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March 24, 1929 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-24

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.. x :h

Sir George Foster, premier of the.
province ,Of Ontario, Canada, will
be one of, the .principal speakers on
the program of the .Model =Assem-
bly of the League of Nations, which,
will ,be .held here in April, by: the
!Student Christian, association, it
was,- announced by the agenda
committee. Negotiations.,are being
miadc .at. the present .time for two1
or three more speakers of nationa~l
and international note.
More than= 23, colleges and junior
colleges from all sections of Mich-
igan are to take part in the model
assembly. Most of these colleges,
have -been assigned to discuss and
be prepared with detailed informa-
tion on various subdivisionsalof the
three principal topics which will be
dealt with in this assembly, name-
ly: mandates, disarmament, and
the admission of Russia. The rap-
porteurs w hich have been -appoint-
ed to these controversial subjects
are Kalamazoo, Ypsilanti and High-
land Park respectively.
In order that: the delegations may
have some information "on what to
expect here April ,18 ,and. 19,, 8r, re-
port of the model assembly, which
was held at Vassar college this year
will be forwarded to all of -the par-
ticipating colleges.
'This assembly is to be conducted
so as to reproduce as accurately as
possible. an Factual meeting of the
League of Nations. AlM of the dis-'
cmission will* be from the floor and
decisions will Abe Made by the 'unan-
imous vote of the members repre-
sentiiig the nations. . A'majority .of
more than half is'niecessary to pass
a decision, and all the' voting will
be done by rol call.

HooverONaMsYBooOeEO Lafayette Cadillac ""
Personal IlliIILUJJuat Shelby 80 AF Y T EAS~R
1 0nn 1r or iF Lafayette at Wayne Cadillac 11@.
EIUILIU IUII ast Xweek in Detroit (NIGHTR ICES:-$1T,,$2.-00$0, $.0&, $385
uBog. Sunday Niilht, March 24; Matinees, Thurs. and Sat. SAUDAY aTIE :.0~2~
PRESIDENTIAL YACHT WILL 1Psltyey, Farewell,Loal,,Engagement-
GUSS.N RSISchwab & Mandel 2nd Big Week Beg. Sna, March 24
Producers of "Good News," The "New Moon" "Follow Thu" COC
TERM ACTION ECONOMICAL' -ofer kiprthe Last, 'ime Here .the Glorious Musial Romance GoCh sPresents
That - Trilld Detroit for Four Months Last Summer CYCLONIC M StLC M D
President Prefers To Spend Rest DretrifaC.oThtrewYkCty
Hours In Fishing Instead U-Hr10>GOLDE VOICE
~Of Cruising -About ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __
~~(by Associated Press)
>} ,., ( W A S I T N , M arch 23.- T h e D=ET r s d n i l y c t M y l w r h s{
PrsdniaYah aylwr~Same Great Cast Intact, Including
t arried her last party of' distin- ,=
guished .guests down the; Potomac.,LE AN E as "The Rcd
President Hoover- has 'ordered f D Shadow"
the historic vessel decommissioned BERN RD RANIan
X so that her officers and crew may BR A DG A VLE I,,j . ~ ~ .~
Sbe available <for service on new: and'the Adorable BERNICE' CLAIREPrima Donna s 1
warships. , The action also is ,.,*. , x:gj1«l......75c-$L50-$2.00-$2.50 and $3.00 s 3wt
CmadrJoel T Boone okdun as an economy incas- PRC ST! mt n 90-
Comuade loke uonrLX~v~uma C- au 20WARINGS P N SY V NIN
Resplendent :m in iuofficial, dress ure, since maintenance of the = s 'a .. 5-10-15-20 n 25
unitoMat..Com.nderJoel0T0yacht' commssionandha2bee0 and Chorus of ~ ewteiag~~is
} unfr sCmadrJ i omsinhsbe ASTi TIME IN DETROIT, SATURDAY, MARCH 30 -
( Boone, medical officer; ofthArs costing the government, $300,000_""5 Y.
idential yacht Mayflower and a a .year. 1111111I]IIIIIIIIII11IIi~f~U111111111.{111{1
~companion on the Hoover. South1 In= laying aside the Mayflower, I .,.... ..- ...~. ~ *
IAmerican tour!, Boon's 'appoint- Ma~.- Hoover,,has, indicated; the dis- r The.Sbscribe t
inept as personal physician to continuance" of a form of presiden- Subscribe to Mh Ni chigan Daily useret he MIChign Dil
President Hoover was recently an- tial recreation which has bJndoucdfarfr'methn1ye.,e i4
yacht came. into service' as ;thefa
SoitIoosDa outing craft of presidents -during ' _ ;a. ,., . ~"s .
SocietyHonorsDean 1the. administration of President' ..K.'
At ;Education Banquet Wlson, and before that time had
_____ ~been used on. several occasions by..'4.
Head Of Northwestern Liberal Presidents Roosevelt and-Taft; I
.Arts College Heads List .,President Hoover- feels 'that in
OSpaesview. of the needs of the navy for r
____ expansion and to further govern.s ern . s . . .. ,
Dean J. B. Edmonson, newly ap- mna cnmtemitnneFu avlu asSatn oa
poined ead f te Shoolofdu-of, the ship is nolonger-warranted.'Fu MavlsDysS rtn To y
poitedhea oftheSchol f Eu-New ships that are:-coming into.
Ication, and Mrs. Edmonson were the navy create a constant demand Another Splendid tiTCJASt ageill Show'
Ihonored Friday night at the an- ( for more men and decommission - .
Hual all-School of Education ban- ing of the yacht will leave, nine of-, . .1:.
quet sponsored by Phi. Delta Kap- mfiersand21metyofier,f30 es
Jpa, national honorary education] snmentd2s ainsfeo nwIA N A
ffraternity, which was held at the l Added :to these reasons is the A NU.
Union. fact that, although Mr. Hoover has
IDr., R. A. Kent, dean of the Lib- been an extensive traveler, he pre- SPIGIE'OL E
eral Arts college at Northwestern fers- to spend: his, hours, of rest =in S P 2"'UM 'F>0 L
University, the principal speaker wading a, quiet stream .with rod '" " 4 ° - Hft e e e i g o m n e n t e a d r e n a d i se d o ~ usw t
recent scientific movement in. the ing about the' waters.i the vici- I
education field. The. outstanding ity' of the capital.
characteristic of this movement,,.
Ihe believes, is the evacuation,-of 1 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, ,'
the achievements of- education; $2.25 for the_ half year. ;<.' z=r
Th ric o l-kae.Cmeins1-
YodWill See-You IWill, Praise AL BORDE ''G R"1 RUD VL'M Y
"America's ,Mo st'-Distinguished .
AtorL in His Greatest Sreen _________________'' * .
/Effort. '-AND
/ Hilarious
. ~~GloriousGirlsri3a
Girl .~' A Musical Extrava anza in 7 Scenes
Enchanting One S olid Hour fUuua netinment
'. Music. . N THE SCREEN
fi: Y r.. ,
t, _ _ _ __ __ _

SRieh7? c~c p'~at ..J yteiosshdo
- Paic
1.20-3:00~~ Fi it oace i
4:40wi~.. . - aug an 'loe dama
o-j~ NE .,." .w3S {IAM' f4I 'SLIO va N1
A Rusin peasat ... wo daredto lovethe 9arr'ouJtf- t'. i
beatiulan aisocati dugte o afa

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