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H. L. StirsonrkTOUSANDS PaY
New Secretary Of State Arrives
Washington, And Hoover
)urns Over Duties
Offertory Solo By George E. Alder,
Grad., And Organ Music 'By
Helen Durard Featured
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 25.-With ATjBE 1
the arrival here Monday of Henry
L. Stimson, to take over the office- Al 1 C ' 1R S
of secretary of state, President
Hoover will turn his attention to FRANCE REVEALS TREASURERS COAST G
the nation's foreign affairs. OF RESPECT, ADMIRATION SCHO
Extended conferences with the FOR WAR MARSHAL SMU
new cabinet officer are planned. In!
the course of these Mr. Hoover is MME. FOCH WEARIED QUERY
expected to go thoroughly into the LN r A O
numerous problems now facing the UNDER LONG STRAIN ON
government, particularly those of
diplomatic appointments and the More Than 20,000 People Stand In Officers A
Root formula for American en- Line To Pass Catafalque; Bearin
trance to the World Court. Many Turned Away Body
Since inauguration day, Frank.
IAIQPLAN "Mimes To Give
"In The Next Room," By Ford And
Belmont, Will Open Tomorrow
Evening For Week
Tomorrow night will witness the
NINO orsopening perfofmance of Mimes'
K l O SHiP peett f "n h Nx
Room," the popular mystery play
SUARD GUNFIRE SINKS by Harriet Ford and Eleanor Rob-
3ONER IMALONE AS son Belmont, which will occupy the
UGGLING SUSPECT boards at Mimes theater during the
coming week.
WILL CENTER A cast which is composed of many
C POITIO OF HIP ofthe popular stars of campus
POSITION OF SIlP dramatics has beenrehearsing the
production for several weeks. The
Await Arrival Of Cutter iplay itself has been well received
g Crew In Irons And in professional circles, having en-
Of Drowned Negro joyed a long run on Broadway sev-
4eral years ago.
Is Seventh Straight For Wol
New Marks Set In High Jump,
440, And Shot Put
By Morris Quinn
Three Yost field house records were shattered last night as
the Wolverines displayed unpredicted strength to score heavily in
Opening the spring series of con- B.*Kelogg has continued at the (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) There will be no Wednesday nearly every one of the eleven even
vocations, Senator Simeon D. Fess, a of the state department, PARIS, March 23.-France is NEW ORLEANS, March 23. night performance, but a special the invasion of the touted Cornell te
awaiting the coming of his sues-Federal authorities here were Saturday matinee has been ar-
educator and politician from Ohio, sor who had to make the long gradually revealing her treasures l an iusy h we S tie eeseasonto a successful close. Form
spa n"h rsn u-awaiting anxiously tonight the ranged. Tickets for the various sao oascesu ls.Fr
will speak on "Th Present Out-1journey from Philippine Islands, of respect and affection for the arrival of the coast guard cutter performances may be reserved by ut, the 440 and the high jump w
look" at 11 o'clock this morning in where he has served as governor- man to whom credit is given for Dexter to start an official investi- calling the Mikes theater at 4151 Be d chalk u
Hill auditorium. Mark Andrews, general. Mr. Kellogg will remain successful termination of the World gation into the sinking by coast or by calling at the box-office any nue o squacaked up a decisive vi
'29, chairman of the Student Coun- in Washington until late in the War guard gunfire of the British time during the week its idoor card.
cil committee on convocations, week, however. More-sh nreaoe thsmugglisustLstndhrsvitoyinrese.
promises a keen analysis of present}More than 20,000 people stood in pct, near Sagsbee Deep in hses t
day problems by the man who last iline today to pass before the cata- of Mexico.li tive dual meet victories over the I
summer delivered the keynote ad-, uaqurn arha oc i esec- Thlsipwntdoninon fDavn failed to ganthe verdict®
dress at .the Republican national LYA falque of Marshal Foch in respect- Te ship went cown in one ofSEN I Fhavingfgain ti
convention, before 1,000 howling time for only 5,000 to ass throe hs the deepest spots in the f, g, 200 since 1922. It also gives the Far- sc
delegates.r the house, while at least 20,000; and 150 miles from Yucatan Re- jI wisi 8 encounters with the tlh
delegates. time fore onle,0 to pasthrough mies1from thefrouiiaia coast' E D nirr rell-coached team a total of 14 fe
In addition to Senator FessTfad-Lmore disparing of an chance to ports said it sank while some offi- w11 1i easterners. Incidentally last night's sc
dress, the program for this morn- v. tiV get in, had to be content with sa- ials here were inclined to believe U margin was the greatest credited' top
ing's convocation consists of an of- luting and lifting their hats as they that it was only partly submerged _____azWolverine team since 1925 when cl
fertory solo, Saure's "The Palm," -iwalked by marshal's mansion. from the drilling of the three- t coun wa 81nt3 1-6 n
to be sung by George E. Alder, Play Production Plans To Present Thousands were still waiting in pounders. . Statement Contends That Dues the cout was 6 1 u6 to 30 1-6
Grad., organ music by Helen DuL- Six Private Performances line when the doors were closed This point was of particular in- oH a st ForeDars team balance by taking a total of
ard, and congregational singing of In University Hall this evening and could not be con- terest to officials here since United _Ithseehoftheelevenfirstplacesin
two hymns, "Come Thou Almighty vinced that they would not have a States Attorney Edward E. Talbot three seconds, five thirds, and tied no
Hat and "Rejoice Ye . Pure InchanceAtobidEAheNbelovednmarshlexpressed the personal opinion CITE PRECEDENT IN CASE for first in the pole vault; while
WsCleePeiet ILRiECS RE ARIGIgood-bye.f1 that the stiff resistance of the Ima- ; the invaders were garnering a pair s
. Was College President ,, .Homage to Foch is becoming lone crew indicated that the Deliberate misinterpretation of of firsts, seven seconds and five 0C
As professor, college president, Tolstoy's "Redemption" will e more that of the common people. schooner was also carrying a cargo the statement of expenditure of thirds. Potter, Wolverine sopho- o
and Republcan chauvinist, Senator presented by Play Production at Notable men and women were all of aliens, who either were drowned h n more hurdler, was high point man C
Fes has led a long and varied ca- private laboratory showings in the prompt in paying their respects, or were now held in the hold of funds composed of class dues of the meet with a total of six
reer in public life. He entered University hall.auditorium Friday, but workmen were unable to absent the submerged vessel. (which has appeared in The Daily points, winning the 65 yard highs
the educational field first, holding Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed- themselves on short notice and The proposed investigation to- has been charged by the officers and placing third in the 65 yard
a professorship of American his- nesday, and Thursday nights, were obliged to wait for an oppor- morrow will center particularly on of the class of 1929 of the literary lows. i
tory at Ohio., Northern university March 29 and 30 and April 1, 2, 3, tunity. The greater part of to- whether the schooner was first en- .rAnderson Sets Record u
from 1889 to 1896, after which he and 4 respectively, according to procession was profiting by countered within the i lege reply to comments whichMichtSs cth
bcm sucsieyha ofteVlnieB Widdrco ofday's poeso a rftn b onee ihnte12-mile limit it ne
became successively head of the Valentine B. Windt, director of the Saturday half holiday. to determine if there will be any have also appeared in print. In a Michgan wen nto an eight point D
college of Lsw and ve-president Play Production activities. I After the body of the marshal complications with the British gov- statement signed by Kenneth C. lead when Monroe and Austin Se
finished one-two in the mile run, q
of the university. hA large cast has been workmg has been transported under the ernment. . Schafer, president, Elaine E. Grub- the latter, a sophomore running S
From 1907' to 1917 he served as on the production for some time Ar de Triomphe tomorrow every- er, vice-president, Ardath L. John- well to beat Benson, Cornell vet- p+
president of Antioch college, Ohio's as an experiment in a different one will have a chance to pay trib- G i In Defeat son, secretary, and Mark S. An- eran to the finish line by about a
experiment in combining an edu- field of dramatic endeavor than is ute to the departed soldier. Osious , drews, chairman of the memorial fobt. Monroe's time for the event cc
cation in the liberal arts with vo- usually attemptedoator Police aref one of Daily Editors Fall committee of the class, Jmes E was 4:29.9. The count was evened m
cational day laboring. grups ompu Ipeu to the greatest rushes they have ever Duffield, treasurer of the class, is
While president of Antioch, Sen- the desire of Play Production to had to handle.f the Unjust accusa Summaries of the Michigan
attores srvdeasdleatstethvedo"Rdepton"waefrnshdabtTe amlyofthemashl}il ToSp rtBakReesdvndcaedofthe"Ujutwacss- fSumaienoithhMchga-bya
o Fst cen o hAlexandder Moissi, safmhed Thefamily of the marshalwill tion" that he had gone beyond his Cornell track meet will be found C
Ohio Constitution conventionof- pan which sippeared in Detroit attend the ceremony early in the ~~~~~authority in levying dues of $5. ( on Page Seven.
dent's hare rafte the a-re- withh faous Tolsty wori morning when the body will be Quinn-Men Score Twenty-Nine It is set forth in the statement o 0
dents cairhe daftd te amnd-l wth he fmou Tosto ork ina (Points To Opponents
dent which crated atae e conversation with Windt when he blessed before being placed in an oin g Ninent'that the dues for at least the last up, however when Capt. John An- st
ment which created a state de- h n Redempto nw ordinary undertakers hearse. The'LosingNne four years have been five dollas derson and Levy of Cornell took
partment of public instruction.-said thatiwpuml dm iner hearse will be escorted to the grave eiand that previous to this year, at the first two places in the shot put,
Febe of th Houe oe re a to unpretentiously, it would of the unknown soldier by a squad- . By Eskimo least two dollars has been \nac- Poorman finishing third with a
smemberoft theHouse of Repre- t douhheo.ron of cavalry, a company of in- Completely outplaying their rivals counted for. Final action on the heave of 43 feet 11 3-4 inches, his w
sentatives at Washington, heading indeed be worth the effort. fantry will render military honors at almost every stage of the game, matter of dues was taken at meet- best mark of the year. Anderson's
the louse committee on education. Tickets for the various showings as the body leaves the Foch resi- Coach Maurie Quinn's sport-writ- ings of the Memorial committee winning toss of 46 feet 5 inches bi
Reelected Senator of the production may be obtained dence. ing basketeers steam rolled their and class officers and "the treas betters his own field house record
In 1923 he was elected senator, to eby sendingasthePla dcten Mme. Foch, feeling the effects of opponents from the editorial staff urer took nothing upon himself ex- two years ago by more ag
serve until 1929. Last fall in the eofficeith a statement of night the great strain of three days cere- by a score of. 29-9. Getting away1cept what the officers and cim- than a foot. The former mark was at
Hoover land-slide Fess was reelect-rOnl a limited num- monies already passed, asked this to an early lead, the sportsmen mittees placed upon him," accord- 45 feet 4 1-4 inches.{n
ed to serve another six-year term. ber can be accommodated at eachleveng that the body of the mar- never relinquished their hold on a ing to the statement. Potter Springs Surprise m
In the Congressional elections of performance so it is requested that shal remain under the Arc de victory during the entire 40 min- The reason for the inclusion of Eight more points were added to W
1918, 1920, and 1922 he directed af- {more than one night preference be Triomphe only until midnight so utes of play. I|ah subscription to the Alumnus is the Wolverine total in the 440 yard th
fairs for the .Republican party in as to dispense with guards for Captain Tubby Swanson, of the given as due to' the fact that the dash when the Seymour twins, Dale C
Ohio as a member of the National expressed, if possible. early Monday morning winners, objected strenuously to literary college agreed to cooperate and Dalton finished in a dead heat
Campaign committee, and was in- 10 0 sthe suggestion of the editorial with the staff of Alumnus to this for the first place. They were M
strumental in piling up the huge j SENIOR LITERARY CANES She has received a great many staff that Chapman, all-confer- extent. Action which resulted in clocked in :51.6 which breaks the 5
Ohio majority for Harding in 1920. I ' about all the details of the obse- ence forward, and Bill Orwig be the decision to invest the portion former field house record of :52
Was Farmi Boy sCanes for abouallbestoedttheailstfther a-used in place of some of the liter- of the dues designated as the me- established by Nate Feinsinger in
afrisenior literary class should be quies and directed the funeral in ac- ary experts who failed to put in moral fund was also taken by the 1925. d
Senator FessI affords the Amen- ordered from Wagner and Com- Icordance with the marshal's last an appearance, and the idea was officers of the class, the statement The finals of the 65 yard high
can public another example of the pany at once, according to Don- I wishes as expressed in his will, promptly abandoned. The editors hsi t-
farmer boy who by hard work and i ald B. Fleming, chairman of the I Members of the marshal's staff took the floor with two regulars and officers, was due to the impossi- sophomore, run the best race of his m
ability succeeded In forging his cane committee. The price is ' and his aide, Major Rene Lhopipal, three better substitutes, to be sur- of a due to teeipo Varsitycareer to beat Heasle, ev
jbility of a satisfactory meeting of Vriycre obetHaly,
way through to a position of prom- $4.00, a $2.00 deposit being re- who accompanied Foch on his tour prised a moment later when Swan- the 1,150 students who compose the Cornell veteran by inches in :08.5. ni
inence and respect. Born. on a j quired. I in the United States, have assisted son crashed through the defense '!Atkins, another newcomer on them
i _____________olaso 92.(IMichigan squad placed third when
. ami llncutOhio, nDc. 0;o -- her. lor a nice shot under the basket. _ss.___hianquapcedthd__en_
11, 1861, of Henry and . Barbara DetaCh_______pena_________ -----1Kaufman followed his example, Wells of Cornell tripped over the q
Fess, he attended coutry school C Replies To Sigma pandPrakken counted another.sBnd And Glee Club s
as B.1boyTonSigmateltaoChk SubpoenasThe onslaught continued almost jeodhAnd olnLas pitn
degree from Ohio Northern uni- pour Into Office Of Marshal Of Court unbroken until the reserves were To Present Program A few moments ater the Wo
versity in 1889. I inseted into the waors n -plie total was boosted to 31 points P
In 1891 he took an A.M. degree. when the scoring was noticeably when Eddie Tolan and Eddie
from the same institution, and re- Answers to more than 100 sub- During the series of banquets, acking on both teams. Except for Preparations are nearly com- Grodsky finished one-two in the c
ceived an LL.B there in 1896 and penas have been accepted by the the oil can has been presented in Vedder, who was bent on scoring plete for the presentation of the 60 yard dash. Tolan was three
LL.D. in 1900. Wilberforce univer- committee on tickets and invita- a different manner to each of six a basket, both teams played nice annual Easter observance program yards ahead of his teammate whoT
sity granted him a degree of LL.D. tions for the trial of the loquacious men, although the spirit has been defensive ball, vlthough several by the Varsity band and men'srds ahpadckyhisceate wo I
nlubricator to be held at the seventh the same in each case. Although chances to score were missed by glee club at 8 o'clock on Wednes- ran a plucky race after pulling a
in 127. muscle in winning his preliminary
Senator Fess is the author of sev-'annual grid-iron Banqeut to be the left handed complement has the two aggregations. The half day night in Hill auditorium. There heatm
eral books FIncluding "Outline of given at 630 o'clock on the night been the feature of every grid ban- ended 15-0. will be no admission charge. hafr
Hbk istory "Outline o of April 3 in the ball room of the quet, there has also been one With the second sports team still An Easter program such as that Cornell came in for her second p
United States Hitr, Ot ine haysoigo h eti h
ofUnhioogy," "Ameriy," oltical Union. Passes to the court room genuine compliment paid to some in the game, the editors came;to be offered Wednesday night has aheavy scoing of the meet i thea
Theory," "Civics in Ohio," and wlll be mailed tomorrow morning members of the faculty in each through to score nine points dur- becometraditional with campus next event, the two mile run',V
Themy " eutralio"rondto those whose answers have been case in the form of the epitaph. ing the latter part of the game, musical organizations. The stage taking the first two places. Lever-u
"Problems of Neutrality." From accepted At the first razz fest in 1923 but with the insertion of the first and auditorium will be decorated ing went into the lead at the half- D
1903 to 1906 he was editor ofwa mrk ndanbilntyo
World's Events magazine. f The remaining tickets will be W. D. Henderson was presented string men, the lead was rapidly in a typical Easter setting and the a mark and ran brilliantly to a
sent out sometime during the week with the long-nosed oiler, while inI increased to 29-9, the final score. series of musical numbers to be finish a full 25 yards ahead of his i
Professor Hugh Black of the to the remainder of the 400 who 1924 Prof. Thomas H. Reed was Kaufman, Swanson, -and Prak- presented will consist solely of Eas- teammate Beaman in the good L
Union Theological Seminary will will be admitted to the trial as chosen as the recipient. Prof. O. ken were the leading scorers for! ter songs. time of 9:48.2. Wuerful of Michi- a
its on the program to turn back
am, 59-36, and bring the indoor
er field house marks in the shot
ere bettered as the Maize and
ctory in the single dual meet of
he Michigan string of consecu-
thicans to seven, the easterners
ed with Colyer, touted Cornell
phomore for first place at 12
et 6 inches. This was the highest
e Wolverine has gone this sea-
n. Erickson picked up another
Dint for the Wolverine cause by
earing 12 feet 6 inches.
With five points needed to cinch
victory, Jack Tarbill won the
nal heat of the 65 yard low hurdles
impressive fashion with Potter
sing out Meyer of Cornell for the
1maining place. Tarbill finished
me three yards in the lead in
17.5, while Potter was battling it
it with Young and Meyers of
ornell for second.
Relay Is Spectacular
The mile relay saw the Wolver-
es register another decisive tri-
mph over the easterners, turning
e distance in 3:28.6. Freese,
alton Seymour, Tarbill and Dale
ymour comprised the winning
uartet. After Freese and Dalton
ymour had pooled their efforts to
ck up a yard margin on the
ornell runners, Tarbill added a
uple more and little Dale Sey-
iour treated the spectators to a
al exhibition of speed to finish
out 15 yards ahead of - Young,
ornell anchor man.
Felker Breaks Mark
Michigan had the meet safely
owed away by a 54-32 margin
hen the finals of the high jump
ere begun, with Crawford Felker,
rolverine veteran, jumping it out
ith Wickham and Williams of the
g Red team for top honors.
The lanky Wolverine approached
s form of the OhionRelays a year
o by clearing the bar at 6 feet
nd 3-4 of an inch to establish a
ew field house record. The for-
er mark of 5 feet 11 7-8 inches
as hung up by Chuck Waldo in
e Harvard meet last year. The
ornell jumpers tied for second,
ist ahead of Veech, the other
ichigan entry who went out at
feet 10.
Hold Special Relays
Two special relay races were ad-
ed to the program, neither of
iem figuring in the score of the
feet. The first was a half mile
ent, the finals of the Interfrater-
ity run, while the. latter was a
atch four mile relay between the
arsity reserves and the freshman
First honors in the Intefrater-
ty race went to the Phi Sigma
appa team, which nosed out
ose representing Alpha Sigma
hi and Delta Sigma Phi in a
osely contested race. Tau Kappa
psilon finished in fourth place.
he winners time was 1:38.5.
Freshmen Win
The other special relay, the four
ile event, was won handily by the
eshman team which was com-
osed of Gafill, Fitzgibbons, Wolfe
nd McLaughlin in 8:20.1. The
arsity reserve quartet was made
p of Bazeley,. Colby, Mueller and
'Anna. Fitzgibbons gave Wolfe
three yard margin and the fresh-
ian star increased it to 15, Mc-
aughlin finishing about that far
head of his Varsity rival on the