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November 06, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-06

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blished el
g the Ur
ol of Sti

-y morning except Monday!
ersity year by the Board in
nt Publications.

ember of Western Conference Editorial


The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all news
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Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
f postage granted y Third Assistant Post-
mster General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,00; by mail,
4offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21a24.
Telephone 492
'Editor...... ..........Ellis B. Merry
Editor MhiganWeekly..Charles E. Behymer
(Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.... .......Courtand C. Smith
Womens lEditor.........Marian L. Welles
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Assistant City Editor....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
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Ray Hotelich
Night Editor.- OBERT E FINCH.
e It has becme customary recently
to think of the city service organiza-
tions such as the Family Welfare bu-
reau, Y. M.. C. A., and the Salvation
Army and otlprs as instruments
'part from c rity because where a
few years agb each conducted an an-
nual drive for funds with which to
carry on its work, now each receives
its budget demands through the com-
munity chest fun-.
At the beginning of the late war,
two American cities, Cleveland and
'Cincinnatti, had adopted this plan as
a means of relieving themselves of
continuous dries and at the same
time providing for each of'its welfare
organizations, Duringthe war and
the years following, this system spread
across the dciuntry and now 'is in use
in most cities. The past week has
seen the Detroit drive nearing com-
pletion and tomorrow, Ann Arbor opens
its annual community fund drive. Its
object is worthy and deserves all the
support that those ,who are willing
and able can give it.

Since the forces of Labor first bound
themselves into union organizations.
for the promotion of their interests,
and since the first strike was invoked
in a labor dispute, the threat of in-
junction and arbitrary coercion by
the courts has hung like a suspended
axe over the heads of labor organ-
izers. Through three decades of la-
bor disputes the threat of injunction.
has steadily rolled up prestige 'and
power, like a gathering avalanche, to
the point where even the physical
mastery of the classes falters.
Now the issue has apparently come
to its final struggle, however. Fol-
lowing the recent action of the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor condemning
the injunction, the Interborough Rapid
Transit company of New York has
endeavored to obtain a court order
enjoining the Amalgamated Associa-
tion of Street and Electric Railway
Employees from attempting to enroll
employees of the transit company in
that organization . The union hasl
leaped into the fray with the an-;
nouncement that it will "spend $100,-

jury" is concerned there seems to be ____________
little reason or logic to the case. It
Is, to be sure, an abrogation of trial
by jury; but it also is an emergency TO BAR
measure, designed for extreme cases J STUDENTS
w1lere there is no time for trial by F }ROM TEAM
jury. The injunction's most legiti- (By Special Rolls Correspondent)
Owing to the inability of the speech
mate use is in restraining violence department to agree on a date for the
while both parties await a fair ad- varsity debate tryouts, it has been de.
jdication of their respective rights cided not to have a student team this
through deliberate court action. year.
On the other hand there is little * *
doubt but that the use of the injunc- Instead, a team composed of Messrs.
tion has been abused. There is little Brandt, Densmore, and O'Neill has
doubt that the use of injunction in been formed and will sustain the v.cal
the present case, to prevent the or- honors of the school against all com-
ganization of a group of laborers into ers.
a union, is a ver'y very extreme appli- * * *
cation of the court order, and one The date for the Min"esota debate
which will be hard to sustain before was really set for Nov. 10 but dis-
any just court in the United States. patches from the north promising an
The proper use of the courts in la- early arrival of Prof. Hobbs led to a
bor disputes is undoubtedly a very ex- postponemen until Dee. 8 In the hope
cellent thing. To substitute the calm that he would be avalable for the all
judicial deliberation of the trained important conflict with the Gophers.
judge for the passionate and partisanr
disputes of the interested parties
would no doubt be an excellent thing
as well. The possession 'f power,
however, is a constant temptation to
the application of that power for spe- THE SQUAD
cific interests, and if the forces of cap- as it trotted into the stadium yester-
ital gain control of the judicial sys- day for its first practice session.
tem through the judges, the resultant (Prof. Hobbs is the fifth from the
combination is extremely unfortunate right.)
for the best interests of the public as a * * *
It is to be hoped that the New York SERVICE FOR FACULTY
test case, now about to begin, will Because of th impossibility of get-
bring into the open both sides of the ( ting a book out of the library, the edi-
controversy, and that it will end with tors of Rolls have consented after
a very definite limitation or license much pressure to supply complete in-
for the courts. Whatever the just out- formation to the most recent Mich-
come may be, the rights of courts and igan aspirants for forensic glory.
the lengths to which they can go * * *
should certainly be clearly defined. And owing to the fervent desires of
the alumni to place debating among
MODERN POLICING the major sports and in order to en-
Chief Justice Taft, speaking recent- able faculty men to win their "M" in
ly before the National Conference on debating, Rolls will furnish upon ap-
the Reduction of Crime, advocated a plication complete lists of the contro-
strong program for bettering the legal versial poits.
machinery of the United States for * * *
the prosecution of crime. Legislation HELP! HELP!
to curb delays, more police, and the In order to give the faculty team
judicial direction of juries were among practice, Rolls is holding tryouts on
the measures which the chief justice Ferry Field, Sunday morning at 11
proposed. But mainly the chief jus- o'clock for a University scrub team
tice emphasized the point that we Freshmen will be eligible.
must not let "our regard for humanity
to criminals go to the point of making '"Five local ministers have agreed to
effective prosecution, of crime and its act as judges.
punishment subordinate to schemes * * *
for the reform of criminals, no mat. RULES AND REGULATIONS
ter how admirable they may be." 1. Admission will be free to all ex-
There are many who would elim- cept faculty members and students of
inate penitentiaries and ,jails alto- the engineering college.
gether and attempt to eliminate crime 2. No speech may be longer than
by confining evil-doers' to hospitals five hburs.
where they might be treated for the 3. The remainder of the rules will
ailment whjch caused the crime. This be omitted through the special consent
assuredly is the end to which science of Chief Tommy O'Brien, Harry Til-
will bring us some day. lotson, and the Ann Arbor Chamber of
But at the present time those who Commerce.
would do this are forgetting that such * * *
an end is highly idealistic and that in
the meantime we must maintain all of "Insanity," say the dapper de-
the organizations for justice that baters, "is going to be lessened
peace and' respectability may be main- under the new criminal laws of
tained. It is an important item in New York and Michigan as a
our control of crime that we progrqss means of discourse. It is to be
towards the scientific working system replaced in this field by the
for the control of crime under the United States Post Office Depart-
present plan. To let down for one ment and the Detroit News radio
moment in the hope that in the future I broadcasting stattion."
something better may evolve is to lay
the country open to the possibility of
a huge wave of crime. Idealistic the- * * *
ories must ever be subordinated to the One prominent candidate for the
expedient and the immediate. student scrub team has decided to take
the negative on the grounds that pis-
ACROSS THE COUNTER tols were the cause of most of the
The art of selling goods over the deaths in the States last year and be-

counter is one that is hard to analyze cause the question of guilt isn't so im-
and therefore, one which is difficult te portant anyhow.
teach. Why it is that one man can sell
red neckties to an octagenerian and CHICAGO GAME
another man cannot sell them even RESULTS
to a collegian is something that has (Bulletin)
long occupied the attention of the CHICAGO-(Special to Dolls)-
psychologist. And the inevitable an- Twelve Michigan Students arrived
swer is, personality, safely at Stagg Field yesterday.
Admittdly, there are many things *
which can be done for the develop- CHICAGO, Nov. 5.-Five Michigan
ment of i pleasing and an effective students had reported to the Chief of
personality. Studying the whims - of Police that they -Were neither robbed
people and adapting oneself to the nor injured at noon today.
circumstances which arise when sep- Advices from' underworld head-
arating the customer from his 'earn- quarters, however, indicate that crime
ings has become one of the big de- chiefs believe this to have been an
velopments in the fine art of merchan- error due possibly to having mistaken
dising. the students for members of their
The Federal Board of Vocational own gang.
Education made a study recently of They promised that nothing of the
the steps that are being taken in the sort would happen during future Mich-
United States for the training of de- igan visits to the city, but that having
partment store employees. The re- so many alumni to hold up had con-
sults of the investigation show' that fused them.
most of the large stores in the United
States are maintaining some kind of HOW AN ALUMNI LOOKS
bureaus of education for their em-
ployees, and that they are uniting in ScAe
this work with all sorts of educational
institutions and mediums. ,.-
This is a long cry from the day ---------------
when the clerk did nothing more than (Question: Which is the alumni?)
ipresent the goods to the customer and * * *
let him select what it was he wanted. Fires originating in pro-British book
Now the clerk studies the person with piles were touched off between the
whom he has to deal, and touches the halfs to warm the enthusiasm of the
sale with the finesse of salesmansip spectators at Stagg Field.
and personality. The customer is * * *



I. .1. -


TIJS AFTERNOON: The University
Symphony orchestra under 'the direc-
tion of Samuel Pierson Lockwood in
the second Faculty Concert at 4:15
o'cloek in Hill auditorium.
Comedy Club's latest production
"Dulcy" was packed up after the per-
formance last night, and sent to the
ungrateful oblivion of Cain's store-
house-in this case the fly loft of the
Mimes theater, which is the happy
hunting ground of all good scenery
after the 'closing of any campus show.
The untimely demise of "Dulcy" is,
however, to be regretted. Not be-
.cause it is a good draia-for it reads
like a serial in the Saturday Evening
Post. Nor because it was a particu-
larly happy choice-it is more the
type of play that the Senior class in
High School does. But rather because
of Phyllis Loughton's admirable Dul-
cinea Smith. Post-prandial eulogies
are for the most part ojetionable
but her performance calls forth some
mention. She was in character from
her first entrance to the hearty and
resonant kiss which brought down
the final curtain. Moreover, she ac-
complished something' which was ex-
traordinarily difficult: she invested
Dulcy with some sympathy, and at the
same time retained all the comedy
and humor that isto be found in Dul-
cy's endless platitudes and cheery
blundering. And in no small measure
was there a satire of America's per-
fect hostess-who is Dulcy's proto-
type. In short therd were a whole
complex of reasons that place the role
in the mildewed album of portraits for
a local theatrical hall of fame.
And now that the show has closed,
we can let you all in on a professional
secret. It wasn't Charles Livingstone
who played the piano in the second
act at all, because he can't play the
piano; it was Lorinda McAndrews,
who played Helen Hayle last week in
Mimes "On Approval."
In an article in yesterday morning's
column which was devoted to editorial
notice of the deaths of Florence Mills
and Isadora Duncan, it was stated that
Miss Duncan died three or four years
ago. This"was due to a typographical
error, and should have read "three
or four weeks ago."
* * *
One of the latest books, which only
escapes being a best seller because of
the annoying fact that federal agents
raided the printing establishment and
destroyed the plates, is Nan Britton's
"The President's Daughter" in which
the love story of the late President
Harding is laid bare. The book opens
with facsimilies of various bills which
his mistress required him to pay, and
the story subsequently deals with the
life of the baby girl who blessed the
union. H. L. Mencken remarks that
Miss Britton "achieves a portrait so
grotesque that it seems fabulous, and
yet so palpably true that it convinces
instantly." Although we have not as
yet been able to read this book, the
facts of the case seem pretty well sub-

stantiated and Nan Britton can go
down in literary history as perhaps
the most prosaic woman who ever
became entangled with an unimagin-
ative celebrity.
Miss Britton's book, however, does
not deny the fact thatkMr. Harding
had 'rno children to speak of.'
The book is published by The Eliza-
beth Ann Guild of New York, which
is one of the many new publishing
houses which have sprung up to meet
the demand for books by unrecognized
geniuses and literary minded porno-
graphers. -R. L. A.
The University orchestra has been
in' existence has been in existence for
some two score years, and under the
direction of Mr. Lockwood, head of
the violin department of the School
of Music has attained some merit in
the manner of performance in the
past. Usually the first program of
the year is somewhat lousy, due to
the fact that the personnel has largely
changed from that of the previous
season, but there are several perman-


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ent members of the organization and it
eventually rounds into something like
music. At any rate, it is the one and
only of its kind in the University, and
usually has a rather wide and quite
1 excellent repertoire. -E. M. 11.
* * *

The Governor Winthrop Desk
Truly a fine piece of furniture.
Authentically reproduced in
Genuine mahogany-and in ap-
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