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May 08, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-08

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r4igttn 0 ttily

"Published every morning except Monday
lring the UIniversitly year by the Board in
'otntrol f Student Pulication
Niembe su 'mrfei enra r .xterial
,'" t Cniatioti
rhe Associated Press is exclusi vely en-
itled to the use or republication of all news
aspatches credited tc it o not otherwise
redited in thin ae' and th eal news pb-hein
shed berein
,ntered d the p busoft at \n Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter Special rate
d postage granted h Third Assistant Post-
naster General
Subscription by arrier $4.00 by mail,
O fficestAnn Arbo Press Building, Ma-
war Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925 Busines. rzai4
Telephone 4925
~ditor............Ellis E. Merry
Fitr Michigan Weekly,, C FipleU EBehymef
News Editor..............Philip C. Brooks
'omen's Editor ........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor .,.... ;....,Herbert E . Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant Pity Editor. . Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert SE inch G. Thomas McKean
IStewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Miton Kirhbaum
Sther Anderson sally Knox
Margaret Arthur , ohn H. Maloney
Al ,A. 'Bochnowski Marion McDonald
an. Capbell Charles S. Monroe
esa e Church Catherine Price
anchard W. Cleland Harold I . Passman
Clarence N. Edeson M~orris W. Quinn
argaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
aboerg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
erames B. Freeman Corinne Schw=r
Robert 3. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
lElaine . Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hagelshaw George E. Simons
hosepbF, Howell Rowena Stillman
s Wallace Hushen SylviaStone
'harles R. Kaufman George Tilley
Williar F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
aawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Jonald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
ack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdlin e
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising.............Richard A. Mey
vertising .. ....Edward L. Hulse
Advertising .......John W. Ruswickel
Accounts..............Raymond Wachter
Circulation.......George B. ,Ahn, Jr.
Publication............... .Harvey Talcott
'rge Bradle Ray Hofelich
Marie Brunnneler Hal A. Jaehn
James Carpenter ames Jordan
c harlesC K Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromefl Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dliely Catherine McKinveu
Jlessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Onak Felker Alex K. Scherer
KatherinekFrohne George Spater
'ouglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenbergz Herbert E. Varnun
Helen Cross Lawrence Walkcley
rl 3.aammer Hannah Wallen
CarlW W. ammer
TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1928.
With the favorable action taken Sat-
urday by the Union board of directors
on the proposed merit system for that
organization, a vote on the project
in two weeks becomes an assured
fact. Repeatedly favorable editorial
comment on the proposal makes re-
iteration at this time unnecessary.
However worthy the project may be,
nevertheless, it cannot become a real-
ity without the presence of 400 stu-
lents at the, meeting of May 23, for
the purpose of a quorum. Such a
situation speaks for itself.
The voters of Indiana today wil
have the chance to take their place
beside the voters of their neighboring
states, and "clean house." The prim.
aries, while basically to select dele-
gates to the Republican national con-
ventiou, mean much more for clean
politics, for a Hoover victory will
mean the defeat of one of the most
orrupt machines in national poli-

Hoover's opponent is Senator James
E. Watson, head of the. group with
wvhich so many of the Indiana male-
factors have been closely associated.
Ie is now the chief of an excellent
nachine, and herein lies Hoover'sI
greatest difficulty, for his campaign
s comparatively unorganized and de-
pendent on popular strength. Hoover
however has the support of many
eaders, of many industrial organiza-
ions, and the women voters. The.
Northern counties will probably de-
ide the issue, as there is little op-
>osition to Watson in the South.
The history of Indiana for the past
vew years been colored with lurid mis-
lemeanors and malfeasance in office.
rhe Ku Klux, the anti-salooners, and
)ther powerful organizations have
lone much beyond the power of the'
>eople to give Indiana a dark name.
While today's primaries are not as
ibviously a grand fight against or-,
;arized crime and graft as was the
ecent Illinois battle, still a great
hance for Indiana to wash its face
s presented. If Jim Watson and his
upporters are defeated by the Hoov-
rites, Indiana has taken a long step
oward living down its rather dark
The tentative nlan of Mnolini to

and at the present time a commission
is in the final stages of its delibera-
tions in evolving a suitable scheme.
The whole scheme thus far, how-
ever, loses sight of thetall-important
fact that the Fascist party may not
produce another Mussolini in the next'
several centuries. Highly centralized
government, with dictatorial powers
in the hands of one man may work
excellently as long as one can find an
iron man to hold the reins. Let that
man die, however, or be removed, and
the dictatorship and its whole system
of organization is likely to collapse
in wreckage, a wreckage too complete
for the revivifying efforts of a party
All in all the efforts of Mussolinin in
attempting to perpetuate his system
of government after he, who establish-
ed the system, is gone, seems doomed
at the outset to failure. Powerful
centralized governments require pow-
erful figures at their head, and even
though Mussolini is able to . survive,
through the period of his life, at the
helm in Italy it is extremely doubt-
ful whether another to take his place
can be found. Lacking such a figure
to lead them, the people of Italy will
probably find that the most efficient
form of government will be a rturn
to the nominal democracy which pre-
ceded the Duce.
Banditry is one of the safest pro-
fessions open to the enterprising
youth of today, if the report to the
National Crime commission on the
inefficiency of our police systems can
be believed. In Baltimore, it is re-
ported, a representative city, less than
three per cent of all robbers are ever
apprehended, and of this small per-
centage a second small percentage is
finally convicted.
Going through the Est of American
metropolitan communities with as-
tounding disclosures, the report re-
veals further that in Cleveland only
three per cent of the police force made
a grade of A on the simple army in-
telligence tests. More than 25 per cent
of this police force was of a distinct-
ly inferior grade of intelligece, it
was revealed in the report, and these
conditions exist in a city which has
had a crime commission at work for
several years.
Facts are at times disillusioning,
but facts are always welcome, and
though it may be uncomfortable to
find, as the crime commission has
found, that banditry is one of the saf-
est of all professions, it is a condition
which should commatind the attention
of the voters and taxpayers of the
entire nation. It is they who pay the
Annonymous cdmmunication will be
disregarded The names of communi
cnts will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub.
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
To the editor:
May I take this opportunity to nom-
inate the writer of the review on the
recent joint band concert for Music
and Drama Editor-in-Chief during the
coming year. It seems to have been
the Music and Drama's column's aim
al year (with a few commendable
exceptions) to "knock in the head"
everything undertaken by campus or-
ganizations in the way of musical and
dramatic productions. The reviewer
of 'the joint band concert has succeed-

ed in doing more "knocking" in, few-
er words than any other contributor
to that column of The Daily, and
would seem as a consequence to be
best fitted to direct the work of that
There is everything to lose and noth-
ing to gain by a policy of constantly
"razzing" every campus undertaking
just because it does not have the air
of smoothness and finality which com-
monly runs through a professional
production. It's disheartening to those
who participate in musical and drama-
tic affairs. It discourages those who
otherwise might take part in
them. It is disgusting to those
of us who would like to read a news-
paper review of campus activities1
which attempts to judge them fairly
and in their true light. And, it
stamps the authors of the reviews as
ones who, in their attempt to display
contempt for local productions, are
really displaying a pitiful inability to
criticize college music and dramatics
intelligently. I for one am awaiting
eagerly, but not too hopefully, for the
time when Daily critics will go to
concerts and plays with an honest
desire to criticize them frankly, bear-
ing in mind that. they are college pro-.
ductions, rather than with the pre-
meditated design of finding all possi-
ble flaws and exposing them, through
the drnma column of The Daily with

- SING! "_
the class of '28 will start this after-
noon with the Swing-Out exercises,"
according to The Daily. Big times
ahead for all concerned (even remote-
ly), if the traditions of yesteryear
are still in vogue.I



Cards and Gifts

* * *
-WITH ALL THE excitement, don't
forget: Jeb for president of the Un-
ion; he promises to be both Shot and
M1issin' after it's all over. Remember
Ben's slogan: "Don't Bolt the Ticket!"
* * *
Messrs. Shot and Missin,' realizing
late last night that the popular Jeb's
in there to grab the votes, are said to
be fast becoming half-shot and all
* * *

A criticism by Robert J. Gessner
The Architectural School is again
presenting a notable exhibit, which
is well worth any inconvenience one
may incur in going to the new "archy"
building. This exhibit is entirely com-
posed of water colors, the majority of
them on sea subjects and on Italian


Both! Ends of the Diagonal

b _
Neither of the boys are seniors, but
they're practicing up on the cane act
for next year. Note the ugy expres-
sions on their respective faces (you
can see one of them but they're twins,
Ugly and ;Double Ugly).
* * *
THAT LAST NOTE would certainly
get all the female votes for the hand-
some Jeb, but the girls can't even
walk _i the front door of the Union,
let alone vote.
* * *
ANYHOW, WE BEGAN this column
with notes on Swing-Out and rumor
hath it that there will be plenty of
sour notes emanating from the tenors
of the Swingers tonight.
** * 7----
ER was just sent on a hot tip after
a mysterious gentleman. He's back
again and look at this composite Rent-
scheller, Spedding, and Dey effort-
* * *
Note: Don't let the innocent ex-
pression on his face fool you into
thinking that he's not a revenue agent.
* * *
DENE BAITS IS going to give the
principale address at the Hill audi-
torium part of the activities. If the
respected chairman of the Oil Con-
servation commission would only
spare the "oil" and save the graduat-
ing "child!" Dene Baits emphatically
denied that he would head the law-
yers as they passed the engine school.
He did not so emphatically deny, how-
ever, that he would run ETAOIai
ever, that he would form part of the
reviewing group as the engineers
passed the Law Club.
*. * *
ONE OF ROLLS' best reporters just
ran in with this item. Listen to what
Baldy has to say: "Folks, I'm still
fagged, but this is real news and it
was worth the running to make sure
that I'd make the deadline. Fifty law-
yers and about half of the engineers
are going to wear the black tassels
of the lits."
* * *
ALL OF THEM except the nurses
would probably be wearing black if
it rained this morning and Jack Frost
nipped the sidewalks by 3 o'clock or
so, methinks.
*. * *
DON'T GO TO THE library if you
want to study (what'd we have to
bring that up for?) 'cause the band is
going to start assembling the cymbals
*' * *
ABOUT THIS TIME all the seniors
will be starting to feel this way:
I'M (}ET fa

Two can live half as cheap as one
-"if one doesn't eat and the other
diets"-as they say in Australia.
Three Star.
critics .The enthusiasm with which

Jane C. Stanley has some very nice
things on display, and incidently for
sale. Most of the exhibits are hers,
and rank favorably with the leading
artists now using water colors ex-
clusively. One, in particular, deserves
notice; it is on the Canadian Rockies,
and those wild things are portrayed
to the fullest extent of their grand
sublimity. Catllredral cloisters come
in for their share of the artist's at-
tention and splendid technique. Those
of Italy are especially well done and
most effective in shading and blend-
ing. Venice is the inspiration of a
few paintings, as well as Toledo,
Spain. Alcantara Bridge is more than
realistic in its utter simplicity and
extreme fineness. There is a pure bit
of beauty on display entitled "Mother
of Pearl Day." The entire exhibit,
from an aesthetical point of view, can
be balanced with this one water color.
"The Convict Ship" by S. Simeoni at
Venice is perhaps the most striking
exhibit. All the terrors and sufferings
of that floating hell have been caught
and captured in, the horrid yellow
coors that portray the hull of the
Although the exhibition is small in
size (it fills but two glass cases) one
does not notice this while examining
the paintings, as they alone command
the interest.


"".1.R.RR. """"""""""" "".
Detroit Theaters
Woodward, at Eliot
NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. Mats. Tues.$
Thurs. and Sat., 50c, 7 5
Second and Last Week
Beginning Monday, May 7

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Dancing 8 to 10
Music by
Eleven Wolverines
Granger' s Academy


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Nights, $1.00 to $2.50
Wed. and Sat. Matinees.
$1.00 to $2.50, plus tax
The Great American Play
"A Man's Man"~




Nights, Sun. and Sat. Mat. 25c
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Knickers to Match if Desired
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All Work Guaranteed
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for all makes of
Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures
best quality at a moderate price.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.



Friday afternoon, May 11, at 2:30
o'clock, about three hundred High
School boys and girls, winners of the
various ensemble musical contests
which will be held in Ann Arbor this
week, and which will be participated
in by about four thousand boys and
girls, will appear in a final winner's
The numbers which will be offered
are as.follows:
'Song of Michigan"
(Massed Chorus and Class A Orches-
Varneland .................Swedish
Boys Glee Club-Class C
Massa Dear............... Dvorak
Girls Glee - Class C
Allegro (from String Quartet) Op.
18, No. 1............. Beethoven
String Quartet-Class A
Home Road ........ ......Carpenter
Mixed Chorus-Class C
"Andante Cantibile"
--Tschaikovski Protheroe
Orchestra-Class A
Song of Western Men
Boys Glee-Class B
Address of Welcome
Professor William A. Frayer, Uni-
versity of Michigan, Chairman of
Committee on Freshman Week.
Lord Is My shepherd. Schubert
Girls Glee-Class A
Joyous Christmas Song ..... Gavaert'
Mixed Chorus-Class B
Morris Dance ..........Old English
Orchestra-Class C
I'm a Wearin' a Wa'.........Foote
Girls Glee-Class B
"As Rays of Setting Sun" .. Caldara
Boys Glee-Class A
Ethiopian Dance ........... Delibes
Orchestra-Class B
Listen to the Lambs..........Dett
Mixed Chorus-Class A
"America the Beautiful"....... Ward
Ensemble Choruses and Orchestras
* * *



Fraternities and Sororities
If you are "ink"ingof buying a house or wvould like to trade for
a better .one, here is a real opportunity! One of the older fra-
ternities wants t build a new house, but since theirs is too good
to raze, they have decided to sell and build in another location.
The house they want to sell is in excellent conditltlon, on a beau.
tiful, large, wooded corner lot, and the price and terms are very
fair. For further information call
9312 or Eye. 5041



"C. 1...

What Rents .

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:ment Today?

Modern comforts and conveniences are greatly desired by
apartment home seekers. Good lighting, assurance of com-
fortable heat and up-to-date refrigeration are recognized as
essential to health and happiness. The former of thes
is found in most every apartment. The latter, electric re-
frigeration, is the most timely improm:nt---the last word
tn acommodations.


"The Bridge of San Luis Rey," now
in its 130th thousand, is being called
a classic. It has been adopted in
many college English courses as re-
quired reading. Hudson Strode, Pro-
fessor of English at the University,
of Alabama, writes to the publishers:
"Since Ethan Frome and Jurgen, it
seems to me that one more unmistak-
able masterpiece has been added to
American literature in Thornton Wild-
er's "The Bridge of San Luis Rey."
It is as perfect and beautiful a speci-
men of inspired workmanship as the
most exquisite production of a Chi-
nese master ivory-carver, and be-
yond the thrill to be derived from the
felicity of the details there is a mass
effect of spiritual exhaltation that one
has encountered only twice in the
fiction of the last decade (in the Time
of Man and in Black April).
In my course in the novel at the

WITH the fast approaching spring
renting season, apartments having
proper, up-to-date refrigeration facilities
will be more than ever in demand.
Many families are actually selling their
homes and moving into apartments to
obtain the comforts and conveniences of
these modern dwellings. Apartment
owners, everywhere, are installing electric
refrigerators in the knowledge that apart-
ments so equipped will be first leased.
Electric refrigeration issthe deciding factor
in renting an apartment today. To meet
this universal deman&General Electric
has perfected a new, revolutionary Apart-
ment Model General Electric Refrigerator.
With six square feet of shelf space for
storing foods, this special Apartment

Model occupies less than three and a half
square feet of floor area.
It is years ahead-portable as an electric
fan, unusually economical and pleasingly
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is sealed in the air-tight casing mounted
inside the coils. Plug into the nearest
electric outlet and it starts.
It is worry-proof - needs no attention
not even oiling!
The cabinet is even porcelain enameled
inside and out. "A de luxe refrigerator at
a new low price," is the opinion of those
who have seen it. "The best dollar value
in electric refrigerators today." You are
cordially invited to visit our display rooms
and examine this new model. Come ire


Without any obligation on my part, I desire to have your repre-
sentative call.

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