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March 14, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-14

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THRSM)~AV, MARCH 14, 192

Pub jlised 'every mnornng except Monday1
duing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.j
Member ofYestern Conference Editorial 1
The:Associated Press is "exclusively en-
titled-to the use for republication of all news
dispatches iredited< to' it or not otherwise1
creditedti- ths paper and the local news pub-
lished' herein.
Entered, at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ;s second class matter. Special rate
of postag granted by Third Assistant Pst-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
pard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2124.
Telephone 45
ditor....................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor........... Stewart ooker
News Fdito..... .Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...........W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............ SylviaS. Stone
Telegraph Editor............George Stauter
lustc ada Drama . .. R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
$ight Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Dcuald J. Kline ierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams' Donald E Layman
Morris Alexande'? Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwil'l -'H enry "Merry
Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste'~& Victor Rabinowit
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chbb Rachel Shearer-
Frank F. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Dougase Edwards A. Stewart
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Marjorie Foilmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hmpstead Jr. Weter Wilds
Richard Jung . George E. Wohlgemth
Char les R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Astistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising ................ Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising............Carl W. Hammer
-Service....... ........Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation................George S. Bradley
Accounts .............LawrenceE. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofeich
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,eanetteDale Lillian Kovinsky
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Kasper Halverso Carl F. Schemm
George lailtoni George Spater
ic k orwich Sherwood Upton
SHumphrey Marie Wellstead
Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe
The announcemenit iroili the
School of Architecture that Avard
Tennyson Banks of the University
of Oregon is being brought to the
University as professor of sculp-
ture brings the hope that active
interest in this art will again be-
revived at Michigan. Several years
ago Carleton Angell, present crea-
tive artist for the University Mu-
seums, conducted classes in sculp-
toring in the School of Architec-
ture. At the time of his withdraw-
al from teaching he had succeeded
in establishing an active interest
in this creative art among some,
forty students, some of these evi-
dencing real talent.
Too little interest has been mani-
fested in creative work in the Uni-
versity. With the emphasis on sci-
ences and work of practical eco-
nomic value the makers of the cur-
ricula have neglected, for the most
part, training in art work.
That latent talent and interest in

the arts exist at Michigan was
conclusively proved by Mr. Angell's
classes. But talent, unlike mur-
der, will not always out, and un-
less definite training is provided,
it is very possible that many em-
bryonic St. Gaudens, Borglums, and
Epsteins will never have the op-
portunity to reveal their abilities.
The School of Architecture is to be
congratulated in again providing;
interest in sculpture by adding
Professor Banks to the faculty.
The University of Michigan fifthl
annual interscholastic indoor trackt
and field meet which is being held
in Ann Arbor this week end is more
than the invitational athletic com-t
petition that its name implies and
may well be recognized by Univer-
sity students as of much more r
significance than is usually accord-1
ed. to passing .events.x
Mtny pf the leading high schoolx
athletes of the state come to AnnN
Arbor each year to. participate in
this and other interscholastict
meets. Included in their numbers
are a large group of potential col-s
lege students who are interestedc
in Ann Arbor as. something morel
than the scene of a track meet;E
they consider it as a possible alma

est themselves in groups of track
meet guests end make entertain-
ment plans a little more compre-
hensive than have been the usual
in the past.
The advantages of such a pro-
gram both to the fraternity and to
the University are not to be disre-
garded nor should they pass un-
heeded. Its recognition and any
steps which may lead to its accept-
ance as an opportunity of value
are heartily to be endorsed and
. The presence of the members of
the Michigan Academy of Sciences,
Arts, and Letters in Ann Arbor this
week end is indeed a welcome one.
Interest in the meetings of the
Academy, representative as they
are of the state's best in scholastic
attainment, is. always great both
among members of the faculty and
of the student body of the Univer-
Not a small part of the place
which the annual meetings of this
group have come to occupy in the
academic year is due to the fact
that all addresses and section
meetings are open to the public.
Many students habitually take ad-
vantage of the opportunity which
this practice affords. Many others,
unfamiliar with its sessions, would
doubtless find it both enjoyable
and instructive to attend the sec-
tion meetings being held in the
subject or subjects in which they
are particularly interested.
Devoted to research and study in
the various fields of knowledge, the
Academy meetings are valuable, if
for nothing more, in that from year
to year they bring together Michi-
gan's leading scholars. Further
than this they often result in the
obtaining of a concensus of opin-
ion upon matters of intellectual
This year's Academy program
seems well prepared and appor-
tioned. In addition to the meet-
ings of individual sections and the
annual exhibit of the organization
a general -program to include the
entire membership has been ar-
ranged and should prove of inter-
est to all. Why, not get acquainted
with the Academy?
Possibly because of America's
marked superiority over Europe in
the field of railroad service, Europe
is many strides ahead of us in pas-
senger air service. Since it is con-
ceded by almost all. foresighted
persons that as aviation prog-
resses, the airplane is destined to
play an increasingly greater part,
and for every purpose where speed
is the primary requirement, is like-
ly to supercede all forms of sur-
face travel, its effect will soon be
felt in transcontinental air travel
in the United States.
The announcement by the Trans-
continental Air Transportation
Company that two great railroads,
the Pennsylvania and the Sante Fe,
will be linked by air connections
early next month, is indeed timely.
The route, which extends from
New York to Los Angeles, will take
the traveller first to Columbus, O.,
by train, from there by plane to
Fort Dodge, Iowa, then by train
again to Las Vegas, and finally, to
Los Angeles by plane. The Western
Air Express, too, plans to operate a
new trip from Los Angeles to Kan-
sas City in eleven hours, while a
coast-to-coast service in forty-two
hours is being worked on at the

present time by the Fokker air-
plane people.
All of this activity marks a new
era in world progress and it is
high time for the United States to
take this ,active part in it.- A
broad field of speedy and efficient
service is just being opened and it
is to be hoped that all of these
promising projects will become
With the formulation of definite
plans for the Model Assembly of
the League of Nations, which is to
be held here in April by the Stu-
dent Christian association, comes
the announcement that sixteen,
schools from all sections of the
state are to take part in the work.
The various delegations are now
preparing subjects which have
been assigned to them and will
present the viewpoints which,
while individual, will still be con-
sistent with the policies of the na-
tions they represent.
There is a strong possibility of,
securing for this assembly speakers
of world note, including political
leaders of the stat-. and nation.
Ex-Secretary Kellogg has been in-
vited to attend, as have Senator
Couzens and Governor Green. j

.. ; r r v n r r r rm m ~-n n n r. r n v ma



Music And Drama



9 {


Listen, my children, and you shall
Of that which is not very clear;
How the woodchuck builds his I
And how to waltz a Japanese ,
''T~~~ii~~an Cn n ii! v rV Snr f n m

TONIGHT: Play Production pres-
ents a bill of four original plays,
in University HatI Theatre, be=
giniing at 8:15 o'clock.
* * I

Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
The one-act plays being produc-
ed by play Production have this
virtue, that they are original with



Thie Scientists are corning to uownx the authors; and tney nave thisI'
failing, that they are original with
Dr. Little, a man of great reputa- the authors. A first play generally
tion; is pretty bad, somewhat like
Makes a study of waltzing mouse Freshman themes; but it is inter-
mutation, esting because it proves that at


" p RIOa,

But' that mutation has come to
For Dr. Little has put it in reverse.
(At least, so the program reads.).
We have with us again the vener-
able Hobbs
Who with Greenland Eskimos oft
hobnobs. .
He will narrate in a manner' so
Of when he was a saviour on
northern ice.
It was not so very many months
That the Rockford flyers set out
across the snow,
A storm came up; they could not
face her,
And they landed on Hobbs' Green-
land glacier.-
(Yo, ho, and a bottle of rum!--
Editor's note.)
* * *
This picture shows the plane of
the Rockford flyers in action be-
fore it descended to meet Professor
Hobbs in Greenland.
But all the scientists are clamor-

least there may be hope-long
after the Senior year usually.
Two of the plays show literary
craftsmanship, "Outside T h i s
Room" by Dorothy Ackerman, and
"My Man" by Jerome McCarthy. 1
They are sound studies, the first
in pure7"tragedy emphasized with
stinging irony, and the second in
joyous melodrama with occasional
touches of keen pathos. The other
play that stands up in the bill is!
"The Joiners" by Arthur Hinkley.
Broad burlesque that occasionally
comes down to fine satire, it shows
a very clever eye for what is ef-
fective theater, -and its subject
matter is sufficiently trivial not to
The production which Mr. Windt
has given "Outside This Room"
makes it the most satisfying in
every way of the bill. Miss Acker-
man has caught a poetic mood in
her lines, with "Rigi greying," and
carries the mood to an inevitables
tragic ending which Edna Mower
makes poignantly real by her
characterization of the fascinating
Mme. Blackman. Miss Mower gives
by far the most outstanding per-
formance of the evening, and finds
a fine foil in Truesdale Mayers as
the slant-wit Staineslaus. A tech-
nical surprise is the small bit-ed
Mary Louise Brown who does aI
splendid homely girl.
The chief virtue of "My Man"
from every point of view is the
abandon of .the author and the
cast to a swinging, melodramatic
story.. Charles Holden and Rose
Varkle rarry their parts with de-
I lightful' vigor, and Helen Workman!

Lawn Rollers................ . ..$12.50 and..$15.00I


Roller Skates..... . . ... . . . . . .1.50 to $2.00
Velocipides, Wa , ns, Kiddie Kars, Teeter Totters,
Gymnasiums, Etc.
Large assortment of Bird Houses and Fixtures
Jno. C. Fischer Co

Lawn Seed


1 '.




ing to know
Just what to do when lost
Greenland's snow;
And Prof. Hobbs with pleasure
him) will recall
The details of .his answer to


nl f~ cl . 'i

. ,c makes an amusing "babe," beauti-
fully unreal-theatrical.F
Nor is the forestry school to be f "TheaJoineritle
Of "The Joiners" little can be
denied, said individually. The play would
They have planned a movie on the stand up under any sort of acting,
To shoideu how they plant a seed- and Windt has discovered a fine
To ng souhwtypnas collection, of types for the cast-
ling tree, which explains the balance in per-
Where some big forest monarch formance.
ud to be.rane
usedtbe.Something most certainly ought
to be said of "Passion's Progress,"
From Chicago comes Professor a satirical tea-time play in' blank
Edwin Sapir verse by one, R. Leslie Askren. It
To discuss the languages of yester- will be said!
year, The virtues of this play are two;
When o'er 'the land Indian-hood w ithe set, as the audience appre-
was i power, ,ciated at once, and the poetic dia-
And our aristocracy hadn't desert i logue, which they didn't appre-
ed the Mayflower. ciate at all, the boors! At a late
hour last night Mr. Askren, or
To be president means no great rather, Dramatic critic Askren,
success, J was heard muttering, doubtlessly
Unless one gives a learned, long paraphrasing one his poetic lines;
address. "Play writing is an author's dream;
Professor Worrell . the banquet and an audience's-exercise.
parting will delay, Written as parlour, oh-so-high
By making speech on the magic comedy, in poetic verse, it was di-
of Pharoah's day. rected and beautifully acted as
"drame sociale"--'than which noth-
Chromosome; metaphase, bacteri- ing could be satiricer, nor for that
ophage, diakenesis, matter, more passionately progres-
Phenological, coloeoptera, endo- sive.
carditis, hyperkenesis. But the play bill as a whole de-
And other scientific words of both serves encouragement as an ef-
tongue and pen fort to achieve a University the-
Will ever confound the language of ater-even in spite of Critic-author
men.-! Askren's tantalizing buffoonery.
PituesHe graduates soon-mostly by the
Pictures, paintings, etchings, sculp- Grace of God.
tures Lanlnr ,.

The most popular ready-to-eat
cereals served in the dining.
rooms of American colleges,
eating clubs and fraternities
are made by Kellogg in Battle
Creek. They include Corn
Flakes, Pep Bran lakes,
Rice.Krispies, Krumbles, and
Kellogg's Shredded Whole
Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee
Hag Coffee-the coffee that
lets you sleep. -

CLASSES, campus activities, social
events and sports demand health.
But constipation can steal your
health. Its poisons permeate the system,
sap vitality and often cause serious
Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, because it sup-
plies roughage in generous quantities,
is guaranteed to bring prompt and
permanent relief from constipation-
even in chronic cases. Just eat two
tablespoonfuls every day. With milk
or cream or fruits or honey added. Ask
for it at your campus restaurant or have
it served at your fraternity house.





Displays, exhibits, and what there
is more
Will decorate the Museum building
To acquaint us with the works of
men erudite.
So don't do your assignments for
the next two days
No prof you will offend, no prof
you will amaze
For they'll not be there to chalk
the zero's down;
They don't meet classes when the
Academy's in town.
Cut above shows an accurate rep-

Playing Detroit as one of the five
cities in this country they play out-
side of New York, the famous Dun-
can Dancers trained by the late
Isadora Duncan, will open a week's
engagement at the Schubert-La-'
fayette theater next Sunday night.
These are the first appearances the j
group has made outside of Russia.
The Duncan Dancers sprang to
fame in this country early in De-
cember when they were detained
by immigration technicalities at
Ellis Island. They soon won free-
dom however, and the subsequent
performances at the Manhattan
Opera house in New York brought
forth enthusiastic comment from
the metropolitan press.
The troupe is headed by Irma
Duncan, an adopted daughter of
the famous Isadora, a brilliant
dancer and interpreter. The pro-
gram has its classical backgrounds
in the music of Chopin, Liszt,
S c h u b e r t, Tschaikowsky, and
others. Featuring the programs

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