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March 14, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-14

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Nr. Nabot Defines Student Opinion
As Sentiment And Ideals Which
Are Echoes Of Few leaders
Commenting on the convention of
deans of women held recently in
Boston, Miss Beatrice Johnson, adviser,
to women, stated: "Of the eight ses-
sions which I attended, only one dealt1
with students' problems. The other1
seven 'discussed the dean herself. It
seems to me to be the wrong emphasis,
since deans of women are primarily
interested in the education of their
women students.
"The value of student opinion, as
discussed by Richard Cabot, brother of
Dean Hugh Cabot here, was of in-
terest to me;" Miss Johnson went on.
Mr. Cabot defined student opinion as
sentiment, ideals, projects for reform,
and usually the echo of a few aders.
He believes that it is really original.
He thinks that it exists in small, fear-
less, homologous groups, where ithas,
been thrashed through :and selected,
by discussion. In keeping with this
opinion, he feels that c'olleges the size
of Columbia are too large for effective
student opinion. He further warned
'against asking for student opinion
except in the realm of the students'w
Vassar, reported a student faculty,
committee working in conjunction, its
purpose being to further greater dis--
crimination in the selection of courses.
Students are encouraged to visit the
classes they plan to enter before they
elect them.. Through this committee
they are also able to obtain student
reaction to courses and methods of
In interesting contrast to Mr. Cabot's
view, the dean at Vassar claims there
is expertness of opinion in the stu-
dent field.
Miss Mary Woolley, president of Mt.
Holyoke, won Miss Johnson's interest
by her talk on "The Institute of Pa-
cmfic Relations" which is the out-,
growth of friendships stimulated by
the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. It has
been enlarged, however, to include
peoples without the Christian limita-
tion. It now includes China, Japan,
Australia, and New Zealand.
The results of the meeting of the
institute last year were remarked up-
on by Miss Woolley. It has meant an
increase in friendliness between na-
tions pointing toward world peace. It
will tend to meet the rising tide -of'
nationalism due to the exploitation.
of the-East by the West.
Summarizing her opinio of the con-
ference as a whole, Miss Jlhnson said:
"There is a great gap between the
theory and ideals of deans of women
and their actual practice. Happily it
can be overcome in a measure by a
little more contact with youth; and a
little less time on research and intro-1
spective activity. This gap in part de-
flects much of the help which the old-
er generation might give to the young-,
er now in college."


Organization of the Women's lea- " 'Hedda Gabler' is one of themost every phrase are absolutely essential, DN ABIiVeES S P
gue and the function of the Board uivid and one of the most interesting not one could be cut out without
of Representatives was discussed at characters I have ever played," says spoiling the play.
meeting of the Board of Represen- Miss .Elsie Herdon Kearns, who is "Some people put all plays into skPRESENT AW ARDS
tatives Saturday at the Library. Eve- playing Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" with one class-'high brow' or 'low brow.'
lyn Ogborn, '28, chairman of the the Rockford Players this week. I do not like to think of any such on the Freshman pageant which will be AT W.A.A. DINNER
House organization commmitee 'ex- " 'Melisande,' Shaw's 'Candida,' 'No- classification. A play is either in- given, according to the custom, on the
plained that this board, composed( of rah' of Ibsen's ''oll's House,' Shake- teresting or not interesting. It n'ay date of Lantern Night, were made by Announcing the members of theall-
the presidents; of all the house on the speare's 'Beatrice' in 'Much Ado be either the most amusing of come- the central committee elected to di- star team and of the various class
campus, is administrative, possessing About Nothing,' and 'Hedda Gabler' dies or the most dramatic of meloi rect the event with the aid of Miss teams, W.A.A. held its annual basket-
legislative powers in its power to are my favorite characters. dramas but if it is interesting it s Gace Richards, adise o fyi woen teams, A Aelts a'l aset-
amend rules which have been made "I like 'Beatrice' because she is so a good play. As for comedy as op- an Mistlo, phsicgal edu-l a nuet at lc lastdight
by the league. - vivacious, so witty, and so much posed to tragedy, the mood one is in catin instructor, at a meeting heldat the Women's athletic building. At
"The purpose of these meetings is alive. I have played 45 Shakespear- determines one's likes and dislikes. yesterday afternoon at Barbour gym- this time also awards for W.A.A
to discuss business of the league and ean characters, among them' 'Kather- If one is tired and discouraged light . points were presented by Miss Laurie
to consider problems of the mem- ine' in 'The Taming of the Shrew," comedy may be the choice Of some, to mmitparticar sect fere assigc Campbell of the physical education
bers which arise in their houses. It 'Viola' in 'T'welfth Night,' and 'Juliet' while others may prefer tragedy as tivities. Helen Jones as general chair- department.
is the organization which reaches in 'Romeo and Juliet.' I have played a cure for troubles. man is assisted by Helen Cheever, and The invited guests included: Miss
every woman on the campus and Moliere, Sheridan, Ibsen, Shaw and "I used to come to Ann Arbor as Margaret Eaman is chairman of fin- Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards,
keeps the league alive," Miss Ogborn others. In the plays of a number of leading lady with 'The Ben Greet ance. The following appointments Miss Beatrice Johnson, Mrs. Bell, Miss
said. "Because of the great responsi- playwrights some speeches are un- Players.' I have been with Walter, were made from the remaining seven Ethel McCormick, Miss Pauline Hodg-
bility which rests upon the presi- necessary. Without them the move- Hampden until recently. Since I was of the 10 freshmen chosen at the elec- son, Miss Ella Rawlings, Miss Ione
dents of their respective hcuses, at- ment of the play would remain the here last sumn^;ar I have been in New tions: Jane Robinson, programs; Johnson, Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss
tendance at these meetings is urged same. But in Ibsen, every word and York," concluded Miss Kearns. Ruth Van Tuyl, properties; Hermine Ruth Figge, Dr. Edith Sappington,
although it is not obligatory." Soukup, costumes; Frances Jennings, and Mrs. Ratliff.
Tickets for - the campus movie, Porto Ricans Still Cling To Their Old dancing; Ruth Marshall, music; Members of the all-star team were
which is to be given March 19, atT Halen Cheever, posters; and Helen announced as follows: forwards,
Hill auditorium, will be for sale at Traditions In The Treatment Of W om en Humphrey, publicity. Anna Zauer, '29Ed, Frances Miller,
all book stores, it was announced. A calendar of proceedings was '29Ed, and Elizabeth Wood, '31 (sub-
Although only 25 cents admission is. diawn up, a general committee meet- stitute); jumping center, Margaret
charged, expenses are light and most "Porto Ricans seem Americanized, They marry young and settle down to ing being scheduled for March 13. Ohlson, '30; side center, Nellie Hoov-
of the m-oney will go directly to the but at heart they, still cling to old a domestic life without thought of Committee heads were asked to select er, '2Ed, and Sarah Bonine, '28Ed,
league. spanish traditions and customs," said anything more. their helpers as soon as possible to (substitute); guards, Cynthia Hawk-
Elsie Murray, '28, emphasized that Katherine Bird '29 who has lived on "The opinion of the American, un- cooperate with the plans for a meet- ins, '29, Martha Robinson, 28Ed, and
h mut be id by the r wo ' r yas "i fortunately, is not very high among ing of all committees at the beginning Marjorie Follmer, '30 (substitute).
menland for four years. "This is the majority o the people. I think of next week. Tryouts will be held The members of the various class
checks not being accepted. The fact especially evident in their treatment that this is due to the type of Ameri- frm April 4 to 6, rehearsals start- teams were also announced. They
that aport on o the gowns were de- of women. All. woman and girls are cans who come there. However, ing after the spring vacation period, are:ySenior academics, Lois Parks,
stroyed in the fire at Goldman's does carefully guared. A Porto Rican more and more, the Porto Ricans are natural dancing class will be ar- Sylvia Baird, Laura Osgood, Arlene
not affect the giving out of the gowns, never appears in a public place with- coming to colleges in the United ranged to arouse interest. Unsworth, Ellen Groff, and Jane Fol-
she said, as more have been ordered. States and~ coming into contact with rne oaos itrs.UsotElnGof n aeFl
he i be oaie begn .out a chaperon. When the young lady AecandIn int n For the creative work of the pag- som. Senior majors: Eunice Child,
The wilbeoutinalt eon.henwhey ly Americans in their native laud. eiant, including dancing, properties, Helen Beaumont, Marva Hough, Elea-


T T s>
of Sportswoment

Bush, and Gertrude Smith.
Freshmen: Margaret Eaman, Eli-
zabeth Wood, Catherine Hard, Flora
Sch'aefer, Muth Taylor, Roberta Reed,
Catherine Hawley.
A large M was awarded to Helen
Beaumont ifor having earned 1,000
W.A.A. points. Pins were presented
to the following women for earning
600 points: Louise Cooley, Cynthia
Hawkins, Marie Hartwig, and Esther
Middlewod. Small M's, awards for
300 points, were won by, Margaret
Sibley, Margaret Stahl, Doris Renken-
berger, Margaret Bush, Gertrude
Smith, Thelma Levine, Nellie Becker,
Eleanor Treadwell, and Lois Parks.
Music was furnished between
courses of the banquet by Edna Mow-
er's orchestra, and each class gave a
stunt. A talk, given by Miss Pauline
Hodgson, added to the pleasure of the
Those women who succeeded in
making their class squads but not the
teams were: Gladys Appelt, '28,
Louise Cooley, '29, Thelma Levine,
'29, Merle Raine, '29, Lilly Schmid, '29,
Janet Jones, '29, Frances Sackett, '30,
Phyllis Moore, '31, Ruth Marshall, '31,
and Marian Locke, '31.


tomorrow, as previously anounced. cepts the invitation and goes along,
On account of this, family influence
Re uest W omen To in the matter of their daughter's

i. v a.y vsvvv 7 :.

Procure Gowns Now!
The rental of the senior caps andI
gowns by the Undergraduate can-
paign committee of the Women's lea-'
gue was started Monday but up to
date very few senior women have'
procured their gowns. This -week is
the only time that senior women can
get their gowns from the league and
so it is urged that every woman come.
early and be fitted. Friday, March 16
is the last date that the gowns may
be procured, All women getting
their gowns are asked to keep theirj
receipts in order that the refund t
which every woman is entitled to
after graduation may be given to her
with greater ease.
The cost of the- rental for each
gown is the same price as last year
that of $10. Half of this price is to
go to the actual rental of the gown,
while the remainder will go to the1
cost of the mortarboard and the rest
will be refunded after graduation. It
is stressed by the committee in
charge that only cash will be re-
ceived for the gowns as there is not1
enough time remaining for checks to
go through the banks. The gowns
will be given out every afternoon this
week at Barbour gymnasium from 2'
o'clock until 5 o'clock.


marriage is very great.
The men are jealous of the fian-
cees. Dances at the university were
discontinued because a girl danced
with one of her professors and her
suitor attempted to knife him. The
Porto Ricans are quite astonished at
the independent and broadminded
American girl.
"Women do not show a great deal
of desire for higher education. There
are few women in the university, but
more of them attend the Normal
school. The demand for teachers in
the school of the island is very large
and most of the teachers in the ele-
mentary schools are Porto Rican
girls. Of course, on acccant of their
bringing up, they are very dependent.
New spring 'samples of MortarboardI
gloves will be on display this week in
Barbour gymnasium. The spring an-
nual sale will be conducted as usual,
houses being canvassed for orders.
All university women are urged to
take advantage of these attractive

gloves, offered at reasonable prices.
There will be a meeting at 4 o'clock
today in Barbour gymnasium of all
representatives from sororities and
dormitories fr the bridge teas which
the Undergraduate Campaign commit,
tee of the Women's league is sponsor-.
The entire cast for the Junior Girls'
play will rehearse at 7 o'clock today in
Sara Caswell Angell hall..
The only gowns on sale today are
size 36 or larger. Smaller sizes are
expected Thursday and women who
require these sizes are asked to wait
until then. The sale takes place be-
tween 2 and 5 o'clock.
W.A.A. executive board will. meet at
4 ,o'clock Thursday afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium. It is imperative
that all members be present and on
Orchesis will meet tonight in the
corrective room. Tryouts will be ex-
tended until Saturday, March 24, for
those who have not been able to tryout
because of the Junior Girls' play. In-
itiation of new members will be hold
March 28.
Mrs. Catherine B. Ferton, 104 years!
old, has set the record of being the
oldest womian to ride in an airplane.

Music, and costumes, Miss Ione John- j nor Treadwell, Martha Robinson,
son will act as adviser; for the me- Nellie Hoover, Sarah Bonine.
chanical work, including finance, pro- Junior academics: Florence Neyer,
grams, posters, and publicity, Miss Ellen Grinnell, Cynthia Hawkins, Vir-
Grace Richards will supervise. ginia Tennant, Esther Middlewood,
It was decided that in addition to Marie Hartwig, and Nellie Becker.
freshmen women, first semester Junior majors: Frances Miller, All-
sophomores would be eligible. Such etta Morton, Rose Strasser, Anna
sophomores must check their eligi- Zauer, Jeannette Saurborn, Alice
bility, which will be judged on fresh- Urban. -
men standards, that is, a "B" and the Sophomores: ' Margaret Ohlson,
remainder of 15 hours in "C's" and Margaret Sibley, Dorothy Bloom, Mar-
place their cards in the freshmen garet Stahl, Doris Renkenberger, Mar-
eligibility file. jorie Follmer, Helen Harter, Margaret


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Fashion is the autocrat of the
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