T H E'-. M I C H I C Ai N'f3* Al L Y
W. A. A. NOMINEE ' .
A. A.
Pegasus will hold its regular
u0meeting at 4 o'clock on Thursday
afternoon, April 4, in the parlors
Tnovn r WrPte News
A. U. WV. Opens Reid Hall For'
f nlIlnr rgi l tniii QIIutigimAt
HeE T ld Position Of Only Woman - -University women traveling in
Senior And Junior Members Of Member Of Alumni Council Europe will be welcomed as tran-
Judiciary Council Will O sients during the summer months
Also Be Chosens and the winter vacations at Reid
___ Mrs. Frances Hinkley Moore;i
'90MS., who died on March 9 at Hall in Paris, which was formerly
EensLgenf ors fothe Wom's Mercy Hospital in Benton Harbor, the American University Women's
en's League and for the Women's was the only woman member of Paris club and has now just been
Athletic Association will be held to- the Alumni Council of the Univer- incorporated and placed on a per-
morrow in University Hall. Offices sity of Michigan and was an activ.e manent basis.
for both organizations will be filled member of the University of Mich- The purpose of this center is to
for the coming year. All Univer- igan alumnae. She was a graduate provide a residence for American
sity women may vote in the League in the class of the literary college.
election, though only regular mem- Mrs. Moore's death marks the Dorothy Touff, '30 attendingclasseswomenwho areinParis
end f acarer tat ws dvote _____________ ~ atendig casse attheSorbonne,
b ers of W. A. A., those who have end of a career that was devoted the College de France, and other
paid their annual dues, are eligible to service in both her immediate CtheSEollTAe dedFranceuand oher
to vote for W. A. H. officers. All community and also in a larger n CLASSES STARTtacademic institutions of high
standing, and to bring them in
women are urged to make a point sphere. She wo.s a director of the! BALL PRACTICE touch with French life and thought
of casting their ballet. Voting may D. A. R. group and held offices in and with university men and wom- Jun
be done between 8 and 5 o'clock at two other women's clubs in Ben- en of other nations. Reid Hall is fromt
the table in University Hall. ton Harbor. All Girls Interested Are Urged To used as a residence by American, procur
Nominees for president of the Her success in business as a Come Out As Experience French and British women study- their
League are Dorothy Beck, '30, Mar- young woman had gained her a Is Not Necessary ing in Pa:is in the winter, and it the n
garet Bush, '30, and Louise Cody, wide reputation as a business I is also open to American students the ca
'30. All have been active on campus woman, and she had also enjoyed Ii
during their three years in the a successful career as a teacher. Intercass baseball practice will as transients during vacations. lbetwed
University Nominees for vice presi- Alumnae groups throughotit Mich- begin, today at four o'clock on I Until its recent norporation hTusd
dent are Dorothy Mapel, '30, and igan have expressed regret at the Palmer field, according to Helen Reid Hall was loaned by Mrs. graph
Jean Wallace, '30. These women loss of her energetic and loya Wilson, '31, manager of baseball. Whitelaw Reid to a group of Amer- "Paris
have also been active on campus. personality in service to .the Uni- If the weather does not permit, ican university women who have Why",
Roberta Read,'31, and Janet Wood- versity of Michigan. practice will be held in Barbour used it as a universitywomen's!copies
S mansee' '3, are the nominees gym. Although the games between residence and international cen-
f "for Corresponding secretary, whileBil L the classes will not begin for sev- ter on a permanent basis. Acco 'd-I
S HelenChere '31,in d elen sillA ss Marker For eral weeks, it is necessary that all ingly, a stock corpo ation known
'31, are the candidates for record, Nancy Hart Highway women who desire to make a posi- as the University Women's Realtyg
S ing secretary. Hermone Soukup,' t rNttion on class teams report early for corporation was organized to hold ,4 o'c
'31, and Jane Yearnd, '31, are the A bill introduced in Congress actic the propertyors o
.~ cndidtes or teasuer.It is not necessa- y to be a good Among the incrorators are or
candidates for treasurerprovides $1,000 dollars for the pur- player to try out for a class base- Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve of for th
filn dition to chosin erene to pose of placing a marke- on the ball team. All those who are in- Barnard College, who visited Ann discus
" tives will be voted for and junior Nancy Hart memorial highway in terested in learning the game, as Arbor last sp ing, Dean C. Mildred
and senior members of the judiciary tribute to Nancy Hart, Revolution- well as those who have had experi- Thompson of Vassar College, and
-cuc -ilb hosence, are urged to come out. There Dean Helen Taft Manning of Bryn
counc.is w le chog se eary crcee.is a good opportunity for everyone Mawr College. If,d
W A s e en t eMrs hHart lived in a pioneer to make a team, as second teams The building is situated in the youf,
*president; secretary, treasurer, pointl
recorder, intramural manager, and cabin near Elberton, Georgia. She will be formed if sufficient interest Latin Quarter, near the Luxem- or no
publicity manager. The candidates crossed the enemy lines disguised is shown and enough women come bourg Gardens, and not far from you r
for president are Gertrude Smith as a man, and furnished valuable out. Practices will be held every j the Sorbonne. It is a charming Barb
'30, and-Dorothy Touff, '30, both of information to General Elijah Tuesday and Thusday from now old house, with courtyard and gar. If, f
on at 4 o'clock. den, enlarged to hold 50 residents are u
t whom have been active in campus Cla-ke, but the exploit for which The managers for the different and equipped with steam heat, must
acGertiee Smithshe is chiefly noted was the cap- classes have been chosen. They baths, electric lights, and other sium
Frtrude Swas in te, ture of six Tories, who had come are: freshman, Mary Lou Hershey; modern conveniences. It contains the g
#Freshman pageant in her first year !armed to her house and ordered sohmrEiaetuodruir.odrcneine. tcnan h
on campus and onthe eredsophomore, Elizabeth Wood; junior, attractive sitting rooms, a large your*
ro the LeagueCI~i'.i her to prepare breakfast for them. Dinah Berkowitz; senior, Velma ilibrary,, and an assembly room as hour.
. bership' committee of the League no. well as a roof ,garden.--
She was also a member of this and a member of Wyvern. Johnson.
committee "during her sophomore Dorothy Touff, who entered the-I
I year, and besides participating in University in her sophomoe year,
4 the Sophomore ,Circus and Fresh- was chairman of the Penny Carni- f
man Spread, was a member of the val finance committee, worked on)
hockey, basketball, and baseball the Sports Conference, and a mem-
teams. She was also on the Lan- ber of the installation committee
t ,tern Nigh't committee. For two of W. A. A. In her junior year she
it years she has been point recorder was vice-president of W. A. A. and1
and a member of the executive on the executive board of that or-
i xboard of the W. A. A., and this year ganization, a member of the cen-
as well as being on the costume tral Bazaar committee, assistant\
committee of the Junior Girls' chairman of the Junior Girl's Play
W Play, has been recording secretary; program committee, a member of
of the Women's League, a member'her class hockey team, and a mem- 1
of the League Board of Directors, ber of Wyvern. '
lilt11iI !!IfII 1jII 11t111tilillillllillllllililittllilllllllllill iIllI tltlllilil l
The Quickest Way to SmatrnessL-
Jar', s , ' '.Y Y / / '
q W f" /ki~k" ni yi'~/s5 r
E y x
47 ' ***:~i~~
Vacation NeedsY
! A coat of velvet for semi-formal wear
An ensemble of wool for street and campus use,
r r A flowered print for a gad-about frock
And all accessories to complete your outfit.
The correct Spring wardrobe has a definite beginning in a
smart coat. Our large, diversified collection sponsors all the
newest coat themes. We are reasonably confident that here j -y,'
you will find just the right coat. j
women are vmpioyed By rapers ,
To Write Shopping News
And Fashion Articles
of Barbour gymnasum. The com-
ing horseshow, which is to be held
on May 21 at Palmer Field, will be
discussed and definite plans for it
will be made at this time.
Pegasus will s p o n s o r weekly
"Women make a more con- r
spicuous success in advertising this event. Any woman interested
tzI than in any other form of journal- i h os-hwadi hs
istic work, if advertising can be practice rides, whether or not she
called journalistic work," believes edt a ebrof Pegasus, is request-
Professor John L. Brumm, of the Ied to call Bernice Cowan, '29,. at
journalism department. "My ex- 4018.
perience has been," he added, "that o -
no young woman who has been I Junior Women.
graduated from the University of
<Michigan with the idea in view of I All women who took part in
identifying herself with some phase. I the Junior Girls' Play please see
of advertising has ever failed to' Ilbulletin board in the basement I
Gertrude Smith, '30 get a position."I' of Barbour gymnasium for very
Women enter advertising direct- I important notices.
ed exclusively to women, especially 'lLouise Cody,
NotiCes relating to women's wear. They are General Chairman. I
I found prominently in department 0
istore advertising and other retail WOMEN CONTROL MONEY
for women desiring musictrswer h pea sta CTI
the Junior Girls' Play may stores where the appeal is to a
re copies of it by leaving variety of patronage, more or less
names, with the money fori dependent upon writers of style Women control forty-one per
umber of copies desired, at and of personal reference. College cent of the wealth of the country
andy booth in Universityhallgraduates, Prof. Brumm believes, according to a report by Lawrence
en the hours of 9 and 3 on I are successful in getting' positions Stern and. Company, investment
ay. The music being photo- that involve public interests of bankers of Chicago and New York,
ed *"Rigt Ou of ,,various sorts, such as campaigns
ed is "Right Out of Heaven", by organizations, churches, schools .in the Detroit News. A statistician
Bound", "What's the Reasonscol
and "Forward March," and and colleges, and charities of. allestimated that at the present ,rate
will be 40 cents apiece. sorts. They are also found em-.all the wealth will be in women's
Lorinda McAndrew, I ployed by newspapers in charge of [char035.
, shopping news of various kinds. y
Chairman of Music.! "An intelligent, woman with a " 'IY.. // ",.
su idig club wilm agood background of cultural train-'
asus riding club will meet at ing and a knowledge of "psychol- i
ock on Thursday in the par- ogy, together with information THE ART
f Barbour gymnasium. Plans about the technique of advertising, GIFT SHOP
ae annual horse show will be; finds a demand for her services,
sed at this time. I stated Professor Brumm. 28S. State St.
2 1'm8 " State St.igtilitism lm
BASEBALL MANAGERS Invites you to inspect their
due undecided as to whether IDEPARTMENT New lines of
A your games will be played, Lenses and Frames madeSpring
nay find out by calling the,- To OrderMe had e
ur gymnasium office at 3:30.TOe. erchandise
r unexepected reasons, you Optical Prescripions and
nable to play any game, you Filled
notify the Barbour gymna- G eetikg Cards
office by noon of the day that HALLERS
ame is to be played and call Alsb one Lending Library
opponents during the noon State St. Jewelers
. lflt11111it i i 1 N H 1i fr.7 rR 'y
l A~
H AT'S the telephone "HIlello"in Madrid. In London, i's"Are
you there?" But in many foreign countries, Americans find a
universal language in the telephone salutations. It's good old
"Hello"-a subtle tribute to th'e fact that the telephone is an
American invention.
And so it is with elevator service. Even though they say "Diga'
in Spain, the architects of the. magnificent new Madrid Telep''one
Building unhesitatingly said "Otis" because Spain dlemandecl the
last wordin eleva tors.You will find in Madrid the same type QfSig-
nal Control. Elevators that are now installed in those monumental
telephone buildings in America, in New York, Cleveland,.St. Louis
and San Francisco.
() 'r I
I 1{