' '
' 1 r
VOL. kXXVlII, No. 106.
Foan edor Chaliapin, famous Russian hle sang in church choirs. ri irr n o(y Associated t rs)
I~IUbasso,wh will constitute the fnl All this meandering led at length P [LIIII rEErrii i NEW YORK, Feb. 21.-the romance across the engineers orbits-are dis-
A GOVERNMENT H1401musical attraction for the season to recognition on the operatic stage adavnueo niern xssCr so rges hyitr
r i~aperaceheetooro ngh ~aedinPtrgrd tth r.1rinlv~Serear f omece hrbr mir atrwrd ndnoeniee gt
OF F R SRjE Y apart from the May Festival, with of Russia, and Chaliapin was en- n ~ ~ P IT O chiefly in the imaginations of laymen, up!, the job, they all require re-
l ii ois ppar n her stoorowihtige n Petromrad at-the '7 RIIiU UUISP AINGHoovSTerrysaid ftonight at Cmecthe Hetannual alerrtntisftie rordannepi ee obser." t
DE [OHI TRY SER ICE~iuill auitoriumhas behnd h'mtheater. Thre first re al break of(i,]Hovr fnis fo epi
] what is olie of the most glamorous life occurred now when he was reec-- banquet of the American Institute of Mr. Hoover made it plain, however,
R~OBE~lRT . ST?I 'UI. AS$IS1TANT existences peculiar to operatic sing- ognized by a millionaire, Mamontev, 'BSE TOPIC FOR THIS YEAR ON mining and metalurgical engineers, that he thought nlo less of the pro- B
OF 1'1111,1C RELATfIONS, Lci'. His history and his rise to the whose particular liobsy was music I INTL t-COLLIGaIATE SPORTS 14Mr Hoover was presente d with the fession just because it didn't seem to
MILL SUCCEET) present positionla the most dis- Being much impressed with the AND ATHLETICS Saunders gold medal for hiis accomt- be painted in as bright colors when
tigihdof the Metropolitan co- youth's possibilities, Miamontev in- Ealihe ntheay mining engineer, viewed from the inside as it did from
tinguishedtD lPtri, eas ik- tae f dintre thedhi dayada ohenyoinauguratedFT OR ENRIS aaheiwituatdout.hut
A 1NA COMMENDS A .IDL T eired i ataeo denueYie hmt eda oin f i M ET O NRE nation-wide inquiry into industrial "After all it is an occupation of an
__-Chaliapin was born in the historic wn at Moscow. The engagement af- 1 employment conditions at the first enormous diversity of interest," he
To Assue Positont With 'West (oast olif city of Kazan in 1873, and his early forded Chaliapin an opportunity of I TriafI Meet Will Be held Thursday meeting of the new economic survey, said, "of change of scene, of vivid and S
Lumber Associationi As (Ie it ife was a. oueer mixture of poverty, 'enlarging his repertoire, and ie elee-1 With Eight inate Speeches On and attended the quarterly meeting hunan relations. There is but little
('liage O Tiuberhuldsfail ure, and privation; hie experienc- trifled the Russians with his voice Ani Pluse Of Subje fteAeia hl elhas-o eeiin ti osatcl o
- ed no end of hard work, jealousy, and individuality of impersonation, -- ciation of which he is president all that lies in a man."
Col. William B. Greeley, head of and misunderstanding-hardly a con- soon becoming the idol of the Rus- Ainouncement of the judges for "My experience with the adventure The committee, called to order by
the United States forest service yester- iventional background for an artist. sian people and extending his sing- the preliminary trials in the exte- part of the engineering profession is Secretary Hoover today prior to the
day resigned his position as chief When only seven years old lhe was ing to other scenes. poianeois speaking contest was made even more dubious-anything of this engineer's meeting to begin the utn-t
forester to take chrargn of a western appr enticed to a cobbler, but hissotfmba metoriswsmpyensuvisnotgwh
!helt-bok dwn ndhewaasntoday b ye .8semn 0L, rmbdmnt ris as epomn uvy sa ugot
conservation association. He. is to be waIti )'le(onadh a etI'O leeb yeE iemn 3L shipwrecks or floods which come of the standing committee of theF
succeeded by Robert Y. Stuart, form- to school. From this time until he [jaer of this year's contest. 1 resident's confernce on unemploy- S'
er assistant in charge of public rela- was 17 years 01(1 he ]led at different 1OMOI11 LA E Thes judges will be Robert M. ri fl O AlLTI Wmet. The survey will take almost a cd
tions with the Forest Service, times fihe life of a woodcarver, a i'3 iIW, 12L,\ IIIRIII CO I IMl
NesYf olne 2e9eysLeiHarbokbndraLlrkinth amiisvrv n eII year and will2LHaryL.Gevas '9LcILver11hiiitheH n Lpeaeadiiloovr hepeio ofo
tison Came o AnlAroer i eegrams tabooiecle znthandmnice ED DVT HIB04 Grrit Demmink, '29L, Frank T. Zinn, 1923 to the present time. s
from caleso A roriacktell-m rin aousieo anznastery. nThiceas 1EU I "291L, and Robert F Schitiarz, '29L. A lfffhITfh previous survey dealt with the
kownhre ahrpPcwll'iI usinmnsey.Ti a These men will select six students r RP ROUuTIONu yeas of 1921 to 1923 and from this, c
konforester, to the School of For'- cnhd FOR re figa Ia h liiaytil hc ilM.Hoover 'said, came a greatly im-t
ostry andCorI evlio '' Greeley r lonlgshorema~ n onl the Volga, foi' which I omndr i Two Vssel Vld lly e held at 4 o'clock Thursday, Feru-poe udrtndnIfth ao
signs, accepts position With the W('st dutiies he was awl'drell 17 Cents a iBoard Ot li o B o tl 1y2 nteApaN o3.AClb T s GtC7 oe! lutireYbsns urnsa.n fth ao
Coas~t LhimiiK'i'ass (iationi ''said te R lepoiisihle Foyr: nChrlpaNuro.ashom 3 Cu'o ~v Cudybsnescrrns
th (a'..cording to isermian, several members ; O Philip) Barry, Proiineut In te present suryey facts will be
telegram. "'Stuart suc('eeds him. fHis talent. first beame exer'cised ir1C~lU~DoHfJo the faculty of speech may supplant CAndi Popullar ' layvi'iPlIht determined with regard to such a t
Thils piroablly means much fr priv- , ater this when he tramped the COUJRTICENSURES DIXI!I)I several of these Junior law students in sin as the shift irn employment,S
ate forestry." lghs(of Russia trying to ern a ' - - -- 1 IJudgying tile final contest. qestina
foeths a istIvAscitdDUGL EDchanges i methods of production in S i
C'ol onel G reeley has been Witti) the living as an itinerant singer, al-1 * PrS~la es.)All students who are planning to E RU industry and agevcesncculture,11gthuh nsia ifsWA' IandN eb 1-epoii-nene hi pekngcntsshol -Itrbtin'
viariouis ,ositionsflsiorel'beiing up-become evident in his youth when biitv tr the collision of Ithe submet- '11 to the Alpha Nu room on 'IFinal rehearsals for he Comedy of living. 'one oha h oetySrie mrn - nlteos ur e hrdya 'lc rprdt lbpouto f"o n 'tel-
as bremlg t ief omb t' er SI'in 1ot If .\\ wiil\ 0 shioyerPaoling eas pla('ed jointly five a seven o'egtmnt pehinni omed y iyPhilip ayM
1?ru worl frear1WQ' 11 hei 1was th i- , (fl Cthe(commn ders of the twio es on antylpase of fte question, "Re- are being held this week in iea
oNssiV'eadl'n eoae IifV. 'I R ~ l Tl T In its findings, the coutl' m''omu- n inter-colegiate athletics will more might Iin the ies theater. lDue toi t nlr A
o s ~ vit adbet" eortd i h A 111 I T I m'ended thle(etachmlent of ear Ad- ladequaately represent student interestscogsiniiheuef ymste- d
Was ble eade 1rss ute' IU11 Ufr duriig the past season. all pro-' i
In sekn ete'ay of Colonel - ___-- -i c arge of the saih'mige olIerahtiS 1 s l,scai d 1yestedlay. Fuithe ;jects 0o! the oIganization planned a ) K P iN
ro'eley's lesignatioi. JDean anrei IotI1. r 11as5enieral Debalt.On 1mrtuid.oe tesnkmwha'netoictheflri(',hesdnoe pehs rinntzed.j f inhuAtrpitnlhl ounaIo h oto oc.i'edoled, n"l(Youhae hadto hill)05V
T. Darin, ibead (I1 ife Schl ~of' 01CinmhaAvi'p'il o Bll cnnmamd Itiim (0ElltgibleliRhpne, n Yu"(lorienus S rgge in Amiericanl
i'y and n, said,. ts"Sh le St ikes Snag itci (d a s nhm a ilQs 11in t f. tlantice ne I ihbl i leo fist for the priese t smeIster.
"'luemoaeitrse ura-:.let. Brumily failed, the ('our1theld, Lh s ilojuirad eir "ou and I"was writ ten by Pliili _ --~ri itoy
C'1 to5 ~( melii(Vse na- ot r (ib'iute 'that superiiormud*tin ~ ontlie (ampus is eligible to partici- A 'rCOuhoNoD'TmeYunTsIONSil---
tional fo rsi policieS Wil kenly rr- TAKE NO ACTION ON ESCHU~rattiro TeYonet n: L~Y
gt rei'sr;ienin.Icws ' t elligent guidance. force and sound 1?ate n this contest. Freshmen also pother works tat have had more than At
an he> leader and a mian ofi extra- (M midm'et epeted ra nofie.i o .'m the average success during the last
o r ar y ability, both as a foreste rI WA h- xiN TO , eb I i l ntt d'eals i e. ew it'hoce atnhe I i'oii ti e u(I tle 00]lo eeewpea s. It dea stitsthtrikne of'' le Il'ili smikioethrmne sg
ord , 1e iS4ASITL;U70N, Feb. 1.-llecks ~position'' ii the reselewort{. n1 ehiclii theyi are enrolled. Sckol- Iofa uiesmnwt eri~~ hoadPnslai soeo
'as all anadministrato'. Ilie hmadte walr1 y I is o L- 1'igibili] iis niot rqure oI'o
cco iirs .i h e-cleared, Cngi'ess rayto night Devoting muchfit' s report t rfo'at haihsioniuanweedu
c ennti llo (1 (o g e s 811 i e -v e ' tie e f rs t e c e t e untm anco to the contest. f^at t a 115 " l u a s e e p th e m ost hopeful strike i and one of d
ei'al lumbering interestsi hack oftor' the traditional tribute to the fateu v . tm'eTwofiirits(las remancin hich to the time when the play oen-rs. 11 He ms lrossrglsi mn
Soewo ited torein hipe-hashcalledghisiomanufacturingn Amer-
him. Gi'eeley is a mlan of'great Iin- of his country which will be the only crew of the S-4 and raise thesu-Itoewoien tonerhepeha cled is auftrng r- ca5ndsralhsor,1)- ote
t~grtyliensty an relabiity bitiriss efor eiherhous toor-marine, which had beeni the subject Iiii ytilmyetrternmsjsst tnsiladgvnu i
Ungrrtis ihonestydminstraton tieabif iiticim frusinessuabeforeth eitherandhousea tomor- Irofmocriticismoorfromn somessqivertersemethe
1111(01' is iteri I t ,., row. Again Washington's farewell court declared that "no known de- , on the entry blanks which have been tm n metda fhsmnyt lo na drs ie eoemm
forest service11has becomle nu i. js ~h l placed on three of the bulletin following his whim. The results offer ers of the local student branch ofn
prorved amid its (fi cncy increased. dr ilb ed omkevcso'ej~ln o nipy ui '';ars 0o' Angell Hall. These blanks an amusig commentary oil a uniquehe Leage for industi'a democracy.
(Izeey mrade mar~ike'd stride-,t 0 1 il5s 5Oie, p'estumably, that no new mom- the resCtcueoperat ions, either i the ~, t<~ situation often imagined by minre
reOniv r, Obdted oil tie bulletin boards ' 'Si-i cited the present conditions of
the dcvedopmlit of ainots navypoa andd bdeiphiueroomlonrtharn onelin tie everyday run ot i ".F
hereeopmu facomlrh('~i i goons unavised as to what the inavy orhaanownedhi roy n(ir runingcams(inolvd 01 -
nemiional iom's is residenghaltosay ganizationis, could have saved the I n' fourth floor of Angell hall, and The original production of "Yca~cmp nove nt
"I-sis new conniection withl that parist paesdenonadtimeay livsaofdhoueosiderd room4"3211, and I" was given at the Belmont strike 'a> being deplorable." With 12,-t
of the lumlber industry which coin-j By wy(ipeaain h os 'h aydpmtnn sebe mg al theater in New York by Ricard G. 000 miners on st'ke, there are more a
t'oll the largest i'enaitiimg stands ()f lumblieed along today with general at P'rovincetown in the shortet tinge I To (I Eet six lion-Hei'mdon in 1923. In the leading roles than 750,000 mien, women, and chil-u
virgin timller' lmromises much for the debate on tie District of Coumbia possible all officers and nien ini the !Frm 1 the preliminary tral oi were If. B. Warnr, Lucille Wiason., dren to b)0 fed and clothed by the
wi-e handling of those i'esources. In appropriation bill while the Senate navy best qualified iin deep-sea rre - TI'lmr:sdav six men will be selected to and Geoffrey Kerr. The,7 sets for the' eief which can- be directly or indi-t
no region ot' the corutry is the pos- struck a two-hour snag on agreeing cue and salvage nematiomm',s. L- part cipate in the final contest, which Ipoduction were made at the lnms 'ectdy aforded by the Miner's Relieft
sibiity of changing frcn- a virgin to the conferewe report on the $272,- court reported, addimg that the or)- is schduod to take place Tulesday, Harvard university workshop 47 committee," she said.
timiber'land to a wsel-managed second 00,0 nerior department supply erations to rescue tie S-4's crew f ti',bruiry 28 at 8 o'clock. Tfhe sub- Th-omas J. Dogall. '28. who is ap- Exlingtecasrkefo th
growth so good as inl the Douglas fir b ll Once this was out of the way, were "logical. sound and floe 1mist' jt for' tis final match-i lii not be gearing this weev in Gorge' M (0 0C-^-5V, orest she explained that ,
forests of the Pacific Northwest. they went into the long-deferred piromising of early sccedss." 1nnunceml until after the six memp an's "The Home Towiers" at the ' o ;"siers had undermined the
"GrI ehey's ability as an adminis- Muscle Shoals debate revolving today "Everything was done to sa:e the j'ron the preliimiary meet have been Mim'e°s theater, will have te Warner' JoutS11'h contract to such an ex- j
trator aid economist, as well as a around the Norris resolution for go- lives of those on board the S-4 that chosen. role of Maitland White, tie mans- t. t that it could be practically on-
forester, makes him exceptionally !erment operation. could have been done unider the wea- The six students who will speak in facturer with the artistic lanins. rdboe.Teotacwhh
wel itedt poge's nphacin-g On the Hlouse side, the naval) con- ther condition(; that existed."it was th-i last contest will not know the Otherut in the cast are Phyllis Lugh-;-+1ied bio.Tiionact w hc
forests of that i'egiom under a con- mittee tackled for the first time the added, "but rescue undeithose on- . ar iuarpasoftegnrlubtn,'8RihdC.K vnk29adaedoraweof7cns
Saervatinthnmaaem nit O1i1i-iStraig-task of ti'ying to agree on a building dtiomis was beyond human powaer." i eot v~ic they msttak.nunilLilinSeelels ~Loa- g~ 1e o i oalelveeia temot
eng utreman dfiute.ptan(uedy.nsdrcing the play the mine. This guaranteed the1
out the main dfficultiesrin rarn after weeks of open hear- The collision, which resuted in the 5 o'clock on Tedy They will then.i ietn h ly mm -r al aeo prxmtl
which the lumber industry there is ings while administration field forces death of 40 officers and men aboard have three hours in which to organ- I Seats fora "You ande I" wiroligoton
turIs xpreed Ibegan mobilizing support for the en- the S-4, in the court's opinion was ize a 10-minute speech for the final sae t h.Mme oxofic Wh j~ih was not exhortant due
"Stuart, Greley's successor', will be gneers corps flood control lan en- aused by the submarines failure to contet that night.' Monday at regular prices. They will'1108 working days in the year for the'
wecmd frsesadohr e-rorsed by President Coolidge. A take proper action to clear the Pauld- ITe winners of first and second all be reserved. The production will p1lmexs
welcmedby frsesadohr e counter-miobilization, by Mississippi adiabyP ing the coastguard vessel's failure to places will e awarded prizes donated run through the week. iesh otathsbe nrne
erahy s dmiaby ic orteP" watershed representatives, including 1sight and recognize the subnersible !by the Oratorical association, which "ii otathsbe nrne
sition. He has had much- practicalI sponsors the contest. The winner gn by ,he owners," she said, "untilf
exprieicein national forest work;';Republicans and Democrats, to oppose and clear her.
Exeinethe administration scheme also got -___-- will receive a University of Michigan iLITTLEG TO GRE F T (the wage has been reduced to about'
not only that, but also he has had filge L NK l7 ah lqe md okwl e ie E DI-AP1A D 3 cents per ton for coal which in
advantage of being in charge of gTI-i day was enlivened by seeming- BR D E to the student who wins seconid OF tun ieduced the miners' daily wage to
frssadwtrinPnslaily well founded reports that a new BR DG TOURNEY ihon-ors. I .Lwec -I - nethimg like $5."
which has the large st state forest re- I ' -A.__Lawrence____ Lowell aresideut of According to Mother Bloor, the1
sre"administration proposal was in the 1 Harvard unversity, kil arrve inI Pittsbu rgh Coal Company, of which'
see' .Sui' su .iOlkt fiiaig Entrance cards amd form letters PUCK TEAIIrdI IVIJVS Ann Arbor this morning- from Chica- Anme1eo spinia tc od
Yaleinth casof190H6, lie has beenlITie Senate comimnittee weighing the in connection with t(le interfrater- go andwl pn h a s teei h otsubr ihe n
e'iid t ( ih t e to 's 0lii C f r al(tI~p 011t 111Iit 0of JohmimJ. Esch to the nrty bridm~ge tourt'mm ent w h ic wi l lN E S IEmiAE I guest of President Ca enc e Cook I the w orst persecutor of the m iners
teaywon atFaryasit 1abntitrate comrecomsin fi -ei h idl fnxtnehv WITH 9-0 VICTORYLitePrsdnLo lladD.Lt-thtiInxsec.
oti(edel iugwith puillic ie 'dat ionmsaly-vompd~ its thiee daly'quiz of b een-iseatto rill fbotfratenitie, anid I- -tea' ls redtm atrhy 'hntemnr tuk"Mt-c
Pro o ththe \s115statd forester h is Connecotion * w ith the lake ca-go these Oentrance banks 1111151be re- Withi Capt. Bill Maney itihe high dinlg been nm' loyed Iin the office of the (Bloor said, "te owners tried im -
amde'Gov. hPiichot. 1and(1erlie,eminl eoal ('asesbut tools no action. The ;turi'nedlby Friday, Feb. 24, id (re1 ciigrl.CahLwiyspmi Izradlrrdn o hr emin~itl re otr tit ok
the forest service inl District 1, in-)patemnts committee heard more 'about !to have themenmtir a(cpted. ;;tos sCI e aside Ralph's Sport Shop immediately after his gadtation fiom out of union workers. The owners
n ulivMn i lO'Ieutan 1(and 1 filho. Las;.10"11radio I(iia etand c('1h1rges (f llmoole Tle tr'ophie s fr-heo-.n of Battle Creek byv the unusulyhighj that school, refused to meet with the miners, but1
)-e ral WOI pme-idlmi . '1' he city bt Iterec furthlei' actioni to Marc'h-i ae te 11o ill (hsir.) ill samcnil -Liicteron<um lat Pesident Lowell comes from Chi-(imported eg'oes from the southern
of Amemi'd l.i tet l, su(cceed i o --i chp t ' *of thle cancel l - ind ow on(i-iSt ate s51ht. Drainlgs 0r I im.Btl re a rvo sago, where he delivered am- address coal fields to woik the mines. These
1T01i1i111'. IDana to thato(lii ''. I10iodillI. The jmdiciar'vco'mimlit tee tie match hp1ay wilil 1all be (i(Ii1CSim-i ig~t at re a rvosy
Mea SauelWort three gaimes ndt lost tw, twice last night, amd will speak tonight at lien were unable to stand the condi-
lIe is Inow"oin thie' xeonmit lye cooaiitt'c heameore 1''oppositioin to the Shinp-;f lay and the varioums horses will he toling tefre ihian State by a a bamquet of Harvard alumni of tioms which they were forced to work
Iif Stead ~it ~atn t i-injuncton hil 1with sill' nottfed as to -their '111111 - 1-+ soon 'C. I Miebchigai-i in Detroit. Iunmder.
of the s x ( (011 u13It('' heohawmi11ie'0fihlscori Ie. _._ it iiiiu - - ----____---She 'stated that the only way ii
Opeming t e 7-,
WOAflRKERS s a ireel'momn all these crowdinig - - -- hto Al wmk .hchgncntnt TfL'whichlmthe imsci'ul0d11acomplih
RE C Ell {- l ;i fSIkrok 1tll osatos, howevrm'.th 'Senrate entertained IAIT EJES f11/Ntl . -.'their puipose wIs to break all of the
C N I U SE R H imo'aiavrditnusdgiie~g st 1 ly lh plhit ic puck mu front of the Pt l ONr rPRO TECTIUIONjmcinswihihuc be sudb
in Ibhe person of Geneiral Peishing who , INC S .4P~4Sth 'ekgclbtws iibet h-dINI B \c e rsthe vaiois (dourt. These ijtnO
3} 1ss .\rld 'i c~'- 5spent, al hboi 'm te floor', shakingti-ic letti!g. N- 'as laly td' vei'«) I tons prhibilt, in soic cases, the pos-1
PTTSl'Itl V'ii. :21.-- i('8'ic n hanids 81Pa l und. He sat for' a tilne 1 B> A.oiotrl lii >-B fom''rad iter 14'12 mntesitoSf play, W ASHINTNINTN ei 1-ioociomi i btv itii, fo teousie
suadis were tonlight hacing lanch cu-, beside his father-in-lacy, veteranii of'WASh INCITO\, Feb. 21.- Memiber' S'o. lth llgolfth iiih of union wemkmen from oppr'essive i- i Nfotem' loor maintained that they
i. acIWa rero teperiodUth t0S11 a. ndo tereybiiotunodteSm firrncuttthoec Captainoddi i mehoitd moi Cp ai
at a lla~rie" of the. dbris in the;theaSeny'eandior'theangle Ssnot.roAstistedprmy junctionweprocessesicofof dricssescourtsdeaemcoirtuewre insued'uderetinfluenceceoffthe
ti ian } s h rd a ge s t sist dbk Mssatg's 01'the main wv ilc- Warren o01 Wyonilg.iiterest today in oral mi'gunxonts5 01 \b u 11isiem . aneyscorer three wits urged today before a Soenate ineiiliiowneris fori'thie purpose of stry-
figs of thec Valley 'anum ,il ] o mlI(li-!-- - _ ._ _ - _tad_ . IDI - cir n~nitoby Ae J l'csoi t h ties
irh TAin t arasus lret:,apnealss tl'dm Seattle, wash'., goals in the flrst iminute 1and11a half ii'y-iiitehyAe.1.0re imgottesrkr.
polny's h'tno' min a PimasutR j-tJ4q 11i IA A chiiilcniiigthae alidity of evidei-ce in (Iofploy to starti the sec~nC .runaway, Bek, f'ntmnr'govem'no' of Michigan,-
near herei, ill all.effortto i5 ser'tainIa "i'.It iaplitC+lo oeiyisnt- ho wascotnsl for tie womkis in HIGH WiIIDS HALT
'."* ''.a O , I 1 ohTh-Aiom ''' t Imn-clAsustituteana ndLweryinyt
the fateof seven nicrs unacouted 3 L: Ys ohit tnedC y Plh theorecentonInaienapolisnstreettrailway
ed.i ubtiue ea ndJhny le ecn. ndaapls tre rila T Y FOR RECORD
fom'fol~wiil lit dx)IO~~il lii'h tok ------ -telephone lines and listening to coon- Marshall scorecd on a cose -nt ass i srien'unction proceedings. TR
aknown death til of Six. Rescue !I Everett R. Pooir, '9E, o Shiamon',ou. I IfrntJseh stinielte rkesbc odii omtte lw
crew leadiers had l1 ost practically all Mass., cdied yestemrday mornlig in the'vr, eveI to--' restecatold the opinnitependng110socatd- 1s
iohic of: finding line menialiive, liut tie1UniverCIsity hospital as the iesult of Coumijac ln 1both sides of the coil-i--anid skatedthriotughmtie Battle CeekShpstad amti-injuntion ilh would IDATONA BEACH, Feb. 21--high
effots 't foth'udergoumnd wem' o' 'mplicationsodeveloping from a e- Itroversy were closely (uestioned by not atain hpickedndupouthe puckndsiad maid-icehnicaltrou-
efot u ot mie--Idefense for tie sixth marker. Isotuttgehetheeds om IIcxims pamintd twomio nccndedaltrour-
not diminish-ed because of this belief. cent opeation for appendicitis. Poor' members of ti-iccourt,.Justice ran- ___________sgetdinstead an amendment of Fubolesdedwokeslprevented twot intendedh attemptsSoe nictngbyteiIheCayo at oast mk tato tewol'sauoobl sed e
lives at thne time (f the blast, and tie ginleering college, an-d was secretary questions that ti-iy took the view !I statute clear by exempting from in -'Icord o' 206.95 miles an hour.
other two succumbed when overcome !of the Cr'aftsmuen's clib. He was a that evidence so obtained was obje- NO CLAWSS TODAY I junction processes not only the work- Capt. Malcolm' Campbell, of Eng-
byfmscete yteeplso ebr fAai raenttoa~cadivli seieceo) rbuohi gns n soit-n.lnwh salsedteitra
b. fumeIcrate by he xplsionineiheiOfAcaialfatenit.ntinabe-adIivali asevienc_-_es, ut hei agets nd ssocatins.I lnd, ho stalised te itema-e
3rvelilance Of "An Unsuspected
Jury" Declared Unlawful As It
Tends To Obstruct Justice
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Jail sen-
;ences were meted out today to Harry
. Sinclair, wealthy oil operator and
;portsman, W. J. Burns. widely known
etective, and Henry Mason Day of
Vew York, for their part in the
>hadowing last fall of the Fall-Sin-
;lair oil trial jury. W. Sherman Burns,
he other defendant, was let off with
After a criminal contempt hearing
:hat continued for weeks, Justice
3iddons sentenced Sinclair to serve
ix months in the District of Colum-
ila jail. He already was under sen-
:ence to spend thhee months there be-
,ause of his refusal to testify in the
enate Teapot Dom-e inquiry.
Justice Siddons levied a four
nonths' jail sentence om Day, who is
tconfidential business associate of
inclair. As such lie hired Burns
letectives to shadow tile jury which
vas to determine the fate of Sinclair
nd Albert B. Fall on charges of de-
Tauding the government in connec-
ion with the leasing of tihe Teapot
f)oie naval oil reserve.
Burns Denies Guilt
W. J. Burns, who steadfastly con-
'ended that h-i had no direct connec-
ion with the jumy surveillance, was
iven a 15-day jail sentence. His
on, who is active head of the Burns
letective agency, was fined $1,000.
Previously Justice Siddons, who
:uring the hearing in the District of
Columnbia Supreme court, had dis-
nissed the criminal contempt charges
ending against Sheldon Clark, vice-
'resndent of the Sinclair Riuln
'oinpa.nv, C. L. Btitsch. Iead of the
Thmrzis agency's Bfltinirooffice, and
harles GI. Ruddy, who bad1 charge of
the jury surveillance for the Burns
^Fency. After the declaration of a
mistrial in the Fall-Sinclair criminal
'onspiracv case all three were among
hose cited for contempt in connec-
ion with the ,jury shadowing.
JIustice Siddons, who declaredl the
mstrial, and presideod at ti-i content
ar: n terminated todlay, laid down
or the first time the broad prnciple
i-That 'ihadowing "an linsupreted jury"
n af ' inlawfu _that it tended to o-
truet ,Justice and therefore was con-
emnt of court.
Cailledl Breakdown In Trial
"A lfsastrouus thing happened here,"
be said. "A breakdown in a criminal
trial, a. breakdown th-at was clearly
hiu, to the action of the respondents.
t broke down because there was sur-
veillance of' the jury."
As each of the four men found
guilty by the court was called lip for
sentece he was asked by the justice
whether he had anything to say for,
himself VW. Sherman Brns. hflipfrst
to be Ontenced refuaedl to as~ me~cv
for himnself. but toll the court that
if there was mercy to be meted out lie
hoped the court would gve it to his
father, founder of the Burns Iner-
national Detective agency, who sev-
eral years ago was head of the de-
partmnent of justice's bureau of inves-
The court said he was imposing a
lenient fine on young Burns because
hie had aided the district attorney in
investigating the shadowing of . the
Fail-Sinclair jury.
Dlean Samuel T. Dana of the School
of Forestry and Conser'vation, spoke
last week at a convention of the
American Foresters' -association. in'
St. Louis. His tonic was "What the
Public Forest Asks of the Lumber-
The problem of growing enough
timnber to meet the requirements of
future decades was stressed by Dean
Dana, in, his talk. They cannot be
solved by private owners ah'one, he
said. The public nmust take a hand
through thne increased areas of pub-
lic forests. Dean Tana asked that
the lumber industries support thei
increase of national forests.
Resolutions passed at the meeting
included the Mississippi flood con-
trol measures, proposed national
b arks, the acquisition of forests, util-
'zationn-oF wnods, and forest research.