WED ^AY TANUARY 18, 1928
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Affices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor ..............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.............ourtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor........ ...Herbert I. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald
Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy
Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe
e an Campbell Catherine Price
essie Churc Hlarold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie hollmer hdward . Ryan
James B. Freeman David Scheyer
2obert J. Gessner Eleanor Scribner
Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz
Alice Hagelshaw Robert G. Silbar
Joseph I. HowellHoward F. Simon
J Wallace Hushen Rowena Stillman
Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone
William F. Kerby George Tilley
Lawrence R. Klein Edward IL. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke
Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
John H. Maloney
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising.............. Arthur Al. Hinkley
Advertising...... ......Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation..............George 13. Ahn, Jr.
Publication.............. ...Iarvey Talcott
of influence in the state, and it ap-
pears that there are few better ways
than by allowing the hockey team to
use the Olympia rink and to allow the
Varsity band to accompany it.
Enrollment in American colleges
and universities, according to statis-
tics recently compiled, has increased
25 per cent in the last five years. That
the portals of the majority of the
larger colleges and universities in
America have been gradually opened
to more students than ever before in
the history of education is less im-
portant, however, than the considera-
tion due to the effect of this tendency.
At the present time the University
of California tops the enrollment list
with 17,000 full time students, and
Columbia ranks second with 13,000,
although counting summer school and
part-time students, Columbia has 30,-
000. Michigan is among the leaders
in high enrollment figures with nearly
10,000 students, a figure which, unlike
those in most other universities which
have been on the increase, is some-
what smaller than in recent years.
The act is that selectivity has grad-
ually become a part of Michigan's en-
trance requirements, and presumably
not without good results.
The matter of importance in regard
to the tendency of more persons than
ever demanding a college education,
is not what their immediate accomp-
lishments will be, but what will be
the effect on the United States in the
future when the proportion of college
trained men comes to be greater in
the affairs of the country.
The sum and substance of the sit-
uation is that America never stood in
greater need of wise and courageous
leadership than today. If colleges can
produce leaders among men, it will
mean a great deal; but if colleges do
not train for leadership, enrollment
figures may have little significance.
After all, fundamentally, it is the law
of effects with which educators should
be concerned.
Miss Maide Royden, English woman
preacher, while admitting that she
smokes cigarettes, does not say that
she has reached the stage where she
would walk a mile for one.
Though it is still more than two
weeks until the J-Hon, the favors are
1 t
. .... ........
alleged to be here.
* * *
This beats by more than a year the
record set up by the committee of last
February. Their favors have not ar-
rived yet.
* * s
"They must be dumb," was the only
comment that could be obtained from
a committeeman of last year, when he
was informed that the favors were
being distributed.
"Our committee was not crooked,"
the committeeman attempted to af-
firm. "It was merely indiscreet."
The favors this year are said toj
have been purchased from Miller's
Square Deal Jewelry store of De-
* * *
TONIGHT: Paul Kochanski, violin-
ist, in the fourth program of the
Choral Union series at 8 o'clock in
Hill auditorium.
Maurice Maeterlinck's "The Blue-
bird" will be given at the evening per-
formance of the Jean Gros puppet-
teers in their program Thursday eve-
ning, Feb. 2. Mark Twain's "Huckle-
berry Finn" will be given at the chil-
dren's matinee in the afternoon. Both
plays are designed for juvenile audi-
ences, although the latter holds an ap-
peal for the adult playgoer as well.
"The Bluebird" deals with the
dream adventures of Tyltyl and Mytyl,
the children of a wood cutter, who are,
commissioned by the fairy Berylune
to go in searcli of the Bluebird-
which incidentally symbolizes happi-
A secretary with a Un iveriy
education is assured an excellent
pxsition. Of course the knowledge
of shorthand and typewriting are
personally useful, too.
Commence in February.
~ ~-
, tus"E'i eAJICS
- Our moderate
prices make it
- possible for all
f to have flowers
j a m u s F o r st'1 !1 1 5 S o . 1 7 1 1 e it y
Phone M' I
e ; >j
PRIiCES4: Lower Floor, $3.30; Balcony, $W ~- 2.7 $d65
!:ittoe Ste1- Adressed Staunpte Enielope
II, ,-r."aK.'o " .,i st a'x . z R ly ,S, "<} t < .. "' a.' '2 . ! .. ^' .k: '. t 5.. '. :!st a Vr.'
The silver jewel cases are d ness., Mytyl and Tyltyl pass through
Ta very fine grde of ba nerel dsteel. some eleven scenes of various con-
Pery knie gre ilded fomre the iei. tent-through the Land of Memory,
the Palace of Night, the Kingdom of
* * * the Future and return at last to their
Of course they look very handsome. ownihme. It is written with childish
Phone 4277
114-116 East Wahington St.
But persons with or without
are advised not to breathe
There is danger of corrosion
* * *
"Absolutely! Only the best
steel was used in the makin
jewel cases," said "Square D
leir, when the Rolls corre
failed to find him yesterday.
* * *
"The pen knives are the be
favors that have been furni
years," the chairman of the c
would have said. "They are
One of the blades of a pen
found to be horribly mangled
hour yesterday afternoon. It
ed that some thoughtless
tempted to sharpen a pencil
* * *
"The owner deserved it,"
Deal" is said to have said.
should be used only for cut
By an oversight, list pr
alarm clocks and other tiniv
not included in the boxes c
the favors.
on then.
grade of
g of the
eal" Mil-
Pst J-hop
ished for
knife was
Ial: a late
simpllicity and naviete, although un-
derlying it, there is an imaginative and
inventive spirit which animates the
parable to greater intellectual in-
The company of French Marionettes
carry along complete technical equip-
nent, and accompanies the action of
the play with a light plot and inciden-
tal music which has been arranged
by Mr. Gros to suit the action on the
stage. The company is being spon-
sored by the classes in play produc-
-E. J. R.
* * *
--know that they get very highest and safest quality foor when
tlhay trade here. Join their ranks, make daily visits to this
store and learn what food satisfaction means.
Is There a Pleasure More Enjoyable Than
a Satisfactory Cup of Coffee?.
Good Coffee properly made and served creates cheer and
means a "happy home." The savory and wholesomeness of
our BULK Coffees are reflected in the acknowledgement of
a tisrfaction--a recollection of quality nev r fonttten.
Atriat will prove a surprise for you.
J. W. Special, Pound . ..... 45c
e szundsor more.. . .. . . ..38c
George Bradley
Marie Brumler
ames O. Brown
{ °-es Carpenter
!::,res 13. Cooper
h:irles K. Correll
-3, hara Cromell
sir, Lively
V. Egeland
Ina Feller
'cine Frohne
liss Fuller
rce Greenberg
' mer
Ray Hotelich
Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
M\arion Kerr
'ales N. Lenington
Catherine 1Mc Kinven
W. A. Maharfy
Francis D. Patrick
George M. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
Frank Schuler
George Spater
Wilbert Stephenson
Renth Thompson
werbert. Varnim
ILawren(4 Walklev
Laznnr '" aTlten
Paul Kochanski, Polish violinist,
is claim- who appears in the Choral Union
soul at-;
s series tonight became famous over-
with it. night aftsr a London debut at the age
nineteen. Ernest Newman began
Square shouting about him at this time, and
"Those in fact, shouted so loudly that several
ting but- American impresarios commenced
bidding against one another-as they
. e did w1th Jose Iturbi last season-and
races on as a result lie had a debut here in
rare were W fl ha anr lr
dU21 hi ILUildYl LUd U-
Annonymous communications will be
regarded. The names of communi-
vi;- h (wever )t regal Ii a&
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
_ _ .. _
. ,i : t iat:'
} . . ,
I '4c EAN
With the awarding of contracts for
construction of the Women's League
building, the realization of a long,
anticipated dream has arrived at th@
first of the steps which will make it
a reality. This action marks the be-
ginning of the end of a story char-
acterized by ambition and persever-
The campaign for funds necessary
for the erection of, the building was
inaugurated five years ago under the
direction of the Alumnae council. At
this time the aim was to raise a
pledge of $1,000,000, no less than
$700,000 of which amount has been'
paid in to date. This meant that suf-
ficient funds were available for the
letting of contracts to start construc-
tion work.
For their combined efforts in secur-
ing the pledge which makes possible
the final step of erecting the building
itself, the Alumnae council, under-
graduate women, Michigan alumnae
and alumnae contributors outside the
University who have evinced an in-
terest in the project, are to be heartily
When the Varsity band played at
the Olympia arena last night for the
hockey game between the Universities
of Michigan and Minnesota, a new
step was taken in the policy of activ-
ities in this University.
According to Robert A. Campbell,
who is the faculty manager of the
bands and Glee club, the new policy
is to create, in Detroit, a true Michi-
gan event, with a game played by a
Varsity team and with the band pres-
ent just the same as at the major
sport games in Ani Arbor and out-of-
town. The game at the Olympia, last'
night, was the first real example of
this new plan: the teams of the two
universities met in a Conference
game, and the band played before the
game and between the halves just as
it do-s .o i in - admim alid at
a;f the Olympia
- csn ' a uc cooperative
spirit to pay the expenses for the
band on the last two trips it has made
to that arena, but it is probable that
within the near future, the band will
ontainin g
* * *
INTELLECTUAL HASH HOUSES Perhaps we shouldn't be too harsh
To te Edtor:i on "Square Deal." First we ought to
Awake!dto arms! Push back our foe, ' find out what the committee paid for
the citizenry of Ann Arbor, extortion- the favors.
ists par excellence in the bare neces- Kernel.
sities of life. It cannot be denied that
there is a crying need for dormitories
and more food, and who is better
equipped than the state to care for the
tender youth entrusted to its care. It
has done much already in legislation
and administration to properly dispose
of its great resopnsibility, so price-
fixing of housing and food should be
comparatively simple. We thoroughly
appreciate the fact that our President
has the student's interest at heart
despite the insidious intimations con-
cerning dormitories whereby a greater
degree of discipline could be main-
There really are great numbers that
must be properly cared for in this
vast institution of learning, and the
lure of better prices always carries a
genuine appeal. Give the mob plenty
of food and good housing at reduced
rates to perpetuate submissive peon-
age. Plutocrats all through history
have known this Sesame to succulent
revenue of many kinds and degrees.
We know full well that mass hous-
ing and dispensing of vitals at cost
will be realized by the University ere
long. Our own inconsequential obser-
vations assure this, to-wit: trifling
little incidents like trying to obtain
an automobile permit for business use
as a means of livelihood. We might
well presume that there would be
more student help available for wait-
ers, thereby reducing the overhead
and consequently the price of food.
All we can do is to hope and this we
dare not do when the inscriptions over
our portals might well be, "All ye who
enter here abandon hope." Neverthe-
less we do hope that dormitories may
restore the recently shaken demo-
cratic name that Michigan has always
We are grateful for all blessings be-
stowed. These lavish intermissions
wherein magnanimous grants are
made to serve to refresh our weary
bodies in preparation for the next on-
slaught on personal liberties. We know
too that the University stands ready
with Arm & Hammer to administer to
our intellectual gastric disorders,
quite effective though unpleasant.
Dame Rumor tells us that our historic
campus may once more be enconi-
* s *
On the very eve of, publication, the
manuscript of Rolls greatest serial,
"Alice In Wonderland," the outstand-
ing literary contribution of the yearI
has disappeared.
* * s
Frenzied members of the Rolls ex-
ecutive board made a hurried inspection
of the Press building yesterday. Not
a trace of the missing story could be
* * *
The Gargoyle office was the last to,
be visited. All the staff members were
present as the Rolls officers entered
the room. "There's nothing humorous
here," they shouted in chorus.
** *
,and nas teen having regular or
.hestra and recital engagements ever - il ii III Illlliiilhllllilll Ill¢ii ll I ll hlI11111 l IIIIlIII lIIII1l111111111111 hi 11 1 Ii9lt~llh IhI Lh
since. He is about the youngest of
the successful European artists who Y u will
flood the musical market each year. Crippen's ubway Sandwich S ho-
ORCHESTRA An Excellent Place to Have Refreshments Between Classes or During
A recital will be given tomorrow our Idle Moments.
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the SchoolYe
of Music auditorium by the School of Famous for Our Malted Milks and Service. We Cordially Invite You to
Music orchestra under the direction of Eat at the Newest Addition of Crippen's Service to the Studnts
Joseph Maddy. The Sibelius tone and Residents of Ann Arbor.
poem "Finlandia" and the Dvorak
"New World Symphony" are featured
on the program, with the Friml- BelolyOur Regular Campus Drug Store
Chinese suite as the concluding num- CORNER N. UNIV. AND THAYER
ber. i
Robert Sherwood, author of "The
Road to IRome' and movie critic for
"Life" has completed a new play en-
titled "The Queen's Husband,"
* ** --T Z _ ___ - _ -- _ _
After a
office, the
they were
uinute ispectiont of the
inspectors declared fhat
completely right,
Meanwhile the search goes on. If
the guilty party can be found no
mercy will be shown. We have al-
ready sent communications to Hick-
man, Hotelling, and other notables,
asking for advice as to what they
would do under such a provocation.
* * *
Does the Rolls editor get a seat in
the press stand for football games?
Count de Fleis.
* * *
All the sample columns submitted
have been given a preliminary once-
over by the managing editor. We hope
to be able to announce the debut of
the new Rolls editor within a very
short time, possibly before the end of
the semester.
* * *
Today we go into the period of rest
and meditation, immediately preced-
ing one of the semi-annual periods
during which we engage in the strictly
non-collegiate proeeiire cf studying.
. * * *
During the rest of the week, the
editor's chair will be filled by a more
ambitious writer. We wish him the
best of luck.
Benjamin Bolt.
"The Skinners," the new Don Mar-
quis farce has opened in Atlantic City.
* * *
Erneft Boyd. l per & Brothers.
New York. $3.00.
a revlew, by Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
This "new style advocatus diaboli"
(as the jacket would have it) is tread-
ing on dangerous ground-on ground
that takes more finesse and more ma-j
turity than a few years with the
literati of New York will give to any
man, no matter what his precocity.
He is playing with the classics and
the immortals; and playing with a
1jight frivolous touch which brings no I
jgood, as it seeks no good.
Shakespeare, Milton, Swift, Byron,
Dickens, Poe, Whitman, Hardy--all of
these men have their places in the
book. They are laughed to scorn,
they are made the butt of jibes, they
are garotted on the cruel jests of
Boyd. But always it is the scholars
at whom the final thrust is aimed, for,
so Boyd says, it is the scholars who
are perpetuating the myths. Of the
mandarins and their relation to
Shakespeare he says, "Thus a two
fold phenomenon is created by thisj
curious religion (of image-making);
one is asked simultaneously to wor-
shi Shakespeare and to join in the
c, n)spiracy to make him unintelligible,
unenjoyable, and inaccessible."j
The rest of the criticisms run on in
the same vein; and they are as little
touched with good sense-much less j
touched with a sense of humor which
is fair and not simply devastating. I
America has few enough critics
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~- 4