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December 10, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-10

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mA AfE.

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Harrigan, McCoy, Kanitz, Itaber, And
Nyland Are Selected To
Start Gamee
By Iterbert E. Vedder.
For the inaugural of their 1927-28
basketball season tonight in Yost I
field house, the Wolverines, undisput-
ed Big Ten titleholders last year, will!
find as opposition their traditional
rival from East Lansing, Michigan
State college. The tip-off, officially F
opening the season, is scheduled for
7:30 o'clock and the doors of the Leadin
field house will be open at 7 o'clock. ers seas
Wi~h a much rearranged and return f
thoroughly makeshift quintet, Coach season
Mather's five is nevertheless a top appear a
heavy favorite to bowl over the Spart-
ans. Bennie Oosterbaan, all-Confer-
enc forward last year and third high
scorer o-" the Big Ten, will not be in
the lineup tonight as he is attending
the annual football "Bust" given by 1
Detroit tonight at the Hotel Statler.
Two dNew Men In Lineup.
In the Wolverines' starting lineup Rockfor
are two men who have never been on An
the Michigan squad before. These are
the two forwards, Kanitz and Raber.
McCoy and Harrigan are the veterans HENDI
though Harrigan has been shifted back
to his old place at running guard in- Retur
stead of forward where he was lo-snt
cated part time last year.
Herman Nyland, AMA winner though ford Pla
not a regular a year ago, is the fifth field an
man in the lineup. He is listed as a and un
guard but following the tip-off, Mc- Henders
Coy will drop back to the standing
guard with Nyland playing center in mentw
the attack. "The 131
With two capable but nevertheless The P
green forwards, it is quite likely that seasonf
the play of the running guard, Harri-
gan, will play a great part in the
wolverine offense as Oosterbaan's ab- last spr
sence should weaken the attack of the ular se
Mather charges. play fo
Although the attack may center land afte
about Harrigan, it is promised that it
will be more varied than that of the play, wi
invaders. Reports have it that Dick- \Miss K
enson, star forward who played end on given e
the grid team, is practically the Spart- with p
an team. d
State Victory Unimpressive. and Sa
Michigan State has played one game expens
this year, with Adrian, but the Wol- League
verines should be in every bit as good be pres
shape. In the game with Adrian, thet pres
Spartans did not show to too great always
advantage in winning by only a few with th
points but were handicapped by the week.
absence of their star guard, Drew, who Mrs.
was injured. It is doubtful if he canr
play tonight but ifhe is able will reputat
probably get the call over Colvin.jcompan
Another possible substitution for Kearns
State is McGillicudy, but his showing with W
against Adrian was rather disappoint- with th
ing For Michigan, Coach Mather has Ann A
indicatcd that Slagle, Lovell, Rose, and Char]
Schroeder are likely to get in the tor of t
game as substtutes, depending on of the
how"the going" becomes. on-Avo
Slagle and Lovell are listed as for-i ing ma
wards though either can play the Englan
guard position which is Rose's natural It is
place. Schroeder is a center, primar- will be
ily. ;Chapman, a good forward pros- pany,
pect has been in the hospital a few on a v
days this week with blood poisoning membe
and will not be able to play.- I Royton
The probable lineups: 1 compar
Dickenson.......F............Raber summe
Hood ...........F.............Kanitz tion to

Felt.............C........... McCoy actress
Russo ............-G............ Nyland reperto
Colvin ..........G......... Harrigan IMore
Little Will Be Host "The
At Alumni Meeting'Kearn
Alumni from all over America will Barry
be guests of Dr. Clarence Cook Little, Arlen's
President of the University of Michi-1 Barrie'
gan, at a dinner Saturday, Jan. 21, in Medals
the Michigan Union. erine,"
At this dinner the President will most p
elaborate upon his 10-year plan topresen
unite into a strong body the 67,000 pThe i
Michigan alumni throughout the coun- ed frot
try. President Little's plan culmi~ The L
nates in 1937, which is the 100th an- PrizeI
niversary of the founding of the Uni- "TheL
versity. no"You
The dinner at the Union will not "Clare
be a subscription affair. Planshave Madan
been made for at least 1,000 guestsdcess, "
and all former students are invited
At that time preparations also will be
made for the Triennial Convention in


IS S CT OF TALHLS NS HDancing ami scores oCrists newsreel featu; ethat the com-
;treesa il reath analunder dimmed paiiy screens throughout Michigan,
flfIAIIIR T PV 'P n ' rn I iiiR. 111 lights and mistletoe, some 250 couples Close-ups were made of Holbrook and
:; l .. I who last night were guests at the pe- Miss Williams and other members of

!I ul lIutul lUIl 1UIuuU

Dr. C. C. Sturgis Explais Treatmen".
For Pernicious Anemia In
Third Of Talks
"Although the average American
will naturally want to know more
about the events in which his own
country is concerned and to see his
past nresented in as favorable a light
as the facts warrant, there can be no
such thing as pro-American, or pro-
English, or pro-German," declared
Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of the history
department, speaking on the subject
"Truthful History" on the sixth and
Ilast Michigan radio night program of
i this year broadcast over WWJ, the
Detroit News, last night.
"When a presentation becomes pro
or anti," Dr. Cross explained, "it
I ceases to be history. Writers anti

fil I LI I L1I LL U RLLTrennial Sophomore Prom, reveled t the committee with their guests or
- the smart melodies from Jack Mc- escorts.
CONSII)ER TAX MEASURES AN) Gay's ten-piece Country Club orches- Fully 80 Christmas trees were em-
VISIT U NIVERSITY tra of Detroit. ployed by the decorators in their at-
IN MORNIN( Numerous features were combined at tempt to create the intended holiday
---the formal affair, the first all-campus atmosphere. The trees were dis riut-
PLAN B-EARLY MEETINGS event of that type to be held this e"d about the room, some being ti-
year, to rate it among the besL;cn med to represent the Christmas spirit
ducted proms since the projects were and some snow-covered to produce a.
ScAte4oi' Edcational Psssroa ti initiated on the campus social calen- naturalistic effect. In front of the
' h Should Contain Pdar. fireplace, in which burned some 20
- dctnThe grand march-which formed at red taners, were two of the largest
Ways and means by w'hich lumber- 11o'clock and was led by George trees, trimmd with countless electric
men and timberland owner, couldmco- Holbrook, '30E, of Ann Arbor, also ; lights. At the base of all the trees
operate with the School n!r Forestry general chairman of the Prom, and was representation of green grass.
andtCoetio wheh discusedstry his guest, Miss Dorothy Hay Wilh:ams, The orchestra pit was specially
and Conservation were discussed a t'
' the convention of committees of for- '29, also of Ann Arbor--presented a trimmed with boxwood and locust
esters yesterday in Natural Science novelty never before attempted here trees. Over it was placed a matting of'
building. These committees, repre- when it formed a moving block M. greenery, and emblazoned on that was
senting the northern and the south- The flashlight picture that was tak- a huge red '30 outlined in silver. The
ern peninsulas of Michigan, were call- en of this action was sold later in thi numeral was placed under a spotlight
ed together by President Clharence evening, and it portrayed the usual all evening.
Cook Little for the purpose of ini- weird postures and expressions that Wreaths of arbor vining and box-1
t s-pecting the new forestry school and usually accompany such photos of wood, united with huge rel lbows, fur-
ljseeing what progress had been made lar~ge grouns. nse h eoain o h )x
since its inaugural this fall. m The Reograms company of Lansing, conies. On each of the columns was
The morning session of the com- filmed the procedure of the march and placed a small tree enearthed in an
mittees was devoted to discussion of later stages of the dance as the eve- Italian jar. Tne chaperones' booi1h
tax measui'es and a general inspec- ning progressed. The pictures thus was formed of a hedge of pine trees
tion of the school. Members off the taken will be used in connection with garnished with red.
faculty outlined activities of the -
school and showed how the school sell Bre Veil
could be of assistance to the lumber
f owners. The committeemen visited all I H 1 AL M I O D Of Secrecy To M ake
departments and laboratories where S
t they were given practical demonstra- impo tant Statement
tions. A desire to have the activities ,
Ipublished for the use of lumbermen -
was expressed by the committee. - University Of liclugan Club To Pre- (By Associated Press)
-- - - 1. . +10-- V-+1-11 WASHINGTON, DEC. 9.---Edward

Elsie Herndon Kearns
ag lady of the Rockford Play-
on here last summer, who will
or the last six of a 10 week
in whichithe company Visl
at the Whitney.


.1 Giroup 1o Bring Miss Kearnis
id Mlrs. Richard M1ansfield



Opening February 14




ning for a 10 weeks' stock sea-
he Whitney theater, the Rock-
yers, with Mrs. Richard Mans-
d Miss Elsie Herndon Kearns,
der the direction of Robert
on, '26, will open their engage-
with Veiller's mystery play,
th Chair," Feb. 14.
layers are noN# in their second
in Rockford, Ill., haying ap-
in Ann Arbor for three weeks
ing in repertory, and in a reg-
ason last summer. They will
ur weeks, with Mrs. Mansfield,
er the week of the Junior Girls'
ill continue for six weeks, with
earns. Performances will be
very night, including Sunday,
opular matiness Wednesdays
turdays. All proceeds above
es will go to the Women's
building fund. The plays will

ented on repertory system, not
with a new play each lay, but
ree or four different ones each
Mansfield is an actress of wide
ion, and appeared with the
y in Rockford last season. Miss
was formerly leading lady
Valter Hampden, and appeared
:he company this summer in
les Warburton, formerly direc-
he Old Vic in London, and also
Memorial theater in Stratford-
n, will be the company's lead-
n. Henderson brought him from
d after his trip last summer.
hoped that Amy Loomis, '23
able to appear with the com-
although she has been ordered
acation by her physician. Othe
rs of the cast will be Velma
, from Henry Jewett's Boston
ny, Paul Fause and Franz Ro-
both of whom were here thi
r, and Louise Butler, in addi-
Frances Bavier, a prominen
with the company in their
ory season here last spring.
'than 13 bills will be presente
the 10 weeks, opening witt
13th Chair," and including
"Hedda Gabler," in which Mis
made a great impression thi
r, Lonsdale's "Aren't We All?,
an's "Merton of the Movies,
Conners' "the Patsy," Michae
"These Charming People,
's "The Old Lady Shows He
s," and Shaw's "Great Cath
which holds the record of th
performances of any play eve
ted in Ann Arbor.
remaining plays will be select
m the following: Kaufman's "T
adies," George Kelly's Pulitze
play, "Craig's Wife," Sutro'
Laughing Lady," Philip Barry'
and L" Booth Tarkington'
nce," Gilda Varesi's "Ente
ne," and the recent Chicago suc


teachers must have the courage o
their convictions, and it is the im-
perative duty of the voter to select
for responsible positions men who
have intelligence, tolerance and know-
ledge sufficient to select teachers ade
( quate to fulfill a great public trust
"As a matter of fact," Dr. Cross de
clared, "there is very little extrem
writing in the texts and manuals use
in schools and colleges. Each countr
and people has its aims and pro.
lems, its racial psychology; whe
they come into conflict it is the tas
of the historian to study, weigh, an
balance and to present a fair-minde
Few Concessions Necessary
"Reverting to the writing an
! teaching of history, two concession
have to be made," Dr. Cross contin
ued. "First, it is very proper in
democracy that there shall be fran
and fearless criticism of matters tha
concern the public as a whole, par
ticularly in so vital a matter as th
education of youth. Secondly, as;
reaction against a somewhat exhub
erant complacency and smug opt:
mism in our literature and histor
land a tendency in our biography no
l only to exclude all unlovely traits bu
t to add qualities, edifying themselve
to which the subject of the eulog
would lay no claim, a reaction ha
set in and various mean and commo
traits have on occasion been empn
1 sized outofsall proportion, resuh
Iing," Dr. Cross concluded, "in pictu
es equally untrue to life."
l In between the three speeches Ji
ciuded on last night's program we.
r featured a total of 19 popular an
semi-classical song numbers by th
- University of Michigan Glee club u
der the direction of Theodore Harr
son, of the University School of Mi
sic. The Glee club opened and co
cluded the program, many Michiga
songs being included in their repe
toire. The program was, as usua
in charge of Waldo M. Abbot, of t
I rhetoric department.
r 1 Explains Speech Function
"If the general function of all ed
n atloi is largely or wholly to assi
- a than in learning how to live happ
s ly and usefully in his world, then tI
- function of speech is to make p
t culiarly significant and direct contr
r bution to the function of all eruc
ftion," Prof. James M. O'Neill, ne
d head of the speech department, w1
h Was second speaker on the progra
g declared. "Speech is man's most co
s mon and useful means of adaptati
s to and influelte or control over t
most importaht part of his enviro
ment; namely, other people. Speec
1 then, as a field of education, is th
field in which men are at workc
r problems in this important aspect
- human activty."
e After briefly mentioning the wo
r of the Simbson Memorial Institu
for Medical Research in the Unive
- ity, which devoted entirely to t
o study and treatment of pernicio
r anemia disease, since its foundati
s by Mrs. Thomas Henry Simpson
s Detroit. Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis confi
s ed the rest of his talk to a discussi'
r of the disease itself.
- Explains Disease
"Pernicious anemia is relative
common and most frequently occu
in persons of middle age, and
ehanraterized by aerv Gai o

at 1

Litmeheon Is Held
A luncheon was given at noon at
the Union for the visiting foresters.
The afternoon session was devoted to
a discussion of what an educational
program in forestry should consist of
and the lines of work that a forestry
graduate -could go into after gradua-
tion. The advisibility of lumber com-
panies making available definite in-
formation regarding their holdings
from which management plans could
be made by the forestry students was
also taken under consideration. The
1 committee was desirous of being of
assistance in preserving historical da-
ta of the lumber industry by pro-
viding exhibit material, old imple-
ments used in the early gays of log-
ging, records, files of letters, and
l photographs, all of which it is plann-
to make available to the general pub-
Before closing the meeting the com-
mittee agreed to meet twice a year,
once in a large meeting with all for-
esters and once in a small meeting of
the standing committee proper. All
meetings will be held in Ann Ar-
Discuss Wood Utilization
Problems of utilization of woods
were also discussed during the con-
vention. These included uses of hem-
lock, the marking of timber, and the
advantages of selective cutting. Am
interest was shown in the investi-a
tive work now being done in Sagi-
naw forest, experiments of which have
I been going on for 15 years.
The committees meeting here yester-
day were outgrowths of twohforestry
meetings held last spring, the upper
peninsula section meeting in Chica-
go and the lower peninsula foresters
in Ann Arbor. Each section appointed
committees to maintain contact witi
the forestry school. This is the first
meeting of these joint committees.
Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, managing
editor of The Daily, will leave here
Monday night for Lincoln, Nebraska:
where he has been invited to atten
the convention of the National Studeni
> Federation of America. Chamberlin
will address the gathering Thursday
on the subject of "Student Govern-
i ment."
In additioh to being, on the prograr
- of speakers, Chamberlin has been ir
, vited to participate in the executiv(
t committee meeting of the group Wed
i nesday.

Assembled tonight to receive the
last function in their honor of the
season, the 1927 football squad, the
entire coaching staff, the, Varsity
band, the Cross country squad, train-
ers and coaches, th'e - all-city high
schopl football team of Detroit, and
the all-state schoolastic team will be
seated at the annual alumni banquet
and "Bust" at the Statler hotel as the
guests of the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit.
This afternoon the football team,
the band, and the coaches will attend
the matinee production of the musical
comedy, "The White Eagle." Leaving
at noon from the Union, the group
will travel to Detroit by 'bus, arrive
at the Statler, and then march tp the
Cass theater, where the matinee is to
be played, accompanied by members
of the Michigan alumni of Detroit. At
the show they will be the guests of
Russel Janey, owner of the place.
During the evening affair, various
gifts will be awarded to members of
the football squad. Each graduating
member is to receive a gold ring en-
graved with a block M. All of the
squad will receive gold footballs, the
annual gi t of the Board in Control of
Athletics. Capt. Benny Oosterbaan is
to be presented with a special foot-
ball token engraved with a spread
eagle, the annual award to any Varsity
man who makes the official all-Ameri-
can squad.
Numerous men, prominent in foot-
ball fields, will be present as speakers
and guests. Among the more well-
known are Major John L. 'Griffith,
commissioner of athletics of the Big
Ten, Thomas Lamphier, John F. Scott,
of St. Paul, Minn., and J. Fred Law-
ton, composer of the words for -"Var-
James Strasburg, '02, will act as
toastmaster and Graham McNamee,
radio announcer, will introduce the
speakers. Coach Elton E. Wieman,
Director Fielding H. Yost, Captain
Bennie Oosterbaan, and Captain-elect
1 George Rich will give talks.
t The Varsity hand, 75 strong, will
i entertain during the course of the
banquet with various selections.
Tickets for the event are procurable
by any student, faculty member, or
i alumnus, and they may be obtained
- at the University of Michigan Club of-
e fices in the Recreation building, De-
- troit, or at the door of the main ball
room in the Statler.

sent Entertainment For Football
And Cross Country Squads"


V G) .1 1 l 1 l , 1 ; . 1,." llV" M
J. Kidwell, Jr., .uror in the Fall-Sin-I
clair oil conspiracy trial who , hast
bobbed in and out of the limelight
since the case was declared a mistrial, t
popped through the curtains of
secrecy again today and gave to Dis-
trict Attorney Gordon a statement that1
he had been "approached" by per-i
sons Gordon refused to name.
KidwAl, timid and apparently ,
frightened at the unusual publicity
surrounding him, was charged in affi-
davits filed prior to the mistrial with
talking freely about the oil case and
with having said.he expected an auto-
mobile "as long as this block" when
the trial was over. Since the mistrial,
except for occasions when he sought
to get his denial of the affidavits be-
fore Justice Frederick L. Siddons, ofj
the Supreme Court, the juror has
nearly been forgotten.
Every day this week he has come
silently into the courtroom where
criminal contempt proceedings against
Harry F. Sinclair, the oil man, Wil-
liam J. Burns and their associates
were being heard by Justice Siddons.
Arriving just before court convenes, he
usually slips into a seat by the door,
where he would be little noticed.
When Assistant District Attorney}
Burkinshaw told him yesterday that
he would not be called in the contempt
proceedings for a few days, he askeydj
if Burkinshaw would be willnig to let
him make a further statement.I
Arriving at Burkinshaw's office at
9 o'clock this morning, he was closet-
ed with the assistant and a stenogra-
pher until shortly a-ter noon when he
was taken into the private office of'
District Attorney Gordon. Gordon
characterized his statement as highly
important and refused to divulge what
the juror had told.
President Suggoests
1 Aviation Conference

teed Of llissouri Head Investigation
Of Campaign Funds In Smith,
Vare Elections
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9--Willian S.
'are, of Pennsylvania, trod the path-
ay today upon which the Senate re-
ently started Frank L. Smith, of I-
Vare, a Republican, was, in effect,
topped at the senators coor. The
ath was denied him until the special
ampaign funds committee can furth-
r investigate and report upon th'i
harges of fraud in both his primary
,md general election campaign.
aLike the senator-elect from Illinois,
[e will have an opportunity to pre-
sent his case in person and through
counsel before the committee and
then will be heard in his own behalf
on the Senate floor.
Vote Is M6 to 30
Hopes of the friends of Vare that
his case would prove stronger than
hat of Smith were shattered for the
Senate vote to deny him the oath
of office was 56 to 30, while that in
Smith's case was 53 to 28.
After moreathan two days of ora-
tory, those eading the fight on behalf
of the Pennsylvanian went down
fighting, and the tenacious Reed, of
Pennsylvania, carried the battle be-
yond the last roll call by holding up
temporarily a resolution of his dis-
tant cousin, Reed, of Missouri, re-
affirming the authority of the special
committee to act.
Is Second Fight
It was over a similar resolution
that the two Reeds, the one a Re-
publican and the other a Democrat.
fought so bitterly during the Senate
filibuster at the end of the last ses-
sion. As a result of this fight, the
Committee was rendered powerless to
act during the recess of Congress.
After the Pennsylvania Reed had ask-
ed that the resolution go over until
the next session of, the Senate, which
will be on Monday, the Missourian,
the chairman of the special commit-
tee, declared that this would cause
a delay of three days in getting the
investigation under way.
"For that three days delay the sen-
ator from Pennsylvania must again
accept the responsibility," Reed of
Missouri declared with a show of
heat. Reed of Pennsylvania made no
Under the resolution denying Vare
the oath, offered originally by Sena-
tor Norris, Republican, Nebraska, and
subsequently modified, the special
committee is directed to report back
to the Senate. as quickly as pissibl,
but ini no case later than next Feb.
8. No time limit was set on the Smith
investigation which was ordered Wed-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9-Continua-
tion of Republican control of the Sen-
ate was assured today with an an-

-nouncement by the five Western In-
(By Associated Press) dependents that they would assist the
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.-Thie calling Old Guard in organizing that body.
of an international conference in I'Their declaration was made after
Washington next December for a Senator Curtis, of Kansas, the Repub-
thorough discussion of civil aviation Iican leader, had assured them that a
was suggested today by President I majority of the Republican Senate
Conlip in a letter to the Civil Aero- o nferene -"took the nosition that



nautical conference in session here. there should be nonunnecessary delay
At the same time, Mr. Coolidge in securing a vot",' on the three mea-
recommended that an aeronautical ex- sures which the Independents had
hibition be held in. connection with proposed.
the meeting as a means of increasing 'There are a farm relief bill along
the interest of the public in the ac-~j the lines of the McNary-Haugen me-a-
complishments and possibilities of sure, a bill to curb the issuance of
aviation. I courts and a resolution proposing an
~~~~ -Iinquiry into the administration's pol-
B A T E S MAKES CAPITOLIicy in Latin America.
TRIP TO STUDY PROBLEMS with their majority of one reduced
to a minority of one by the temporary
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law j exclusion of Frank L. Smith, of Ill-
School arrived in Washington, D.C., nois, and William S. Vare, of Penn-
yesterday to take his place on the Isylvania, the Republicans need every
Committee on Mineral LLaw of the one of the votes of the five Indepen-
American Bar association, which is to ldents to organize the Senate.
make a study of the problem of oil Votes on organization were deferred
conservation. today until next week. Even then the
Dean Bates, a national authority on Republicans may fail to elect their
constitutional law, will sit on the com- candidate for sergeant-at-arms, David
mittee of eight distinguished lawyers S. Berry, of Rhode Island, and Senator
selected by the American Bar associa- Red, Democrat, Missouri, chairman
tion. Other lawyers on the committee of the special campaign funds commit-
include James A. Veasey, '02L, an tee, is preparing to make a fight
authority on oil and gas law who has against his reelection because he de-

f Excellent beyond ordinary expecta-
tions in mechanics, but sadly lacking
in wit-this was the dictum laid down
by Prof. P. M. Jack, recently acquired
head o! the rhetoric department,
when he was interviewed yesterday
after seeing the performance of "The
Same To You," 22nd annual Union
Opera, at the Whitney theater. Pro-
fessor Jack was more than pleased
with the choruses as a whole, and ex-
nr..c3d consietrable amirationnfor

favorably impressed with the music of
the show.
"We had several productions every
year at Cambridge which sonmewhat
paralleled your Opera in form," Pro-
fessor Jack declared, "but they were
much different in make-up. Little I
stress was laid on the things that seem
to -make "The Same To You" a suc-
I cess, namely dancing, costumes, and
scenery. Our girls, however, were
better looking. The English men
I p +- h-,avehavnoe,. u t arnf oA i-


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