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November 06, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-11-06

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COL. LINDBERGH 1olle Ball Games



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Prof. ,lobert Wenley Of Philosophy
Department Addresses Group
Coterning Work
The attitude of rien toward women
students in the universities and col-
leges in England is much better than
in our own national educational in -
stitutions, according to Professor
Robert Wenley, head nof the philoso-
phy department, in a talk to the
members of the Ann Arbor branch of
.American Association of University
Women at their meeting held yester-
fday afternoon at Martha Cook build
Professor Wenley told in an ex-
ceedingly interesting manner the ro-
mantic story of the growth of educa.-
tion in England. The story generally
related about educational 'facilities in
England has been greatly exaggerat-
ed. It has been compared to Scotland
'which has had universal education
since 1870, while in England no such
facilities existed, and there were only
three universities, which were at-
tended only by the sons of members
of the privileged class. "But this,"
says Prof. Wenley, "is only part of
the story. There are now 12 large
universities in 1ngand, 9 of which
have been founded since 1880, and
the most recent was begun in 1926,
such progress shows that England is
by no means at a standstill."
The first non-residential and non-
sectarian university was founded in
1827, but was never granted a char-
ter,~thus not being able to confer de-
grees. Shortly following this, in 1836
was the founding of the University
College, an entirely governing body.
"The call, for education of a higher
level," asserted Prof. Wenley, "was
small, and there was no desire for
a system of national education." Un-
til the introduction of the system of
primary education by Robert Lowe in
1870, educational growth was re a-
tively stagnant. This system, how-
ever, followed by a similar secondary
system stimulated the desire for uni-
versal education, and almost immed-
'iately a growth was noticed..
Victoria University was the first
Federal university, which was later
divided into three, Manchester, Liver-
pool, and Leeds universities. One in-
spired the other, and in a spirit of
friendly rivalry several large univer-
sities were founded. Prof. Wenley ex-
plained the distinction between Ox-
ford and Cambridge and other uni-
versities. Men attending the two
larger universities are being trained
for national service, while the small-
er ones train more definitely for lo- I
cal service.
As to the opportunities for women,
Prof. Wenley stated that until recent-
ly there had been no opportunities
for women in universal education,
" and that there had been no call for
it. The first great school for women
was Cheltenham College, founded in
1854, and many others followed this.
All universities in England are co-
educational, and men and women all
come together in societies. The total
number of students in the united
kingdom is 41,794, of which 12,881 are
John Lan gdon Davis claims in his
new book "A Short History of Wom-
en," that women have been victims of
superstition through the ages.

"American people have the queer-
est. ideas of our fashions," said Shu
Ting Liu, Chinese student in an in-
terview yesterday. "They think our
styles never change, and they picture
us always in pajamas, with flowers
for head dress. I think perhaps our
styles change more than yours do."
She pointed to the sleeve of the
dress she was wearing. "From the
niew students, I ;hear that small
sleeves, like this,, half way between
the elbow and the wrist, are fashion-
able' today, not the sleeves of several
years ago, that you picture us as
wearing, whose ends hung clear way
"Our materials change with the
seasons, as yours do, but more often,
I think. Here, you wear one .fur coat
for all winter. We change our fur
coats for every season of the win-
ter." She laughed. "I doubt if you
think of us even as having any win-
And fashions vary in different parts
of the country. In the north, in Pe-
king, the short skirt, so favored in
the south, and 'S'hanghai, is consider-
ed most immodest, which attitude
may be the more emphasized because
of the existing trouble' between the
two parts of the country.
Shanghai is the fashion center of
China. There, Western styles are fa-
vored. The bridal costume of the oc-


cident with its veil, is usually used,
not only there, but all over the coun-
try, and the formal dress of a man.
is the same severe black and. white
suit that Paris decrees. The formal
dress of a woman denotes the social
position of her husband; Mandarin
coats beautifu)ly embroidered and
tiecorated were used when. Shu Ting!
Liu left her country four years 'ago.
In general, older fashions, decreed by
custom, are worn for formal, by wo-
Of course the styles for students
and society, differ greatly. For the
former they are much simpler. The
elaborate head dress used for formal
wear by society is never used. And
colors used in dress are much
Some years, plain silks are used,
but usually the materials express-
change in style, more by change in
design and decoration. "For shoes,
we wear many slippers like those
you wear, here, as well as the em-
broidered silk ones of our own coun-
try. And of course you know, styles
of the married woman are different
from those of the unmarried woman,
as well 'as those of one class from
"And bobbed hair, it is -uite fash-
ionable in south Chine, Though north
China, when I left objected to it#
greatly," concluded Miss Liu.

In the Freshman volley ball tourna-
ment the games have been re-scheduled
and the groups combined in order to
guarantee two full teams out for every
game. There are now nine full
teams with at least six players. The
new ruling of the tournament is that
any group which is not able to get the
minimum number of six members out
for a game will be oblidged to default
to its opponent. Last week out of
four games there was only one default.
It has been arranged that all the
games will be played on Wednesday
and each team will play one. Attend-
ance under the new arrangements is
proving much more encouraging and
as it is much more interesting to the
women to come out to play a good
game with a full team, than one with
only two or three players on a side.
Last Wednesday, Group I was de-
feated by Group III with a score of
10-39, Group II lost to Group IV, 51-
12, and Group VIII defaulted to Group
VII. Friday, the only game played
was between Group $I and Group III

Social activities on campus for this'
week-end are some vhyt slight in'
comparison with last week and what7
the Navy game will produce in the
near future.
The large number of students at-
tending the Chicago game have left
bare the campus, which seems doubly
lonesome with the trees stripped of
their bright foliage and the tense at-
mosphere which preceeds examination
Many of those who are in Chicago
plan to attend a share of the gay fra-
ternity parties at both the University
of Chicago and, Northwestern centers.
Here on campus the outstanding fra-
ternity party of interest was held Fri-
'day evening at the Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon house at which a large portion
of the remaining students attended.
Another party which attracted a
great deal of attention was held on
the same evening at the Collegiate
Sorosis house. Many out of town
guests were present for the evening
and the house was artistically decor-
ated in yellow and white chrysan-
At the Kappa Delta house a formal
inztiation ceremony will be held this

Poster Contest For
Bazaar Has Opened
With the plans for the Women's lea-
gue and Inter-church Bazaar on Dec.
2 and 3 nearing completion, an-
nouncement has been made by Flor-
ence Watchpocket, '29, of the open-
ing of the poster contest. Ideas sug-
gestive of the festive spirit of the
Yuletide season or of the .,entral
theme of the bazaar will be accepta-
ble as subjects for the posters. All
women are eligible to submit posters'
and a prize will be awarded the one
judged best by members of the facul-
ty of the school of architecture. Pre-
vious to the opening of the bazaar
the winner will be permitted to
choose from the articles to be sold
any one marked up to the value of
$3.00. Posters must be turned in be-
fore 4 o'clock Friday, Nov. 18, at the
Candy booth.
Inspection of the University houses
.at Texas by Miss Ludma Kopecky
shows that a they rate very high,
mostly A or B class.
Cap night for freshmen will be held
the day of the annual Homecoming,
Nov. 12.

Completing a week of intensive
rushing, Mu Phi Epsilon, national
honorary musical sorolity, entertained
on Nov. 1, with a formal dinner dance
at the Huron Hills Country Club. The
dance which was a Wollowe'en novelty
was attended by 47 guests.
A formal pledging service was held
Thursday evening, November 3 at the
home of a patroness, Mrs. Clement W.
Gill. A purple and white color
scheme was used. The following wom-
en were pledged: Virginia Hamister,
'28, Dorothy Goss, '28, Louise Nelson,
'28, Virginia'Peck, '27, Josephine Wied-
leck, '28, Beth Hamilton, '27, Ruth
Johnson, '28, Doris Shotwell, '31,1
Genevieve Griffee, '31, Madeline
Holmes, '31, Elizabeth Searles, '31,
Carol Chandler, '30, Reta McKnight,
'28, Audry Haver, '31, Dorothy Morse-
man, '31, Elizabeth Rarden, '31,
Thelma Feltis, '30.
LAFAYETTE, Indiana--The class
rush for freshmen and sophomores
has been forbidden by the executive
faculty committee.
SALT LAKE CITY-Three classes
of the University of Utah have de-.
vided to adopt distinctive dress for
each class.j

Miss 14ary (4ay ion Boeselager. resulting in a score of 42-6 in favor ofe
Miss Mary Gay von 'Boeselager, '31, the latter.N
can claim the honor of being the din- The only other sport planned forI
ner partner of Colonel Charles A." Freshmen women before Christmas is'
Lindbergh, during his visit to Moun a swimming meet, the date of which
will be determined later. It is im-
Clemens last August. Miss von Boese- possible to consider a basketballx
lager is the daughter of a Mount Clem- tournament until after Christmas, as1
ens florist and a good friend of Major the Intramural basketball teamns will1
Thomas J. Lanphier, commander of use the court till then.I
Selfridge Field, at whose home Colonel The following volley ball games are
Lindbergh was a guest during his scheduled for next Wednesday at 4
tour of the continent. After the din- o'clock: Group IX (Talcott) vs. Group
ner at the Lanphier home, she con- II (Soukup), and Group III (Soeh-
tinued her role as his partner at a rens) vs. Group IV (Culver): at 5
dance at the Officers Club of Selfridge o'clock, Group V (Benson) vs. Group
Field. VIII (Clifford and Miller) and Group
- Miss von Boeselagerseldom mentions VII (Weaver) vs. Group VIII (Tay-
her evening with "Lindy" and more bor.)1
rarely expresses an opinion as to what .
the flyer is really like. She states|Pan-Helle ic Ticket
that he is a clever conversationalist, |
and that they hardly mentioned flying SIs Restricted
during the evening. He told her more t
about his queer experiences with a|.
souvenir-loving public. She says that Tickets for the Pan-Hellenic ball
he took his fame very lightly, and which will be given November 25 are
seemed to have many interests aside to go on sale Monday, Nov. 7.. "You
from his one supreme accomplishment. had better buy your ticket early"
Miss von Boeselager has received a states May Tuttle, '29, publicity chair-
multitude of letters from Lindbergh man, "for the number of the tickets
fans, but she insists that there was will be limited to 350." Tickets will be
nothing spectacular about her date sold at the various book stores, at the
with "Lindy." "He is a very interest- dormitories, Barbour gymnasium, or
ing man, because of his many exper- can be obtained from the representa-
iences, and I enjoyed my evening with tives of each sorority.
him very much," is her final state- Seymour Simon's Melodians will
ment. furnish the music for the ball. 'The
Colonel Lindbergh is expected to re- decoration scheme will be fall and the
turn to Mount Clemens sometime to- various shades of brown and orange
day where he will rest for a week or will be used. ,Goodhews are doing the
more after his tour. of the continent. decorating.

evening or five upper-class pledges
who are: Dorothy Griffith, '30, Laura
Beall Chipman, '30, Florence Maple,
'30, and Grace Neal, '30 all of Detroit
and Katherine Evans, '30 of Ann
Arbor. Preceeding the initiation cere-
mony a formal initiation banquet will
be served at which a large share of
both the Detroit and Ann Arbor
Alumni will be present.
The girls of Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority have as a guest of tlpir house
Yorktown recently celebrated the
146th anniversary of the surrender of
the British forces under Cornwallis.
Included in the ceremonies was the
unveiling of a bronze tablet in the old
custom House at Yorktown in mem-
ory of Major Nathaniel Fox, an officer
in the Continental Army. Mrs. Arthur
Kelly Evans a great-grand daughter
was present.
Th' exercises were under the aus-
pices of the -Comte de Grasse chapter
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution. Through the gift of Mrs.
Evans, the Custom House has been ac-
quired by the chapter and converted
into a shrine.

Miss Gladys Lynch, who will remait
with them until Monday. In he
honor a tea is being given this after
noon at which the Ann Arbor alumn
and patronesses have been invited a
well as the active chapter. Miss Alic
Crocker will pour.
Mrs. H. H. Brockhausen of Madisor
Wis., has been a guest of the Delt
Delta house for the past week and i
her honor a luncheon was given o:
Tuesday by Dr. Grace Manson an
Miss Inez Bozarth both of Ann Arbor
On Wednesday she was honored at
tea at the chapter house where man
of the Tri Delta patronesses ani
alumni were present, Mrs. Horac
King pouring.
A formal faculty dinner was give
at the Pi Beta Phi house on Thursday
the guests of honor being Prof. an
Mrs. Morris P. Tilley, Dr. and Mrs
Henry C. Hutchins, Miss Adelaid
Adams and Mr. Bruce Donaldson. Th
tables for this occasion were decor
ated with bowls of white baby chrys
anthemums and white tappers.
On Monday night a few of the sore
rities and fraternities made mere
over the spirit of Hallow'een. Or
party of particular' spirits was give
at the Gamma Phi Beta house by tl
Sophomores in the house. The girl
were awakened at midnight and to
lowing a parade through all parts c
the house ended the procession in th
-parlor where refreshments wer
On Tuesday the Matinee Music.
'club began their program forthe yea
at the Mimes Theatre in the evenin
where the Persinger quartet of Sant
Barbara, Calif., furnished the evening
entertainment. This is the first c
four concerts to be given this yea
by the clubs.
The American Association of Un
versity Women will hold their fir
meeting of the year this afternoon :
the parlors of Martha Cook dormitor
Prof. Wendley will be the main speal
er of the afternoon.
Prof. and Mrs. Will Spalding
Harvard University are guests of iM
and Mrs. Samuel Stantoi' of An
In the Inter-hodr hockey tourm
ment, the 10 o'clock Tuesday ar
Thursday class play the 3:30 Wedne
day and Saturday class at 5 o'clo
Noonday, Nov. 7, on the second field



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