was laying sprawled all over
the back yard (Mrs. Snout added
that she intended to mend the
roof this spring, but the weather
had cleared up so nicely that she
thought that now there would be
little use of going to that expense).
Mrs. Snout believes in decora-
tions. If she can't find a picture
that seems to quite suit her, she
turns.her. hand to making some
sore of a notice for the rooms. She
has managed to obtain quite a
number of such fine mottoes.
There were some very nice "Please
Do Not Stick Pictures on Walls"
done in old English, and some
"Rent Due on First of Each Week"
signs in block type which proved
very fetching to say the least, and
there were numerous others which
as Mrs. Snout says, not only lend
a distinguished touch to the rooms
but also prove of real practical
Mrs. Snout, as we were treading
our way (downstairs over broken
bottles and library books said, "I
do not believe that this domitoryf
plan should go through. It is not
that I feel that the change willI
hurt me, but rather that I feel the
school will lose that sense of
friendliness that has always ex-
isted between the landladies and,,
the students. I, for one, will cer-c
tainly regret seeing the dear boys
of my own domicile leave my

friendly doorstep and be driven to
that common dormitory. I. "
At this point the phone rang and
a voice from the third floor calledt
"Mrs. Snout, will you answer thel
phone please, I am very busy?"l
"No, Mr. Gordon, come down and
answer it yourself."
Gordon dashed down the three
flights of stairs and after speakingc
a moment called, "The call's fort
you Mrs. Snout."v
Mrs. Snout turned a kind moth-l
erly smile on us. "You see, my
boys just love to- do things for me."v
I suppose it's because I'm soC
good to them. Well, you'll have toc
excuse me now, but just put int
your interview that all the Univer-F
sity is today is due to the untir-
ing work of the landladies. Wei
have gotten very little for ourt
pains. We have worked anda
slaved for the students for manyq
years, but we will never regret ita
because we love the students, andt
the more they are enjoying them-A
selves the more we are pleased." t
Mrs. Snout turned to answer her [
phoned call and we softly closedt
the door behind us. When as wed
reached the sidewalk we turned
and quietly surveyed this house ofP

® Music And Drama
With little enthusiasm dis-
played. by spectators and partici-
pants , alike, the university syn-
phony orchestra presented a dis-
mal performance at its eighth and
final copcert on the Faculty Con-
cert seriesl, Sunday afternoon in
Hill auditorium.
Qnly the happy introduction of
'Mozart's Concerto for Two Pianos,
played by Lucile Graham and
Louise Nelson, seems worthy of
comment. Both Miss Graham and
Miss Nelson were aware that only
complete coordination, rising to
near perfection, was necessary to
pull this selection out of the medi-
ocre, and both played their parts
with a technique that was little
short of surprising. Although the
strain to keep together was evident,1
Miss Nelson drew grateful applause
the Rondo; her interpretation
led her away from mere technique,
and her expression was warm and
colorful, while in the Allegro and
Andante, Miss Graham dominated
the performance .with a charming
It is lamentable that the Univer-
sity orchestra, with its small group
and its mild audience, should
choose to perform in the great,
hollow confines of the auditorium,
where the fineness of its strings
and bassoons. is lost, and its woe-
fully weak brass too clearly evi-
dent. Outs of. the six selections on
the : program, the Overture to
"Euryanthe" was the outstanding,
with the first violins, especially in
the interlude, reaching a tonal
quality that was close to excellence.
Allis James.
Playgoers are at last being given
the opportunity of seeing the fa-
mous D'Oyly Carte Opera Com-
pany, the organization which ori-
ginally presented the operas of
Gilbert and Sullivan. Though it
is not generally known, Richard
D'Oyly Carte, father of the present
owner and director, .Rupert D'Oyly
Carte, Was the man who brought
Gilbert and Sullivan together, and
was the business manager of the
triumvirate which made. possible
the proddetiori'of the Gilbert and
Sullivan .pera ,
The conmany, which-tame-to the
Shubert-Lafayette T' heatre, De-
troit, Sunday, is the same that ap-
pears annually, in London.
It inc. 'ides jn the repertoire
some of the best comic operas
played by the Savoyards. These
players have en presenting the
operas eve t1 eason practically
without a b ne Gilbert and
Sullivan trod the stage at rehears-
als in the 'old Savoy, and personal-
ly attended to every litle detail of
the productions.
Never has "The Mikado" which
is the first opera, pla'ying today'
and for a matinee on Thursday,
been played by a D'Oyly Carte com-
pany since it was first presented
that there has not been in the cast
one or mOre players who have
plydleads in the operas before.
'The Gondoliers'' is another of the
operas to be given this-week.

"In the Next Room" proved. so
much to the liking of the M.
Grundy, the Mdme. Grundy, and
les petites Grundys that its em-
bers are to be stirred again for
five performances. Mimes will de-
vote Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of the week follow-
ing spring recess to the further
chilling of spines, arbiter elegenti-
tiarm, and pocket books. After all
who is Mimes to offer a chilly
shoulder (no pun) to Andrew Mel-
lon's wisely loved Product?
The week of April fifteenth will
witness R. E. Sherwood's "The
Queen's Husband." It will be re-
called that the Sherwood capal ex-
tremity was the birth place of "The
Road to Rome", a play according
Jane Cowl the privilege of break-
ing hearts and box office records
throughout a long. run. Critical
acclaim was so unreserved that
Sherwood ceased editing "Life"
and turned his able head toward
the further embellishment of
American drama. "The Queen's
Husband" is little below the
standard of its 'predecessor ana
will unquestionably prove to be a
tasty gewgaw for even our local
dilletantes. Sherwood stands with
Phillip Barry in the inner sanctum
of rdiruln~ie mi.tilin Tn '"Tian, a



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After years of fooling aroun
and placing trust in class discipline
committees to enforce the wearing
of the traditonal Freshman pot
and with the subsequent position
of seeing the pot disappear gradu-
ally from the campus haunts, the
Student council has put aside it
policy of "watch and hope" fora
new policy of "get 'em and put in
on 'em". Which is all very com-
Known violators will be calle
before a joint meeting of th
Council and a group of Varsity
sport captains and the headcheer-
leader.pThesacton taken at this
meeting has been announced as
such that is warranted by the of-
fense and the attitude of the
violators. Violators will be inform-
ed to appear before. the meeting
by telephone, and those who volun-
tarily absent themselves. will be
subject to summary strong-arm
methods on the part of Varsity
letter men.
This, on the whole, seems to be
a good system and a fine idea. The
plan however has several flaws
that must be worked out before
the plan phases the more brazen
of the non-potted yearlings. The
council is the logical body to en-
force the wearing, and the idea of
an additional tribunal' of varsity
captains and the headcheerleader
is praiseworthy although some-
what more impressive in the
sound -on the tongue than in any-
thing else. The method of sum-
moning by phone is all right, and
the idea of making the offense fit
the crime can be noted with satis-
The main flaw seems to lie in
the lack of the Council to possessj
authority to 'do. anything drastic
aside from publishing the;names of
the offenders and in administering
a severe lecture to the guilty 'men.;
This will undoubtedly cause more
pot-wearing, as publicity of this
type is unwanted, and' 'imagine
freshman embarrassment at, being
called down by the football cap-
tain, the swimming captain, and
the president of the Union! There
is no way in which the council
can demand a man's appearance,
and the strong-arm method may

d [his party some' -$1,500,000 in the
e hole. Even his also-ran candidate
g failed to elicit much enthusiasm
, when 'he offered to. make this up
n by selling his campaign speeches
.. and, turning the money over to
e the committee. Mr. Smith did
s nothing but show his ignoranc of
a the literary market in this instance
n -people do not like their litera-
- ture crude.
Mr. Raskob can take some so-
d lace in that he is not the first
e bright business man to fail in pol-
itics. A few make a success in
- both; John Raskob is not in this
s category. His party is disorganized
A and received a bitter defeat; at

present it has no leader. Now
he had managed Hoover-.


Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 3o
1 words it possible. Anonymous comn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should nut be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
In the current issue of the Cen-
tury magazine there appears an
article on Teacher 'and Student by
Prof. Harold Laski. May I quote the
following exerpt:
"Another danger (to our Univer-
sities) is the exaltation of the ad-
ministrator in the office. Teaching
always suffers when it is deprived
of flexibility by service to a rout-
ine. Card indexes, reports, exami-
nations, nearly rounded curricu-
lums, these are soul-destroying
agencies. They satisfy the bustl-
ing executive, who loves order and
neatness and routine. They make
him the despot of the teacher by
ministering to his lust for power.
For the effective teacher almost al-
ways wants nothing so much as to
be left alone; and the university
administration likes nothing so
much as the making of endless
rules and regulations and schemes
which entrap both teacher and'
student into the service of habit
which irritates and inhibits the,
emergence of intellectual freedom.
Yet it is above all for that emer-
gence that the University exists;
and there is no better test of itsI

! ---

Overm -he-,Counter
Remamaining Sau,-
9:00 O'CLOCK A. Mo
At School of Music, Maynard Street

. u w r . om
r r -

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