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March 14, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-14

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I 1E:LARSDAY, MARiCH 14, 1929

T. H E M- I -C 1-1- 1 G -A N


m __ M__ _ _ _ _ _N__ _ _ _

(Continued From Page 6)
Qualifying rounds for the frater- among the number is the present
nity reliys, will be held on the state champion, Charles Delphier,
(Continued From Page 6 field house track at 7:30 o'clock'to- as well as Joe Gagnier who held
Minnesota won all of his matches night, the' intramural department the title a few years ago.
with the exception of Illinois, announced yesterday afteinoon. -Delphier is the best all-roundi
where he had a draw with Dooley,' Entries will be received th performer in state amateur circles
Sapora not going to the mat inl!intriesrwi building unat eur and his title rests on the fact that
this meet.. ihu ntil our he has scored the highest point
In the 125 pound class, Coach 'clock on afevn fte total in eight events. Another,
Keen looks for Lupton of North- net. huar one fter- star who will participate in the
westrn o tke he ttlein he bIpities have announced " their in-
western to take the title in the ab- tentions of entering speed races is Hoppomen, rated
sence of Hewitt, Wolverine na- Each of the four men on the second to Delphier at the present
tional champion. Hewitt is resting teams will run 220 time, and Herb Bell holds fourth
in preparation ,for the Nationals t m with the four gainsthc ranking.i
andwil mae he riptote ihthe fbest teams,, which
and will notm etet turn time selected to Fancy Skating Listed
-Conference meet. The only other un on the following night.The other entries of note include
man in the Big Ten who may takej The intrafraternity individual Johnny Hawthorne who excels in
the crown of the 1256 pouwders is swimming championship meet will the longer- distances, C. Middleton,
Stetson of Minnesota. beheld next Monday. There will W. Thompson, and Ray Voss.
Morrison Favored be three free style events, one In addition to the series of speed
Morrison of Illinois may be. en- breaststroke, a backstroke, two re- races, there will be a number of
tered in either the 135 or 145 pound lays, and a dive. Entries close at exhibitions of barrel jumping and
classes, and should win either. If 4 4o'cIock tomorrow. fancy skating. Several women will
Minot can make the 1 weight Delta Sigma Delta defeated compete i the fancy skatig
limit, the chances are that Mor- .w events, although it was impossible
on ill prefom in th 145 i lt haDltahi to win tre o 2 ito obtain the entries at a late hour
In the 135. In the lighter division to 2313. yesterday afternoon.
Brannon of Indiana, having lost I Delta.Sigma Phi won the frater-
but one match in his career, to nity foul shooting chainpionship by
3liott of Michigan, will furnish beating Sigma Alpha- Mu, 171 to
the chief competition to the In- 170
diuns.' Dyer of Chicago may-' also F-" The, Sophomore Lits won time-in- )ww- ~ ~ v
be counted in te ' ound class. teras 'W in by gaining i
However, either of the Illinois en- [tories over theSenidr Lits;.26 to 15A
tries who enter this clads should and t he Junior Lits, 24 to 17.
win the title. Ervin ' Muscovich won the all- F o r
Again in the 145 division if Mor- campus shooting with 'the excellent
rison wrestles here, he will un- score of 92 out of a possible 100.
doubtedly win. Weave of Indiana_'
and Robinson of Purdue may upset, Buy an 'Ensian subscription now i Li.
and of the two, Weaver has the bet- for ,$550, and you will be sure of
ter chance. receiving a copy in the spring.'I


Two Teams Favored
In Conference Meet
(Continued From Page 6)

and Lange of Wisconsin, Nicker-
son of Purdue, and Winston of In-
diana, are outside possibilities to
figure in the scoring.

gan may show his
place. Schroeder,
omore, has done

speed to gain a
an Illini soph-
well enough to

warrant watching. 'title. However, Iowa possesses a
40 Yard Free Style star in Boyd Liddle, a six-foot-two
If Coach Robinson elects to en- sophomore, who may give Ault a
ter Schwartz in this race, the race. ' Liddle has been shining in
Wildcat ace will rule #a favorite. dual competition, winning three
Holder of all short pool intercol- races per meet for the Hawkeyes.
legiate records- from 40 to 440 He won- two races and placed see-
yards, Schwartz remains unbeaten ond in two others in the N. A. A
this year. F. outdoor meet last summer at
Walker, the Wolverine sprint Chicago.
star, is the best bet to touch out Watson and McDonald of Michi-
Schwartz. He won the event at gan, will make strong bids for
Minneapolis last year but was dis- places in this event. The Wildcats
qualified for swimming out of his also 'have some good men in Col-
lane. Walaitis and Reif are other lopy, who placed second last year,
likely point winners for Michigan. and Wicks. However, neither man
Chicago's veteran free styler, has been very impressive this sea-
Oker, has returned to competition son. Lahti and Bates of Minne-
and is liable to displace the lead- sota, may surprise by placing,
ers. Crocker of Minnesota, is also while Kieding of Illinois, has a
a threat. Both he and Oker have slight chance.
gone through the season unde- Tomorrow the remaiing events
feated. Covode showed his speed t w r i e
on Northwestern's transcontinen- on th6 Big Ten program will be
tal tour, and may place. Davis discussed.

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