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March 14, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-14

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Traditions Of Former
Events Are Recalled
nnnnnalB Fn Dinm P lt l


nnnnnrnn mI nnnnyn

- a ..

MUUMAIW.10UM UIiLYr y £an cy ~ress rarty HUUS IN IUH
!PTradition demands an annual
N fancy dress party given by the Cups Will Be Awarded In Rifle,
League at the end of this month. Archery And Bowling
Recalling one or two of the par- Tournaments
COLLEGE SONGS INCLUDED IN. ties given in the past, will show-
PROGRAM AT UNIVEI iSiTYr the significance and the fun At BANQUET DATE IS FIXE
HIG SCHOOi. holds for all Michigan women. NrT.AESFIE
In 1927, everyone was working After a supper which was served
To SING TODAY AT TEA iand doing her bit toward the new on the terrace of the Women's
'TO__ League building, so that year the Athletic building, the executive i
League decreed that no woman board of the Women's Athletic as-
Tri p To Grand Rapids was to spend any money on her sociation held its bi-weekly meet-
Last Week-End ostume; instead she was to con- ing Tuesday evening. Reports re-
tribute 50 cents toward the League ,ceived from all sports managers
fund. The women all came in and committee heads showed the
The University Girls' Glee club, groups, so the idea was to find the work of the organization progress-
directed by Miss Nora Crane Hunt cleverest way for the groups to ing along many lines.
of the School of Music faculty, present their various sums. The . A report of the Penny Carnival.
and' accompanied by June Mar- i prize was given for the cleverestgiven by Dorothy ' Touff, '30, vice
shall, '29, sang before the assembl- ( idea and not the prettiest or most , president of W. A. A., and chair-
ed student body of the University original idea, man of the affair, showed a net
High school yesterday afternoon Martha Cook building won the profit of approximately $200 for
at 1 o clock. College songs were first prize with its "gold rush of !the evening. It was also estimat- Dora Vandenberg
included in the program. Dorothy '49", accompanied by : Indians, ed that 800 people attended.
Pope Wilson, SM., sang the solo,' miners, women and children, and Jessie Church, '29, announced Who are to play the leading o
"When Night Falls." finally gold for the League. Ofthat the basketball season now in parts in "Forward March," the a
It has been the custom in the the houses under 25 members, progress indicates a great deal of 25th annual Junior Girls' Play r
past few years for both the Girls' Kappa Delta's idea of the Salva- interest in the sport. There are which opens a week's run Monday a
Glee club and the Varsity Glee tion won. Honorable mention was about 70 women out, comprising night at the Whitney theater. The in
club to appear before the high given to several houses, among four class teams and several sec-
school students in concert at least which were Alpha Omicron. Pi ond teams which are playing an ATHLETIC MANAGERS
once during the season. It is with its newsboys bearing pennies interesting tournament. The sea- Are you doing anything about
planned to continue this custom for the League, and Delta Zeta son will be concluded by the reg- h competition in arclwey, bow-
as an annual affair. These ap- who pictured the League in pen- ular banquet, which will be held ecin and riflery? See that all of J
pearances serve as an inspiration nies. this year the Women's Athleticln r ileryoShatd lleofori
to the two glee clubs that are now Last year th - building on the evening of March your women who should be out for 7:
ye2arAtthiswtimeallcnumeals-andpractice ae thee. Ten days left. I G
organized in the high school, the dividually rather than in groups. 26.At this time all numerals and r t
Girls' Glee club and the Boys' Glee The plan was for a sports party- other awards will be given out,-
club. every sport and every decade was and the intramural cup, won this
This 'afternoon sixteen members represented. Efforts to be "loud- 1 year by Kappa Kappa Gamma,
of the University Girls' Glee club er and funnier" were popular, al- will be presented. n
will give a program of songs at though there also were attractive Bowling, archery, and riflery are
Prof. Albert Lockwood's musical costumes. The first prize went to w arousing considerable interest
tea. a woman in a peasant skating due to the fact that practice is in
The University Girls' Glee club costume with a real lace cap and progress for the tournament which
sang last Friday in the First Meth- wooden skates. will be held during the week of
odist Episcopal church in Grand Jacobson's staged a spring style three cups. Points are also being ;
Rapids. Thelma Newell played a show, . displaying the latest sportsawardedtos.hP inn ing
number of violin solos. Olive Stroh- costumes, prints and tailor'ed silks, aEleanor Cooke '31, aaer of
meyer, '31, gave a group of read- evening gowns, and negligees. outdooractivities, reported asu-
ings. Another feature of the en- Each class, according to custom, cesur atig pr hicas
tertainment was the soprano solos gave a stunt. The freshman women held in the Coliseum under the co-
sung by Miss Marjorie McClung of had specialty dances, starring a bal- operation of the management.:
Grand Rapids. let dancer. The sophomores put on a Other outdoor activities such as
- The Michigan alumnae had a mock wedding, while the juniors canoeing trips and bacon bats are
reception for the glee club at the took off the jumping rope chorus being planned for this spring.
Grand Rapids Women's Club build- .rom For the Love of Pete", andU1 Progress in swimming was an-:
ing. About 34 women made the i the seniors gave a representation nounced by Ann Zauer. '29, swim-
trip of what their class had done in: mongdmAner. It isnow ibl
th a fuiest ieadming manager. It is now possible El {
-,)the way of university life and for women to use the Union ol -
campus activities. Tuesday as well as Thursday eve-
Mrs.Alen oGive It is also a custom for Mortar- nings. It is hoped that women
Advice On Travels board, Wyvern, and Senior Socie- j will take advantage of this added This showing includes bright col
1 ty to give stunts. at the masquer- opportunity to practice for the dered Dress, with coat of bla
Interesting to all those who plan ade along with the class stunts. coming interclass and intramural
to travel this summer, is the an-'o 0a tournaments.
leuncernenttha Mrsurray A BASETBALIeGAMESTODAY i MaramentOhlson, '30, tennis
en, representing the L andon office ,Gmanager, announced that the Te 'C olin
of the American and British Tra- 4 o'clock-Senior I vs. Sopho- f cement tennis courts could now be
vel club, will be the guest of Miss more I, Junior I vs. Fresh- :used for play. Nets may be ob-;
Rhea Cashman at the Women'sman I. 11taned from the office of the field Liberty at N
City Club, Detroit, Thursday, Fri 5 o'clock-Blue club vs. senior I house any afternoon. A tourna- Exclusive but n
day, and Saturday, March 14, 15,1-Iment will be held immediately af-
and 16. o ter spring vacation.__
Mrs. Allen lives in England at -......"........- "................. ....
present and thus has intimate ; lA I
knowledge of the country. ANNOUNCING". ..
ady ce concerning traveln d ti that old fashioned silhouettes can be made of yourse f and friends O U T S T A
country and abroad is welcome to at FOSTER'S ART STORE this week by the well known silhouetteomt
call at the Women's City Club I artist, Mr. Steiner.
bulding,2110WomePar CiAven ue-Engagements filled for parties.
building, 2110 Park Avenue, De-
troit. are the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __11111 ilN E W

ADING ROLES IN Clavilux Presentation
UNIOR GIRLS PLAY Scheduled For Tonight
Ibsen's version of the old Scan-
dinavian saga of Seigfried and
Breunhilda will be presented to-
night and tomorrow night in Hill
auditorium under the auspices of

Helen Bush
ther members of the cast will be
,nnounced later this week. Final
ehearsals for "Forward March"
re now being held every evening
Barbour Gymnasium.


The make-up committee of the
unior Girls' Play will meet at
15 o'clock tonight at Barbour

itial Showing
s atest Fad
Silk ensembles with
The Sun Tanned
ored flat crepe hand embroi-
ck and contrasting colors.
is Shoppe
of expensive

.. ..



P ~itiitlliiillllitiiillNiHlt11111 ilNltfililuillilt'I lilii I ilN lllfiiti iillNIC
That are just as comfortable and
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We donot buy in quantities, so'can
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to the Junior figure which' needs a::bit of, control about the -hips
and back. Four garters. 55/500 for average figures.
$5. 0
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a- ,. .2
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. 111til1Ntll1111 l1litlthe waist i the back.The lowerpart, withbroad elati sideJ

A"m p





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with the world's finest craftsmanship.
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Tomorrow will be your Last Opportunity to purchase a
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