Student Volunteers Convention In
Detroit Will Open Homes To
Those Attending
As the halls o residence and some
I-ague houses close during the Christ-
mas vacation, it is necessary for
foreign women who wish to remain
in Ann Arbor for all or part of the
holidays to make temporary living ar-
rangements. The situation is much re-
lieved this year by Alumnae house and
Stoughton house remaining open for
the entire holiday. The rate offered
by each is $5 per week or $1 per day.-
At Alumnae house no meals will be
served; at Stoughton house a kitchen-
ette privilege is offered.
Miss Graqe Richards, adviser to
women, asks all who desire help in
securing acceptable accommodations
to see her before Wednesday, Dec. 14.
The demand for kitchenette priv-
ileges has been met 'or the last twoa
years by the hospitality extended atI
Lane Hall, through the courtesy of the9
Student Christen association.<
Here there is a gas stove, sink, and
a table, cooking utensils and dishes.-
As many as 10 guests can be takent
care of. The room will be availablee
from 9 a.m., to 7 p.m., every day in-I
eluding Sunday for the entire vaca-a
tion period. It is hoped that foreign<
women students who remain in Annl
Arbor' during the holidays will use
this service freely for regular and oc-
casional meals, individually or in
groups, and that the National groups
will use it also. There is no charge.
To avoid conflicts, women are asked
to make arrangements with the cus-
todian of Lane Hall.l
Arrangements for out of town visits<
are materializing very slowly but willI
be hurried to completion before Dece
16. The Student Volunteers Conven-
tion in Detroit, Dec. 28 to Jan. 2 prom-
ises such unusual interest that efforts1
are being made to entertain in Amer-
ican homes all foreign students who
wish to attend. Due to Ann Arbor's
geographic nearness to Detroit, Michi-
gan has been allowed to increase itst
number of delegates from 42 to 100.
The occasion should be one of great
and far-reaching international inter-
est, in the opinion of Miss Richards.
Details other than those of living ar-
rangements can be learned from Mr.
Homer Grafton, associate secretary of1
the Student Christian association, at1
Lane Hall.
Hospitality in Detroit will not re-
place the annual plan of the American
Association of University Women toI
entertain foreign students in Ameri-1
can homes. Lansing, Battle Creek,
Grand Rapids and other cities will ie
with Detroit in entertaining foreign
students during the holidays.
All women who feel that Miss Rich-
ards can help with their arrangements
are urged to see her promptly.
Among the 50-odd foreign women in
the University, there are 19 from
China, 8 from Japan and 3 each from
India, Korea, the Philippines, and
Hawaii. Ireland and Russia are rep-
resented on campus by two women, in
addition to the men students, of
course. Austria, the Canal Zone, Den-
mark, France, Holland, Hungary, the
Malay penninsula, Norway, Porto Rico,
and Turkey have one woman each
on campus.
NORTHWESTERN.-Statistics show
that the men at Northwestern univer-
sity have more of their photographs
finished than the women students do.
The University of Chicago is going
to show wives how to feed a husband
on 51 cents a day.
All junior women who are on
warning or probation from last
se- , ster will not be permitted
to tryout f;,r the Junior Girls'
Play at present. They are re-
quested, however, to hand in their
names to Elizabeth Wellman,
telephone 7817, in order that they
may be called upon at the close
of this semester, iL they are then
Tryouts will continue this
irn;-ing from 9 to 12 o'clock in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall of
Barbcur gymnasium. 'Women
are asked to watch the Daily
for further announcements.
League Entertains
With Winter PartN
Yesterday afternoon the Women'
League gave an enjoyable party in th
parlors of Barbour gymnasium sfo
women students of the University
There was an unusually large attend
ance for the affair.
Music for dancing was by Edn,
Mower's four-piece orchestra.yAn en
tertaining program had been arrang
ed for the guests. Miss Clara Schave:
performed a toe dancing specialit
after which the University Girls Gle
Club entertained with several num
bers. Christmas refreshments, hermi
cakes and "Frost Bites," were the
served to the guests.
Winter decorations were in orde
White snowballs were suspended fror
white ribbons over the doorways
while one very large snowball hunk
in the doorway between the two par
lors. Christmas bells decorated th
chandeliers. All arrangements for th
party were made by Kathryn Butle
'30 who was assisted by the socia
committee of the League.
The Doll Show held annually a
the University of Illinois will have it
21st birthday on Saturday.
This presentation, called "Now an
Then-1492 and 1927" is the finishe
result of a small beginning in 190(
when two dozen dolls, dressed for th
children of a Chicago settlemen
house, were put on exhibition for mem
bers of the faculty and their childre
In November, 1906, a representativ
of the West Side association of Ch
cago made a talk in Champaign on th
needs of the settlement house finance
by the association. She said that b
cause of the lack of funds no Chris
mas celebration should be provide
for the children. Y.W.C.A. wome
agreed to take charge of this probler
and dressed two dozen dolls, whic
they exhibited at the Y.W.C.A. cottag
for the admission price of 5 cents.
The same tiing was done each yea
luntil 1912, when the first Doll sho
with a definite theme was given. Tl
dolls were dressed up for variou
sports-hockey, football and tenn
matches were shown, and men were ii
When the Y.W.C.A. moved into i
present building, the Doll Show bega
o grow larger. The Family Welta
association gave th'e names of t
children of the Twin Cities who ha
little Christmas joy, and these al
were invited.
This year the Doll show comes
age, and it will be larger and mo
finished than in any preceding yea
Booths, scenes, arrangement, ai
management will prove it worthy
have reached its majority.
Kathleen Woodward, once a facto
worker, has won fame as a writer
her biography of Queen Mary, wr
ten on the authorization of ('he que
Betsy Barbour Will fRESHMAN SWIMMINGxT soen Intereste d In Children Enjoy OMEN
B.egin Holiday Week Pre-.School Teaching, Says Dr. Greene TI
Festivities Tonight!AT According to Dr. Katharine Greene the meals. Those who are interested lOl4
MEET ELD U ION~of the School of Education a new field in psychology are intcrested in the
Christmas is observed a little dif-Xsr which is primarily for women has re- mental growth and complete develop- In the t'
ferently (verywhere, and all of the While G'roup Il (oies Ii Sceond cently been developed in the pre- ment of the children. Others are in- cause and c
houses on campus have their own With Creditable Score school education of children. The terested in the problems of teaching;
customs for this gala occasion. At pre-school, as usually set up, educates the children, for all the children of Ameinto
Betsy Barbour house the Christmas MISS DEUTSCH IS WINNER children from the ages of 2 to 5 years. different ages are best treated in dcf- 1women will
ages wys Twomenden rwsille
spirit prevails for more than a week Their development is looked after frent ways. The children are studied
preceding vacation time, beginning At the Freshman Swimming meet from a physical, a mental, and a social ps ically, as their motoracontrol; o tll send
~psychologically, as their language and to the conxfe
with the trimming o' the tree on Sat- held at 7 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 8 at vie wpoint. A score or more of the interest; and socially and emotionally, the country.
urday morning. Only those who care the Union Pool, Group XV (Soehrens) principal universities have pre-school as social attitudes. The presic
to, or have time for it, help in the per- won 21 points which was the highest groups. Hull house in Chicago, Some colleges offer courses of in-
Iforming of this rite, but usually number gained by any team in the Northwestern in connection with the terest to those desiring to perfect Mary E. W
meet. Group III (Van Tuyl) came in Kindergarten college, and Franklin themselves for teaching in the pre- 'e, il
goodly number are present. - a close second with 20 points and public school are developing this new school, with chances for observation sita 1
On Saturdiy evening the house gives Group X (Thomas) with 7 points, and phase from different angles. Iigh- and practice. The emphasis is on secretary o f
I its fall formal and the Christmas tree Group IV (Maslen) with 5 points won land Park High Shool in Michigan has physical care, mental care, and social teeoitr
forms the motif for (lecoratios. third and fourth places. also established the pre-school as a adjustment. a egisrar
Favors for the guests are hung on the The events began with the Free part of its system. In general, the Environment aspects are studied in d members w
axoi orme uess ae hug o th ih evnts ega w e I P' ~'round table.
tree and given out during intermission. style race which was followed rapidly children in the pre-school spend the connection with educating the par-n
Sunday afternoon, beginning at _':30 by the side stroke and elementary time from S o'clock in the morning ents to help them to make adjustments .Nine orgy
o'clock, a real Christmas party is held, back crawl, each event ,having several until 3 o'clock in the aft rnoon at within the family group and the com-iIn econk
Only members of the house are pr s- heats. The relay was the occasion school. They have regular rest and munity and to see the home as a whole A Wmerican
ent with the exception oi a family of for much enthusiasm on the p rt of luncheon Their play is very in its relation to society. Training in omen, th
small children who have been espe- the girls, participating in the meet, informal and regulated by the adults this line is given potential home work- Home Miss
cially invited for the occasion. Gifts but not in this particular event. Three only when necessary for the child's ers. "The home and pre-school work Woman's 1
are given the children, and members teams entered with four members com- develop:nent. No child is allowed to together. The home is the most im- of North At
of the house hold a ceremonial proces- prising a team, and the race itse was become too self-assertive, while on the portant part of the child's life; a pre- alien of VW
sion in which they light the great quite close, other hand none are allowed to be- school cai o.,ly make it more valuable Board of t
Christmas candle in the living room In the diving event, swan dives, come retiring. in its cfe-:~iveness for its children. The Council of
and the candles in all of the frout standing fronts, jacknives, and back Those interested in the pre-schooi preschool and parental education offer National Leag
s windows. Christmas music and knives were all judged by Mrs. Louise find a number of branches of work to untold opportunities for careers to National
et Christmas stories are enjoyed until Van Sickle, Assistant Professor of i choose from. Those who are interest- those interested in children," Dr. tane Unio-,
dinner time, when the girls and their Physical Education, and Miss Pauline ed in home economics enjoy planning Greene concludes. {Trade Uni
V. Iguests repair to the dining roonm. Hodgson and Miss Laurie Campbell, gatSTB YATb espos
IeThen on Wednesday evening at din- Physical Education instructors. TheyHOST STUDENTS BUY PRESENTS ATEachporg
ner a more informal celebration is decided on Blanche Deutsch, '31 as the E 'S OPINION LOCAL STORES Tli
held. Long before this time the mem- winner, and on Katherine McMurray, gramTame
Ibers of the house have drawn names '31 for second place. This was follow- That students do not buy their places in the store. Handkerchiefs, conducted
and on this night they given anony- ed by other heats of the elementary Thwill be Se
-mous gifts to the persons whose back stroke and the free style. The Christmas presents in Ann Arbor, but are bought mostly as fillers, to be wle Sr
names they have drawn. Gifts are all meet was concluded by the novelty wait until they get home, is the opin- given where a small gift is desired, or the disarms
Y I of Nations
e supposed to be inexpensive, not ex- relay in which four teams contested. ion of most of the stores in Ann at the last minute, when someone has Donald, chl
e ceeding the price of 10 cents. A rope was tied around a swimmer's Arbor. been overlooked icies Assoc
- The last ceremony of all is of waist and let out as she swam to the "Many students buy books before of Columbi
course the anxious calling of taxis on other end of the pool; then it was up they leave," declared the manager of "Pillows of all sorts are in demand, luthi
n December 16. to her team members to pull her back one of the book stores. "They select especially lace covered ones. Silk less, auth
Next War,
!by the rope as quickly as possible, as mostly expensive books, ranging in underwear asnd hosiery, of course, Barnes of S
. 'MISSOURI VILLAGE the next swimmer could not start cost from three to fifty dollars. Pur- have a large sale," Miss Jessop went author on
until she has been touched by the first chase of the more expensive books is on. "Gloves seem to depend on the theory.
, RULED BY WOMEN one's hand. by no means rare, students usually weather, as they are much more in
A Group XV owes its points particul- prefering non-fiction books, in the demand since cold weather has come
-_ A government of women is now suc- arly to Martha Boehmer, '31 who won nicer editions. on. Much ready-to-wear is bought in=
cessfully running the affairs of Mis- first place in the back crawl, Blanche "Our busiest departments during the form of bathrobes, negligees, bed I
souri's newest village, Urbandale. Deutsch, '31 who won first place in the Christmas shopping season are the jackets and various kinds of bedroom
, This little hamlet recently petitioned diving, and Hilda Felske, '31, who won Gift department and the Drug depart- slippers and mules. The novel boxes
d for incorporation and when granted second place in free style. This ment," stated Miss Helen Jessop, ad- which are covered with various de- You
the petition the Randolph County group also won both the novelty and vertising manager of Mack and Com- signs and the new style of wrapping
Court appointed a board composed en- relay races. pany. Boutoniers are very popular paper and ribbon, which we are carry-
tirely of women. {{In Group III Katherine McMurray ad we have found it convenient to ing this season are proving very pop-
17 Several of the women were quite won first place in side stroke, free place them on sale in four different ular."
surprised when they heard of their style and second place in diving, and
it appointments to office and were not Dorothy Stonehous;, '31 took second ,,,_,___._._._._._._. _,_,_,_,
entirely pleased but they went about place in back crawl.
the business of organizing the village Miss Annis Hall, Physical Instructor, C
government, states that she has hopes for another
d At their first meeting Mrs. Ruth Freshman Swimming meet later, per- hTe
Fleming was elected chairman, other- haps in the Spring when the weather he hopes ihat it will bE'JEWELRY
, wise mayor, and Mrs. Lulu Gilfillan, will be warmer and more encouraging I
it secretary with duties similar to those to swimmers. Because-It is such an important style note this year that
t of a city clerk.cls.itait aThe
Urbandale has scheduled its first Mei Ling Soong, a graduate of Wes- Poiret cals it ostume ewelry an sels it as a
V. election for the first Tuesday after the leyan and Wellsley universities, has part of the Costume and Feren
e first Monday of April 1928, when the shattered all traditions at her recent Because-She never passes an attractive window full of it less 4
- feminine regime may or may not con- wedding, when she married Gen.
e tinue in office. Chang Kai-shek. without deciding which Bracelet, which Necklace, And
o-d or which pair of Earrings she would adore to have.
To accent the rich furs of
Winter time.
Metallichand Felt Hats
js Michigan Theatre Bldg.
a "
In the Arcade
Special Business Men's Luncheons From
11 to 2:30-40c, 50c, 60c
Dinner from 5 to 8 o'clock-75c to $1.00
Short Orders At All Times
We make a special for your Sunday Dinner
from 12 to 8 o'clock
- ~~- -
For "His" Christmacs 2-
Christmas Sale of Shi'rts
Lovely broadcloth shirts specially priced for the Holiday season. Just think what this season
means to your new shirt! Shirts priced as high as $2.50 are now reduced to $1.95. Dad or brother
will surely appreciate a new shirt Of English broadcloth. And the interesting feature about them
is that they are so reasonably priced.
CARL F. BA"Y , a
$ 1.00
Ties! Resplendent with color. Persian and Oriental designs, wide and narrow stripes, blocked
and checked designs are among this wonderful collection of ties. Ties make inexpensive gifts.