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March 12, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-12

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"Story Of The Hours," Given In '23,

IIUVIUL UL1IIVIJlU M IU |LI nLH)AS VWOK E tOUR THEAT ICifllFrAL A R Et IIs rorerunner n F reshman rageant
______- - I-First Tcams I
"Contrary to the belief of so Senior.......... ........1.000 When one considers the Fresh- again that of Persephono, her
many people Who Soc the heater Freshman ............1.000 man Pageant, out of the past mother Demeter, and Dis, the god
only from the standpoint of the , Junior ....... . ...... .333 there rise memories of those which of the underworld.
~~ not aud ehe r t heisifesttere...Sophomore ......000 have been presented in former A festival in honor of the spring
Further Informatini otcieng ot altogether the easiest there ----years.An all-campus production will be the theme of the pageant
Competition May Be Obtained is," said Miss Elizabeth Evans, a Second Teams in 1923, "The Story of the Hours," this year, but none of the details
From Elaine Gruber, '29 prominent member of the Good- Senior .. ....... .....1.000 was the forerunner of the Pageant, have as yet been planned. With
mmin Memorial Theater company Junior . ............ .750 The costumes a n d atmosphere Betty Hcaly as general chairman
PLAYS ARE DUE IN APRIL of Chicago, who is appearing in Blue....... ............ .250 were Greek, the actions and re- and Miss Richards and Miss John-
-- - the role of "Dagny", the daughter Yellow................000 j suits of a day being portrayed in son again in charge of the organ-
Senior women who are expect- of Ornulf, in the production of o- o dance. ization and production, respective-
ing to enter the competition for l "The Vikings' Thursday and Fri- <FM[The Greek myth 'of Persephone ly; the freshman class of 1929 is
the Senior play which is to be day at Hill auditorium. and Pluto was the theme of the ready to launch its first class pres-
presented according to custom at Miss Evans, according to her first all-freshman Pageant in 1924 entation.
prsete:ccrdn tlcsomatIMis vasPacodngtohi VI FIi +onain
the Senior Breakfast to be held own statement, did not just hap- land was presented, as was "The
later in the spring, are asked to pen to enter the theatrical pro- Story of the Hours," in conjunction THREE SORORITIES
begin working on their manu- fession; she has worked toward with Lantern Niht. At this time,
wil e skd o ubitthmfo cil iprssd it te raatcg.I PB [PAR [S FOR PLA -wT h atr ih.A hstm
scripts as soon as possible as they that end since she was a small _fthe athletic contests which had WILL HOLD PARTY
will be asked to submit them for child impressed with the dramaticj formerly been an important fea-
selection soon after spring vaca- j art. "Makeup is the least noticeable ture of the occasion began to lose Miss Dorothy Paton is general
tion. It is especially fortunate for "I knew it meant lots of work iart of a play unless it is wrong, their attraction, and now are not chairman of the annual inter-sor-
the competitors in the contest but I was willing to do almost so the makeup committee has a part.of the program at all. ority bridge party to be given- by
that they will have the entire 10 anything to achieve the desired been working since last fall in Departing from the Greek in- the three sororities in the Univer-
days of spring vacation to work end.Learning that the three essen- order that there may be as little fluence in 1925, the story of the sity School of Music, Sigma Alpha
on their plays, and to get them in tials of good acting were a good comment as possible about the Sleeping Princess was presented Iota, Delta Omicron, and Mu Phi
shape to submit to the judges after voice,- a well trained body, and r makeups of the women in the under the title of "Once Upon A Epsilon, at 2:30 o'clock next Sat-
vacation. mental development, I have tried l Junior Girls' Play. We have al-' Time". Mary White, '29, now pres- urday in the auditorium of the
There are no requirements what- to further myself in these char- Mary Elizabeth Evans ways been told that a good make- ident of the Women's League, was school of music.
ever as to the type of play which acteristics. I spend about two -- up is never spoken of and that a elected general chairman of the The proceeds are to be given to
may be submitted, but the com- hours a day with voice exercises art in itself. His technique is of bad one never fails to gain criti- Pageant, but was forced to give up the scholarship fund of the Mich-
petitors are asked to write their in an attempt to develop the per- a most pains-taking nature," Miss cism," said Margaret Bush, '30. the position because of illness. igan State Federation of Music
plays with the general accomo- feet control of my voice which is Evans concluded. Miss Bush, chairman of the make- I Miss Grace Richards, adviser of clubs. Aside from this the pur-
dations and limitations of the so necessary to parts such as the Miss Evans has played for more up committee with her assistant women, took charge of the organ- pose of the party is to strengthen
platform in the Union ball room one I play in "The Viking". When- than three years in the Goodman Elizabeth De Vol, '30, and their ization of the production for the'the relationship between the sor-
well in mind. One-act plays or ever the opportunity is offered I Memorial Theater in Chicago, committee of 14, together with first time in 1925, and has held orities, patronesses, alumni, and
plays divided into two scenes with fence-the exercise by which I where she has appeared in pro- Miss Phyllis Loughton, '28, has this position since. active members of each group.
as little change of properties as manage to keep in condition," she ductions under the direction of B. been working on makeup through- A Jester, representing life and The patronesses are assisting with
possible will be preferable. said. Iden Payne. Before entering the out the past few months, in prep- his Bells, ushered in the Pageant the arrangements for the party.
If any further particulars are It is very important that a Goodman, she played in vaudeville aration for the presentation of of 1926, which was entitled "The
desired in regard to the plays young actress work under a good for two years on the Keith cir- "Forward March" at the Whitney Maidens' Quest". Three aid
which may be submitted, infor- director. Mr. Wilfred has a thor- cuit. This according to the young Theater next week. joined them, unaware thatmit was I
mation can be obtained by calling ough knowledge of the theater in actress, was to learn to be a Through Miss Loughton, the other the Dance of Life they were join- Distributed For Sale
Elaine Gruber, '29, dial 3718, vice- all its various phases, and it has "trouper." Miss Evans comes from women on the committee had the ing, and then there were introduc-
president of the Senior class, and I been a valuable experience to be a wealthy Hyde Park family with I opportunity during Christmas va- ed the dreams, hopes, beauties,
also chairman of the breakfast. with his company, especially since j whom she makes her home while cation to watch a class in Drama- griefs, sorrows, toil, doubts, cour- With mid-semester examinations
o .o stage lighting has come to be an in Chicago tic Technique practice ,makeup at age, and joys which life brings but two weeks away, Wyvern an-
SENIOR SUPPER TICKETS the Detroit Civic Theater, former- with itself. Cynthia Hawkins, '29, nounces that a new lot of blue-
r LONDON COLLEGES ARE PREJUDICED l ly the Bonstelle Playhouse. now president of the Judiciary books are on hand and Dorothy
ISeniors are asked to buyj Each woman on te committee Council, headed the general com- Woodrow, '30, will distribute them
Stheir tickets for the Senior I AGAINST WOMEN MEDICAL STUDENTS has a certainnumber of women to mitteegIt to those houses which sell them
supperd as quicklykspossible, -mt make up in the play, and she has The Greek . background was in their houses, each Tuesday and
ireserved seats as tickets to the A great problem has arisen in the situation is that there is a practiced their makeup until she brought back in 1927 with Ata- Thursday afternoons beginning
I first production of the Junior London in connection with the feeling against medical coeduca- has become quite efficient lanta's race with Hippomenes as March 12, from the Women's
Girl's Play, will be given out jemis qteiteeeffnwhichhe.sas hrIofiei aborgma
only at th sa ofthese tickedt education of women for the med-'tion on the part of some of theMiss Loughton has made up thehe, in which he stays her League office in Barbour gmna-
ond at thesaestsenmen students, and on the part of every woman in the play, and the flight by means of the three gol- sium between 4 and 4:30 o'clock.
ianall the berst Teats will be fmical profession.Beforeth r a section of the public, including committee members have watched den apples which were given to For those who live in houses that
given out first. The tickets will I none of the 12 medical schools particularly the parents of some hmer make up the groups for bhich hm by Venus; defeats her, and do not sell the bluebooks, they
be $1.65 and will be on sale I of that city admitted women most desirable male candidates. hey mareureIos or.hicr so claims her as his bride. A new will be on sale at the candy booth
from 2 to 5 o'clock every day felnofatphyescilys they are responsible. There are' innovation was the prsnain in University . hall.I
including Friday at Barbour s tudents except one, which was The committee deplores this very few character makeups, most riembers of Oresentation I Thersit wo
Gymnasium. Seniors wishing founded for women only and still I feeling of antipathy, especially as of them being straight women's by members of Orchesus of theirI The regulation two sizes are to
to situtog.t iers whispin r J fouanie ofed eo o ae n i the evidence taken showed that and men's makeups. interpretation of "The Dance". be sold, the five cent size and -the
tsid togetheruy the plas re Tremins 9restrte to o m e n11 the conduct of the women was Some of the women have had "A student written pageant, the three-for-ten cents size.
h se t their tie I schen, in 1916 tre of th 11 uniformly excellent and never experience before, both in amateur Cycle of the Seasons" by Louise
schools in 1917, one, and in 1918, called for disciplinary action; that theatricals and dramatic schools Auble, '31, was produced last year NOTICES
o 0 three more, decided to admit wo- the tone of the men students, was Miss De Vol has studied in the by the women of the freshman1
medFts'" incalIsIuds. Thenoheimproved after women were admit- class. Helen Jones, '31, was gen- There will be a meeting of the
medtour inicalsude.Tho te ir d at w n rea t - Sargent School of Dramatics. eral chairman, with Miss Ione W. A. A. executive board at 6
eve 'fou dnothe udasa actionoe- education,sand that, as a result do Johnson, instructor in physical o'clock tonight in the field house.
Sponsors Parties eerthere9a192sixrecteinB-ibecame more womanly and more Aid The Damage Fund Today. education, in charge of the pro- There will be a Kappa Phi, cab-
Wod191paned12soref the nriegtoconsiderate in their dealings with duction part of the pageant for inet meeting at 4:45 this afternoon
y Te World Fellowship commit- titi hdrew tepie conspitat patients than women SENIORS. the first time. The story was in Wesley Hall
tee, of which Bettina Bush, '29, is women, and the result is that, at trained apart from men. S-
chairman, is sponsoring two in- the present moment, there are TSenior and gowns may obta I
formal get-together parties for only two medical schools in the TomiUn ty ofLona! in arl h ock erc nt Fr i-
foreign women students and their IEnglish capital that admit wom- dominantly coeducational nallo 5 o'clock every lay until Fri-
friends. One occurs Friday even- den, namely, the London School of its other large faculties-arts, sci- day in Barbour Gymnasium. In
ing, March 22, from 7:30 to 9:30. Medicine for Women and Univer- ence, economics, law-and has al- ;order to avoid any confusion i
The otheriill take place on Aprilsity College . Hospital, and in the 0so a prepossession for coeducation in their distribution seniors
,nderhae p a eroneArilIsty olleghe.u rosptalmand nin d- in the Faculty of medicine. Its-I are asked to come in the
come in May. Anyone who is in- mitted per year is limited to 12. senate, h
terested is invited to come. In view of this state of affairs, committee report, "in general," is Those whose last names begin
The World Fellowship commit- the senate of the University of expected to try to induce thei with A through K. may come
tee has two discussion groups a London appointed a large and various medical schools of London today. L through T tomorrow
tehstodsusongoponodnapone ag n to open their doors voluntarily toIj and Thursday, and U through
month, the purpose being the pro- representative committee to in- women tuens as t al- to n m ay, ay.
notion of international friend- vestigate the whole subject. They women students, as they are al- to Z may come Friday
. ~~~~~~~ready open in the"poics"e__ijf
ship. -found that one of the reasons for ____ypen___h "provinces. -
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Priced at $5

Sponsored by the Alumnae
Council, the second showing of
"The Vikings" in Ann Arbor is
scheduled for Thursday and Fri-
day nights at Hill Auditorium. The
sale of tickets opened in the Hill
Auditorium box office yesterday
and will continue until the dates
of the play. Prices for reserved
seats range from 50 cents to $1.75.
A showing of "The Vikings" un-
der the auspices of the Summer
Session; proved popular in Ann
Arbor last summer. The presen-
tation on Thursday and Friday
nights will be the opening per-
formance for a tour of the present
company, in which Katherine
Wick Kelly, leading lady of the
Cleveland Playhouse will be fea-
The usual difficulty of staging
Ibsen's play has been obviated -by
the use of Thomas Wilfred's clavi-
lux. Sky, sea, and numerous color
effects otherwise unobtainable are
produced by Mr. Wilfred's novel
organ. Appearing for the"third
time in an Ann Arbor recital, Mr.
Wilfred's cooperation in "The Vik-,
Iings" will undoubtedly appeal t0
the Ann Arbor audience. -
Professor Earl Moore of the Uni-
versity School of Music will play
a musical accompaniment on the
Frieze Memorial organ. Wagnerian
and Griegacompositions comprise
the musical numbers. "The Vik-
ings" represents a combination of
music, light, and melodrama that
is unique in the world of, art. , -


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