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March 14, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-14

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. .






Students Decide To Abandon All
Co petition In M. I. A., A.
During 'Coming Spring'
(By Associated Press)
ALMA, March 13.-Lack of fi-
nancial support was given as the
reason for a decision by the stu-
dent body of Alma college, to
withdraw from all athletic compe-
tition in the' M. I. A. A. this spring.
The 'decision was reached yesterday
when students voted to abolish all
forms 'of intercollegiate sport.
Football and basketball have pro-
duced small profits, but track, ten-
nis and baseball consumea more
money than was taken ii.

vr. tr"zsrcrrrs. r a....,... -.. .. __---


c±ans ne nas in eiainger ana sea- YFR I E SHMAN BATTERYMEN
bury two levei' wrestlers while J ' ' ' 'N
Stuteville is In the 16. lb. class I Freshmhan battery candidates I
looked good in training as did his i are urged to report for practice }
running mate in that weight' div -| any afternoon this week at the |
sion, Clarke. . ( field house and bring their own I
I equipment.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, I Coach Jack Blott. I
$2.25 for the* half year. o o

FOR 1929 RA
E R FOR M EThe Philadelphia Athletics, whoj
finished second in the American
' i League pennant chase of 1928, will
Ielay Team Entered At Cleveland again be the teamto which the
Meet; Grodsky Is Selected fans will look to stop the Yankees
As Fourth Member' in this year's campaign. With
practically the same team that
SIX TO ENTER RELAYS finished last year's schedyle on
x hand for this season's activities the
Six of Michigan's trackmen will Mackmen's chances appear bright-
journey to Urbana to take part in er than usual.
individual events of the annual! Connie Stands Pat
Illinois relay carnival while the Connie Mack, strange as it mnay
Varsity mile relay team and one seem, has not added one minor
sprinter will represent the Maize league player of any importance
and Blue at the Cleveland ; High Ito the club during the winter'
school meet during the week-end, months. Practically the only addi-
according' to an announcement 4tion to the team has been the vet-
made yesterday by Coach Farrell. eran Homer Summa, for many sea-
The veteran track mentor de- sons the regular rightfielder of the
cided not to send a relay to the Cleveland Indians. Summa, how-
Illinois meet after the quartet took ever, will serve only as an under-
third at 'Iowa City last Saturday, study to the younger George Haas,
and has chosen Tarbill, Tolan, Lo- who showed promise of becoming
mont, Austin, Felker, and McClellan a real star in his debut last year.
to make the trip to Urbana. They Haas will patrol the right garden,
will, leave here Friday morning to teaming, with the veterans Al Sim-
take part in the preliminaries that mons and ;Bing Miler, who will
night. cover left and center respectively.,
-Gr'4dsky Picked The loss of Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker,
Of the six entrants, Tolan, who and Walter French has left the
placedsecondto..Simpson in the 60 Athletics with only Stumma for re-{
yard dash at the Conference meet, serve duty.
and Felker, who tied for first in; Ossie Orwoll, jack of all trades,
the high jump, appear to have the will be the guardian of the initial
best chances of finishing among sack and will, in cases of necessity,
the leaders.:WTarbill will find a stiff take the pitching mound. Second
field against him in the quarter base will be ably taken care of by ;
mile run, as will McClellan in the Max Bishop, while Joe Boley will I
pole vault. Lomont and Austin, again be the Mack's shortstop.
running the 1,000 yard event for This combination of Boley and
the first time this 'year, are ac- Bishop is the best fielding keystone
corded an outside chance for duo in the majors, but Boley is a
places. little weak with the stick.
Grodsky defeated Cooper in a Chubby Jimmy Foxx, erstwhile
trial test at the field house yester- catcher and first baseman, will be
day, and will take the place on the assigned to the hot corner. His'°
mile relay team left vacant by Tar- powerful batting ought to win
bill. many more games for the Mack-


men than his fielding will lose for
'them. Jimmy Dykes, baseball's
I greatest utility man, George Hass-
Iler aid Sammy Hle will be ready
to step in. should' one of the regu-
lars falter.
purgers Are Strgn&
Mickey Cochrane, voted the
league's most valuable player in
1928, will again assume the major
part of the catching assignment,
with old Cy Perkins as his assist-
ant. .In case of injuries to these
men Jimmy Foxx will take the job.
Little fear need be held that the
Athletic's pitching will be weax.
Lefty Grove, Rube .Walberg, Ed
Rommell, Jack Quinn, Howard
Ehmike, and Geoxge Farnshaw form
the greatest, pitching staff in base-
ball. Grove and Walberg are two I
of the most capable left handers
in the league, while the others are
all veterans of many years.
All in all, the Athletics of 1929.
present a well-balanced lineup,
powerful in every department of
play. They ;should make a real
fight for the pennant in the co-
ming campaign.
Freshnan Track
owlney Results

With the matches which will de-
cide the Conference individual
wrestling champions scheduled for
this week-end, speculation is rife
in Big Ten mat circles as to who
will take the titles this year. Mich-
igan is entering only three men in
this tournament, Warren, Dugo-
vito, and George, the remainder of
the squad pointing for the Nation-
ai tournament which will be run
off at Columbus on March 29 and
Sapora of Illinois appears to be
the class of the Big Ten 115 pound-
ers, but La Favour of Ohio State
and Cushing of Northwestern may
give him a battle for the title. La
Favour won from Cushing during
the season, but when the two men
mix there is sure to' be a battle,
Another mat man, Carpenter, of
(Continued On Page 7)


Speculation Is Beginning
Probable Winners In Big
Meet Saturday

As To


or a poor turn may cause the elim-
ination of a strong contender.
Michigan's relay team is favored,
over the other' quartets as a re-
sult of their speed as individuals.
It is doubtful whether Schwartz
will swim' on 'the Northwestern re-
lay due to the rule limiting a com-!
petitor to three events. The weak-
ened Purple quartet may find
trouble beating out Minnesota and
Wisconsin, as both these teams
have done well in a short pool. 11-1

linois and Chicago are also likely ~
to place. TIGER CUT WILL
200 Yard Breast Stroke
Petersen of Xorthwestern, will BE MADE SHORTLY
meet a worthy' rival in Meyer,-
Wisconsin's chief reliance for a (1;: ASsociattcd Pices)
first place. Both these men, swim- PHOFNIX,.Ariz., March 13.-An-l
iing their first year of competi- other strenuous routine drill yes-
tion, have been undefeated in dual terday in which all hands partici-
meets. Goldsmith, the new Wol- pated, started the Detroit Tigers
verine star, and Holbrook, Illinois on their last week of preparation
veteran who took second last year, for the' exhibition season.
are expected to be up pressing the Manager Bucky Harris is begin-
leaders. ning to figure on who is to be cast
Lennox of Northwestern, is like- adrift shortly. The list of those
ly to be among the first four fin- who are to move on will include two
ishers, while Thompson of Michi- j'oitfielders, two infielders, four
(Continued On Page 7) pitchers and a pair of catchers.,

Cougars Will Meet I
Toronto In Playoffs
(By Associated Press)
TORONTO, March 13.-The first
playoff game between the Detroit
Cougars, third place winner in the
American group of the National
hockey league, and Toronto, third
place club in 'the International di-
vision, is to be played at Detroit
March 19. The second contest will
be played at Toronto March 21.
Total goals will decide the winner.,
Buy an 'Ensian sUbscription now
for $5.50, and you will be sure of;
receiving a copy in the spring."

Shot put-Won by Black; Haden,
second; Falls, third; Campbell,
fourth. Distance--36 ft. 8 3-4 in.
Pole vault-Won by Allen; Mc-
Kinl y, second; Sheffer, third; no
fourth. Height 12 ft.
50 .yard dash-Won by Campbell;
Russell, second; Tompkins, third;
Crawfg'rd, fourth. Time :05.5 sec.
65 yard low hurdles- Won by
1 Wood; Gimmy, second; Martin,
,third; Mohr, fourth. .Time :08.1
-High jump-Won by McHose;
Black, second; Jphnson, third;
NPllIde, fourth. Height--5 ft. 10 in.
Running broad jump-Won by
Allen; Ward, second; Crawford,
third; O'Neill, fourth. Distance-
20 ft. 8.and3--4 In.
440 yard dash-Won by Kimin-
sky; Trometer, second; Chase,
third; Glading, fourth. Time-
:54.5 sec.
65 yard high hurdles-Won by
Wood';' Gimmy, second; Martin,
third; ' Mohr, fourth. Time :088
880 yard run-Won by McLaugh-
lin; Gaffil, second; Worden, third;
Hodgson, fourth. Tine-2:05.
Mile run-Won by Wolfe; Fitz-
gibbons, second; .White, third;
'Whitsit, fourth. Time-4:38.

In Hill Auditorium



ft-l- I
mm W-




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Browns, greys, blues, oxford greys in dependable fabrics are shown in
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Ask to see the new Sharkskinp, Scotch weaves and scotch Shetlands, Worsteds,
Twists, Cheviot anld Chreviot Twists.

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It is only a' short while to aster-
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Our Kuppenheimer & Belmont Suits.
and TQI'CQstS give ypu this satisfaction
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Let us show ypu the newest in Cloth-
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Adler Clothes
The Dunhill a
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They're A dmired!
Plainly speaking we
refer to the Suits
and Topcoats off-
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showing. You'll 'ad-
mire these Clothes
for their authentic
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skilled needlework
and incidentally
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Best fit in Mle City by Master




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