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January 11, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-11

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House Continues Work On Appropri-
at~ion Bill For Four Govern-
met Departments
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-Tariff and
taxation, that old legislative team,
monopolized the spotlight today in'
Congress, while favorites of lesser
public appeal made their voices
heard intermittently and with diffi-
A genuine, old-fashioned debating
performance was put on by the Sen-
ate, with Harrison, of Mississippi,
Watson, of Indiana, Borah, of Ida-
ho, Bruce, of Maryland, Fess of Ohio,
Brookhart, of Iowa, McMaster, of
South Dakota, and McNary, of Ore-
gon, and others joining in to swell
the volume in the discussion of the
tariff which has been raised by Mc-
Ostensibly the Senate was consid-
ering whether it should declare in
favor of a downward revision of the
tariff, but taxes crept into the cres-
cendo, occasionall§, notably at the
instanceofsHarrison, who undertook
to make fun of the position of Smoot,
of Utah, who is determined that no
bills shall be approved until the
March 15 tax returns are in.
Back and forth, the debate went on
all afternoon, nobody giving ground
and nobody admitting errors.
Other Matters Discussed
It was punctuated at times by a
few observations not relevant to the
subject under discuss:on. One of
these instances was when Senator
Norris gave his opinion of the Con-
tinental Trading company, limited, of
Canada, which has been linked up
with the Teapot Dome cae. .---
The House went along with the ap-
propriation bill for four government
departments under a rule which gave
little roon for the airing of con-
gressional opinion. Madden, of the
appropriations commititee, got the
floor long enough to tell his fellow
reprsentatives that it would be hard
work for any unplanned appropria- I
tion to be approved by the House.
House committees, however, were
unusually active, even for that fast
moving branch of Congress. Director
Hines, of the veterans bureau, gave
one of them a plan for spending $10,-
500,000 for veterans hospitals. James
Beck, of Pennsylvania, appeared be-
fore another to defend his right to a
seat in the House from Pennsylvan,
ia. ,
Tariff Attacked
The tariff was dressed up and
dressed down in the Senate as an-
other all-day battle was waged over
the merits of the resolution of Sen-
ator McMaster, Republican, South
Dakota, declaring the Senate in fa-
vor of an immediate reduction of the
tariff rates.
Two battle-scarred tariff debaters
carried on the arguments as the
Democrats and Republicans squared
off once more on this issue. Pat Har-
rison, of Mississippi, carried the bat-
tle for the Democrats in favor of
the resolution with the complaint
that the tariff was responsible for
many of the ills of the farmers. Wat-
soni, of Indiana, led the defending ad-
ministration forces throughout~ the

stormy oratorical session, holding tp
a picture of American prosperity as
evidence of the benefits of the tar-
11arrison*, Watson, , Bal le
And while Senators Harrison and
Watson battled each other the Re-
publican farr group pecked away at
both men and turned the tariff de-
bate eventually into one of farm re-
"The beautiful rainbow that you!
stretched across the heavens," Iarri-
son declared, referring to premises
made to the farmers, "with all of{
its resplendent colors and hopes andI
anticipations became dim, and fadedI
from view."I
"Never in the broad circle of the
earth has .any nation enjoyed such
abundant prosperity," replied Was-
But Senators McMaster and Brook-I
hart, Republican, Iowa,, wanted to
know where the farmers fitted into
the picture. Harrison said agricul-j
ture was discriminate( against in the
tariff rates. Wats'n said supplemen.-
tarv Inisllnon in fhm frm-,of !ho




T A X A T IO N D I S P U TOE (R S T O Lj., M| S |

1111L SPI 0,- N

S(1140 )lL
'I'll E

William E. Borab.
Republican, Idaho, who yesterday
took violent is'sue in the Senate con-
troversy over the tariff and taxation


Reveal That Percentage
Deadly Gas Was Too
High For Life


(By \ssociated Press) I
BOSTON, Jaz. 10.-A deadly per-
centage of carbon dioxide had poison-
ed the air in the torpedo room of the
S-4 before rescurers could convey a
supply of oxygen to six men im-
prisoned in the sunken submarine,
the naval court of inquiry investigat-
ing the S-4 disaster was informed to-
Lieut. C. J. Flowte, who acted as
medical officer in the salvage offi-
cers, made public today the result of
tests of.air returned from the torpedo
room after airlines had been attached
to the listening tube on the night of
Dec. 21. The test, made at the Bos-
ton Navy yard, revealed seven per
cent of carbon dioxide.
"Life could not have existed when
the carbon dioxide reached this per-
centage," Dr. Flowte said. "Three per
cent of this gas is considered highly
dangerous to life.
"There was not only the high per-
centage of darbon dioxide to be con-
sidered, but the low temperature of
the water, which was 34 degrees. The
six men had existed for 72 hours in
this low temperature with 18 inches
of water on the floor, no food, no
water, and without proper clothing.
All of these things contributed to
hasten the end."
",Do you think that by blowing air
into the room at that time there was
a chance of reviving any of the per-
sonnel?" asked Com. Leslie E. Brat-
ton, judge-advocate.
"I doubt it very much," the witness
said. "It was done Wednesday night,
but they knew there was no chance to
save the men inside."
"Would you say from a medical
standpoint that from the time the
tests showed seven per cent of carbon
dioxide there was no life in the com-
rm"I would say they were all dead
without question."
crT'r17C' ''T Y^tT

Identilied With Leading (Gologists
And Geographers Of Country
Since Arcic r
Two lectures to be given Thursday.
both by Pro:. W. Elmer Ekblaw oif
Clark university were annouced
yesterday by officers of the geology
department. The lectures are in the
regular University series, but are
being given under the auspices of the
geology department, and will be pre-
sented at 4:10 o'clock Thursday aft-
ernoon and at 8 o'clock Thursday
night in Natural Science auditorium.
Professor Ekblaw is one of the
leading geologists and geographers
in the country, and has chosen far
his subject at both lecture: "The
Greenland Eskimo." He was geolo-
gist and botanist with the McMillan
Crockerland expedition to the Arc-
tic from the years 1913 to 1917, and
since that time has been prominently
identified with the study of Green-
land and its geological conditions.
Rook Publishedi
At the present time Professor Ek-
blaw's three volume work on Green-
land, which Prof. William obbs of
th geology department believes to be
the best work in the English lan-
guag on the subject of Greenland,'
has just been published.
In the first lecture Professor E-
blaw will deal with the land of
Thule, the northwest peninsula of
Greenland where the polar Eskimos
live. He will develop the factors of
location, relief, ice conditions, cli-
mate, and plant and animal life as
they constitute the habitat of the po-
lar Eskimo. In this lecture he will
confine himself to the physical side
of the geography of the region, tel--
ing something of the physiograuho
phenomena, of the climatic cn-
tions, and about the plant and a -
mal life.
In the second lecture, to be given
at 8 o'clock Thursday night, .'rofes-
sor Ekblaw will sketch upon the
background of the afternoon lT q r
the life of the polar Eskimo indi-
eating how their homes, food, cloth-
ing, and activities are regimented ly
the physical conditions.
Eskimos Were Prim iie
Until recently the group of Eski-
mos he will describe have been un-
touched by outside influence or alien
Professor Ekblaw received his A.
B. degree from the universiy of 11-
linois in 1910, taking his M.A. de-
gree from the same institution two
years later. In 191 he went with
the MeMillan expedition and explor-
ed many miles of unknown coast and
large expanses of land. Since his re-
turn he has been doing research work
for the University of Illinois and for
the American Museum of Natural
History, and has received his Ph. D.
degree from Clark universit-y.-
During his stay here he will be the
guest of the faculty of the geology
and geography departments at a
luncheon at the Union at noon and
will be the guest of a fraternity of
1which lie is national president at din-
ner at night.

Will Rogers in his daily letter's,I
wrote on Nov. 21, that he had been
reading what Rupert Hughes had dug
up fromn George W\ashington's diary,
and that he was so ashamed that lie
Rad stay(ld up all night reading it. HeI
further remarked that presidents
ought to either behave themselves or
not keep a diary.
Will wondered what people 100
years from now would think about us
if they happened to p~ounce upon
Coolide's diary, and he endedu "p
with the fervent injunction, "Calvin,
burn ih m papers:" The article was
signed, "Yours for the suppression of
Shortly after this appeared Prof.
Randolph G. Adams, custodian of the
William L. Clements library, who wasI
writing to Rupert Hughes, remarked
with delight upon Will Roger's letters.
Yesterday Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, and
Professor Adams were proud posses-
sors of autographed copies of the,
famous letter. The former was ad-
dr ssed to; "Professor Van Tyne,I
Friedman university, Ann Arbor,
Vlich.," and was signed "Will Rogers,
compiler of the life and antics of Cal-
vin Coolidge," The other was ad-
dressed to "Professor Adams, Ooster-
baan university, Ann Arbor, Mich.,'
and was signed by Will Rogers as.
press representatives of Rupert
Hughes and George Washington.
- L- - - - --I-

Many Gifts Presented To Avi-lor As
He Makes Official Visit To
National Capitol
(By Associated Press)
PANAMA, Jan. 10.-The president
and vice-president of Panama were
passengers in a De Haviland biplane
flown by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh
today, providing a high spot in a dayE
full of festivities in honor of the!
noted flyer's visit.
After a short test flight, Colonel
Lindbergh took President Chiari up
for a 15-minute trip. When the ex-
ecutive stepped from the aircraft after
the first ride of his life, he said, "Ad-
mirable, magnificent! A man must
fly in order to realize how insignificant
he is in the universal order of things."
Officers Congratulate Him
After cabinet members had hastened
to congratulate the chief executive,
Tomas Gabriel Duque, vice-president'
of the republic and owner of the Star
and Herald, a member of the Associ-
ated Press, stepped into the plane and
iwent uD with Lindbergh for a 15-min-

Sep. lomthI W. Brookharl.
Republican, Iowa, who is a promin-
ent figure in the discussion that is
now taking place in the Senate re-
garding iCe downward revision of
the tariff.I
('ata'.;IopheIn '~ew Yrl SoE' ies

n ()( (D0(T AKES ST AND ON

Dr. H. A. Kranmers, Of tUtrecht, Will
Offer Classes lit Several
Physics Courses
Nearly 40 men from various umver-
sties and colleges liroughout the
world have already been secured to
give courses in the 1928 Summer ses-
sion, according to an announcement
made yesterday by Edward H. Kraus,
dean of the Summer session.
Dr. H. A. Kramers, professor of
Physics, at the Rijks university in
Utrecht, Holland, is among the most
outstanding men that will give cours-
es, according to the dean's office.
Prof. Robert W. Hegner of the depart-
nnt of zoology in the 'school of hy-
giene and public health, John Hop-
kins university, is another famous
scholar who will give courses here,
this summer.
Six of the non-resident members of
the faculty will give courses in the
lBiological station which the Univer-
sity conducts in the northern part of
lichigan, each summer. These are
William W, Cort, of the school of
hygiene and public health, John's Hop-




Thmrce mlami; None in,'ured lii
uter ;3 z ,u r * ight z-t-kins university; Prof. Charles W.
________1Iteteaflight. r Ple a Freaser, of the zoology department of
Offliee Hours Of Annual'sStaff Will Tethe College of the City of Detroits
1W ]iscontinued rgluncehonreceptions and $ight-seeing FI C A S S CTProf. Frank Caleb Gates of the botany
Examination Period acclaimed with the utmost enthus- department of Kansas State Agricul-
--(yAscae etrlclee Prof. Alfred O. Cross of
____ iasm. This morning lie laid wreathes (v.s'eimdl1- ~ trlcolg;Po.Afe .Coso
SNEW FEATURES PLANNED on the statutes of Bolivar, South CANAJOIARIE, N.Y., an. 10.- the biology department of Bowdoin
--- American liberator, and Balboa, Cen- Driving at fil speed through an i- college; Prof. George E. Nichols of
0ic-e hours for the sale of the tral American discoverer, and at the penetrable fog which hid the earth be- sity. and Grace Walker Nichols of
1927-28 Michiganensian will be dis- foot of a monument to firemen killed neath them, three aviators in a big New Haven, Conn k
continued during the examinations. in action. cabin monoplane crashed to instant List is Giveli.
As the result of this, next week will Is Given Model 1 death in a farm meadow, near Rural The non-resident members of the
be the last chance for students to I Lindbergh was given a model in Summer Session facult who will
obtain the special price of $4. ilrare and native woods of his famous Grove, seven miles southeast of heresy
rareand ativ wods o hisfamos ;teach in the University will be:
Although this price does not in- plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis," when Sunday afternoon. 1 Edith May BaderA.M., assistant to
ciease until February 1, there will he visited the Panama Normal school. The fog was so dense that t.1ough the superintendent in the elementary
I he no regular periods for the mei- I;At the Masonic temple was a globe the plae crasherd within a hundred1 schools, Ann Arbor. George E. Bigge,
bers of the 'Ensian business staff made of native mahogany and cedar, on Yards of a farmhuvo, and iles than MA., assistant professor of economic's,
to he in1 the office so that it is prob- which the route of his New York-200 yards from a travelled highway, Brown university. Ralph Mason
able that students will not be able I Paris, Washington-Mexico City, and tie accident did not become known n- .!ake, Ph.D., assistant professor of
to obtain their subscriptions after Jan. Central American flights were traced. til this morning. philosophy, University of Washington.
21. The price after Feb. 1 will be The globe was set upon a replica of The dead: Raymond Henries, of Mabel C. Bragg, assistant superintend-
$4.50. Further increases will be made a book supposedly recounting his i l iot n te ai mail sev- ent of schools, Newton, Massachusetts.
1 later in the second semester. The achievements, but which upon pres- e Capt. Edward M. auley, of Al- e E. Carlson, M.A., associate pro-
office hours for the wees preceding;,bany, a commercial aviator;1 and (en f ConMiAs associte gy,
redig, sure of a secret btooee dis- GorsF.Bndco fessor of economics and sociology,
' ofiehumsfrth ~5ibutnoped Grg F.Bndit,0 P~oria, Ilhi-
examination week are from- I to 5 closing a Panama hat. norg, F.eBesedi ton. Rollins college, Winter Park, Florida.
o'clock every afternoon. Colonel Lindbergh probably will noIs, interested in aviation. .i George E. Carrothers, Ph.D., dean,
An unusually large number of pic- spend an 'extra day in the Canal Zone were badly mangled, and the plane Rollins college, Winter Park, Florida.
tures will be among the features of for much needed rest, it was said to- was badly (amaged. The force with William J. V. Deacon, M.D., director
this year's Ensian. In connection day at the office of the American of the bureau of vital statistics of the
with the cross section of campus life charge d'affaires The aviator's pro- which the aircraft struck the earth iMichigan State board of health, Lan-
cros secion hare d'ffaies. he viatr's ro-was so great that the motor wassig
as represented by the various activ- gram calls for two days in Panama, ipped apart, onthof the cylinders
I ities and incidents will be a series of one in the Canal Zone, and one in filing 200 fee fo the restdof Foster Wi Come.
photographs of the Opera, footibalBth Edith Foster, R.N., director of
games, dramatic presentations, as the wreckage. health service training school, Mil-
well as of activities oIf the alumni 1 IMwaukee, Wisconsin. August Dvorak,
Ian fauLPAIR SEEKS MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 10.-~Ph.D., assistant professor of educa-
{ and faculty' ! ;The second Marinecop airplane poesro cua
Campus views of tis year's 'En- TWO WITNESSES I" cOr tion, University of Washington. Wil-
am pciews 0n in yias at- ----ra-sh in two lays occurred this morn- fred Eldred; Ph.D., professor of busi-
sI-,an will be done in 'olors5 r'athe r ;--- I ing when a photographic plane went frd lleP.. ioesro ui
than in the Mainblack and white oI (By Associated Press) T ewenness administration, University of
miai wit 0 ,y~soea~1 esdown near Tr'inidad, mid(way bt~e Washington. Carter Victor Good, Ph.
i other years. These views are ex- WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-The ab- w Managua an my the fighting zone. tproessorof.ucatio Miami u
pected to be one of the most popular sence of Don K. King, a newspaper The machine burst into flames when D.,eprofessor of education, Miami uni-
I5AIvrsity. Cham'le's W. Hamilton, di-
features of the year book. reporter, and J. Ray Akers, who it struck the ground and was de- rector of commercial education, Eliza-
A humorous feature of the college charged Edward J. Kidwell, Jr., a stroyed. The pilot and photographer Jeph Gcoria eRuc Eamil-
year will be the closing section of the juror in the Teapot Dome conspira- were not injured. At Marine corps Jbet ph, N.J.
book. It will be carried out more cy case with having talked about the headquarters here it was said that i ton Ph.D., Kenan professor of his-
con.plelely than in past years w.'hen trial, caused counsel for Harry F. both ' this plane and one which 'tond goverment, Unvesit of
i, has always been a popu:ar addli- , S'inclair and his associates to issue crashed yesterday at Quilali were old North Carolina. James Christian
tion to the book. This will be the subpoenas for them toda . King and machines of a type which is being Meinichi HansonA.B., professorsand
third year that this section has been Akers had been summoned, as gov- superseded. associate dinector of the University of
included. ernient witnesses in the criminalsso Chicago libraries. Joseph Barlow
___ - -contempt proceedings against Sin- PA JPMLETS CAUSE ChHairisoi, A.B., associate professor of
CLASSIFYING FOR claim, William J. Burns, and their EnrishnvBrsoiatepof on'
four co-defendants. ARRESTS AT YALE English, University of Washin ton.
CV~~~~~~~ r4At' la V -.t l Ve F" i 8" iA rfany






OutlurL~fod.r)!Llt 14

Prof. Donald M. Matthews of thet
School of Forestry and Conservation
expressed himself well satisfied with
result's of experiments in reforestra-
tion of waste sugar cane lands on his
return from Cuba recently. Matthews,
who is consulting forester for the
United Fruit company and the Cuba
company, left for Cuba on Dec. 16, re-
turning to Ann Arbor after a brief
three weeks tour of the island.
Utilization of abandoned cane land,
which produces too low a crop of
sugar to make it pay has been con-
verted by reforestration into a future
success, Matthews reported. Both
companies which he represents have
encouraged the work so far, Matthews
said. The United Fruit company has
definitely decided on an experimental
program in reforestration to last five

that over a billion dollars ofj
can capital is invested in Cu
great problem of that country
alized. The sugar crop is jeop
by the low price of sugar."
Professor Matthews plans t
tute the planting of legumeo
on worn out cane lands in the'
rejuvenating the soil. Expe
covering five years will be und
in this.field in order to restor
gen to the soil. There is no po
for rotation of crops, Profess
thews reports, because there
local market and crops can't b
ped from the country due to
cessive freight rates. Sugar
only crop that can be grown
vantage, according to thle lo
estry professor. Much of the
unsuitable for this use and1
hopes of utilizing this that P

With the closing of today's session
of the classification committee, all
dRY t "ld)d'stdlns o sign"*dslips"
r oft oses u e t h i n d s i p nFyt- 't e r c la s s e s to c o n tin u e in th e c o u r s e
at the same hour with the same in-
Ameri- structor, will forfeit their right to
aba, the [ special preference in the business of
y i rem(enrolling in courses for next semester.
pardized Start ing tomorrow, they will have to
- secue appointment blanks before they
ts te xtWill be permitted to classify or see
is tirey's thd committee.
hope of Tomorrow norning the general
rimets classification for all those students
ertaken who did not sign any reservations
e vitro- ips, and for those who failed to keep
ssibility the appointments to which their reser-
() nAA vations entitled them, will begin.
1 id)no Students may see the committee only
be ship- I loltei
e sx- by appointment, and such appointment
lie X-h blanks may be secured in the main
is t he corridor of University hall.
to al- ']This morning the committee will
'al fo'- meet those students who signed one
land is 'i o more reservations and whose
it is ilinitials begin with the letters O-R. In
rofessorthe afternoon the committee will meet
experl- those students whose names begin
10 feet with the lettrs S-Z and who signed
nted on one or more reservations in their
ns dur- diasses.

KEN YON TO GIVE "I1J HAVEN, Ct., Jan. 1o.--Charned
1 with illegal distmibutioni of hand~bills,I
TALK TOMORROW in violation of a city ordinance, 19
_______Yale students were arrested her'e to-j
It was erroneously stated in yesterIias teytempted p ot
day's Daily that Le Sociedad Hispan- pamphlets among striking empldyees
I ica, campus Spanish society, wa's to of two neckwear manufacturing con-l
npresent today a lecture by Prof. A. H. corns.
Kenyon, on "Monumentos Historicos The pamphlets, signed by three Yale
de Espana." This lecture is to take students, opposed the open shop rul-
place tomorrow instead of today, ano ing that brought two neckwear-'manu-
will be given in room 1025 Angell I}facturers here from New York city
SHall. Course tickets may be obtained where they fought a closed shop basis
I from the secretary of the Romance with the United Neckwear Markers
language department in room 14 union. The lparnphhetsi wered saidl to
South Wing, orat the door of the be part of an effort on the part of the
lecture room. Admission is free to students to pzevent the manufacturers
members in good standing. here from establishing an open shop.

A-. ,e w . negner, - .ij., pro essor
of zoology, school of hygiene ando
public health, Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity. Laylin K. James, s.D., assistant
professor' of law, school of law, Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh. Clarence Ken-
mI edy, Ph.D., assistant professor of
zoology and entomology, Ohio State
university. Maurice R. Keyworth, A.
L., superintenent n of' schools, Ham-
tramek. II. A. Kramner's, Ph.D., pro-
fe.ssr of physics, RIijks university,
Utrecht, Holland.
MeNeal To Teach,
Edgar IH. McNeal, Ph.D., professor
of history, Phio Slate university.
William Thomias Morgan, Ph.D., as-
sociate professor of history, Indiana
university. Thomas Marc Parrott,
Ph.D., professor of English, Princeton
university. "oward Hall Preston,
Ph.D., professor of business admini'--
tration, University of Washington.
Ierbert Ingram Priestley, Ph.D., pro-
fessor of Mexican history, University
of California. James Francis Augus-
tine Pyre, Ph.D., professor of English,
University of Wisconsin. ' Paul Tory
Rankin, Ph.D., assistant diroctor of
research, board of education, Detroit.
Joseph Roemer, Ph.D., professor of
secondary education University of
i Florida.
Lewis Wilbur Smith, Ph.D., super-
intendent and principal of Joliet
high 'school and junior college, Joliet,

0 ' d"% Al n ET 1'~ 3""J' 1Tf

Contiuing its annual lecture series,
Le Cercle Francais will present its
second French talk this afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in room 25 Angell Hall.
Prof. Arthur G. Canfield of the French
department is the lecturer. His
speech is entitled, "A Literary Pil-
grimmage to Savoy."
Professor Canfield has been with
the French department here for a
number of years, and was head of it
until last year, when he resigned to

in Francs at the beginning of the
World war," with slides, by Proi%
Arthur L: Dunham, of the history de-
partment; March 21, "Peasant Life in
France," John 3. Cloppet, of the Ro-
nance languages department; April
4, "Salons of the 17th Century," with
slides, by Gustave L. Michaud, in-
structor in Romance languages; April1
1S, "Some Phases of the Theatrical
Works of Brieux," Prof. Anthony J.
Jobin,; -May 3, annual theatrical pre-

years, and the Cuba company has set I Matthews
-,,, .-.J- n.if,, 'r-in. I n lc A

is undertaking


no imit to its project. m .ients. A growth oft froi 8 io
"Cuba is in a very serious situation was found IIndian teak pla
financially due to the low price of raw one of the experimental statio
su ,nar " MUtthewsnsaid "The nesnnt I nz his visit Twelve thongan

d vnfnnI

., _ .,

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