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ADMIU SFNIA| IAIMFN FROM YOUTH MARY ELIZABETH EVANS1 U1 A 0Y TZFXI r% Z3 F' -^ rrW/"T% 'I'rV u VA '' n F,r* A F d"V A D V1' 3) INTERCLIASS BASK(ETB~ALL TOURNAMENT STANDINGS "Story Of The Hours," Given In '23, IIUVIUL UL1IIVIJlU M IU |LI nLH)AS VWOK E tOUR THEAT ICifllFrAL A R Et IIs rorerunner n F reshman rageant ______- - I-First Tcams I "Contrary to the belief of so Senior.......... ........1.000 When one considers the Fresh- again that of Persephono, her many people Who Soc the heater Freshman ............1.000 man Pageant, out of the past mother Demeter, and Dis, the god only from the standpoint of the , Junior ....... . ...... .333 there rise memories of those which of the underworld. ~~ not aud ehe r t heisifesttere...Sophomore ......000 have been presented in former A festival in honor of the spring Further Informatini otcieng ot altogether the easiest there ----years.An all-campus production will be the theme of the pageant Competition May Be Obtained is," said Miss Elizabeth Evans, a Second Teams in 1923, "The Story of the Hours," this year, but none of the details From Elaine Gruber, '29 prominent member of the Good- Senior .. ....... .....1.000 was the forerunner of the Pageant, have as yet been planned. With mmin Memorial Theater company Junior . ............ .750 The costumes a n d atmosphere Betty Hcaly as general chairman PLAYS ARE DUE IN APRIL of Chicago, who is appearing in Blue....... ............ .250 were Greek, the actions and re- and Miss Richards and Miss John- -- - the role of "Dagny", the daughter Yellow................000 j suits of a day being portrayed in son again in charge of the organ- Senior women who are expect- of Ornulf, in the production of o- o dance. ization and production, respective- ing to enter the competition for l "The Vikings' Thursday and Fri- - -sprto , 19 3Spring. This bright collection -ncludes prints in many charm- I eT AM, The COLLEGE - ~-"-':'~-'T ng models- the smart tunic-A \ and the cleverly bowed frock. -l need The geometric prints are tail- AND SO DOES ANY c-_ ored along trim,-lines that are ideal for general utility wear. Ay man who has played on a team, taken part in g Fashion's Fondness eprience of many persons inia i for Flares $ 75 "" Stone Webster is prepared to help plan and organize ""new - m to 2 0 of enterprise. Within its organization are engineers to sakei l 2 &-appraisals preliminary to financing. More than that, Stone Fia-s a d g hfinancial plans and assist in financing. It can carry out work 0 Hats are indulging in the smark weakness for the exotic providing complete designs and construction persont. thesedays an express themselves most delightfully in flares-dedr .tight little ats that swoop way down on one side You will find Stone & Webster on the job in almost every or the other . . smart combinations of straw and felt many foreign countries. When youleave college, you'll find the in the new high shades. Large and small head sizes. In the ready to give you the benefit of 39 years' experience in financ hat section on the second floor. ing. You'll find the Stone & Webster organization is worth k business with. Priced at $5 -bSTONE&WE ALUMiNE COUNCIL IS SPONSOR OF l'VI KINGS"i MISS KATHERINE WICK KELLY OF CLEVELAND PLAYHOUSE IS FEATURED TICKET SALES BEGIN Sponsored by the Alumnae Council, the second showing of "The Vikings" in Ann Arbor is scheduled for Thursday and Fri- day nights at Hill Auditorium. The sale of tickets opened in the Hill Auditorium box office yesterday and will continue until the dates of the play. Prices for reserved seats range from 50 cents to $1.75. A showing of "The Vikings" un- der the auspices of the Summer Session; proved popular in Ann Arbor last summer. The presen- tation on Thursday and Friday nights will be the opening per- formance for a tour of the present company, in which Katherine Wick Kelly, leading lady of the Cleveland Playhouse will be fea- tured. The usual difficulty of staging Ibsen's play has been obviated -by the use of Thomas Wilfred's clavi- lux. Sky, sea, and numerous color effects otherwise unobtainable are produced by Mr. Wilfred's novel organ. Appearing for the"third time in an Ann Arbor recital, Mr. Wilfred's cooperation in "The Vik-, Iings" will undoubtedly appeal t0 the Ann Arbor audience. - Professor Earl Moore of the Uni- versity School of Music will play a musical accompaniment on the Frieze Memorial organ. Wagnerian and Griegacompositions comprise the musical numbers. "The Vik- ings" represents a combination of music, light, and melodrama that is unique in the world of, art. , - : , c a ;. r) r ' Buy an 'Ensian subscriptionunow for $5.50, and 'you will. be -sure- of receiving a copy in the spring.- r~trim lillltfetrruttrnr nir ,t rlrtt IOPTICAL E DEPARTMENT s Lenses and Frames made To Order .. Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLERS State St. Jewelers =,lilrtilll6~ ~ t1t~rrltrttr ~, heCLUB PROJECT lee dub, newspaper or y' by co-ordinating 'the v development in any field investigations, reports or & Webster can provide f any type or magnitude, state in the Union and in se men ready to help you, ing, operating, and build- nowing and worth doing ISTER