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December 10, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-10

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.1
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
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Entered at the postoffice at Frn Arbor,
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m?ster General.
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Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2124.
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Editor.......................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..:Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor..............Philip. C. Brooks
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith
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'elen Dancer Francis Patrick
Mary Dive George M. Perrett
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Douglass Fuller George Spater
,Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson
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Car W. Hamner Hannah Waller
Ray Holelich k
Amng those pesmists who would
like to see in our present day educa-
tional system the damnation of all
American youth, the idea that students
have very little religion or very ma-
terialistic religion enjoys great pop-
ularity and currency. These same
persons, doubtless, would be taken
aback to hear, from the lips of one
who is spending his life with students
and their religions, the remark that
"I am not one who claims that be-
cause students are relatively indi!r-
ent to many current expressions of
religion, that they are therefore neces-
arily irreligious or indifferent to re-

This statement was made by Eric
Thomsen, student, councilor of the1
Student Christian association. I
And after all, and notwithstanding
the pessimists, one is impelled toC
agree with Mr. Thomsen, for underly-
ing the whole shallow superficiality
of college students (the deliberate su-
perficiality in many cases), there runs
a deeper strain than students are gen-
erally credited with. Scoffing there
is; to be sure, and ridicule and criti-
cism, but through it all the students
of today are thinking, and are forging
for themselves a religion much more
sound and enduring than the airy
faiths of many of their predecessors.
The University student of today is
taught to think; he is taught to ex-
amine the problems of his everyday
life from the standpoint of scientific
accuracy; and the inevitable result is
conviction rather than credulity, and
a religion which, if wrong, is open
to alteration on the basis of new
All in all there is very little cause
for alarm in the situation of student1
religion today, even on the part of
narrow theologians. From the univer-
sities and educational centers aret
emerging men and women who may
not hold the most conservative beliefs,t
but who hold them the more firmly.
for their being more broad. Alarmists1
there will always be, and pessimists,
but the evidence from observation, ex-
nressed by Mr. Thomsen. is more val-;

versity work, and obtaining sugges-
tions for the improvement of the
Freshman week program next year,
the presence of representatives from / /
14 ,Detroit high schools in Ann Arbor 11
this week is highly desirable.
The essence of this event is co-
operation, and co-operation is always Class rivalries were cast aside last
a thing worth striving for; as a result, night, when large numbers of the
in this case there is little doubt but Freshman class flocked to the Union
that graduates of Detroit high schools to support the dancing affair attempt-
next June contemplating entering the ed annually by the Sophomores.
University will find the path far


smoother as a result of better and "We almost backed out when we
more complete understanding on the saw the favors," declared Percival
part of high school and University Squirt, leader of the Freshman delega-
officials. tion. "If they hadn't proved there had
Another phase of the meeting that been some kind of a mistake we would
is not to be overlooked is the fact have left their old party flat."
that it may eventually lead toward a
solution of the proposed plan recom- THE CHAPERONES CORNER ;
mended by President Little whereby
just as extensive and thorough andt
education may be garnered by theF
average student who goes through
high school and university, by greater
co-operation on thI part of officials
of both institutions, which would re-,
duce the number of years usually
spent in that pursuit, without loss ofI
any kind to the individual concerned.
This is one of the most important
problems troubling educators at the
present time, and it is not wholly im-
probable that such assemblages and
conferences as were held in Ann Ar- "The chaperones added much to the
bor this week will lead to some so- atmosphere of the occasion," declared
lution relative to that problem. Reginald Swank, chairman of the
With Freshman week already shown Soph Prom committee. "The party,
beyond a doubt to be a success, but was a great success, and we feel we
with greater efficiency and perhaps owe it all to the chaperones."
perfection still to be attained, it is * * *
significant and highly commendable STUDENTS FACE PUNISH31ENT
that high school and University ed- Every student who used a taxi for
ucators should combine their efforts the Sophomore Prom lastightis
on matters the benefits of which are liable to severe punishment and pos-
anything but problematical. sible expulsion, according to the Rolls
special sub-committee appointed to
COOLIDGE'S AMBITIONS. Iinspect the affair.
From the speech with which Pres-
idet Coldgeopned(te 7th"Thie ato rles mst i be (nforced,"
ident Coolidge opened the 70th ses- the comittee reported. "Ever'y one
sion of Congress it would be very of those students had -ian autimobile
plain that he does not intend to be at his dispoSal. They are guilty of
a candidate in 1928, even if he had not deliberate disregard of the spirit of
publicly committed himself on the the regulations."
subject. Among presidential utter- * * *
ances the statements of the opening THE GIRLS THAT MAhE .OUR
speech are unique, for they show a PROMS
wholehearted, and almost defiant, dis-
regard of the popular opinion. BEFORE
For instance, no candidate for the
presidential nomination in 1928 could
commit more complete political sui-
cide than by openly denouncing farm
relief, and while Coolidge did not
openly disapprove, he stated in so
many words that any measure design-
ed to aid the farmers directly will not Come to the Prom, my sweet;
have the Presidential sanction, and Tune up your dainty feet.
that the most he would favor is the Honey, you can't be beat.
creation of a federal farm board to Come to the Prom!
look into their problems.
Turning to flood relief, the President AN) AFTER
more or less apathetically condoned
what is inevitable-federal aid for!
spillways, dikes, and aids to naviga-
tion on the lower Mississippi. As far
as any energetic program for flood
f relief and prevention is concerned,
the President is apparently not the
least bit interested.j
Taking taxation as the third sub- Gawd, oh Gawd, my feet are sore. f
ject, Coolidge again showed an amaz- I'd syear you weighed three hun-
ing apathy, volunteering the opinion, dred more
however, that he would favor reduc- Than just a hundred twenty-four.
tion of taxes rather than any am- A mule team couldn't kick me
bitious program of national defense. more.
The other commitments were the reg- Next time I go I'll be more sure
ular stock phrases of Presidents in Who I take to the Prom!
opening speeches; the things that are * * *
ever favored but never accomiplished. WtVITlW)OW MOURNS FOR
It goes without saying, in this classi- LOSTl OPPORTUNITIES I
fication, that the President wants only Ken Withrow, down but not out as
defensive military forces, strict en- official University cop, spent a pain-
forcement of the prohibition law, ef- ful evening, according to a special
ficient inland transportation, investi- Rolls correspondent senti to interviewl
gation of the Philippines, and under- him.
standings with foreign nations toward *
outlawing war. These are the things "The party must furnish a wonder-
about which Coolidge has talked ever ful opportunity for my successor,"1
since he entered the White House. Withrow, who was sound asleep during1
They should not be taken too seri- the entire interview, might have re-
ously. marked. "But I hope I get a chancer
All in all the address of the Pres- to make up when they have ther
ident was very ordinary. It may be -Hop."j
that the cares of office, endured for Bejaini Bolt.j
more than four years, have worn the
man down to the point where he cares PAN-HELLIC BRINGS RESULTS

for nothing more than ordinary Although greatly outnumbered a
achievement: It is perfectly plain second-year man was allowed to leadI
that here will be no vigorous hand the thundering hoofers in their Big
over Congress during the session, and Parade. One or two other Sophomorest
the possibility of executive leadership, were supposed to have been on hand
always a threat, seems so remote now for moral support, but they could not1
as to be almost out of the question. be located this morning,.
The policies outlined by the Pres-**
ident on the three major issues-farm "If we had had the precedent of go-t
relief, flood control, and taxation- uing to the Pan-Hellic extravaganza
are neither vigorous or impressive. we might have attended," declared a
There is room for doubt as to whether representative of the Sophomores.
they are right. They are certainly not "But as it was we were too polite to
the attitudes of a man who might take the places of those who paid ourI
have presidential aspirations for 1928. class dues."'
Little rid clocks were given as partf
With just three more pledges by stu- cf the pennlty for hoying tickets.f
dent organizations to the University Someone on the comiatittee called them
administration, the word "coopera- "favors," Iut it was tikeni in goodc
tion" will be declared in the over Ispirit by those who received them.I
worked vocabulary by the rhetoric de- I
partment. One lady guest went into rapturesf
over her little Big Ben. "I can hardlyC
"Add Telephone Lines To Combat wait," she cried, "till I hear this ducky
Big Fires." According n rennts of little thine strike the hour."

NIGHT: The 37nies present their
twenty-second annual opera, "The
Same to You" at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock
in the Whitney theater.
A Review, by R. Leslie Askren
The audience in their stiff-bosomed
shirts applauded the over-ripe fruit
of art which the Michigan Union and
the authors call an Opera. Apparently
Dougall and Wall had their tongues
in their cheeks in the true Hollywood
manner else they would never have
called "The Same to You" an opera-
not seriously, that is. It's darn good
burlesque, an artistic thumbing of the
nose at all good musical comedies
that are now 'packing them in the
aisles' on Broadway, but it seriously
can't be an Opera.
So much for a Razz review. Seri-
ously, the opera has possibilities.
Damn me for a hopeless optimist and
enthusiast if the show hasn't possi-
bilities. I like it now. I'd like it a
lot better if some things were changed
in it, but as it stands it opght to
please our worthy Alumni. They,
contrary to Ann Arbor audiences, will
not ask that the men look like wom-
en, or that the voices be good, or that
the lances 16 any more than a lot of
floor pounding with that part of the
antomy which 'Bud' so coyly identified
as "that." Most of the Alumni will
probably not be in any condition to
know anyhow. They are cut for a
good time. A good musical comedy
would be wasted on them.
Still more seriously, the show this
year is an ambitious attempt to do
something good, in a modern way.
There is a plot, melodramatic plot
that glitters as such a plot should.
There are some good dance numbers
which, if somebody would only get
interested in them, might be worked
up into smooth hoofing. There are
some really colorful costumes-Rus-
sian Rose scene was a knockout. And
the technical effects would be fine,
effective, if the fog didn't knock over
the lampost, and glass-crash didn't
come more or less as an afterthought.
Things like that would ruin any show,
no matter how many George Whites
we had on the campus.
The first act drags-because it
ought to move fast. What I mean
is that it is unnecessary to make the
audience mark time. There is no need
for the lead bars to every dance, as!
if one were to say "one, two, three,
there! Now enjoy yourselves." That
makes a show drag. And then it is an
admitted fact that there are no voices
in the cast. Why sing. Bawl the
songs out. That would be better than
a halfbaked attempt at sentimental
singing-on the order of George Ran-
dall's. And many of the numbers are
too long. Theme and variations are all
right for Beethoven, but when "Just
Because" is done in every manner ex-
cept the Yiddish enthusiasm so biased
even as mine begins to lag. I would
rather have seen the thing cut in half
and the time remaining to ,Dougall's
or Lewis' graceful efforts. Or, dia-
logue might be used--which reminds
me that for sheer wetness the dia-
logue is easily comparable to the girls
chorus. Wet, partly because the wise-

cracks are dragged in wholesale,

I,1 ss ll sI n 1 1 M n O~I I I / I u

Christmas-then the New Year! And
another milestone on the pathway of Time
is behind us. Reflect! Has 1927 been a
year of achievements-one of Progress
and Prosperity for you? Is it leaving you
in a' contented mood to enjoy the many
blessings of the coming happy holidays7
We hope so!
It's been a wonderful chapter in this
Bank's history. If we satisfy as mnany
patrons in the coming year as we have in
the past, we'll consider 1928 another big
success. Can we count on SERVING
101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave.


without any particular
because the 'pointing' of
pitiful for its weakness.

reason, and
the jokes is
,Strange a2

it may seem, there are some 'laughs'
in the lines. Their age and perennial
reappearance proves it.
Now, allow me to take a couple of
vicious cracks at the cast. For one,
George Randall, ham actor supreme,
and greatest living 'ad-liber.' Put him
at a piano and he'd play it like a
harp-at least that's how he sings.
Wetzel, cast in a Samuel Hardy "Fan-
shaw never fails" role, tries to make
a Bond street Sherlock Holmes out of
it. Try and do it. The trouble of
course in this case is with the cast-
ing. Wetzel simply isn't anything near
the part, and by a bigger difference,
he isn't a comedian.
* *
The Detroit Symphony under the
baton of Ossip Gabrilowitsch will ap-
pear in Ann Arbor Monday evening
for the third conecert of the Extra
Concert series. In addition the or-
chestra will present a children's con-
cert Monday afternoon at 2:30 under
the direction of Victor Kolar.
The complete program is as fol-
Overture, "Rosamunde ......Schubert
Symphony in D Minor........Franck
Lento, Allegro non tronno

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