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February 22, 1928 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-22

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DISA VOW'ED AS TRAIT .. TO ATTRACT FA0 JTY1P"1m _-as~ u on sot alc'
I M E N T A L S IC K N [S S I ,tI --~~j;;:a ti~~md C n e

ept Possibly the sling-shot.
yapon the bow is harmful
,or shooting smail game, but
never bte used to kill at rhin-
rw,(iesorSims said., hunting

Feeble - )hinsidmn s Solv ed 40111Y
Thirough (oi 1Ornc(tfhe Prevent ion
AjidlErect ion W ~Barriers
Asserting that "only ab~out two per
cent of the feeble-minded have crim-
inal tendencies and it, is doubtful
whether the feeb~le-minded are mo.~re
criminal than the so-called normals,"
Dr. Theophil Klingman of the S1.
Joseph's hospital spoke before ,a re-
cent *ioeting of the Ann Arbor Law-
yers' club.
T'he speaker stated1 that there were
more than 322,000 patients in the
public mental hospitals of the United
z ates, and that this number exceedls
henumber of those who occupied
hospital bedls for illness dune to all
other causes. "In other words, there
are more persons who are mentally
sick than physically sick," said Dr.
liniatnMes :1nuber
Dliscussing the matter of feeble-I
mindedness, the speaker placed the
num'ber of ment ally deficient people
in the U~nited States at 500,000, of
whom 50,000 are residents of insti-
tutions. "The average layman," said
the speaker, "dismisses the subject
of the mentally (defective with the'
idea that this type of individual is a
dangerous, marauding criminal and
that the only solution is to lock
them - up in institutions. As a matter
of fact, only two per cent of the
feeble-minded are criminally in-
Dr. Klingman affirimed that un-
doubtedly heredity was an extremely
potent factor in molding a personali-
ty, b~ut that heredity does not tell


r . 1 i 0 N S ve tl m ix is o tIh e fa c lty of
lOe ';dool of Education and associat-
ed burcau~s xiii I ave this a ft einoon.
I'o, i3 oa o whet,, they will a ttend var-
ious fllett'!l f a s;:soeitionls affilitat-
ed wit ii tho e Naional Educational a<-
a nn Tog :'titer with nv re than
50 S('i~l 21officials from 1'ichigan,s
slecial teem et ctoit and will arriv
inl l !: ;on on thle following afternoon.
The nmeetings b);'gin soon after and
cotitnutl li'l the grater part of
next week. v\[ony of tihe local mlen
wvI:!smake atdditiona.l short trips5 for
lhe piP rose of consulting with East-
0211 school officials and attending oth-
cr educationl m 1eetings.
Ti o 3i who are-going from thme
S(41001 of EFliicatioli are Prof. James
vi. Enonsen. IProf. George E. Myers,
Pi of. (' v in 0. Da vis, Prof. Clifford
Wecocly, Pr'ii. Arthuir B. Moelman,
P'rof. Stuart A. Ccurtis., Prof. George
L. Jackson, Pro . Raleigh Schorling,
Prof. Chi 1e-; C. Fries, Prof. G. C.
Byte, Prof. William Clark Trow, Prof.,
H iebbe 1-l. ltan, Prof. Francis D. Cur-
tis, Prof. Howard Y. XlcClusky. Mrs.
H ellen Sliaiubatigh, secretary of the
b iureau 0f aippoilntmnents will also goS
t o Bost on io attend the annual meet-

shoot with them dur ing tihe sunlner.
Professor Sims has been interested
for some time in archer y and has
Smade numerous bows for lelasure.
"Man started making bows and
arrows far back in archaeologic
times,'' Professor Sims said. "The
sport was fairly well developed dur-
ing, the early Greek and Roman eras,;
and the English -longbowmen of the
time of Robin I-oo(d never' have been
"The 01(1 English yeoman used a
long bow, six feet long. Aboriginal

w~ithi a bow irequires accnrti e' wvoods-
Smaiislip as the hiut ter must get close
to the g-ane inl order to bury a:n ar-
row ill the aliimal, biesaidl.
"'The bowy is not so important as
the arrow, hiowever, as it is the a r-
row whichi determinies the straight-
ness of a, shot. Bow-wN"ods conmmonly
used are Osa i e orange andllc Oregon
yew. Other woods, among thewm some
tropical wood.s, are also being,, used,
as have ash, hickory, and red cedar.
Of the twoV( different types of arrows
the sell-arrow is most commonly used.
This kinld has a shaft of a single

tribes used shorter ones. The Indians !piece of wood.. The other kind_ is
and other primitive PeOle used a ,made of a composite of wods with

Profesor L uoui
Of tile Technological high school in
Paris, who has devisedl a plan for
transporting mnail and express at
super-speed, across the ?atlantic
ocean. It provides for special car-
riers shaped like torpedoes to be1
driven along suspension lines by eec-
tro-dynamic power that will attain
275 miles per hlour.
iRaphiael Zon, Director' Of Experiment

short bow probably because thley
coul get around in brush fast er. In
America, IndIian archery disappeared
when the musket came in. The bow
h~as been used merely 'for sport ever
since fire arms were first introduced.
Lately, archery has been popular~
again. The wide-spread interest to-
day is a result of good advertising."
If a person builds his own 'tackle'
hie will get manual traininlg that will
relieve him of many of the (lay's wor-
ries, according to Professor, Sims.
Nothing can give greater p~leasure
thain the bow, the forestry professor

the hleavier on the head of the shaft
so') that the arrow will fly better..
"An arrow must be light without
sacriflcing rigidity." Spruce, redwood,
and hickory go into the makiing of an
arrow. Tvrget arrows are poinited
with bullet jiackets. H-unting shafts
have sharp, knife-like heads or blunt
heads, depeildin.g on the gamie. The
feathe-rs used are the primary pinlions
of a t i-key~c which ar.e split andl
inuiited o tile shaft andI then cut to
shape. Arrows depend on their cut-
ting power' to kill, not on thmeir shock-
inig power as a bullet dloes.

Announcement of a new sup, r-power cathode ray tube, operating at
50t0,000 volts, which will produce as many electrons p~er second as a ton of
radium, Of which there is only a pound available, has been made by Dr. AV. 1).
Coolidge, assistanit director of the. reasearch laboratory of tile General Electric
Lboratory, Schenectady, N.Y. Above, Dr. Coolidge, who developed the
cathode ray tube; getting the tube ready for operation, and alpiece of mineral
sub~stance lighted with a purplish glow by the electrons, traveling at 175000
miles a =secon(d from the tube.


Hydrophobia Report

the whole story. "Research in the
field of heredity has broughlt us to a
point where we cannot predict per-
sonality," 'he asserted.
Speaking of sterilization as a so-
lution to the feeble-minded problem,
Dr. Klingman said thlat a public re -
action had set in against the pro-
cedure. Furthermore the British As-
sociation for the study of m~ental de-
ficiency decided that sterilization was
not a feasible measure. The speaker
said that the value of sterilization is
a moot question and that it is cer"-
tain that legislation is premature.
Men~tal Hygiene Aids
"Prevention must be constructive
and its program calls for the erection
of protective barriers many years be-
fore mental diseases may be expect-
ed to strike," assertedl Dr. Kl-
"Speaking calmly and dispassion-
ately," he concluded, "andI with doue
regard for the limitation of tile es-
tablished treatment for mental dis-
eases, at least :one-half of all mental
disease is preventable by mental hy-
giene. Mental hygiene is a twentieth
century product and it has mitigated
many evils in our present day civili-
tation and is indIeed peculiar to tile
needs of our age."
Prof. Nathan Sinai, associate pro-
fessor of hygienle and public health
will leave Marchm 1 for Washington.
D. C., where line will begin a study of
medical economics being made by a
special conmmittee on time cost of
medical care of which Ray Lyman
Wilbur, p~residenmt of St anford a ivet'-
sity is chairman.
Professor Sinai has b~een conniected
with the dlepart menit of hygiene and
public henalth at tle University for
five years and for tile pzast three years
has been in charge of the state educa-
tional healthI programm under thae ex-
tension divisic n.
Thme comit ce "xvit iii vi >li iL' xviii
work Awilla t ruito aic .tin lie
('ost 0 o lof lin);x a: U olw' i "m-L
ihir imeffteal n ''au rWan
Thme commnittee is comp~osed of'
economists, medical meni, puiblic
health workers, anid laymen. Chellis
Austin, president o1 the SeaboardNa
tional hank, Ne.'w York, is treasmrer
of the ('Olinhiit t (,c1. Tile'Amer'licanl Fed-
eration is ren)resented by Matthew

As Definitely On
Rabiesa, or hydrophobia, is definm-
_itchy on file increase inm Michigan, ac-
cording to a report given out by Dr.
Hterbert W. Emerson, director of
_ !Pasteur institute, iim spite of stren-
- liuons efforts ex(erted by thle State (C
tie-epantmnt of agricultural to control
rtedisease. T]he departnlent is great-
s }lv handicapp~ed inm its work, however,
-Iby misinformation given out chiefly
b~y organizations whose stated pur-
pose is dog welfare. :Rome kennel
clubs are examples ci' this. Rather
thman being interested in these animals
_in aihunmane way thmey are mostly
_interested i for' financial, reasons.
Thmey ar~e making money from tile use
-anld sale of dogs and show no regard
for public hmealthm and welfare.
Thme spr'ead of flis dreadl disease

ted By Pasteur Head
Increase In Michigan
could be easily and~ quickly conltrotlled
_lby efficient enfor'cemenlt of p~roper
muzzling and quar'antinme. Acc'ordiung
to Dir. Emerson. the only way in which
thmese regulations tcan be r'ightly en-
forced is by p~ublic demnad for prop-
?r control. This demlandl will be nmade
Lwhen p~eople awake to the ser'ioutsness
of time situation which is nowv being
facetd. Tile seriousnes-s will c'ontinue'
rto increase until sufficient: lives have
been endangered and lenotugh lmiore
l ives have hecrcuelly and unneces-
sarily sacrificed to this horrible dis-
ease to br'ing tile genleral public: to
its senses5 on this point.
It is to be hoped tha~t flistsilme of'
ar'ousal may not be far ill the futur'e,
Dir. Emnerson coincluded, as dlanger'ous
eases ar'e being r'epor'ted daily to the

hiag of Jhe Association of app1 ointment................. ... .r. ff/
s(-cetares.On This Friday
SevcI'al of these men are officers of
the vai'mious a ;sotiatiolms which they SERVE.D AS NATIONAL AID
aric a ttendilmg. Professors Schorling,
Wto='dy. (orrtis, Ednmonson, anmdlPries Raphael Zon, director of tile Lake
will deliver' addresses.I States . Forest exper'iment station at
At he los oftil lileeing. tleSt. Paul, Minmn., anmd one of tihe leading
(it egation will ret urn by way of New
York, Wasliiugion, and Mouimt Vermn- foresters of time I hited States, will
on., ai ing bock iiiAmnn Arbor onI visit the Schlool a? Forestry and Conm-
Sat urday, ,March.'ii>. servation tiis'week. Mir. Zon wvill ar-
l'i'of. Charles S. B~erry is nowv plan- rive in Ann Arbor on Friday and will
is-l-g to attend the meeting of time addiress several classes in the forestry
li termaioial Couni.l of exceptional! school 011 that tlay.
chidren, -.which xwill be iheld in Tol'- Mr. Zonm was one of a gr'oup of na-r
onto at the sameti me thiat time Los- tional foresters summoned to Nash-
,(ton meetings Axvill be inl progr'ess. in~gton reCcenltly to appear befo re thme
P~rofessor Berrm'iy xwili speak on tile flood. conltrol comlmittee appoitimed by
1::>p<>nsl~ili"; of the public slchool in Conglress to investigate c'ontol of
intucating exceptional childrenm. Dr. iriver f100(ds. He is the autihor of sev-
Johlni Sundwall xili also be absemnt at er'al articles and pamiphlets dealing
the samne time as lie will address time with thre questionl of flood control,
adlvisory Education gr'oup in Nexw strecam riun-off, anmd stream flow, hay-
Y ork._ ing matde a special investigation .Im
_____ that field sonme year's ago.
Shaw Nears End Of i During his visit in Ann Ar'bor, Mr.
Zoil will give a talk to classes in for-
Long-rXWestern Tr.i p est pr'otection, speaking on selective
- logging and fire studies. He will also
attend hi noon-day faculty luncheon
Wilfred B. Shaxv, editoir of time! at the Union, given in his honor, and.
Mlichigan Aluimus, xvi leturn Sat- ;luring' the afternoon will speak to a
uirdaI, from an ext endedl trip to many class in silvics on important Lake
ljnhi'rsity cf Michigan clubs States forestr'y problems. Hispo-
throughout the ITnite(1 States. IHis tion as director of time Lake States
til has occupied an centire mo101th,I exp~eiment station has placed him
Butriin; xliie'linismtime edlitinlg of the iln a position with which lie ihas be-
Mtichigan Aluimmus lhas been ill time tcome well acquaintedl with thePrb
handso.' '. Iixvle Tappng, i ems of this distr'ict. Fidtay evening,
seceta'voh ileAlmniasscifiom.Mr. Zoim will atdtress a special meet-
Shaw xwas in TDenver, Colorado, ing of time Forestry club, wvhichm will
Monday, and in Onmalma, Nebr'aska, be calletd to hear him.
yesterday, where thme local University 11~_____________

Forestry Men Leave I SUNDERLAND GOES
For Convention Cits? TODETROIT MET


Pirofessor's Donald Al. MI~atthew,-,
Robert TP. Craig, and 'Willianm Kynochm,
of the Schmool of Forestry and Con-
sei'vatioi, left yesterday for Newv
iYork where thecy are to attend th~e
anniual conlvention of tile American
Pulp associationm which is holdling a
forestry program.
Pirofessor AMatthcxvs xii preselnt a
paper while ill New York befoire time
wvoodI industr~ies divisiom of time Ameiri-
can society of nmechamical engineers.
lHe will discuss fromn a p:ractical
standpoint a papmer' iy Prof. Samueli
Rccoin of Yale on "~Our' Need for
Knowledge of ' ~i'opical Timbers."'
Profe:,sor Record lhas indicatetd that
jwe imust become acquaiiited 1with ntrotp-
ical xvoods in order' to siake thienm

P~rof. Edson I.. Sunderland of time
Law school is in De-troit this moning
n1t emnt a meeting of the state p)l'-
cud ' c~nmiion of xvhich he is a
meinoci'. The func timn of t hat gr'oup)
is to suggest nmethnods to the supreme
cour't xvii Icimy prac'tice miay beim-
im- rovedl. T1i ' for'ming of time c.oinm-
;mittcxx'as autinorized by time last
session of the state legislature and
the pci sonneli of the cominut teewas
appoilnted iby Covern..' Green.
Tonight lProf, s.t i'Sundeirland xwiii
ad.dress the annual baimquet-meeting
of the Detr'oit Par' association at ft'e
Book-Cadilkc hotel on tho subject of
"Regulation of Legal Pr'ocedur'e byr
Rules of Coart.'' The I tattle Crmeek
11am' association xvili hearIPruo fe ssoir
Sund.erlantd tomorr ow niglht at a sim-
ilar funmctionm xh'n lie xviil(disc.uss
"'Problems in Appellate Pr'ocedurie.-


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Now that vacation is over and
School has been resumed, don't
forge: your PRINTING needs.
-Come to us for an estimate.

... . 1

2 :00-TODAY--3:40
All Afternoon All Seats 50c, Children-
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RUNEZ ADOi'iE Feb. 23, 8 poi'ri






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