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March 12, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-12

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Published every morning except Monday
duiing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student- Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled tothe use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
fished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, :s second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription. by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
tawd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor ...................... Nelson J. Smith
City editor...'..... J...'3. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone!
Tetegraph Editor..............George Stauter
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley

Possibility that the Mid-West
College comics association, of
which Michigan Gargoyle is a
member, may soon arrive at a sat-
isfactory agreement of its differ-
ences with College Humor does not
sem at all unlikely when consider-
ed in the light of concessions made
by J. M. Lansinger, president and
publisher of College Humor, to the
Western Association of college
The Western association was th
first of the college comic organiza-
tions to break away from a working
agreement with College Humor,
reaching that decision at its meet-
ing of a year ago. Similar ac-
tion was taken by the Mid-west-
ern organization at its meet-
ing last fall and it was thought
that a convention of the Eastern
association this spring would wit-
ness the same result.
In answer to the ten objections
to the College Humor policy ad-
vanced by Western college repre-
sentatives at their convention in
Reno, Lansinger took definite ac-
tion to improve relations and eight
of the objections were thoroughly
rectified. He also consented to
fulfill many requests made by dele-
gates concerning the two remain-
ing objections, the competition in
securing national advertising and
full payment for exclusive reprint
Viewed in the light of the action
taken by other college comic or-
ganizations, Lansinger has appar-
ently chosen the only course left
open to him as College Humor has
been and is dependent upon the
college comic magazines for the
reprint material which justifies its
name. His action in seeking con-
ciliation and offering the conces-
sions asked by the college comic
representatives appears readily as
r an acceptable solution for an acute

Paul L. ;Adams
Morris Alexand?
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwil
Louise Behyme-
Arthur Bernste-m
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
LI. R. Chub
Frank ., Cooper
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valbor Eeland
Robert 3. feldman
Marorie Follmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempstea
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufm
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson
I Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
ad Jr. Griter Wilds
George E, XWohlgemuthi
an Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214

Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
AdvrtiingDepartment Managers
advertising ..........Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising............... CarltX. Hammer
Service ................H~erbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts............ .Lawrence E. Walkle
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich


Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halversou
George Hamilton
jack Horwich
Dix Humphrey

,on Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
I-ollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl I. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE
When the Regents passed the
auto ban on this, campus, they left
the student body at the mercy of
the Ann Arbor residents in just one
more respect: that of living on in
this world at the discretion of the
Ann Arbor motoring public. Had
the. University authorities been
able, they might have gone one
step farther in protecting students
by regulatory measures upon the
the grocery boys, the cleaners' and
dyers' wagon drivers, and a good
share of the sturdy father t.nd
motherhood of this city. For ever
since the howls of the Ann Arbor-
ites concerning the student Fords
and automobiles were silenced, the
worms have turned and now the
students are the hunted.
In front of the Union where staid
city fathers used to leap before
flying Fords and at the intersec-
tion near the Engineering arch
where " pedestrians have forever
been at the mercy of drivers unable
to choose their direction until they
got into the passing crowd, the
tick operators and the good
housewives now plow their way
with no regard for the life and
limb of their meal-tickets. Even
eleven- and twelve-year children
seem to have been taught that the
best offense is to chase a student
crossing the street, while at the
wheel of, father's motor car.
While state police have been
patrolling the streets in search of
wayward students and the Ann
A r b o r police have been else-
where but around, the Ann
Arbor townspeople seem to have
taken especial care to develop a
hauteur combined with speed that
commpletely cows any student so
unfortunate as to attempt a street
crossing with a half-mile. The ab-
sence of students cars and conse-
quently a basis for equality in the
jolly brotherhood of the open road
has left the student with nothing
but a quick eye, a good pair of legs,
and a prayer to save himself from
being cut down 'by displays of the
most careless driving ever seen in
any city.
State street. crowded as it is, is
no deterrent to the delivery-wagon
'1ivre h rrvin y imnortantlv n

Dear Cora,
Perhaps you might better under-
stand why the students seem so
reluctant to accept the whole re-
sponsibility for last Monday's
fracas, and evince that acceptance
by subscribing to the repayment
fund, if you knew all of the story.
A crowd, a large number of
whom were expecting a free show,
as announced at the field house,
gathered in frpnt of the Michigan
Theatre. Some even entered *'the
lobby, and quietly left when told
that the free movie was at Hill
Auditorium. No doubt -the crowd
was noisy, with cries of "Let's go
in!", "Break down the doors!",
"Open up!", and others; but simi-
lar cries have issued from the
queues at the field house, and the
field house has never been rushed.
The crowd was a good-natured and
friendly one, although noisy, and
there is no reason to expect that
the Michigan Theatre would have
been subjected to any more of an
attack than was the Majestic,
where the crowd also stopped, had
not an apprehensive and frighten-
ed policeman fired a tear gas cart-
ridge into the faces of the crowd.
Mob psychology is peculiar, and
the actions of an excited crowd are
seldom rational. The leaders, who
are supposed to be more nearly ra-
tional than the followers, in all
statute and common law are held
more strictly accountable for their
actions than the others. Doers of
overt acts that at other times
would matter little are treated se-
verely because of the effect of their
actions upon others. The first overt
act is considered a most serious
one. While this does not justify
the subsequent actions of the stu-
dents it does give them more rea-
son than mere malicious destruc-
tion of property.
Another reason for the rapidly
diminishing rate of contribution to
The Daily fund might be found in
the transpiration of information
regarding the treatment accorded
the prisoners taken by the police.
Two of the five studens-arrested
at the Michigan Theatre were
struck after having been taken into
custody. One of the two was so
severely beaten in the face by, two
policemen and an employe of the
theatre that now, a week later, the
marks are plainly visible. These
facts, denied by the police, may be
substantiated by the evidence of
the injured men, a Daily reporter,
and the two students who were
first arrested.
This is not written with the in-
tention of giving the student a

0 00 0
SA bo ut B o oks' | Music And Drama
o - -:; o
You cannot after all disparage sents a bill of four original one-
entirely the all-too-romantic novel. act plays by student authors, be-
The intellect tires from the on- ginning at 8:15 o'clock in the
slaught of moral purpose and so- University Hall Theatre.
cial problems and desires to be * * *
soothed with a gentle tickling. It I DETROIT SYMPHONY CONCERT
wearies of books with pessimistic A Review, by Herbert S. Schwartz
out-looks, with hidden meanings,
with wrestling matches betwen the The concert last night was re-
involved and intricate problems of markable for its enthusiasm: con-
character and life. It seeks recess I ductor, orchestra, and audience
from the turmoil of'philosophical were alive to what was happening
ponderings by means of books such -and this, for itself, is an achieve-
as "Goose Fair"* which furnishes ment. Of course it might be said
just that sort of outlet. If more that enthusiasm was a rather sim-
people read more books like "Goose ple order with the program such
Fair", fewer people would be driven as it was. Tchaikocsky's "Pathe-
insane thinking about things. tique" is almost always sure fire
There really is nothing precious no matter how it is played; so is
in the writings of Cecil Roberts, Mendelssohn's Scherzo from Mid-
the author. And doubtless this can summer Night's Dream, and so is
,be said of most of his other novels, the Rienzi Overture. But I think
which include "Scissors", "Sails of it was more than the music this
Sunset", and "The Love Rack." Of time. Mr. Hertz did not merely ex-
all these novels can be spoken a ploit its emotive possibilities. There
common fault and a common vir- was acute sensitiveness to the form
tue. They err from excellent novels of each phrase besides insistence
in that they are far too simple and on the broader rhythmical move-
too shallowly worded. They ap- ment, there was delicate sympathy
proach excellency in their con- for the composer's experience, and
nected and speedy pldt, which runs respect.
pell-mell forward with "nary" a. Mr. Hertz is a lovable personality
deviation. Then, too, they please who apparently depends upon the
in a quieting and rather soporific sympathy of his men for his effects.
manner. There is no tyranny here such as
In the particular case of "Goose one associates with conductors like
Fair" the author has fashioned a Mengelberg, Toscanini and Stokow-
delectable little love phantasy, the ski. The musicians are not afraid
virtue of which lies in its very im- 'Mr. Hertz, although they obviously
possibility and highly romantic follow him and they follow him
scale. The book has previously ap- with gusto. Thus their music is
peared in an English edition under thoroughly ;enjoyable but in this
the title of "David and Diana", the easy effectiveness, one suspects, lie
motivating characters of the story. the limitations of this conductor's
Everything happens to them. They ability. Perhaps it is unfair to
meet on page two, they part on judge a conductor by his perform-
page six, they fall in love on page ance with a relatively strange or-
fifty-six, they are separated by chestra. Nevertheless certain ten-
three thousand miles on page one dencies displayed last night might
hundred, they quarrel on page two well characterize all his work. Like
hundred, and it all ends happily on many admirable conductors, not-
page three hundred. But for all its ably the younger Goosens, this
adherence to the form adapted by one is satisfied to let his men make
every-correct-sentimental-novel, it the music with him. He gives them
pleases. That's all it can do; that their cues--and the rest depends
is all it aims to do. It has lords on sympathy. Within certain lim-
and ladies and authors in disguise its this is very desirable and I think
and poor working girls and pitiful some performances of Mengelberg,
blind war heroes and misunder- for example, fail just because of
standings and awkward situations. failure in this respect. But as an
It is P. G. Wodehouse without the exclusive practise this method is
sparkling grace of style and with- perhaps more undesirable than the
out the wit and bad-boyish senti- other extreme. The musicians of
ment. any orchestra are not to be com-
pelham smilch, harvard '30. pletely trusted. In a sense they
*-By Cecil Roberts. Frederick Stokes and Co. must be whipped before they are
New York City. $zoo indulged. There was too much
A DANDY STUDY easy indulgence in last night's per-
Wh draD lt y, formance. The training of the
When Peder was a little boy, he men had stopped with the attain-
and God were on good terms with ment of relative precision; what
each other. But God was a queer was lacking there might easily be
fellow. Peder had to be careful attributed to the necessarily lim-
not tu talk too loud nor steal lumps ited number of rehearsals. Pos-
of sugar from the cupboard be- sibly the"sympathetic" method was
cause God might not like it; but Mr. Hertz's way out of a difficult
Peder was sure that it was mighty situation, but the general attitude
pleasant to have his Friend at his of the man makes this doubtful.
sideAt any rate, with the exception of
The spring that Father was occasional phrases, especially in
found dead on the prairie marked the Mendelssohn Scherzo, the men
the end of the intimate comrade- were feeling the conductor's inten-
ship betwen God and Peder. God tions rather than knowing them. I
suddenly became a pitiless tyrant. insist, that they should do both and
God knew that they couldn't get the absence of either element can
along without Father; atd Father never result in a wholly satisfac-
was the finest manl that ever lived, tory' performance.
Yes, God certainly was a bad fel- Mr. Hertz was exceptionally well
low.....--.. received and, judging by the re-
Rolvaag reveals the brain wrang- sponse of the audience, this con-

lings and personal stresses of Peder cert, despite its meager heralding,
Victorious*, son of Beret and Per was the most successful of the
Hansa, with remarkable psycholog- Choral Union Series.
ical insight and vivid imagination. * *
He depicts minutely every internal SYMIIPIONIC CONCERT
and external influence in Peder's Sunday afternoon the Varsity
mental, spiritual, and physical de- Band gave the second of its series
velopment. In so dealing with of symphonic concerts in ull Au-
hereditary and environmental ditorium and proved again the
causes and their subsequent re- theory that it is possible for a
sults, he portrays a panorama of group made up almost wholely of
characters, immigrant pioneer wind instruments to give a sym-
types, imbued with peculiar per- phonic program with delightful
sonal traits and intrinsic charm melodic line and considerable in-
so that they are fascinating for all terpretive exactness. Mr. Falcone
their stereotypedness. has not yet been put in a position
Peder is the central character, ,where he can command the serv-
typifying the spirit of the New ices of his players sufficiently to
Age. Beret has all the sympathy make them a thoroughly inte-
and understanding of a mother, grated unit for musical interpreta-
but because of inbred concepts and tion, but he has done so thorough-
sweet memories which haunt her, ly well with the material that the
she cannot help but be an inher- 1 concerts are well worth encourag-
ent part of the conservative, Old ing as'well as enjoying.
Age. Proceding from a state of Mr. MLeonard Falcone succeeded
mental unrest, Beret becomes mor- very well with the Boccalari Fan-
bid and dejected and finally goes tasia in playing a clarinet solo on
insane. Reverend Gabrielson, the the euphonium. He had a fine
minister, Miss Mahon, the school command of tone over a wide
teacher, Tambur-Ola, the mysteri- range. Mr. Patton, in a tenor se-
ous one, Oline, the adulteress, all lection from Tosca was less sue-
are living, flesh and blood perso- cessful, not in his own right be-
nalities which go to make up a cause he has a lovely voice of con-
complethor stylecomprises atu siderable power, but his accomnpaan-
.'oiment tended to overpower him
charming and powerful combina-3 particularly in the early, pianis-
tion of attributes. He employs the steno passage.
subject matter of a Hamlin Gar- MI, A.
.sub .of a ' .. . t. A,

New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin adcounts
Brown-Cress & Co.,
Investment Securities
Telephone 22541
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.

March 22

- -

Tickets at the Union

I .





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