THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. x :h Sir George Foster, premier of the. province ,Of Ontario, Canada, will be one of, the .principal speakers on the program of the .Model =Assem- bly of the League of Nations, which, will ,be .held here in April, by: the !Student Christian, association, it was,- announced by the agenda committee. Negotiations.,are being miadc .at. the present .time for two1 or three more speakers of nationa~l and international note. More than= 23, colleges and junior colleges from all sections of Mich- igan are to take part in the model assembly. Most of these colleges, have -been assigned to discuss and be prepared with detailed informa- tion on various subdivisionsalof the three principal topics which will be dealt with in this assembly, name- ly: mandates, disarmament, and the admission of Russia. The rap- porteurs w hich have been -appoint- ed to these controversial subjects are Kalamazoo, Ypsilanti and High- land Park respectively. In order that: the delegations may have some information "on what to expect here April ,18 ,and. 19,, 8r, re- port of the model assembly, which was held at Vassar college this year will be forwarded to all of -the par- ticipating colleges. 'This assembly is to be conducted so as to reproduce as accurately as possible. an Factual meeting of the League of Nations. AlM of the dis-' cmission will* be from the floor and decisions will Abe Made by the 'unan- imous vote of the members repre- sentiiig the nations. . A'majority .of more than half is'niecessary to pass a decision, and all the' voting will be done by rol call. TODAY / TI-IROUGH TUESDAY HooverONaMsYBooOeEO Lafayette Cadillac "" Personal IlliIILUJJuat Shelby 80 AF Y T EAS~R WI.LL E ISMISSEDO THEA'TRE 1 0nn 1r or iF Lafayette at Wayne Cadillac 11@. EIUILIU IUII ast Xweek in Detroit (NIGHTR ICES:-$1T,,$2.-00$0, $.0&, $385 uBog. Sunday Niilht, March 24; Matinees, Thurs. and Sat. SAUDAY aTIE :.0~2~ PRESIDENTIAL YACHT WILL 1Psltyey, Farewell,Loal,,Engagement- CARRY NO MORE FAMOUS . GUSS.N RSISchwab & Mandel 2nd Big Week Beg. Sna, March 24 Producers of "Good News," The "New Moon" "Follow Thu" COC TERM ACTION ECONOMICAL' -ofer kiprthe Last, 'ime Here .the Glorious Musial Romance GoCh sPresents That - Trilld Detroit for Four Months Last Summer CYCLONIC M StLC M D President Prefers To Spend Rest DretrifaC.oThtrewYkCty Hours In Fishing Instead U-Hr10>GOLDE VOICE ~Of Cruising -About ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ~~(by Associated Press) >} ,., ( W A S I T N , M arch 23.- T h e D=ET r s d n i l y c t M y l w r h s{ PrsdniaYah aylwr~Same Great Cast Intact, Including t arried her last party of' distin- ,= guished .guests down the; Potomac.,LE AN E as "The Rcd President Hoover- has 'ordered f D Shadow" the historic vessel decommissioned BERN RD RANIan X so that her officers and crew may BR A DG A VLE I,,j . ~ ~ .~ Sbe available 0 L University, the principal speaker wading a, quiet stream .with rod '" " 4 ° - Hft e e e i g o m n e n t e a d r e n a d i se d o ~ usw t recent scientific movement in. the ing about the' waters.i the vici- I education field. The. outstanding ity' of the capital. characteristic of this movement,,. Ihe believes, is the evacuation,-of 1 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, ,' the achievements of- education; $2.25 for the_ half year. ;<.' z=r Th ric o l-kae.Cmeins1- II BARTON & YOUNG 10 JACK HEISLER GIL . KAY McKAY GRACE & COLY WORTH YodWill See-You IWill, Praise AL BORDE ''G R"1 RUD VL'M Y "America's ,Mo st'-Distinguished . AtorL in His Greatest Sreen _________________'' * . /Effort. '-AND / Hilarious C'Comzedy WEBER'S POMPOUS RVE . ~~GloriousGirlsri3a Girl .~' A Musical Extrava anza in 7 Scenes Enchanting One S olid Hour fUuua netinment '. Music. . N THE SCREEN fi: Y r.. , t, _ _ _ __ __ _ SRieh7? c~c p'~at ..J yteiosshdo Inadakwaeoueatmd - Paic 1.20-3:00~~ Fi it oace i 4:40wi~.. . - aug an 'loe dama o-j~ NE .,." .w3S {IAM' f4I 'SLIO va N1 7y044 S - IWLIM UT A Rusin peasat ... wo daredto lovethe 9arr'ouJtf- t'. i beatiulan aisocati dugte o afa h~.' i.7 *r""nW" , t ',1 .1 :f .1 t ' .p '1 '. 'A f. f . r, : ,. 4' N Johift r° PLEASE NOTE Owing' to g re at l ength of this f production, S h o r t Subjects w ill1;beU limitetd. "'I?' IALAIII A 1 + r,-z {_, sq 11 7