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December 10, 1927 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-10

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Typical Of Modern



LANSING, ;wee. -o. rdW.
Green announrced yeteda tat John

Sugges ting that state legrisla tnu'



F T R"College men who don't drink,
OF SIR ST S[II swear, or smoke are non-existent to-
day," Dean Randall of Brown univer-
"TH E SHOW OFF," BY GEORGE sity asserted recently in a story writ-
KELLY, WAS YESTERDAY'S ten for the Providence Journal.
ATTEMPT OF CLASS "An anxious father recently asked
NAUURATE NEW IE me to select a room mate for his son,
who was to occupy a room in one of
Laboratory Methods, Patterned After the college dormitories," Dean Ran-
Yale Courses, Adopted Here V dall continued. "I hestate a'}out as-
For Current Year suming this responsibility and urged
the father to make his own selection.
With a private laboratory showing The father, however, insisted that he
yesterday of "The Show Off," the would much rather leave the tak in
popular comedy by George Kelly, Play my hands, suggesting that he simp:y
wanted a safe companion for his boy,
Production completed the third play who had been very carefully brought
of its semester series. There are six 1 up at home. 'I want a boy,' lie said,
more productions to be given. 'who doesn't drink, smoke, or swear,
The laboratory production idea has who doesn't play cards and patronze
been inaugurated this year by Erl the theaters, and I haven't much use
for one who doesn't attend church
Fleischman, present director of Play regularly.' I told the parent that I
Production classes, following the was very sorry to inform him that
beginnings of the work of last year they had stopped making th. t tye
under David Owen, who is now North- of boy some time ago."
Old Formulas Impossible
western university. Classes haye OCeefl Confirming his belief in that stat-
organized in stagecraft, dramatics, ment, Dean Randall said, further,.
direction and other arts of the theater "Those who are intimately acquainted
following the model of the courses with the boys of the present genera-
madefamus t Yle uivesit bytion know that there is no question
made famous at Yale university by abont the truth 'of my statement
Professor Baker. The old Universityabotbroughteuen
ball auditorium, which was last year Boys today are not brought up n1
remodeled and equipped for theati-( the old way, and parents who attempt
cal production, is being used as the to follow the old formulas to the
workshop for the classes. It was con- letter will not only find it an impos-
emned for public offerings by the sible task to secure obedience, but
Board of Regents last year as the they will also be very likely to make
first step towards a new campus the- a bad mess of the whole. If one
ater to be used in the academic study should make a study of the students1
of modern drama, and this has neces in our colleges today he would be
sitated the use of Mimes theater for surprised to find how few boys havet
all public productions put on by the been brought up under the old re-
group. The first of these will be "The gime or who could measure up to1
,, . the standards set by the expectant
Romantic Young Lady," a translation tesadrsstb h xetn
I om ic ounL yl~ari~trn 1 father. If by chance we should find
from the Spanish of Martinez Sierra, fahrIfbcanewsoudfdI,
which will be offered at the Mimes a boy who might, qualify as a pro-
theater for three performances begin- per room mate for such an unusualz
icheate threu e rformanickes aenw son I am sure some of us would be
on sale at the box office and inthe alarmed as o his mental and even1
his moral conition."
lower corridor of University hall. This Ssmr cnt . e
will be the last regular dramatic I uld-be tsubleoe b
production by a campus organization. "If the would-be troublesome boy
until after the vacation period. is once under suspicion, and he often<
Install Modern Rooms is, and he is uncertain as to whether
Considerable work has been done those in authority are going to al-z
this year on the workshop theater, in- low him to continue his course, he
ciuding' the installation of a modern is the most submissive individual im-
dressing and/ make-up room. All of aginable. He unhesitatigly throws
the sets to be used in "The Romantic away all camouflage, opens his in-
Young Lady" and'in the private clasner being to your inspection, and
yungLad a nd'biny the privtecras quickly responds to your every wish.
plays are built by the stagecraft At such a time the man has an op-
classes under the direction of Rich- Atunt t tudy the mnal an-
ard Woelhaf, Grad., an assistant in portunity to study the mental and
the department. New lighting ar- moral characteristics of his subject
rangements are being built in to fur- ,a good deal as the surgeon may study
ther the work and make it of as suf-I the condition of his patient before
ficiently practical nature. The object him on the operating table. Very
of th' courses now beig "offered, ac- frequently when these youthful un-
cordthecorsesowabfhs ofred, a- fortunates are on the carpet, parents
cording to Fleischman, is to fill aCarcleditthcofenad]
long-felt need in the University cur- are called into the conference, and
riculum for dramatic production oI we have an opportunity to compare
all kinds with credit given. Formely the moral values of one generation
all such undertakings have ben handl- with those of the other. It is surpris-
ing to note that in thes large majority
ed by outside campus organizations.ofcssteyugrenatoiak
Two plays were given this week of cases the younger generatheolmad-
prior to "The Show Off." Franz Mol-e a bettershowing than the old-
nar's "The Guardsman," recently giv- er.Father's Record Lauable
en here by the New York Theater Atuer'soRecrd to me 1111
Guild company at the Whitney thea- A student once came to me in
ter, was 'produced by one group on great distress, saying tiat his father
Wednesday, and "Saturay's Children," had set such high intellectual and
by Maxwell Anderson, who collabor- i moral standards for him that he found
ated with Laurence S'tallings, in extremely difficult to live up .o
"What Price Glory?" was given by them. The boy remarked that he
another on Thursday. would like to know what kind of a
Monday afternoon "Sun Up," the student his father was. I went down
Lulun Vollmer success, will be the into the vault, pulled out the dusty
,ns willbe twerecords, and found the official state-
off ering, and this will be followed l ment concerning the father's college
on Tuesday by Hatcher Hughes' "Hell course. The report was in no sense
Bent Fer Heaven." Wednesday morn- creditable and showed very plainly
ing the play by Roland Pertwee,w eaheraws anxious for his
"Evening Dress Indispensable'" wil son to dbter thanxhehs one.
be the production, while in the after- better than he had done.
noon there will be given "Love In A The boy was indeed surprised and ex-
claimed, 'If I could not beat that re-
Mist," by Gilbert Emery. cord with half an effort, I would
Two Plays After Christmas ) volunta~ily leave college.'
The remaining two productions will Dean Randall pleaded in his story
be presented after the Christmas holi-
days, and will be PhilipBarry's "The fore condemnatn s yot nd
onet," an he attempts at analysis and under-
Youngst, on Jan 10,standing. -
Concert," a German work by Her-

mann Bahr, Jan. 12.
All of the plays are but indirectly
the work 'of F s-unnan, since ad- TICAL
vanced students 1.z diiection 1 Ivc rab
en over that duty. The clao,;s N1.1 DEPARTMENT
been put to little ex cn. e I th
production, since they are following Lenses and Frames made
the laboratory method, and are mere . To Order
ly experimenting for proper vehicles Optical Prescriptions
to be given publicly later on in the illedp s
year. The next of these will be given Filled
Jan. 16 at the Mimes theater, and hasHA ER
not as yet been announced, although HA LLER S
the rights for a public playing of "Te State. St. Jewelers
Guardsman" have been secured.

S. Haggerty, secretary of state, was gain a more intimate acquaintance-I
making a survey of future highway ship With educational problems. Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little addressed
improvement needs of the State and a the teachers of the Hamtraick
forecast of priObablle reveniu e from schools 'ursday aftter'nooii. Tbe
the three-cent gas tax and the weight President expressed disappointmient
tax with a view of making recoimen- that the legislature constantly fails
dations for a reduction in the weight to pass University appropriations ll-
tax at the next session of the Legisla- til late in the session.
ture. President Little held that though
Following the decision of the Su- the idea of giving the University at o
preme court last week upholding the propriations bill preferred considera-I
three-cent gas tax, the governor an- tion in the state legislature may not
nounced he favored a reduction of the b( in accordance with the best of
weight tax. logic, it is at least extremeiy practi-,
"It would seem with the added cal. The educational appropriation,;
revenue from our additional gas tax aro constantly held up and considera-
we can catch up in our road building tion of them" h'urried at the end be-
and in two or three years prepare a I cause of the dilatory procelure
conservative road building program whih governs the legislative sched-
that will call for less taxes from the ule.N
motor car owners," the governor said.. President Little suggest ed that the
"Undoubtedly, a weight tax reduction chairman of the financial committee
bill will be submitted to the next Leg-
islature. It may be a 25 per cent, a
50 per cent or 75 per cent reduction,
depending upon the results of our
investigations and estimates on the
amount of road building that should
be done.",__ __

}of the ~legilature should l>c ''ant lf-
telligent critic of the problems of
euic ati on as a basis of good buM-
The President made two appeals,
one for youth and the other for what
he termed "simple non-denominatIon-
al Christianity."
"e must becomne aware of the
fact that youth is traveling by us at
a rapsil pace,' he said, "and that we
the faculty, the executives, and the
citizens of the state must keep pace
with it," the President declared. Uni-
versities have changed :n our time
even as much as industries and wars.,,
From the sectarian institution in the
1 eginning the modern university Ias
become a non-sectarian and endowed
sc.hoot. It has reached the point
where it is an eternal challenge to
the state."



Jeferson county, Kenmteky claims one of the firt aerial police forces in
the south. It is compose. of the three men abov,, Lieut. Duncan '1\cCallum,
Sid Park and John Russ. The "'flying cops'' possess all o the powers of their
fellow officers on motorcycles. Their plane, "Kitly Lee," can easily overtake
the fastest automobile and advise headquarters of its location.
Student Prohibito NOTED EDUCATOR

Crocker Will ot
Make World Cruise
It. was eroneously stated in yes-
ttorday's issue of The Daily that Lion.:
G. Crocker, instructor in the cep~rt-

Reaching a Dramatic Peak
Seldom Attained on Stage or Screen

v iolarors 3uspeimccu

Joseph Beery, '28, and Beverly Shel-
ton, '30A, were suspended from the
University yesterday for the remain-f
der of the academic year because of
their recent apprehension by police
officials on a charge of violating the
prohibition law. Beery and Shelton
were arraigned in court earlier in the
week where they pleaded guilty
to the charge of possessing liquor,
and were remanded to jail for sen-
tence. Both are at liberty now o1
bond, but will be sentenced this morn-
The action of the University Di -
cipline committee expelling the w(
students came yesterday after an :-
vestigation of the case on the part.
of University authorities.
This is the second time that dis-
ci inarJ action has been taken thi ,

---- ment of speech, would make the ri
Dr. Edward A Steiner, distinquish- with the university cruise as a mem-
cd author, educator, and lecturer, will her of the faculty. Crocker will not
make the trip this year. He made the
d liver the address in the IIenry liar- trip last year, but has no intention
tin Lou lecture series, at 7:30 o'clock of attending the forthcoming one.'
tomorrow night at the First MethodistT
church. TH R AE______
Dr. Steiner, former professor at TODAY ONLY
Grinnell college in Iowa, has appear- MONTE BLUE
eti in Ann Arbor several times pre- in
vousv. I "Across The Pacific"
ST. LOUTS-A aintin r h I (Ni a Western)

The Now Famous Roles of



by a St. Louis art dealer through a
New York agent for $250 has been
identified as a lost masterpiece of
Eugene Delacroix, French painter. The
value is estimated betwten $200.000
and $250,()00.

Also 4 other suIljct5
ThIs "Ad" iti 10c.
Freshmen admitted FREE if
with thit:ir parentf,

Are Thautiifuiiy
Characterized by




Upiia y u vinai t iLA1
fall in regard to matters concernina
the prohibition law, since Howard
Kresge, '30E, and James Lewis; '39,
were disciplined less than two weeks
ago after being caught by federal olfi-
cers attempting to bring 11 quarts
of liquor into the country from Can-
ada. Kresge and Lewis were placed
on probation, while the actio'y con-
cerning Beery and Shelton suspends
them from school for a year. Thn
latter pair possessed nine quarts of
p . u
girls OE
,. XAI

) RPHE '
I~iT iE



Red Hot Melodrama

iri s
a"E tif iii
' 'ls



(x l
fG I
ii ii1

Surrounded by Big Dramatic Cast of Players
A Pre-Christmas Laugh Festival AND
The Funmest Picture In 5 Years
3% -
..1+ f'--. 3 ie - '
":""warjiu hes . mw .! ' ' :
J".;Conidine 1" ! :Y .S"rf=
prwn Hes





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.: "With
Santa Claus brought two M
doughboys a harem belle! and LOUIS WOL9
They fought for her, about -'
her, and in spite of her! They made HE .



One won her.
And howli

They made EACH
OTHER laugh.
They made ARABIA laug1.


T hey'll make YOU laugh.
1000 and one LAUGHS !,!
ifi the World's funniest doughboy comed.


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