. . . . . . ....... ..........
. .
RloovaiI Of Rai'
(1oaei l P.,1 1
Yost field
winted a bee-
Coach Ray 1'
baseball squad
intensive and va
in the screen 01
Everything' 1r
sliding was hn
drill. Batter i
with resounding
a group of fieldE
hatted balls wit
the larger ene]
of pitchers was
to a number of
others were goi
of base sliding1
field house.
:A short infiel
top off the prof;
the day. Though
tice of the year
a unit, enough
brief dIrill that
line of defense,'
last year's voter
Coach FisherI
batters with a
timism and fear
era] days. The
mented, had be
at the beginning
ing -period, but
fays not a fey
Lighting 1x"
'Changes in ti
of the field hou
offered as an, e
ternate goodl am
candidates for tI
this has aE n l
or whether iti
is what Coach
'Beninie Osterl
all, appea~red at
his first workoi
.members of thf
basktetball team
Coach Fisher y,
tle, a pitcher
Myron, and Slap
outfild posts.
CANIDIE' osterbaan Drills 1OFFIIL AE RMO NR O IGR LCS EneM~yNmdI I 0A
J WITH nnun on "' . 1 "EAr I FL M P f 1 0ENCING MEET PDELIMIcABY I
the Y'~ale and i chi ] gan aett in t b y :rIn ii i i in l 11 (" r6 fl w
ktlba.ilI: ( ouP Enaibles . j hori ii IC"o'llsemen that i ll 1 Ii a in i i' ° (1,( tti ~i 'I~! Vtr r
J4J er' i4Il hi .frate in the dual 'wnmgm ii( I i 2( di1~eVp'MHt ~~ ~lin t 'e
Harts Praetice be11tween the teams ,of tile two mn II ii 1"sr Ilrip 11'~tly
qR= t.itttionis, April2atNe IT'n ° ... ('<ifo
BEN JOIN SQUAD D:2:::'..feB. flandley of New York his been HAVE 4G0OD w S4'ANCL 1MEN; Suti ud.:'7a t 'ing. n'1' V livrsity RSR E M TR
I ane(1 referee for the luel . of ('hiua;go wot the lii Ic.takigfirt ________
house literally reline-*..<'$. I lafleIy i oe naquat ic c(ir-( (Specialto The D 1allyx) iues it~ o tet<il and til salb . an] t '" c 7Aspirants for Mihiga
o < lie~~~~ds throughout thecocunt ry. TfIC , i ., ,. ritni emhv led
hieyesterday we oc fte o ok Wmn CAMBRI WNC , Mvarhi 18 --ALt liogli yI lt.01' ~r5 and tin theee tennIpra teamehav lready8se
isher's Michigan 1928 coachpoacthe for the 1928ense
engaged in the. most Simn socainIhthas pro- restrited to alimvig~r quadof rul 1ie, g~x'S 1 tn hich uallyoncrete corts at south
are rga odt uced so many stars. Ang his morte thant 20 athlete's to aconmpany . onsiss of \iggers, torlputna, I1a-~.. The net candidates hrav
uclosure of the struc- pr loteges are G(iertrude Eele, Helen im to n rov hr isIrc-mer,anct \iner, was ropesentedc. bherng tip to gt iit on
.4Meany, Helen Willilight, Agnes Cc- Wen will compete with ('on:'h Sieplionj solelyy i; Z\Vgcrs ]11}.>snp('riip approaching camraign,.
roni' buntring to brase raghty, Adelaide Lamlber, an:l Ethel X. Farrell's Wolverineso , a ' iray, fability with any one of the tI hye e I" Four lettermn from
cl}di esedysMc Garry. I oach . .. arrell today I1.9miat 'ed"weapons earned hliin this posit ion. Oni ; chamlponship tea m are 1)
wrhitn th balThe starters will be J. l. Matin i teitave list of 40 arvardrun the revius Saturday le won all a nucleus for ante
Obri)crashes in the cages,(Oeri) and R. Thomprson (D~art, ners, juiipers, and woght thriowers Sevn lotisto inWhich he wtas etre. r squad, These men are. t
lers was retrieving the moth). H-andley will act as divingl Burbank, Clark, Claver, I11lJik, ISai urhy's meet, the only which is and gfore, Big Teaco
th unusual avidity in vV".. judge along with A. IDownes, M Rit- and Dunlap "were(,t omllnorarily listed(derisive in (et ermining the Big Ten( pios, Algyr and Shae
losure, another group r ~ eadJ udalo~th e stecnetns n1lefrt 4tm j ( is vt ne'eel the (defeat of Ohio(Goldsmith, and Stephen
s twirling the sphere '~..*. York Athlletic club:);field events oni the(' rrgi'aii., the pu010 j State for the first timn two~V~( years membrs of the 1927
Preceivers, while still The judges selected by: the atli- vault. Illinci4; took( second lplace, rolloxvjthog gauain
Tug thrugh th pacesletic authorities will be I. G. Me- \aiies Three Ili211 Jilinip~c''.is g (close behind Chicago, with aiR re faralP
inafrcre fteICurdy (Bowdoin), L. Manley of the I In the high jumpn Brown, Burgess, first in the epeeC, and a second lli the Coach Ilutchinsaloh
,New York A. C., F. Mills of the BoyI Dutleld, and Mardulier, 1s011e ofI sabre. The Buckeyes tied with North- iEInie Mcgoy reserve material avalab
'$t Infiehi Drill ~~~~~Scouts of America, and J. Wirtz of whom are capable of clearing six wester frthdplcwieP- ToyarveanoMcignb-adKmprAA i
idt drill 'was held to ieii )~eb~~ the Connecticut A. A. Ui. feet, were entered, dlue took fourth, Michigan fifth, Wis- ketball teats who was elected cap- last year, will be biddi
grmof activities for " estl ihgnaheewote Captain Pratt was namned to head cousin sixth, and Iowa seventh. tamn for 1928-29 Monday afternoon. lar positions this season
this was the first rac- pofrthdesea for his first workout BUIEST RVN the trio of shot putters which fn- Brody, two experienced"
pro h nfedr sothedsao with Coach Ray Fish- BUIESluPRVNT(rdes Guarntaccia and Potter, boith FEW POINTSSPRT MAJORITY OF CONFERENCE also expected to tryouth
r oas thow iniuers as baseball squnad. This will be Ben- HUNTER FRtiJ OINING backs on the Crimson rid eleven. The latter played for t
wa hw nta nes third season as a Varsity base- T~~wirr uu n the track events, particularly il TRACK OUTFIT SIN STANDINGS OF BIG TEN MEET the Grinnell college ne
tthe Michigan front bal lye adir i xpctdtobe DMSCU ETSQ A the distance runs, the Ilrvar en- outstanding freshman n
baesawillibela stron g back at first :base when the season --tiswihinclthe Esmae oeet Tfc tohaf eaatd nltie third andiai!thgoher unusualblear Elio
opens in three weeks. (Py Associated Press.) rines hc inclde somae efted tojti Thepaatedt tationly ando inthd Angotpe uusalfeature of Satr- an Marsh.
____________________ NEW YORK, March 1, Francis rieupaAvnte.orth o-lc wnners inteCof1nc rc
pieapsn danageoeete lwlae ines n heCnfrecet a y's meet was te fact that new re-; It is not expected that
hsbewacig his T. Bunter, second ranking American Iverines. cmiiinls Saturday hs prv- cords wre established In eight of'squad will be able to
mi e dur inge las pse - T W O P O ID E FE ATTLprte n es str o lamT.oTb l de m n iom intbe as Reid, Flaksm an, K ing, Juttnan, ed to be add tinal m eat for the ta- th 10 e n s pc thl, 5r g an l y co ts u tl f errd i g t e l st evAI a t er f W li m T. id n wll bg
batsmnen, thrcr-msigwe h mrcnDvsru nteml vn n loi h lgigaout.ed upolandallI tie The marks made i the 440, 880 and tion. In te meatime
mussingwhen th Americn Davisrun in he mileevent ad alfaru has dgailed to re-s fmrilesrelaydtsupersededrelthsupeformerthplayersplaaresgiveniv prereee
hitingefectvel IN ruji WTH ISK Cp suadapear fo tainng ndtwo mile It inlprobable however, ;veal yprllel to this in Bic, Ten Conference records, while the 60 yard ing thes concrete courts
g of the present train- -f team selection next Monday at Alt- that any except the "Ion Mai" Reid Ico teition dash and the 70 yard high hurdles 1concrete courts are now
within the past few By Alan J. Gxold, Asoiatfed Press, gusta, Georgia. wil ne ohteguligrm.fTl etwssrnei nte were held for the first time, auto- I cess of construction on
w have weakened in - Sports Editort This was disclosed today after a Rillscee rtthpe gulingborun.' re eet asheistan secin nntleatcalfy becoming new records, field.
NEW YORK, March 13-If it ac- 1cometing of the Davis Cup selectionI the I. C. 4-A anes.plc em scuethemoeha
lay Affet Ju1ting complislied nothing else, the victory1 committee with Tilden, this year's-i Sriteg elpl alceofthssueditshenme ton__________________________________________
uhowever, may be theBurnscaowoDunnamprenchwhio
tufJonymikobhebgloghed h Aeian zone campaignrkewhich and Mason were listed to run in thle points. And at the other end of tie'
xplanation in the l-tulemalovrJc Shkyhs will open with the matches withs Mex- i short sprint, and Dow, along with string were a pair of aggregations I~ N
d poor hitting of thte settled two hotly disputed points to ice at Mexico City, April , 7, and [Brayton, Cummiings, Henuiessy, Lan- tied for eighth and ninth positions ~ *~~~i g i
ji 128nie.Whterth stifatinofmut f heeg-terhah'n, O'Neil, Peet, Smith, aiid with six and a. half points.k _____g
Teconteatigeyed experts: Buiesafiswl ep Hne Tupper in ~the 440. In previous years there have beenI
is thee batterhmef 1 hre olner hitake from joining the squad at Augusta T ehrl ae ilb oletl ls ihsfitetphnra n
FisherhatSisretryinggertokeand prob lbly from competing in Mex- Tehrleae'il ecne t cfi t o lrte fourhoorsfivet oeas
it,"leningcolr tothelon pe- "by thlose s l eted later roul the ten-;theoanhrfurrfieeas yY!l in your last season suit or tux,
it"lnigclrtlh ogpr co. Tilden pointed out, however, aIvegopcopsdofHnihbiywihnfvepitToAahote r
tabaangrolledcohoseeandf istent view btngatithenBostonoisailor thatothisrdoubleslepartnerawillstlie vaetetahatheBostmnssilor Maaons d'ubl-s partetinglfobetLltertitlebutmsneverMhsvesaCoe-yougthenpricethoftatnewutonevby chv
t thel field house 'or can lbe put down as another victi available as circumstances warrant. nelvTuperandthit inrileeows;tIleothreplcesneenboyclsel
tt of teyear. Other of Dempsey's vicious punches; Tilden is vested by the Davis Cup Ce, Tupernch iteIne lows;hee othr plceinton NEclsely
to Varsity 'and "B"' 2. That if there has ever been any officials with absolute auhority in and ory THenr fvill Otounhelli rtuii-.cIBOSAN Iti oth NE L S1GIE
is who reported to nider-cover scheme to boost Sharkey selecting the ta etwe.Ntatn eTs g thlegh e S1JRIBBNSJND
esterday were Whtit- into a heavyweight championship mre than seven or eight of thl h i&rlysudWl '1111falmles i1V .Y.N'04 101'B
an nileLvlmatch with Tunsney, it has fallen group of 13 players invited to repottI oralmkso f four of1 ti'gi'oun 0O' carter mihiles , ,'IFVIT~
gle, all candidats for comipletely to piedes. to Tilden will he on handc for the I listed above:
F ew fistic points have been m lore t ry outts. They are expected to in-T e 't1ii a W 1 ) a ed a ~ pd i rl V ', r.l to k i s r~
-- - -vigorously (debuited hn thothse two (lili1t .ohnny Hlennessey, Geogefrmtefloi p 1unaimg, n- bstquil'atf IQ4r1C1ic. Ae
"..over thle past. year. There ere those. Lott,.Junior tCon, IFrank Shields, and ' 111 )V1 '(' ot(I,-lii, ) f . O th ]4th Apen
Who 'nsist ed Sharkey should hIla ye Wiler Allison, umost 01' whom arie n1w0andlin~ton: 1
t ..bee11 gi vonti liedecisionl ovirDenp- I playiig in Florida. f7 Niclcs AM ade. honte (~ti.
:Is on a1:fou1while ot hi;ls 'wagged al 7.TheI(can wil e slc ii i 11tcrI-- ._________________________________________________
halndpocaieltha I 24 or 25 anmd dcnpart nimediat (Il or " '-~----- -._
I m noriond poaie tj sp2.r l a lpxi2r2]"+¢itv
'ry Field
nsVaIrsit y
'ason1 onileh
Ferry field.
e been im-
itioii for the
last yealr's
ack to forml
C'upt). Barto n'
ubles ch"lam-
4r. Oian1,
5s W(,],( the
salti is mug
1s some good
le. Mlarshal
iners from
Ig for ].egul-
t. Bacon ald
'plaiyers, are
'or the team.
wo yea-rs on
t team. The
umeral win-
tt, Graha.m,
tthe Varisit y
play on theI
the Varsity
1ence inl us-
. Four lnewi
in the pro-
south Ferry
ie can
Ani all-c'ampuis track meet will h~e
hield at 7:301 M~ondray night, March 26,1
at the field house, tnder the auspice s'o h n:a~ r l ce ar m n . W t
the0 exception of meombers of the Var-i
sity and fr-eshman track squads all
mren are elig-ible to enter tile meet
andl may file their entries at the otf-I
f ce at Waterman gry11'7nasi m.
M.'en attaining" five poills inl tile
n ae't. ililliy, Eltii iai() s to t lie ______________________________
1contrary inot \'it hst andi iig. I ' P 11
Bothl groups o!' "wise 0on0s" now # All HOOLw sJiddigron
seem like Shanrkey to hlave taken it rseasi ar o w
ont the chin. At the momlent inothing
mppears more conclusive than that$750
Shairkey is thlornugly and undisput- Icebytu rA.1sarl
ailly ~ ~ ~~ I elmntd ehshdtobg Arranged by Mf-Travel Club,
chanc es to reestab~lishi limseI' as a } (rand Rapids, .lcIllgau.
contender and tmiuffedl bothl.
fs The Mans Shop
meet will be awarded+ track shirts -
with numerals.
The anmual inlter-fi'aternity track
mleet will be held at 7:'3'0, Monday[
nighit, March 19, at the' field house.j
Entries for this event must be in by
5 o'clock in the atfernoon, Thurs-
dAy, March 15. Members of the Var- i
sity or freshman track sq l ads are
ineligible to enter any of the events.
All men e nftered in the 440) yardl
fun or longer distances will be re -I
quired to take a physical examina- I
t ion at the field house before they
o 7
113-115 S. Ashley
Ant ONTINING our disposal
kmJof fall clothing at great-
ly reduced prices. Exceptional
values to be had. in medium and'
Compae These
On real first quality Pennsylvania tires with
pay as you ride or mail order price.
Not a picture. No order blank. No money
order. No shipping charges,. No waiting. No
putting on the tire yourself.; Personal Ser-
vice in your own Home town.
dark suits.
Winners in the inter-fraternity
cl'ass B basketball tournament are
as folows: Alpha Kappa Lambda,
Tan Kap~pa Epsilon, Tria~igle, Phi
Beta Delta, Phii Sigma Kappa, Phi
Lambda Kappa, Tan (Delta Phi, Sigt-
ma Clhi, Theta Xi, and Concordia.
Finds Right
Tiobacco for
the Tropices
October 6, 1926
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va., U. S. A.
Most all well-k~nown tobaccos smoke
well in a cold or temperate climate,
but very few in a tropical climate.
They are mostly too heavy, don't seem
to be hlended right-at least, that is
my opinion gained from practical ex-
However, Edgeworth is the same in
any climate. Again that is my opinion
gained by practical experience.
I cannot get the same pleasure out
of any brand of tobacco that I can out
of Edgeworthi, and I have tried many
-and paid fancy prices, too. It costs
real money to smoke imported tobaccos
here; the import duty is very high.
Anyway, we cannot have everythingI
we would like in these countries, so we
A Full Line of.
Whitehouse & Hardy Models
On Display At
8806 South State Street
]Eixclusive ltaste and Patterns Designed and Sold Only by.I
30x3*........ $6.14)
1).9x4.40)....... $7.55 " i
320t (31x) ... $0.95
The New Ford
anmd ('hevrolet
30x4.50) .....8.$
Ntx 5.25 ... ... $12.2 5
:30x.,.7 7...... $14.95
See the. Specials iour window, 211x.40 -anid 3x312 tires ; your
chioice, $4.95, with new red tube, $5.75.
A eimutity of used tires of unear'ly all sizes, ranging in price fromi
$1.50) and tipl.
And a few ot the ex'tremely
low price of
... ...
..,... - i
WVe are Offering, a Selct ine of
Spring Coats Both Impo rted and
Domestic Materials in T"weed
and Camel Hair
CoatS a