t l i
I ------- 7 ---
SC RUL BA 8 INThiks Women Are Not As Well Adapteodi NEW FIELD HOUSE Primary Children Of Hospital Present UitNDE
To A AS e, Ta fTriig O ECOUNTRY CLUBHEDMany Interesting Cases, Says Teacher Te
-- on the
ABASKETBALLrTO Mmen?" Profesor shopyssantrgonnmctry f'" The primary children in the Unti- programs without interruption as the e
A.1akrcs sd-oggac John 1). Akerman, designer o the ra h oe fteUiest versify Hospital school, according tofaaspsbendtafrdva- Wm
I ~instruments, escorted me through ithe mtay get the most out of their at- Mi ,s Alice Wheeler, one of the teach- the fir
rahCas resaeAnAaenea hs lwpofso, . ,Kre long, smnooth, white wind tunnel, Ic1tic acivity hers been the objective es are especially interesting to ob- oa riig h igsDuh taken c
And Major Team To Represent of the department of aeronautics, and soighwtenwmdl fvr ftedsgeso h e oe' serve. "One little Russian, suffering ters fnance one full time and three Ev. y
It In Games - smilVed. "Why, o' course, we are de- ious sizes were hnung facing the field horse in lanint its decOra- rmapnadsashsnyben attmetchs. Tehsta gthr
lighted to have themn in our classes." wind, to be tested for their "lift, in this country two month. JHow has five full time teachers and sup- portn
HIOLD PRACTICES WEEKLY IHe paused. "Once upon a time two drag, and stability." He started the bio"s an" '"rnihings, states Dr. hre had escaped the immigration of- ssteeqimn.bearr
c r three won M teddtecasi oo h etrt xli t a I. agaret Bell of the physical edut- ficials was not known, but his fath- Sons,
- .tnedtecas nmtotebetr. epanit l.jThe standard curriculum rof the
With the announcement of the Naval aeronaurties for two weeks. I "You see, the wind rushes through cation department. WVith this amne er, wo ha been in the University ating.
schedule for the regular class team ;think they must have developed a here at rates we can govern, as in view, the field house is being de-' Hospital for treatment, arranged to primary and secondary schools f
gae h akebl em il e aeo cl etfrquite suddenly' high as 200 hundred miles an hour corated like a very necnrylu have hriq sent here. Hie could speak the state, exet laboratory classes1
into acton i prearaton fr th the stoed cming andthfindecowhnhtrshucluyb. no English, knew no American cus- is followed. A complete commercialSOR OR
annualnte- isster-cmlassme- "Ttoursnamenta nfinalhe-i s"Therre tish one als wer plyer ca rnoxwftinthirhems wniweshoestkatr isre- oarttacghendhictoa sartesi
diatofy, the seleoton otit e regular trdepartment,h who .is~ie possibly the oily above, can be adjusted to the finest exercise. It is Dr. Bell's hope that tive land. In the short time he has 1926. 50 have been enrolled in this In the
class squads to bemd oetne oa nteUiedSae h sdfferentiation." eventually two hours of a time in-'temn bee he has learned to speak department. Mtusic, and s)ec~a l auent g
hswek Suaswtammbr-.speciallzng in the designing of Akerman has comletc-d his wvork s r1ea of ,n a be devoted to phy"- Englih read and to play as Amneri- classes for the pardaialy-sighted, and ti ek.Sud ihamme .a ftecl Omega do
ship of 9 players toprwellof two ila s eewt h einn ftei~seal education, thus allowminxi n de o.Aeiaiaio r ag
Iem rmeahcasar ob Bt do yon think there is nmuch 1struments, and there remians now. t gjy he erie s uh "Another inoresting !child is a urng the past fee years 3.4he citing g
chosen, an academic and a a joti~ r opening for women iln the aeronau- !only the calibrations of the air cur- osbeadthndes iuel m iteby fo tewtd o th-cldroen have pasese etr;g"teDela e
team to represent each class in the ica1 field?"1 asked. ;rents to he completed, th freing of perhaps have tea. °Mcia.We ecaehr col 0 f hs ee tedt long end
cmgturme.ThfrtgaeBoth mnen s 1.1011. "Elie Ruth lder,: it from eddies. This ]otter will hrIlnin h unshnso h he could neither read nor write, and; any other school. These chihLdrn aGm
isshdld ob lye f nyo moan'? Well there are two or accomplished by a honeyconi an ulig rBl hshdbeie as said to be feeble minded. He come fom every prl of the state
F.7.three nrominrnt wom-en fliers, a ndranigement of stove pipes through h ep ftestf fth hscaun n senheeasor iead rom each county, frot farm io >ssxdt
According to the new arratt ntmintthe National lPhysical Laboratory which flip wind will trave just be-"eatetteasstneh ot ed adwi~ rnakby n iyaatmens, Children of ;dl The gnm
ogre anrecineiheanospitiar u, in ngland, MslCo-ronC ve reit readies the lane- f mde fwihMr.Fe~-wel " oclude d Mitss Whele. aef ar mthehsptanithosean Al
representing each class, six gomls is very prmnent. "I enjoy aviation very much ,"sai ' og H I. YwAst. Mrs. Eerett Brown, i h sho son ftebrnhsfomfv o wnyrcev ntu1 oe
will be played by each Loam. Each "Of crmnrsc, we feel that men. hb-l Miss Elsie MvaaCill a few momenzts M~rs John Almite tyre tmntor.'Il escalsriewr o h n-tin hysuy i rn entscok
major team is to play every other raise of their centuries of traininr later. "And 1 think it ts a spl n id- whole scheme o; decoraion in the vliyHsia.Ceeaesho ftmfrln rsotpros h i
team but the academic team of .its 1ttmal long teChnical lines are much hcyt- interetiny* fishd o' ay womnt iedhutis eeal mr can ooms at holth the Convalescent Ins - ;depending upon the physical condi-imatched
ow n~~~~~~~l hoausee tod he t am sarl-y rMailli to the w ork tha w o n.ial wawndi South nt Det dairTtmenuge.ill be s n-'e w th anyChildth Drentmwh.o dotio .aChydonfw otdeany' ofh whiw chh
ing all others bt the major teyamt of ;Put for any ucoman who would like Enmgineering; and 1 so(, nn reason comfortable hisadtefri eis~cini given in both hs- ;rc1Hired work of ilhecr grade recre i orny.
gt oc h a i rspa ndi nh e u rais'st a mans . t h osn dw hs a r e u n a b lett onc r e dtai n tyegrnh o m esh yowlmT hnl aa n- i td c o r r e s p o n d n ghcl a s s seaw ilw .b e a r r a n g e d d a v ihti o nti n av e r y tn- ,hrh y wm e n c a n n o tad o n y t h i n ge d itl h ieewi l lhbe ar rhne d .oThea t rg-
Cmtitin between the -wo differ- ! eral way Professor Pavlowski, head moo can if they really want to." ooe a i together nsa school room. The niversi-i er ,group of the children are normal JACKS
cut teams of the same class stndling;, of the departmnt of aeronautic,' Ac~tual flying is only given c11r1111 eroups Darin, the warms weather H ,. pid 1av esdei-mnaly earainbin u s-cre
w i0 be re erved or pra tiu l ons, c urs , fro autls1, oishe sqmnito ava a d m lit ry the forc , w thalslynaston physicalh s uitandsu nort .l to ph sicn a d ot m en almem n,
sions. cfuh the only prerequisites ar, high aviation courses ns i ofe iia acmoa he chilren thre have acute ris- causes. tlted an
h - -ags, ill oter srrieraccono'Irieases Other hostis have hospital 1 ----------- Women's
week duringexaminations a e b-IFRESH MEN WILL NAV E PICTURES T AKEN r""thee fie n the f""l"d "ouse c l s, t he tfl l( University if Mich- W ARNS COLLEGES
in aeb teidvcha en.FO.R IRECORDS OF DEAN OF STUDENTS h first trd root "" lth? instrnc-whihsone tort-ens <caes' TO PROVE WOR TI-1st'cor
only one day for hard work remain-i ors' dress n room w'iiill be fur-~ the school, which was opened in --- has tran
ing between the opening Oftc reglu'aI A" the beginning of the semester the process was o' necessity very ex- rushed n a style harmoniing with ;;e teme r 12,wsetbihdb A warning to "fashionable ]egs usa
class h cokandidtesfrt sheduirled reshmnen and other entering stn-fact. 'This 1's-the first yer that pit-. tha " tere o h uidn.Tethe King's Daugters of Ann Arbor. that their continued usefulnessd- novelist,
game sl e nia ens were forced to submit. to the tures. theetrgsudnso ices are to he equi pped withi des:i The school was originated to keep pends upon their scholastic standards author's
in each ofignthy classesthehrveh toef t e e t r n t d e t f t e i d m o e r y A e i a t l , the c i d b s , t o t n e h s s h o rather than upon th eir social stand-
been showing up well. All ofire in r ity o: h v g their p oo literary college have been taken by I ith mnathing chairs, and each of- inghwaschild bysyr. A.ntiLawresschoo
a havedshowntill in handling p University authorities, although the five will have some extra. piece of DE TROIT COMPANY Lowell, president of Harvard univer-
system has been used in the engin_ furniture, such as a so a. sity before the fourteenth annual meet-
the choice of the squad members at the opening of the second semies- drn olg o eea er Hangings of bright cretonnes, and WRITES BOND FOR in fteAscton fAmran
S pyrsae upon te effor>twiof uhen only a fewhundred Mudent srag rugs wlic ,lhercarr nt. h LEAGUE BUILDING clee tAlni iy a
Th'cedl for the inter-class' The photographs obtaned are added'tomary to place the name rind age'rest-ulness. "he early American ,.- NORTHWESTERN-As the resultof best r
tournament games is as follows: to the records in thofficee of th o ahpro nteflsy oe. furniture for the rooms is being I h, .n cmaywih swi-adeaewre "Resolved that Co- O
io e 7a 'lc:Sl eBilt oil account. of the great. nnnibers furnished by the Is. G. Stickcley com- 1tesr odf Eds behave as human beings,", the17Nk
for ajis v. Feshan ilaoa ; rof entering students mt the literary' n et Pnt< opanyo women students are in a furor.
Senior Academics v. Sophomore A-carried out by Hobert C. Cole of tne ______ migcmayo etidt.
ademics* at 5 o'clock Jnnio r Majors cngninering college. As th0 activities soee ti o eesr osv exe .Fry 9,i h rsdn
vs. Sophiomore Majors; Junior Aca_- of Freshmnan Week made large de- .ie by using numbers for idetifi-I NOTICES of this ccrupany.
d ic sFrsmnAamis masupnheim fteujetcation. -- the bond for the building has been
Thm csr s .ay Fes.h man 4 A cademck -s, n- maid rs u ohm e t ee ofshe , u eth ,ughIntram ural basketball gam es w ritte0n thro ugh the Brow n Cress
Thursday, Fati.n9laterao score San.- OKLAHOMA-Uhniversity of Okla- scheduled for today are as follows: at. agency of Ann Arbor, represented by
sor ManjorAvseFreshman Acllem- tie.opertinleralsloe;tma homy officials are working on a, six 14 o'clock, Alpha Gania Deota vs. Mr. John Bradfield. The insuranceSPC AOF
Mao;a,,'lc uio ao s ragn herhinride a day week school schedule for" next Helen itiwherry, anll 70n Tau Al- on the building will also be carried
Sopomoe cadmie-unir Aa-tis greatly regretted, for the fresh- year, in order to relieve the crow.ed pa vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi; at 5 0'- through the same agency, states Mrs.
e i sSophomore cde ic; Juor e Ace-oo w r o t ate h conditions which are existing on the'lock, Phi Sigmar Sigma ve. resh- W . D. llenderson, executiveseretary
Tsd Fe.4a4 'ok:e..experiences of their strenuous week campus this year. cman Medics (doraldine Sawyer). of the Alumnae council.
Tedy, Feb.... 4.............- ob es.and 1
ior Academies vs. drseshman Academ- to care greatly 'how their pictures
steam shovel is already
league lot, ready to start
xcavating work for the
n's league building, and
st shovel of earth will be
out today at 12:45 o'clock.
me interested is asked to
on the lot for this im-
t moment. The work will
anged by C. J. Snyder and
who are doing the exca-
intramural basketball tour..
amoes played yesterday, Chi
wiled Pi Beta Phi in an ex-
mne by the score of 10-0.
Ita Delta camre out with the
of a 21-7 score against Del-
a while Adelia Chleever's
lted to Alpha Epsilon Iota.
I0 betweell Betsy Barbotir
la Gamnna Delta was post-
wl will be played at 7 o'
ight. Martha Cook and Al-
TDelta played an evenly
practise game, the result
iwill not, he counted in the
3ONVILLE.---Marriage plus a
s the idea of most college
according to a survey com-
mong the students of Illinois
sther Rap n rtEnglish in-
slated "Power," a novel by
edjerstom, emninent Swedish
intot English with the
couseni and criticism.
for almakes of
aroer, fresh stockisures
uality at a mode~rate price.
,s Arcade. Phone 6615.
ies; Junior Majors vs. Freshman Maj- looked.
ors; at 5 o'clock Junior Academics vs. Each student, upon entering the
:sophomore Academics; _ Senlfor Ma- "studio," was given a number. When
jor vs. Sophomore Majors. his turn came to be photographed,
Thursdiay, Feb. 16, at 4 o'clock: he gave this number to the photo-
Junior Academic vs. Freshman Ma- grapher's assistant, who placed it in
jors; Sophomore Academics vs. large figures at the top of a mirror
Freshman Academics; at 5 o'clock which was to appear in the picture.
Senior Majors vs. Junior Major. 1 Then the subject was seated beside
Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 4 o'clock: the mirror, so that both front and
Sophomore M~ajors vs. Freshman Ac- profile views were obtained of him
ademics; Sophomore Academics vs. in one, photograph. The picture was
Freshman Majors; at 5 o'cloc1k Sen- snapped, and the student walked out,
for Majors vs. Junior Academics; 1 having given a convincing proof of
Senior Academics v.. Junior Majors.,(his identity to the offce of the dean
Thursday, Feb. 22, at 4' o'clock; of suet.
Senior Academics vs. Sophomnore Ma- Hnr fsudns icue p- I
jars; Senior Majors vs. Sophomore peared on one roll of film, and as
Acaden-ics: at 5 W'cloc'i J1nior 11a- they cmould be idenitified only by num-
jors vs. Freshman Academics. h obooldweping connected Nvith
Flower bwire
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